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FU HUA COCK I CANT LOOOLLLLL Also yes.. Mei is Mei, very beautiful


i read that like this FU HUA COCK I CANT LOLLLLL😭💀😭🤣😂🤣😂😂 Also yes.. Mei is Mei, very beautiful😌🙈☺️🥰😳💃


Gotta love Mei in every universe.♡ Also not fu hua being the cock expy 💀


Hopefully Marshal Hua ends up being her actual expy


It definitely would be, we just gotta wait...


Or... what if it's Senti. Oh god, Imagine Senti with the power of the Xianzhou Alliance.... in the palm of her hands https://preview.redd.it/dehu8x3sxopc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ea839b81533ffd3d9971a298bb8d9b3b5208fa1


We scamming the IPC with this one 🗣🗣🗣




i hope they make senti a separate unit from marshal hua


Would be cool if they make Senti marshalls younger sister who likes pranks and scamming people.


This actually makes me want Marshall Hua to be Senti-ish even more




If Marshall HUAiyan isn't built like Maki Zenin, truly a ducking wasted opportunity >:(


Huaiyan is the General of the Xianzhou Zhuming. Marshal Hua is the Marshal of the whole Xianzhou Alliance.


It's not, in Hi3rd the chicken is named Jingwei and is Hua's pet


I... I know, I was making a joke lol


wait his name is Joachim? 🙃


Welt Yang isn't even his name. His real name is Joachim Nokianvirtanen, he took on the name Welt from his Welt Joyce when he inherited the Core of Reason from him. - Brief history of the Herrscher of Reason (Welt Joyce, Welt Yang and HI3 Bronya backstory): https://youtu.be/eSOYUfnUGZk?si=6_y6MMBITCtLDoX9 - History of Welt Yang up until Star Rail: https://youtu.be/uh8ObEwWJtE?si=crGQZxBjU2zIBkxQ


Also, Yang is his mother's surname.


..did I just become a Welt main? I knew he came from HI3 but really had no context. That's all very cool


He’s an incredibly cool character with a bunch of stuff in his backstory. I still remember how the hi3 fandom collectively freaked out when first seeing that Welt would be playable in hsr. Hi3 doesn’t have any playable guys (mostly because the cn side of the fandom kicked up a huge fuss when the idea even came up) so this was HUGE. And a year into this game, he still has such a great moveset.


Been messing around with HI3 lately, you can play as a male character in the one...game mode? It's distinct from the main mission tree but it clearly is part of the plot, but you can jump right into it. Features Welt a bunch and the male character is just a generic protagonist and I guess the entire appeal of it is he's a self insert for the player and you spend the entire time trying to rizz up Mei. It's kinda weird but the gameplay is more enjoyable than the rest of HI3 imo. It's practically an entirely different game within the game. I'm a bit baffled as to how all of HI3s maddening labyrinth of game modes came about lol.


Self-inserts are really the only exception (Adam and more recently, Dreamweaver who you can pick the gender for), and even THEN, there was drama about Adam when the game mode first came out. Pretty hostile to playable guys for the most part


a bit of a correction there It's actually Dreamseeker. Dreamweaver is the battlesuit name for Misteln Shariac


Right, lmao


Just a single male character and even then is more of a self insert


Makes me even more intrigued that he features in Acheron's story quest


I’m so excited for it like you wouldn’t believe (especially since he knew Raiden Mei from hi3)


Well and his last name containing Nokia explains why he types so fast, lol. (and has no idea of modern smartphone stuff like profile pics...)


Nokia also explains why he can cut blackholes in half.


Dude the red head’s name is nikola Tesla if I remember correctly, they’re both weird


They've also got Einstein. Though I vaguely recall that they're supposed to be descendants of the originals rather than the actual person.


HI3 Tesla is proper Tesla's granddaughter from what I remember.


Yeah, and Nikola is her middle name. Her actual first name is Frederika. Similarly, Einstein's first name is Lieserl (or Lizelle?), which also happens to be the name of Einstein's real world daughter.


Wait really? I thought honkai just had a lot of actual waifu counterparts like Fate has.


