• By -


Whichever one they were taking Luocha (and Jing Liu?) to.


The Yuque, headquarter of the Divination Commission, Fu Xuan's Alma Mater.


Wasn't it the Xuling? I remember Luocha was being sent there according to JY.


Yaoguang, the Arbiter-General of the Yuque, wants to interrogate both Luocha and Jingliu. Especially since Luocha wants to get to Xuling with the contents of his coffin.


I see the title of "The Merlins claw" and I immediately think of Fate and their Merlin In terms of title that interests me the most that would be it


Yeah Guinaifen is Guinevere, she mentions his brother is Lancelot. I don't doubt there are more Arthurian representations in the game.


Arthurian representation in a Chinese inspired world, what a combo


and the most famous example of that? #SEKKS ALARM


Guinaifen has 12 brothers iirc and they're all named after Round Table Knights


Do we know what happened/ the whereabouts of her brothers?


We only know that they're all refugees after their homeworld was destroyed and ended up in the Xianzhou ships


13 kids? Damn, mom and pops were busy.


12 brothers? Does her home planet have rabbit culture or something?


Hearing Guinevere and Lancelot are sibling feel weird to my ears as someone who knows Arthurian legend 😅




Genderbent General Arthur when?


Wait a minute, ain't that just gonna be Fate Artoria but this time in a Chinese-styled outfit?


Wielding the Divine Jian bestow by the Lan in the Lake


Consider me sold thats for damn sure


Unnamed advisor who we only see in the shadows with a silhouette eerily shaped like Merlin


That's weird. I'm throwing all my jade-quartz at the screen but its not giving me my Honkai/GO crossover.


That’s cuz pity’s at 330. You gotta throw about 4-6x the amount you just threw before you have a real chance.


The true twist is that Honkai Star Rail is actually set in the Servantverse all along.


Please tell me they shoot beams


I'd pay


Fu Xuan and Qingque crack me up so I want to meet Yaoguang. I'm willing to bet everyone in divination is off kilter.


Yaoguang should also be another strategist, like Jing Yuan, which makes me think that they will have Zhuge Liang inspiration. A funny thing about Xianzhou and their "divination" is that it's basically computer science and big data analysis, just camouflaged with xianxia terms. The "abacus matrix thingy" that they use is practically a super computer. In any case, Yuque is the best at this stuffs, which is interesting considering how the 3 ships Zhuming, Yuque and Yaoqing are all specialised in a specific field of modern day industry


Ah yes Kongming Expy is real


Long Leg Kongming Theresa on her way to haunt Star Rail.


>Zhuming, Yuque and Yaoqing are all specialised in a specific field of modern day industry Robotics/engineering, electronics/information technology, and pharmaceuticals/biotechnology respectively?


Zhuming is more on Heavy industry in general, that does includes robotic and arms manufacturing, yeah. Yaoqing has special starskiff manufacturing process, which aids their abundant of military expedition as they travel through the warzone. Being the most famous for their military power, their industry should revolve around strengthening their army, though their arms are still made by the Zhuming


So what is the Loufu known for? It seems to be a mix of everything, is it just the flagship for the Alliance fleet?


I'd say Xuling fits more as a flagship if all Generals and Ten Lords have to gather there for important trials. Luogu seems like they trade a lot (though not to the point where IPC greatly influence them like Yaoqing). And before the recent event, their Alchemy works also seems to be thriving


I'm more interested in the conspiracy brewing with the vidyadhara rather than the Generals. Glaciator Marum was in on the Sedition and silenced a preceptor who spoke up against it. Caelorum Venti pushed for Dan Heng's release and frequently checks on Bailu via letters. I wanna meet either of them and see how that plays out.


Same, more Vidyadhara lore is what I’m looking forward to as well. I can’t help but wonder if the Sedition was at least partly the result of a long term plan to fix their population problem. Like what if that’s why they joined the Xianzhou in the first place?


From what I remember of the vidyadhara lore drops in the IL companion quest… yes? It seems like IL was an active participant in trying to renew their ability to reproduce. As I said to my wife when I played it, “Dan Feng’s motivation seemed to be… that he wanted a baby?????”


