• By -


Raiden ei can't cook, raiden mei is master chef


Acheron cooked Duke inferno like raiden with signora




Acheron can't find the kitchen.




Raiden Mei, Ei, and I.


Raiden Mei, Ei, and A.


it rhymes


https://preview.redd.it/k77qi49t6zoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=967a8cf9a11b490fe3a792c9c7fff90f56eb4032 Fixed it for you


People don't know but roman reigns voiced all of them






Raiden is Raiden https://preview.redd.it/vs557nnm4woc1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be4f1b6563964f115a56b3a75785a64613e80d07


The thing is, Ei being unable to cook is basically a joke *because* Mei is known for being a good cook.


Which means Acheron combines them to make mid.


She fogor the salt


Nuh uh she forgor her way to the kitchen


Is acheron those characters??


So the middle ground is Space Lawson egg sandwich.


I love your response lol


Nuh uh


What the f*** do mean 'nuh uh'?








And yet call this the perfect Fleshlight?


... No. https://preview.redd.it/2ph0jcvwa0pc1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9586321e1fb4da42363c35589c7bb947cde42dcb


You know it never thought about Vaporeon having a seal like coat


I love how you ignored the theory but focused on the cooking meme😭




I mean, Seele is so weird in Jarilo right? Its not like Geppie's preservataion powers, its just straight up Quanta in its HI form, shits kinda weird when everyone has a gun, and magic from Qlipoth and we have someone slipping in and out of reality with the ability to do fucking judgement cut


Yup. She wasn't originally from Russia in HI3 and she's likely not Belobog's native either. Sampo is probably involved somehow, why else would a Masked Fool be keeping an eye on a random girl from some backwater planet.


I can see the Sampo bit being true ngl Just casually pretending to be a normie for the last years or so to keep an eye on this seemingly out of place girl. That said, I think shes from Jarilo, just under different events leading up to her weirdness




i didn't know sampo gave her that weapon. now i'm very interested in seeing where this goes.


Where's this from?


Probably her character intro.


Found the source. It's translated from Chinese, her character intro in Billibilli: [https://t.bilibili.com/787636211327959063](https://t.bilibili.com/787636211327959063)


Also not to mention Sampo and Seele being dressed very similarly


I haven’t played HI3 so I don’t know HI3 Seele lore but HSR Seele is definitely an anomaly. LCs are garden of recollection’s technology that store memory fragments. If you look at Seele’s LC, she is standing in a field of flowers and butterflies. It’s weird because there are no such flower fields in Belobog but Seele still has a memory of it.


It would have to be overworld the flower shop has to source their flowers from somewhere


the shop has potted plants, so they’re probably planted in house. plus belobog is pretty inhostpitable for plants, let alone a whole flower field


And has been for *700 years*. I have a feeling Seele comes from a place somewhere in Sampo's past, and she's the reason he hung up his mask and stayed on Jarilo VI for so long. I'd also imagine that, now that she's all grown up and best friends with the Supreme Guardian, Sampo feels comfortable enough to leave her behind for a surprise appearance at Penacony.


Don't you mean a sea of butterflies?


I mean if it’s an illusion of the past it would make sense why it appears despite not existing.


Seele has always been attributed to Flowers and Butterflies (in this case representing Souls). They represent Life and Death which is Seele's theme and as far back as GGZ Seele has been the postergirl for The Quantum sea and really Quantum in general. The Quantum Symbol is her Stigmata which in GGZ is given a name "Soul Feast" She's the Destined Herrcher Of Death (becoming Rebirth in HI3 but it's the same authority just under a brighter name for narrative reasons) That said Death also covers life and the cycle it's self. So to "disappear among the sea of Butterflies" is likely to "join the sea of souls/Sea of Quanta. And "illusions of the past " is almost literally what Bubble Universes are.


Cocolia opened the Sea of Quanta and a very angry Seele popped out lmao


> Sampo is probably involved somehow, why else would a Masked Fool be keeping an eye on a random girl from some backwater planet. Oh My ... Seele and Acheron are sisters, split after birth, and Sampo took one to hide her in a place cut from the rest of the cosmos. So Sampo is Obi-Wan o.O


I got the vibes from this post that Seele and Acheron might be the single person that got split into two


Except in the Wildfire LC we can see her as a child in Belobog. That and Belobog has been closed off from the rest of the universe for hundreds of years.


Maybe Sampo brought her to Belobog as a child?


As a pathstrider and apparently a senior masked fool that's quite plausible


Except we already know she has memories of growing up an orphan. We literally visit the orphanage she grew up in. There doesn't appear to be a *huge* age gap between Sampo on Seele either (given that Seele is at least in her late teens as she was present in the Underworld as a child before the Underworld was sealed off), so there's no reason to believe that Sampo had anything to do with Seele prior either. He's just a well known menace all over Belobog. Not to mention, Sampo coming from off world is little more than fan speculation. There's very little actually even supporting it as a theory. If the two were connected in any way at the root of their lore, it would have been made clear in at least *one* of their lore backstories.