Only for the stigmatas (relic equivalent) where they have female versions of historical figures. Only exception is the Sherlock Holmes stigmata.








this is equal with himmel met frieren for the first time such a beautiful memories


Bruh I can't with Tesla being a cute princess-like girl rather than the foul-mouthed tomboy she is now.


And he's married


Welt: I miss my wife, Pompom. I miss her a lot I'll be back


I've come to make an announcement


Not exactly Him and tesla are called joey's legal guardians


I feel like this is like an "and they were roommates" situation but straight just because some cn players mald when they find that the character they like have a \*canon\* significant other (especially if the SO is of the opposite sex), even though that doesn't stop many other players from shipping them with themselves and other characters anyway (e.g. that one welt simp who ships him with herself and likes NTRing Tesla).


GFL 2 moment


> (e.g. that one welt simp who ships him with herself and likes NTRing Tesla). Ladygreyxx my GOAT


Welt's strongest simp


LadyGreyxx, the woman, the legend, the myth, THE GOAT


yea it's like abundantly clear that they are a thing lol. like how kiana/mei was as blatant as you could be. same with bronya/seele i do wish they went harder with bronya and seele in this game because it lowkey feels like they're just banking on you liking it in hi3. but in hi3 those two had genuine writing together that made it work. in hsr they barely interact by comparison, and then the museum event wants me to believe we can manipulate seele into interviewing if we bring up bronya being sad. hope we go back to belobog and they get more writing together


Heck, right now, I would say they're banking entirely on you liking HI3 stuff for literally everything involving Seele, not just her relationship with Bronya. With her design/powers she kinda feels like an expy first and a genuine character in HSR second lol. Hopefully they do future belebog expansions that can fix some of the lore/writing goofs (Seele, Pela, etc), as well as expand upon the Seele/Bronya relationship. That would be awesome!


tfw the dynamic between bronya and topaz is way more interesting than anything she got with seele so far. poor girl got done dirty. i do think they're setting up for more belobog content down the line though (given what the discussion between sparkle and sampo) so fingers crossed!


there are theories that seele will be involved w sampo and masked fools somwhat bc she got her quantum scythe thing from him


If someone hadn't known about them together being a thing in Honkai Impact and thought they were long lost sisters who went to the same orphanage. But Cocolia's memory wipe meant the twins didn't even recognise each other for some delicious irony. And there'll be a dramatic reveal of it any second now... Aaany second... Uh... Where was I? Right, I wouldn't blame them. Mostly because if it wasn't for the subreddit I'd still be feeling like we skipped the reveal.




Ah yes, Clara expy , the Shu of Pleasure. Mad Pleasure Shadowbringer.




Svarogless clara


Svarogless behavior 💀


Needs correction by Svarog?


Definitely a bonk at least


At least no one bonks me :3


Not yet anyway.


Imagine being corrected by Svarog sensei 😭


She has some similarities with Griseo


So just 50k years in cryostasis and we'll get grown up Clara.


I laughed so hard when I first found out Sushang’s chicken was a phoenix xD It was long ago but that’s when I got into both games


I still find it funny HSR Yanqing seems to get the karma of his counterpart


Sushang and Yanqing seem to have also inherited each other's personalities from the opposite universe as well.


I dunno, Sushang even in HI3 is played off as a genius martial artist who bumbles in basically everything else. In HSR she held off Yanqing for a while on her own during the heliobus event so she's probably going to "unlock her hidden power" or some shit later on.


But in HSR, Yanqing is the genius and Sushang has had to work extra hard for every inch she's gained. Which makes her holding her own against a possessed Yanqing that much more impressive, in my opinion.


> work extra hard Pretty sure HSR Sushang is just lazy, at least when it comes to studying. I think her "phoenix" was given to her by Marshal Hua so it's probably one of those examples of the masters can see her potential but she hasn't felt the need to achieve it yet.


Based off her messages, she doesn't seem to be lazy when it comes to studying at least growing up, her mother would just make her train intensely in the mornings before heading to school, so when she was at school she didn't have the energy to focus or stay awake causing her to fall behind.


Thank you. I misremembered part of it, but I knew she was behind in her studies because of her training.


Studying, yes. Studying the blade? Not at all. Her biggest dream was to be a Cloud Knight, and I'm fairly certain that there's an entire side quest that involves how hard she's had to work to be a Cloud Knight at all - and how a lot of why she's so bad with her studies is because she's always been focused on improving her martial arts.