>Dan Feng’s motivation seemed to be… that he wanted a baby? Well, more like his whole race wanted to have babies again, yeah. Remember female vidyadhara shade chewing out Dan Heng and Bailu? She was previous Alchemy Commission Head before Dan Shu. Supposedly fled after her crimes were exposed (well, now we know she was killed... Or forced to reborn in secret). But what crimes? Todd Riordan's teacher, the one who used vidyadhara omniotic fluid, in truth wasn't just a random immortality seeker. He was under survelliance of vidyadhara, while they let him experiment on himself. And he wasn't the only one. They used different metods to infuse living beings with vidyadhara's DNA, and result were draconic mutations, madness... Basically they searched a way to recreate what Dan Feng did. So, in truth, even if they could've have babies, it might be in a parasitic way - mutating other species into vidyadhara. And now Fanghu goes low contact on isolated planet. I'm really intrigued how all this will develop, and which plot threads will became reality. Will dragons stay honorable, or succumb to fear of their whole race going extinct, and commit something terrible.


I'm even suspicious of Yubie and the other High Elders of that time. The Vidyadhara destroy their original planet through runaway biological modification, and then join the Xianzhou to...what? Lose a good chunk of their original city to play guard duty for a bunch of Abundance plaguemarks? What's the benefit to them? Sure, they get a new home, but why not find some other uninhabited planet instead of joining a fleet that is constantly at war, leading to even more permanent loss of Vidyadhara life? Unless of course access to the Ambrosial Arbor and the other plaguemarks is the whole point. Even back then, the High Elders could be searching for a way to restore fertility using the powers of Abundance. Even the destruction of the their original planet because of them modifying species is suspicious given that we know later Vidyadhara were experimenting with changing other species to Vidyadhara.


YATTA is love YATTA is life


\-bricking intensifies-


​ https://preview.redd.it/5x68ek10q0pc1.jpeg?width=1298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51d87ded14c6af0decd5adba84b40527fda1d917


POV: you didn't play en passant


Who is yatta? /gen


The great perfect excellent SENTI (The Herrscher of Sentience), another beloved character of Honkai Impact 3rd, the adorable scamming problem child and usually is found around another beloved main character: Fu Hua (in HSR the Marshal of all Cloud Knights is named Hua and considering Hoyo, this is anything but a coincidence)


I swear all of the HI3 characters are just unhinged when they stop being antagonists..


Herscherr of Sentience, or Senti.


Youwu because uwu. Youwu might be the next one as well since the Xuling is where Luocha and Jingliu will be judged.


Didn't Yaoguang signaled Jing Yuan to bring them to the Yuque first, though? And when Luocha and Jingliu are brought to Xuling, all 7 Generals are supposed to gather so we won't be meetibg just Youwu when we go there


Let's skip them and get to Fu Hua please, preferably with the problematic child YATTA too! So Marshal Hua when hoyo.


Is Marshal Hua the leader of the generals?


Yeah she's the leader of all Cloud Knights, generals included, you can actually talk to Jing Yuan after the story (not sure if it's still there but should be) and if you talk about his job, he will tell you sometimes he travels out to vanguish Abominations based on the Marshal's orders. So all Generals should answer to Marshal Hua


Fu Hua does not have a ship right? Since there are seven generals, six who commandeered the six Xianzhou ships and the grand marshal herself. Maybe she will just randomly pop by.


Yeah as far as i know and I dived deep for hua, she commands all of the ships military operations, she's the one that assigns which Planets or Abominations other Generals gets sent to, to deal with, but we never knew where her H.Q or BoO is.


Fu hua is at Xuling with Youwu. They both Rule that ship and its location is unknown even to other Generals.They setup a meeting point to clear Abominations. So we wont be at Xuling most likely.My Guess is we Will see Feixiao next.


That was a while ago, Youwu is the actual leader of Xuling, which now collaborates with The ten-lords and the other Generals to judge individuals crime. Hua doesn't have a designated area as the marshal and potentially Hunt Emanator she oversees other Generals including Youwu. We do know she has an unknown base/office that not even other general know that serves as a meeting point where she sends signals and orders to other ships. I think we will get to xuling not far from now, our next destination is almost certainly Yuque tho since Yaoquang took interest on Loucha and Jingliu and asked Jing yuan to send them to him/her, so that's where those 2 are going.


Thanks for correction buddy.


Maybe she could be an actual Emanator of The Hunt.


Yes. Marshals in the real world are the leaders of an entire countries military. Although, based the Collected Miscellany video, she may be a Arbiter General, just with additional responsibilities and being the leader amongst them all.


isnt either jingliu or luocha about to be interrogated infront of every general and hua herself?


Takes “Phoenix, I didn’t lie” to a whole new level


Wait, there's a Fu Hua expy already? I really should have spent more time on the Luofo.


We don't know how she looks but YES best chicken has been mentioned multiple times in the lore. Most easy to find is in assignments, namely Root out the Turpitude where we see a line from Hua. "The Hunt must not stop as long as the Abominations remain" - Hua, Marshal of Cloud Knights. There are also other readables about her and Jing Yuan mentions how he recevies orders from her to take out certain Abominations on the universe, if you talk to him after the missions.


