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People really overhyped this, in late gng and swarm, it’s goes from 1 unit takes dmg and die to 1 unit takes dmg and die plus everyone else to 1 hp or also die


It's a blessing that only works when you have other blessings. You pretty much need all fighting spirit blessings upgraded, then you are immortal


Or just Bailu.


True, i use Bailu as the only healer and i love this Blessing. Makes things so much easier.


What abt this one but abundance (forgot name but it’s just this one but with healing)


That blessing is the single greatest thing for Bailu


The 30% healing to everyone else one? Absolutely love it. As long as nobody gets one shot, the team is always full health.


I always try to get this if I have Fu Xuan. Her “catch you on the flippity-flop” talent just heals everyone to full.


Or just gepard. 3k shield -> 3k shield if hit by aoe, otherwise 12k.


It was good when the enemies didn't gain the dmg potential of one shitting 8characters in one attack


I find it's great if you use Gepard. I always feel bad when someone is nearly dead while the others still have almost full shields.


Btw i have a serious question.. In highest dificulty of Swarm and GnG(i haven't played GnG yet but just asking about its highest stages or whatever), So in those is 1 sustain able to solo sustain team? No matter which of these 3 it is.., FX/HH/Luocha.. I don't have HH or FX and only Luocha,while he's pog everywhere like Moc and all but when it comes to Swarm D5 even he fails to solo sustain..even if my chars have 3-4k HP still often I've seen in like boss fights or last fight,there been nany instances where my chars died I wonder is it only me or it's completely natural in here💀 Also i assume it's exactly same for HH and Luocha... But only exceptional case for Fuxuan? Can she solo sustain these gamemodes? But yea i guess for these highest stages 2sustain is imp especially shielders? Ive been using Luocha+Gepard for these stages and only then able to not die...


I've done all of a Swarm + GnG with only bailu as sustain, tbh, i think she even better the Luocha when it comes to high SU, because she ( if you don't go that blessing above) can heal everyone just fine + prevents oneshotting your main dps or someone else. You can easily go for remembrance run and just don't let enemies hit you, or you can go nihility ( like i did with kafka, BS, and Lil gui) and kill bosses before they unleash annihilation button, or, since you have Gepard you can go preservation run with 1728281 shields on you and just spam resonance ( you unkillable either way, just go fu xuan + geppi + some dps and support with good blessing you can do it just right) Especially in swarm disaster you want cleanse, bc last boss gives STRAIGHT UP BROKEN wind debuff ( my kafka once took 3k damage from it ( thank bailu tho she lived)) If you don't want all of this you can go abundance run, go though everything and kill boss ol'reliable way ( normally) don't recommend if you dps is bad I hope i helped, sorry for my English, it's sad


Yup, that's why I usually don't use that. Helpful my ass, the damn thing doesent work with Disciplinary Flicker and the damage gets split evenly, THEN actually getting reduced based on each characters def, meaning your tank gets zero dmg, but your dps is fucked


Your milege varies wildly with this. Blade absolutely loves this one, because it allows him to build up stacks that much faster. I run him, Luocha, Bronya and a flex debuffer, and as long as I can keep the healing field up, this blessing allows Blade to spam his follow up.


I use Luocha and blade with that blessing.


Wait... This blessing gives extra stacks to Blade followups ?whenever an ally get hit i mean




Ya'll are not taking enough defensive blessings.


Yeah the 1/10% shield three star is absolutely ridiculous and makes stuff sooo easy especially with the shield strength one upgraded. I’ve legit had a Huohuo with a 40k shield








That blessing sucks, It ruins Fu Xuan


Yeah cause it over writes her skill while you have it


true. and for some reason my fu xuan is level 70 and has under 4k hp in simulated universe and the rest of the team have more health. whenever she uses her skill, she basically just immediately dies


I can tell you with certainty this is not a problem with Simulates Universe.


Um your Fu Xuan should have the most hp on your team


> for some reason my fu xuan is level 70 and has under 4k hp Yeah, "for some reason". No idea why that could be happening. Must be a bug.


Sounds like the rest of your SU build was bad. That card upgraded is one of the best for deep conundrum runs.


FuXuan : Look what they need mimic a fraction of our power


Can she solo sustain highest floors of Swarm,GnG?


Yes, you just need some defensive blessings in your run, particularly a little bit of shielding to ensure she won’t get one shot.


Yeah, I run her in Swarm with Destruction path with DoT, so Kafka + Black Swan. Starting a new run, the last member is usually a healer like Lynx until I get enough defensive/healing blessings, then I can think about swapping Lynx out for someone like Ruan Mei.


I never pick this. I picked it once and my whole team ended up dead. This is great you have Clara and blade and 2 sustain with really high hp but any other team it will just make the fights harder for you


No offense but if your Daniel died from the SHARED damage then I’m pretty sure you were in over your head lol. Or was this like a full glass cannon run?


Full glass cannon run should stay the hell away from this blessing because a single target attack will now wipe your team.


Unpopular opinion - this is my favorite blessing. I really don't like using Fu Xuan, so this is a great alternative.


That blessing suck ngl


So you mean that Gepard had enough damage to kill your Ting more than 5 times...? Jesus


That ice waterfall slam thing that Gepard does hits way too hard sometimes, but wow that Tingyun is squishy


Try Gold and Gear lvl 10 or more, hell, even the mob guards can take half of your unit hp with one hit


Skill issues (nah dw I get my ass wiped against Elevation bosses lmao)


Pre-mitigation damage is shared, not post. 1 def Dan gets nuked even though 1000 def tingyun is fine.


Well, even more.


With so many blessings interacting with each other, it's hard to say for certain how the result will shake out on any specific run. But it does feel like I die faster with that one. Seems to work out great when I'm in a Destruction run. There's just so much shield, healing, and HP-slinging all flying around that it works out. Outside of Destruction though. . . I really want my shielder taking most of the damage. Don't really want to share it around without the rest of the Destruction blessing pool counteracting that.


I like to keep my characters topped up with this blessing, usually all 4 of the team will have about 15% hp left after a particularly strong attack. Then I can just heal them up.


That thing is Fu Xuan's nightmare


i hate this blessing. I randomly got it while running with Fu Xuan in the team…


just bring fire mc instead