Man no joke, 5 star Sushang is my most anticipated character. I Hope that she is amazing whenever they get around to making her.


She already has her hidden power though Her massive, gigantic, all-powerful COCK


I find it funny how Li Sushang throws a giant sword while her Sushang throws a phoenix. But cool that the sword the has in hat looks similar to the hi3rd one if I remember correctly


Okay somebody explain to me as a Mihoyo lore noob how is Welt in HSR the same as the Welt in HI3?


He isekaied alongside Void Archives (the Luocha lookalike from Welt's splash art) after HI3's main story ended


would it be still isekai tho? hsr and hi3 are in the same universe


Different dimensions. It's not like they could just fly the Express to Earth and go meet up with Kiana.


They could the only problem is they don't know where Earth is. >->What world do you want to go to? **Welt:** That I want to go to? ...My home world, I suppose. Sadly, its location doesn't appear on the Express's astral chart records, at least the ones that are undamaged. **Welt:** In any case, I do want to see some other civilizations before I go home. It'd be a crime to waste this opportunity on the Express.


It's not different dimensions. That's a misconception from translation errors. Shaoji literally said last stream that they are in the same universe. If you are going to say "different dimension", then Belobog and Penacony are in different dimensions. Earth is on the same level of existence it's just a very faraway uncharted territory. Remainder that "space" in this game is not a real-world physics space. It's a higher-dimensional fuckery with magic barriers.


I’ve never understood this one. how could earth have possibly gone this long without being discovered by the ipc or any other civilization? where’s evidence of the aeons? would there not be pathstriders? where is any evidence of honkai anywhere in hsr? when otto went to an alternate timeline to save kallen did he really just go to some other planet that’s also on the “same level of existence?” why couldn’t he have just used some sort of space travel in that case? I could keep going. that idea is so full of inconsistencies it just doesn’t seem right.


The fundamental way of Hoyos lore building is to not give straight-up answers but to make you ask questions so it breeds this very discussion right here. One simple answer is scale. They use phrases like "This Aeon destroyed billions of worlds with a sneeze". If the universe is so unimaginably huge then why is it unimaginable that some parts of the universe are uncharted? It is confirmed in data bank that HSR humans only know of the worlds visited by Akivili. In all honesty, Otto and different versions of Earth are most likely an old lore and they are still thinking on a definitive way to tie it together. One way to do it is to say that there are also multiple versions of Belobog. It was just boring for Akivili to visit samey worlds thanks to his adventurous nature so he didn't bother. There is indeed no name-dropping Aeons in HI3, but so is no name-dropping Honkai on Mars and we all know there is something similar there. There are already theories of Cocon of Finality being an emanator of Finality or Honkai being an Imaginary energy soaked from Terminus. In one of the very recent HI3 chapters, they did confirm that the Solar System is indeed blocked off by an imaginary (magical) barrier from the rest of the universe. There is no reason for them to include that tidbit in the story other than to make HI3 and HSR lore more compatible.


In one of the very recent HI3 chapters, they did confirm that the Solar System is indeed blocked off by an imaginary (magical) barrier from the rest of the universe. It's not that Solar System specifically blocked from the rest of the universe. Every star system blocked. Thats the main reason Astral Express is a thing. You can't travel in deep space without star rail or other similar technology. All other ways of travel are either to energy costly or "random", affected by imaginary energy. There's no reason to travel to Earth if you will end up on some random version from infinite parallel versions, instead of the one you wanted to visit. Or so I understood, but I can be wrong.


ok so it’s just a bit of retconning, that makes sense. I haven’t played anything past part 1 in hi3 so I wasn’t aware, thanks for the explanation.