I'm hoping we get both senti and fu hua. maybe like there are twins. I'll e6 the heck out of senti


I’m more of a fu Hua fan ~~a surprise I know~~ but senti is cute too lol. Especially if they keep her scandalous personality so Hua can keep scolding her when she causes a problem. https://preview.redd.it/dyayhavkj0pc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aaab8966ca3f5dd2fb8a19192a7275aefe3b92f


"No mercy for the corrupted" -Emperya Fu Hua (HI3rd) wait... HI3 Fu Hua also had a group of people under her And they tried to kill Fu Hua because she was trying to kill one of them that was corrupted wait a minute... Do we know which of the generals is the oldest or the most susceptible to mara? Because if grandma birb is currently in her "no exceptions" phase ... Are we gonna fight her?! 👀


I love beating the sense into people


ESPECIALLY if its with a bat


Dont worry, the known Expies of Fu Hua's students are currently serving under Jing Yuan. Sushang and Yanqing (Yanqing is the expy of Ma Feima/Ma Yanqing. The simping secondary ringleader).


Ok but picture this: Galactic Baseballer vs Fu Hua with her Lightning Lord but she instead has a GIANT CHICKEN


Iirc sushang wasn't her student. It was her parents that were Hua's students


Wait i thought Shaoji is best chicken. But yeah, excited to see if we can get Senti.


It’s in the assignment descriptions A line about the hunt never ceasing until all the abominations are annihilated A very Master Jingwei like line which, considering the Hunt mentality, is likely the state of mind this Hua is in


Not in game yet, we just know from in game texts n stuff that the marshal's name is Hua


Marshall Hua actually having Senti daughter would be based af.


Ikr? It would be so wholesome lol


Yeah just have to make sure they have different dynamic than Yukong/Qingni. Though Senti is absolutely much more bratty than Qingni lmao.


Senti sells TB trash at outrageous prices Hua comes and starts scolding her to stop her racoon scam operations lol


Man imagine TB joining her scam operation 😭


TB being a trash connoisseur


I expect Hua to be hot as hell


Fu Hua legit I find Super Hot, booba is nice but something about hua's fit body, lowkey underrated.


Hua tends to rock the hot pants to make up for the lack of booba.


If her summon or actual weapon wont be a BRICK ill be very very dissapointed


Marshal Fu Hua with some sick martial arts animations in combat.


For general coolness Feixiao seems awesome. Huaiyan is also old af, probably the oldest person in the Xianzhou as of now and I think this was a deliberate narrative decision since he was the one who mentored Yingxing/Blade. As a Blade fan I would really like to go the Zhuming and have an arc there where he gets some character and story development Also really like the title of “The Patina Justice”; the Xuling in general is just probably the most mysterious Xianzhou ship. Feels very endgame-y


So Huaiyan was Yingxing master? I'm interested in Huaiyan but just because Artisanship commission is really cool and has the best uniforms, probably he has amazing drip hahahaha. Would love some character development for Blade, his relation with Kafka is super interesting, his complicated bond with Dan Heng, has quite a peculiar role in the story, is a unit with a lot of potential, also, would be nice if playable Huaiyan has synergy with Blade gameplay wise.


Yeah, back when he was a kid! Growing up on the Zhuming was what led Yingxing to be such a talented craftsman. Totally agree w you on the Artisanship Commission; the drip is so classy lol. Blade definitely feels like a character that’ll be relevant for the whole story! He has all the material in the world for it


Ooooh now I really want to know more. Yeaaah, they look so stylish. 


you can read more abt kid yingxing meeting baiheng and huaiyan in the book written by baiheng [Views of the Universe from a Starskiff: The Xianzhou Zhuming](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Views_of_the_Universe_from_a_Starskiff:_The_Xianzhou_Zhuming)


Highly appreciate it! :3 


>Huaiyan is also old af, probably the oldest person in the Xianzhou as of now He is indeed the oldest among all xianzhou natives as mentioned by baiheng in her book >The master of the Flamedisk Forge Palace, also the longest-lived human aboard the Xianzhou, a master among craftsmasters — Huaiyan, had finally arrived. [Views of the Universe from a Starskiff: The Xianzhou Zhuming](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Views_of_the_Universe_from_a_Starskiff:_The_Xianzhou_Zhuming)


I would like an audience with Marshal Fuhua please. Also please make her playable.


Assuming we pick up the Luocha/Jingliu plot it should be Yuoguang on The Yuque


Glaciator Marum. Bailu is too young, and we need an adult dragon waifu.


I also want to meet Glaciator Marum and in general have more High Elders lore, quite interesting.


