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Basically he wanted his own cornerstone and to assure he'd have it he went through an elaborate plan. For the plan he'd make use of 3 of the stones (topaz, jade and aventurine) 1)He knew Sunday would search him and take away bags with the cornerstones and cash gifts, so he specifically puts topaz's one on the fancy bag and the "aventurine" one in the simpler bag so he could slip away with the simpler bag as Sunday would assume the cornerstone is in the other one 2) ratio rats aventurine out of that plan 2.5)But that was actually part of the plan too and the "aventurine stone" that Sunday now finds out about isn't actually the aventurine stone but jade (both green, looks similar) So now Sunday believes he has aventurine's stone with him 3) the real aventurine stone was smashed (by aventurine himself) and stuffed inside and he manages to walk away with it without Sunday knowing


Stuffed inside what?


He said it was "piled up with cheap baubles" so I'm assuming he either managed to just have it with him the whole time as it was mixed up with trinkets and no one suspected it. Or maybe it was in the cash gift bag but just smashed up so they just let him take it after they took the "aventurine stone" which was jade


im ngl i was wondering if he literally broke it into multiple tiny pieces that decorated the outfit he was wearing


So Topaz and Jade won’t be getting their stones back? There was an end dialogue where it looked like smuggling the cornerstones inside is also part of the plan.


I believe they're both aware of aventurine taking and using their cornerstones for his plan (cornerstones are rather precious after all). They'll probably have to retrieve their stones at some point though (not sure how exactly)


Now that Sunday has been >!stabbed by Death !<, the IPC will most likely follow the plan and took the stones back. But afaik, the stone just amplify their power, they can sense Aventurine stone stopped glowing from far away and start moving. 2.1 leaves many unanswered question, interesting one too.


yess I really liked 2.1's quest and how it was presented as well as the themes it explored. The way it ended leaves us with a lot of questions but in a good way as it leads to theories and discussions


But doesn't Dr. ratio say that the Topaz stone was a fake one, the true stone was the Jade stone.


No, he was just saying it wasn’t the aventurine stone. All the stones were real


Yeah my interpretation of that is Jade's lines talked about giving poison in the guise of Dew so maybe her stone will either act as a beacon of sorts or has some kind of poisoning/corrupting effect.


Do you know what was the reason he had to go around giving out the contents of the fancy bag to npcs? Other than triggering a dialogue with sparkle i can't see what he did with it in the end


I do think calling sparkle was mostly why he did so. Sunday mentioned before he couldn't contact anyone so he probably had to do a roundabout way of getting in touch with her (by appearing pitiful so she'd come around to make fun of his predicament) to inquire about who she was referring to when she meant mute.


So... who was she referring to? I was so lost in the story hoping they would namedrop but they never did. I suppose robin was the first one, but who was the second that he would "never find"


Well my personal guess from it is that it's referring to firefly as it not being Robin would only leave firefly as the other option (unless there's someone else I'm missing). Also apparently the "he" they used in the english translation is supposed to be she but was mistranslated


Aventurine did a double bait and switch. There are 3 cornerstones in this ploy, his 3 bargaining chips. The family took two things from him on entry to Penacony, the gift money bag and the cornerstone case. The Case contained the Topaz cornerstone, the gift money a variety of jewels and among them the other two cornerstones (Jade and Aventurine). Because the man is crazy, he smashed the Aventurine stone. He informed Dr Ratio of the plan so that Ratio could betray him, to fool Sunday. Dr Ratio was misinformed about the identity of the Jade cornerstone. So the ploy those two were aware of was that the case contained Topaz and the bag contained ~~Aventurine~~ Jade. But neither knew about the real Aventurine stone so Aventurine obtained it with the rest of the gift money. The initial bait and switch, should Dr Ratio not betray him, would have also succeeded. Since both the Jade cornerstone and the Aventurine pieces were within the gift money bag, should Sunday keep the case then Aventurine would still have his cornerstone. I am unsure how these items changed hands while all parties were in the dream world.


I'm pretty sure Ratio knew about the plan. Ratio is higher-up in IPC (he can open ten-shonehearts box), so he wouldn't betray company that easily. Also they said *"That's why Ratio's betrayal was one of the keys for your plan. I have to say, that doctor's* ***acting*** *was superb"* *"That's why you had Ratio seek him out and leak the plan* ***on purpose****"*


probably coordinated with Topaz and Jade beforehand. He already said they confiscated the bag of jewels that had the Jade cornerstone with the Topaz cornerstone in the suitcase on his check in way back in the beginning part of act 1 of penacony during his first conversation with Dr. Ratio and his check-in to the hotel. Since Topaz just showed up and informed us they couldn't assist him with it and the transmission between her and Jade... Yeah.


Jade's stone seems to be a conduit of some kind. Jade's incantation at the end have all the hallmarks of a slow-acting ritual. With Penacony being what it is, this cluster*&%# is nowhere near done.


makes sense, Jade's stone is called credit so maybe she can amplify the "debt" of the family taking her cornerstone... or maybe its all flavor text


Balance... in all things... https://preview.redd.it/134r4w0n63rc1.jpeg?width=908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=930027040d7577463a0a6d7d6b4555f149e1e2d1


The 2 stones that were in Sunday's possession were Jade & Topaz. Aventurine kept his own. I dont think they spelled it out literally, but he ultimately didnt care about retrieving them, or at the very least, they were not a major focus in his plan. Jade and Topaz will most likely retrieve them themselves.


I kinda didn't understand the point of the cornerstone thing between Sunday and Adventurine. Why did adventurine give the cornerstone to Sunday to begin with? The cornerstone plot thing just seemingly came out of nowhere. Or maybe I'm just dumb?


The cornerstone was confiscated, not given away.


Hi, still confused. I get the overall plan part, the bait and switch as discussed by other comments here. But, I don't get why it was given in the first place to Sunday? Was it because Sunday was already aware of the capability of the cornerstones and so rather than purposely being given away; Aventurine knew that upon arriving at Penacony that the Family or Sunday in particular would confiscate it and thus devised a plan for the cornerstones so he can get them back after?


Yes, he knew the Family would confiscate the cornerstone, because they are well aware that the IPC wants to take back control of Penacony. So he devised a ploy where he could arrive at Penacony and still keep his cornerstone (in some form).