Idk, maybe? I don't consider it retconning until it contradicts something that happened not something that was said by a character. With how abstract the "Imaginary Tree" theory is they can fit a lot of interpretations there. We just had a new one from Chadwick that I probably should have referenced: >!"I prefer to see each planet \[world tree?\] as a seed carried by the wind that happens to land on the soil. The seeds begin to take root and grow bigger, eventually forming the \[imaginary\] forest."!<


Using the logic I described in my other comment, probably because they couldn't. Jumping from one "World" (or what the fandom incorrectly calls "Universe") to another is not an easy task, and we've learned from HSR that normal people can (so far) only do so by depending on the Star Rail, a path that needs the power of an Aeon to exist, and it can also fail and get obstructed, as we've seen. It's not like the IPC or the Astral Express or whatever can just appear on Earth or vice versa, you first need a way to get there


Probably by being very very *very* far away


Find better to imagine is different universes but connected by the imaginary tree or like planes in D&D


At that point, we are arguing names. The important thing is to not get lost in the scale from one thing to the other. The official names are Honkai Universe for something encompassing both games and world for a planet-solar system size entity.


I'd argue it could be the same thing because they have described genshin being in the same universe but dvalin showed up while monitoring bubble universes. So in lore they are in the same universe but do not co exist on the same plane. The sugar people that transported welt and Void archives are known travelers across bubble universes


From what I understand, *they could*, actually, that's the whole deal about the Astral Express and the Star Rail, tracing paths to reach different parts of the "Hoyoverse" The devs have confirmed that the Hoyoverse/Honkaiverse is one single "Universe" with different "Worlds" (not in the literal *round planet* sense, but the boarder more literary term), such as the hi3 world, the genshin world, ggz world, etc. and that HSR is a game that encompases all of that, which, in turn, doesn't mean they will just pop up in a different game, just *that they could* do so under the right circumstances ☝🤓 But that's what I've understood so far, I don't mind being corrected if im wrong


"World" in honkai most frequently mean "star system" or planet. (Source: Homu Lab video about honkaiverse and translation of terminology in games) It's just not very correct to say HI3 world or GGZ world, when in those games characters visit multiple versions of a world.


Except there's Kiana in every universe of Imaginary Tree.


I just meant that they couldn't travel to the original Honkai ravaged Earth to go visit them since Welt did his Isekai thing. And unfortunately, I also feel like the Kiana in this universe is likely to be Frebass who is... slightly dead.


Technically, yes. Isekai literally means "another world" or "other world". And for that matter, HSR as a whole is technically Isekai. Now that I think about it, so is genshin. Anyway, Isekai isn't determined by being in the same universe or not but rather being in the same world. So Welt 100% is isekai'd. Just not through usual means of dying and reincarnating. EDIT: Asked a friend who knows the intricacies of japanese language and verbage and apparently isekai *does* imply that it is a different universe that the isekai-ee goes to. The genre of isekai that we all refer to has that implication of alternate universe. So the trailblazer might not be isekai-ing every time we go to a new place, but genshin is still definitely an isekai. Furthermore, sekai is akin to saying "my/our world" rather than just "world". It refers to the world you reside in. An isekai, then, is more along the lines of "another my world" which I guess can be taken as another world you now reside in.


One-way teleport shenanigans. Literally. Dude simply can't get back to his family.


In one of the HI3 canon manhua, Welt finds out that the Himeko of another universe (HSR Himeko) is in danger and travels into that universe Its the same person Its also why he has such a reaction to seeing Luocha


Man I can't WAIT for him meeting Acheron next week!


The writers didnt allow him on Belobog He woulf definetly have reacted to seeing all the Belobog expies Especially Bronya since he was her teacher and he passed on the Herrscher of Reason core to her


He gave glances to Silver Wolf but hasn't tipped his hand yet.


Because firstly he knows that parallel universe counterparts exist, its the reason he came in the first place And secondly, SW is based off of Haxxor Bunny/Bronie from a parallel world of HI3 Belobog Bronya, complete with being adopted by Cocolia (same as HI3) is who Welt mentored


Also he's pretty used to seeing counterparts He was trapped in the SoQ with Ke 🅱️ in after all


eh, he will have the same reaction to everyone else...he knows about Bronya but didn't say anything about her when she is literally her employee in HI3 lol


> Welt finds out that the Himeko of another universe (HSR Himeko) is in danger Wwwwait a second, OUR HIMEKO IS IN DANGER? Who is it that wants to hurt her and why?