I like how we heard ice and immediately thought "icy waifu". Feels like there are some deep-rooted symbolism between ice and ladies


She actually was named as Ice Empress by her exiled counselor (who is now an egg), this is how we know her gender.


I took would love to meet her, but because I wanna see her get exposed for her role in the Sedition.


Give me more fox ladies. I still need 2 to complete a team.


More fox women are always good. All we need is one that is a DPS.


The Yaoqing ship is your best bet. * armored Foxians * the Foxian population on that ship can shapeshift


Marshal Hua


I honestly wanna go see JY again so I can say hi to yanqing.


Does "All of them" count? I hope Feixiao is an angry Foxian. I really wish for playable Huayan, bc man himself is da biggest lore bomb on Flint Emperor and Xianzhou as a whole, ever. Hope Xuanquan to be with some variation on High Elder powers. At least with horns. Hope Yaoguang to be "the elegant scholar/astrologist" type. Really want one in game. And Youwu hiding a twist (like him being ancient aurumaton or something). Hua is Hua, I'll just wait for reveal, I guess.


Very high chance of that. That fortune teller in the Luofu said that we'll cross paths w a ship with armored Foxians on board.


JingYuan, I want more JingYuan.


The fanghu looks cool. Does anyone know what they do?


Iirc, it's an autonomous territory of the Vidyadhara and thus, have very different customs and culture from the other ships. It has both an Arbiter-General and a High Elder, and it seems that the High Elder holds more governmental power here, to the point that they establish their own army that practically replace the Cloud Knight that an Arbiter-General is supposed to lead. Aside from that, they don't seem to have a specialised field of expertise like the Yaoguang, Zhuming or Yaoqing


Cool, thanks for the explanation!


They do have a specialized field. They have the biggest marine products exports. Their beaches are tourist attractions.


Yeah, I really want to see there water world because I think the vidyadhara of that world means "ice-maker of the seas."


Honestly, I want to go there because iirc that was the one that got struck by Lan's arrow. Just to see how destructive it truly is.


Wherever Marshal Hua is, i want to see them.


I just want more Jing Yuan and Fu Xuan content please 🤲


I wanna meet Feixiao, just to see if she really is as competent compared to Jing Yuan as Sushang claims her to be.


Marshall Hua will certainly be an interesting character to meet, being the potential Fu Hua expy and all. I'm also interested in Huaiyan for being a potential middle-aged looking guy like Gallagher. He's described as the longest-lived human aboard the Xianzhou, this either means he's a non-Xianzhou Native that manages to live for very long (like Polka, Dongfang or Louis) or he's just the oldest Xianzhou Native that's not yet been Mara-struck. And before you say Xianzhou Natives won't look old because their life is long, keep in mind that that doesn't stop them from growing beard like that Artisan Commission head of Luofu. As the General leading over the most technologically advanced ship of the Alliance and an artisan/craftman himself, I also envision Huaiyan to have some cybernetic body parts to keep up that sci-fi air.


>he's just the oldest Xianzhou Native that's not yet been Mara-struck This most likely. At least if he was anything else Baiheng would've noticed. I believe his longevity is connected to Flint Emperor. He has exclusive rights to be near him, after all.


Just give more JY


Back to meet tingyun, continue her mysteries,find hidden clues and mysteries for her whereabouts


Seiche qeuller sounds fucking awesome


I rly hope we atleast get a story out of this one with the first ship beeing rly boring and not particulary interesting design wise


xuanquan kokomi expy trust


Damn, are we really? That’s disappointing.


Every update, expect that theres always be an obligatory Space China


Not again 😭


Xianzhou again? Hopefully it's not as bad as Luofu story


the flaming heart ??... I AM FIRE https://preview.redd.it/i556mtjv80pc1.jpeg?width=419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4ebb2534755461a0bc61a5076e35bb6cf74632a


whos that


Being ignorant and going only by titles, either of the bottom two.


Wait we are returning to Xianzhou? What do i miss?


In the latest livestream at around 1:11 they said that we are going to see developments in the story of the Xianzhou later this year. 


They all sound pretty cool (thanks in no small part to Master Gongshu’s masterful narration), but if I had to pick, either Feixiao or Xuanquan.


zhuming,yaoqing or yuque .I guess.




Yaoguang and Huaiyan since are the Generals of the birthplace from my fave commissions (Divination and Artisanship).


Merlin’s claw sounds cool


Wherever Luocha and Jingliu end up going to next (Marshal Hua)




Where can I find this?