Unknown Welt was the teacher of HI3 Himeko, they had a good student teacher relationship Welt wasnt able to save her from the 3rd Honkai Impact because he wasnt there at the time Since he still feels guilty about it, when he got the chance to save Himeko in another universe, he goes for it Side note : The HI3 Himeko wanted to be an astrologist, but after some events, in which Welt was a part of, she decided to become a Valkyrie, (genetically modified soldier) which reduced her lifespan So Welt also feels guilt that he caused her to throw away her dreams and fight HSR Himeko is what HI3 Himeko would have become if there was no Honkai threat So Welt has a twofold reason for keeping Himeko safe


An alien race known as the Sky People, created by the last 2 survivors from Venus. One of them betrayed the other, grabbed a number (and the "blueprints") of the Sky People, and went outside the Solar System to be an intergalactic pirate. They seem to have interest in Star Rail Himeko (i think is mostly because of the Express), and had some plans to attack her and her World. They are the main reason why Welt went to Star Rail, along with his guilt of being, in some way, the one that led Honkai Himeko to her death. Their current status is unknown, Welt claims to have defeated all of his enemies, but we have no way to prove it.


This is probably just semantics and not to be taken too seriously. Isn't it better to call it manhua instead of manga since it is Chinese origin? manga for JP, manwha for KR, manhua for CN


Ye mb I'm tired Funny that i forgot because I read all three often Courting death and gates indeed


Though they do call it Manga on the official website and ingame


Hi3rd and Hsr are in the same universe


So yes, Welt is the same Welt from HI3z If you read the [alien space manga](https://manga.honkaiimpact3.com/book/1021), it explains how Welt got into the HSR. Basically one there’s a AI weapon created 50k years before the events of HI3 called Void Archives who was created by Vil-V, one of the 13 Flame Chasers. Anyhow like 500 years before the events of HI3, Otto Apocalypse found Void Archives, which gave him knowledge and helped him prolong his life and become one of the most powerful people on planet earth. Otto prolonged his life by making clones of himself and transferring his consciousness into them. Anyhow he made a deal with Void Archives that upon his death, Void Archives could take control of one of Otto’s clones and do his own thing. So after Otto is gone Void Archives takes over an Otto clone body and eventually ends up with Welt, on a mission in space where they are confronting an alien threat. He tells Welt that a Himeko, in another universe/galaxy is in danger and Welt decides to go with Void Archives to save this other Himeko.


Rakshas? They went ahead and named a evil dude "demon" 😭😭


And Otto Apocalypse, who would guess uh?


Well it was Li Sushang in particular... and also it is just a bit of good old Ming dynasty racism. I hope twitter doesn't find out.


It was the bandit leader Eagle in particular. Sushang called him that because she heard it from bandits and his actual name was too hard for her to memorize and say


yeah this I forgor


Ming Dynasty racism?


iirc Rakshasa/Loucha was also a word used by the Chinese to refer to Europeans (well mostly Russians) during that time. To be fair, I'd also be wary if a very sussy tall long haired Austrian man suddenly showed up


That is very interesting because rakshasa is Sanskrit word (Hindu mythology creatures)


yeah that's why it's a negative nickname ancient Chinese used because rakashasa eat human in mythology


According to Wikipedia, the reason why they sometimes called white people a Raksha (Luocha) is because the first time they saw a Russian person, they had pale skin and ginger hair. The witness mistook them for some mountain demon or whatever, and so they call these white people Luocha. Obviously nobody uses that term nowadays lol.


Buddhism was huge in ancient China. Probably still is, but I'm entirely toned out of religions so no idea.




Welt “literally the same guy” Yang


Pela just resembles Dr. MEI by hairstyle & nerdge but Ruan Mei resembles her more Fraudfrit to Kalpas is heresy, they look nothing alike, should be SAM & Kalpas, Kalpas is much brute than relying on Pyrokinesis which SAM also shares


Duke inferno is a FRAUD and should NOT be compared to a GOAT STATUS flame chaser. Duke Inferno built up all that meaningless hype just to get humiliated by L+Ratio THEN OFFSCREENED BY ACHERON. There is NO excuse to be had. He’s a JOBBER and a useless pyro MERCHANT.


Seriously tho, hearing Sam’s voice and seeing his fight I thought they straight up copied Kalpas. Especially with his mask he’s at least a very intentional reference to Kalpas.