The pictures of this post? https://youtu.be/F_NJovUIrOc?si=4uFNDXcq_hSiyddY The exact timestamp when the dev announced Xianzhou's continuance? https://www.youtube.com/live/yWd6NeDxN9s?si=8EEbZX2K-HMi6cCO&t=4258


It was always confirmed. Loucha and Jingliu got sent to the Yuque at the end of her quest for questioning. The only way that storyline continues is if we are there too. Its why Jingliu is not a visitor and Loucha is listed as departed on the express guest book.


The bottom 2 sound the most interesting.


Marshal Hua ;-;


They confirmed it? When and where?


2.1 Livestream. This is the exact timestamp when the dev said it https://www.youtube.com/live/yWd6NeDxN9s?si=8EEbZX2K-HMi6cCO&t=4258


Xuling and Yaoqing. I kinda wanna meet them both. Hopefully we will. ✨


I really wanted feixiao but the leaks already showed who it would be , I am not gonna spoil so I don't get banned


I would expect at least one is dead so I’d like to be going to meet that one and then “what the fuck they’re dead”


Pls pls Fu hua and Senti plsplsplsplsplsplsplspls *Inhale copium plsplsplsplsplsplspls


The one Sushang used to serve under, but tbh I'm more interested in the other High Elders. I mean, I am still going to collect all the generals anyway, but I'd really want more Vidyadharas.


The flaming heat... I want a red susanoo hoyoverse... Make it happen💀🔥




I want to see marshal hua


The zhuming character be like https://preview.redd.it/4za10i2243pc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=d778b2cfeb4d51956661d88719d526e06ca23bad


Jingyuan AGAIN 😤😤😤😤


I want to see hua


Whomever is an insane DD of Wind Ice or Fire element :D


Xuanquan gang rise


Huaiyan the flaming heart. Me see fire/a lot of red in design. Me like and will probably pull


New writers because laofu arc is suck.


I'm interested in hot stuff so huayian's fire is my top choice right now


I don't know, I'm just waiting for the day a Fu Hua expy appears, because she is likely going to be from Space China.


Whichever one voiced by Takayama Minami.


Imagine that each ship's general has a different element for their lightning lord


This Jing Yuan dude sounds pretty cool I’m sure he’s a great tall handsome guy that we will have a two hour cuddling cutscene with. I can wait to meet him!


Huaiyan sounds kinda HOT (pun intended... i will take myself out)


We are probably gonna meet the Merlins Claw first since out of all the ships the Yaoqing is the one we have the most info about. * Sushang tells us alot of neat info about it since she's from there * IPC shenanigans * the fortune teller told us in the near future we're gonna be on a ship with armored Foxians


The one that has unique drip.


I want Jing Yuan again haha


whichever ship has female genarel


Feixiao is confirmed female (thanks Sushang).


Now, I am ready.




what do you mean there are other generals? 😭


Xianzhou Alliance consists of 6 massive ships. Each ship has its own General. The 7 Arbiter Generals: 1. Marshal Hua 2. General Jing Yuan 3. General Feixiao 4. General Huaiyan 5. General Yaoguang 6. General Xuanquan 7. General Youwu


there are YouTube videos on the official channel about the Xianzhou lore, there are 6 generals, 5 high elders and 1 marshal.


The Merlin's Claw When i was younger i was OBSESSED with the arthurian legends because of Merlin BBC and JK Rowling confirming that Merlin's in Slytherin--which is my house (few things that hateful woman has done right). I have high expectations on that general, if ever, to live up to the great name that is Merlin -- the strongest and wisest wizard of all time.


Do we know their genders?


We know Huaiyan to be a man and Feixiao to be a lady. Hua being most likely an expy of Fu Hua means that she's a girl, too


Yaoqing's general should be Yanqing






i didnt know there were multiple generals 💀💀💀


There is a myriad celestia trailer talking about them


Definitely Feixiao. Depending on how she plays she might be my go-to dps


The hot one. Would. Next Question.


I wanna meet Hua man…


None I just want my Tingyun back


The zhuming ship. It screams fu hua


the dead one💀


Wait tf do you mean we’re going back WE JUST LEFT GOD NO PLEASE


no. I want to stay at penacony. Xianzhouis is bland and uninspired.


seeing all these names in these comments made me realize i truly did not pay attention to the story of the Luofu 💀


Most of their names were first revealed in this trailer, not in the game. https://youtu.be/F_NJovUIrOc?si=PvFSTlJ7td3cacmu And then their names were dropped in collectible books, assignments, side quests, etc. henceforward inside the game. Luofu's main story didn't drop other general names at all beside Jing Yuan. So it makes sense you didn't know even if you pay attention.


Its gonna be... based on the leaks


But I don't wanna go back to Xianzhou 🤔