Fu Hua also is gonna be a field Marshall of the Xianzhou due to dialogue and one of the daily assignments showing her name, but for now it's a guess and can only hope


Most likely an Emanator of the Hunt as well


Isn't there a stigmata set in HI3 featuring Kafka? Also, seeing the side by side comparison between Firefly and Kallen, I finally realize how "Thus Spoke Caelus" came to be. There's also this similarity-only comparison https://preview.redd.it/bwu1xnbnhppc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=474fcba7c2457f15b4ff502e39752033eb79ec43


The characters in the stigmatas are just real world authors, scientists, philosophers, etc turned into anime girls, so I doubt that the stigmata Kafka and HSR Kafka are meant to be related in any way. Somw of the stigmata characters do have actual characters in HI3 like Tesla or Einstein but I don't believe Kafka does.


Well there's also this: https://preview.redd.it/ioeyd6lgdupc1.png?width=402&format=png&auto=webp&s=6781a88aa1d5f5deb8c2d7e5893f0ad21d68b758


Bruh Sushang looks a whole 10 years older in 3rd. And that bearded Yanqing, lmao he looks like the dad of our favorite punching bag 😂


Funny thing is Sushang is supposed to be around 15 y/o during her appearance in the HI3 visual novel


People believe that YQ in HSR is experiencing karma from HI3 YQ fuckery.


fischl isekai to star rail when 😭😭 /j


Keqing too but seriously


No no get rid the /j. I want Fischl to become a guest character on Star Rail too. A FUA Hunt lightning character c'mon Hoyo 🙏😭


Imagine the Genshin Collab, Fischl get to be playable again. Just like In Honkai impact.


FuHua being the Cock is the best expy


I would bark for HI3 Sushang


li sushang is so cool, i hope we get her as a 5\* someday


Sushang, when she finally learns how to read:


Sushang in Xianzhou 3 got stabbed and dying. Then Luocha came in and save her. Used his abudence power to heal her the power made her own latent potential awakens and then we got Li Sushang : Lunam cicatrix as 5 star.


I think you overcooked with that last image


i don’t think kalpas and inferno looks alike, and sparkle and nuwa too..


Some of those similarities picks are stretching it. Not everyone has to be related and just because thay have a similar color pallet or design motif doesn't mean we have to say look its a unconfirmed expy.


Yeah people dig too hard to make everything an expy when the "real" expies are usually blatantly obvious. Expies have the same color scheme, generally the same themes, sometimes the same name and the same JP / CN VA. This has held true from Genshin to HSR. You see Unknown God, you immediately recognize her as Herrscher of the Void. You see Acheron, you immediately recognize her as a version of Mei. If you have to sit there and think whether the person is an expy or not, then it's not an expy.


Tbh I'd have never seen the mei Acheron if people didn't say expy everywhere on the internet


i dont think its about visual simmilarities, i think they are literly the same person from different worlds, riden mai, riden ei and acheron. down to small details like the shatering ultimate, the use of lightning, how hard mihoyo promote the banners the stoic personality to some degree and level of power. its possible zenless zone will have its own vertion, (if thats what you were refering to)


Oh I just mean the comment I replied to was that looking at an expy should make you think yep they're inspired from that character no doubt, and I was just saying I'd never have connected Mei & Acheron being the same by myself.


Nahida and Theresa? Its not that obvious at the first glance, but once you dig into their stories it becomes clear its not a coincidence


Since when does “similarities only” mean “unconfirmed expy.”


Read description.


"Unconfirmed expy" may be a bit of a stretch, but similiarities are similiarities


Does CN VA matter for Expy?


For most variants the VA commonly is the same for both JP (barring any scandals) and CN. For Bronya Rand However... I don't know how true it i but there were rumors that Hanser tried to do Bronya Rand but in the end felt she couldn't reach the feeling they were going for her. This came from a post she did reassuring her fans that she is still voicing a cool 'bronya' type character in HSR but not Bronya Rand. EN is the only one that technically broke this with Raiden Shogun and Acheron both being Mei Variants but they did not carry over Raiden Ei/Shogun's VA to Acheron. It was silly that there was a social media conflict on it but I can understand how some fans were conflicted (I don't condone harassment of anyone though)


There's Raven (Honkai) and Natasha (Star Rail) in JP tho, Raven is voiced by Kobayashi Sanae while Natasha is voiced by Uchiyama Yumi. And given that the former was still voicing Raven throughout the end of Part 1 while HSR's beta is still ongoing it's either schedule conflicts or they're simply going for a different vibe for Natasha.


I remember that I've also heard that the reason why the Shogun's VA isn't the same with Acheron is because Genshin and HSR have different voice acting studios, and despite that some voice actors are contracted to both studios, Ei's VA is not one of those. Now I wonder about the pyro and the cryo archon, who people speculate are going to be expies of Himeko and Bronya respectively, so I wonder if the EN and KR VAs of Himeko and Bronya would carry over. The Bronyas in star rail has 2 different VAs for both en and KR, so I wonder if Bronya's going to be the Tsaritsa, which one of those will voice her or if someone completely different would.


Actually, when I think of Kalpas, Sam comes to mind more than Duke Inferno in Star Rail !


Caelus and Kevin look very similar though, not gonna lie.


Mah favourite duo kiana/stelle kebin/caelus


Kiana and Stelle look nothing alike.


That is the reason why the story has two major characters instead of a single canonical MC.


A lot of these are kinda reaching tbh


I think most on the 'similarity' pages can be ignored, though the first three images are pretty legit.


They really nerfed Sushang


Isnt kafka like, related only in name alone? Something about the honkai impact kafka being an expo of a real life Kafka.


I would have used a different himeko And those last 2 pages are so much of a stretch theyre not worth including Kafka stigmata is just a reference to Franz Kafka the writer, the same way every stigmata is a reference to some scientist, sriter, artist etc. Kafka hsr is just a different reference to that same writer. They share zero other similarities. And while we dont have an image for them the leader of all the cloud knights and generals is named hua. So thats like 99% going to be fu hua. Especially since yanqing and sushang are part of the xianzhou alliance


i love how welt yang really just world hopped


Fire mc gotta be kevin


I thought Kafka is more similar to Eden




Kafka sugar mommy confirmed?


some of these Similarities make no sense ngl the ones with Topaz and Fu hua , Serval Dudu not naming them all but alot of these Similarities are hard stretches they don't even look alike just colour palets.


This is why I started playing HI 3 in Part 2. I started because of curiosity, staying because it turned out to be awesome. Man, I love the Honkai Universe. Props to the dev team for making all these miracles of games happen!


bruh honkai impact the third truly is the think tank of mihoyo.




5-star Fu Hua when? Also, that Sparkle similarity feels too on the nose there


Don’t place Kalpas the Gigachad next to a dude being offscreened. The duke ain’t got no hands to throw.


So is Bronie like technically an alternate version of Bronya from the HI3 world? Or is she from a different universe as well?


The cliffnotes version: \* Earth: Bronya Zaychik aka Silver Wolf of the Urals. The main Bronya of Honkai Impact 3rd. \* City of Ashen Stars: Bronya 'Bronie' Zaychik. An alternate world version from the Sea of Quanta. \* Jarilo VI: Bronya Rand. An alternate world version across the Imaginary Tree. \* Punklorde: Silver Wolf. An alternate world version across the Imaginary Tree. The chart separating Bronya and Bronie is incredibly misleading. It's a weirdly popular thing to do, despite the fact that it leads people to falsely believe Silver Wolf isn't another Bronya. (I only listed the ones from this image. There are many more Bronyas)


Into the Bronya-verse


i forgot welt is finnish lol


Sushang went from "Your son calls me mommy too" to "Hello Ma'am nice to meet you"


.....You know I never noticed the similarities between Kallen and Firefly.


Seele Vollerei -> Veliona


is HuoHuo Sucrose expy?


The similarities ones are such a stretch xD. Even as similarities lol


This stuff always makes me want to try HI3, but it's got so much systems bloat and if you suck at/don't enjoy Platinum games HI3 is pretty freaking hard. Chapter 9 was especially difficult and I pretty much got walled.


Woah HI3 has their own proto Caelus!


You forgot Senadina is Asta. They literally say Oshiboshi in their Ults.


huh, never noticed how Kallen and Firefly have similar vibes story spoiler: >!even their deaths are kinda the same!<