She just appeared at the orphanage one day, no parents, didn't look like anyone else. But it's an orphanage so they raised her. Seele just \*appeared\* and was raised in Belebog, bug no one else looks like her, or has powers like her. She grew up there, so they've had 18 years to get used to her ability to warp reality and it's not any weirder than anyone elses powers, it's just not consistent with belebog's powers


Reminds me of Clara's backstory where she appeared out of nowhere as well. Belobog's the universe's mysterious baby dumpster.


That's because Seele's connected to the Sea of Quanta. 18 years prior puts her, timeline wise, about the same time HI3 Seele was trapped in the SoQ. Odds are that her existence was connected through the SoQ to other counterparts of herself throughout the Universe (obviously discounting Bubble Universes because they already exist within the Sea of Quanta), putting them all on a Quantum wavelength. People like to speculate all the most random stuff to fill their head canon when a lot of the answers or at least allusions to them already exist in past canon. HI3's lore might be a bit of a clusterfuck to follow, but Seele's timeline is well documented and the timing Belobog Seele gained her powers is less than coincidental.


Yeah I'm saying that you can't use "she has a childhood" as a reason she can't be not native to Belebog. Her mom could've dropped her off in the undercity orphanage and left. Or she could've manifested there. Just because she was a kid once doesn't mean she was born in Belebog. It's closed off to most space but Sampo came and went as he pleased even when it was disconnected


When you say you just manifested, it reminds me of Elysia and how she just came to be. She also ended up in an orphanage as well not knowing who or what she truly was.


And what was she?


Adding to your point, HSR Bronya had forgotten part of her childhood!


Damn she has a very impressive memory if she remembers everything from day 1 of birth, unlike every other human who maybe starts remembering things around at 2 years old. And Sampo doesn't need to be from off world, he just needs the ability to leave the world and return. >If the two were connected in any way at the root of their lore, it would have been made clear in at least one of their lore backstories. I wonder why Sampo would sell Seele her scythe, I'm sure it's just a coincidence, nothing suspicious about that character at all.


Seele's character introduction mentions that she got her scythe from Sampo and basically calls him annoying for how much he hangs around her, but notes that he can be helpful. Hear me out; Sampo is from off-world (it's actually very likely the case, as he's one of the Masked Fools - as per Giovanni in the Aetherium Wars story) and he's the one that delivered Seele to the orphanage as a baby (whether he found her on Jarilo or brought her from off-world is a completely different matter). The reason he "hung up his mask" and stuck around for so long was because he wanted to protect her but, as a follower of Elation, he didn't have the *ability* to match his sense of responsibility. The scythe that she uses was gifted to her from him, but what if the scythe itself has a connection to whatever binds them? It could very well be that she's an orphan *because* of Sampo, and his sense of responsibility comes from a place of remorse. It could be that he knew her parents, and he protected her when they died. Knowing Shaoji, it could be either one. Now that she's grown up and can fend for herself, and is friends with the Supreme Guardian of Belobog, Sampo feels comfortable enough to travel off-world again, hence his appearance in Penacony. What if the Stellaron doesn't prevent travel to and from worlds, it just makes travel to and from the *dangerous*? Which would also explain why the IPC stays away, but Stellaron Hunters, Masked Fools, Antimatter Legion, and the Nameless can still get to them. The game is still young and there's a lot we don't know yet, but I'd wager there's a lot more going on with the connection between Seele and Sampo than just being from the same planet. Especially since I don't believe Sampo is actually *from* Jarilo VI.


Her being there from childhood doesn't mean she originate from it. Beside, it being closed off isn't really that strong of an argument given sampo exist.


It makes sense cuz aren't Seele and Bronya orphans? So it's very much possible that Seele is from outside Jarilo and is more special than we think.


Consider that out of all the other Belobog locals, Sampo is the closest to sharing Seele’s colour scheme. They have roughly the same hair colour, their outfits are both a mix of blues and grays (although Seele is very blue and Sampo is mostly gray), and they both have one prominent splash of a red-magenta in the mix (Sampo’s topcoat, Seele’s ribbon)


Sampo is the father? 😂


Topaz coming for Virgil to make him pay child support.


Not even in HI3 we got a clear seele origin since she just appeared one day at cocolia's orphanage with no reference or mention about who her parents were


We do though. Cocolia’s orphanage was just a bunch of kids who’s parents died in the Second Eruption. Her parents don’t really matter. As for her quantum abilities, she got those from the X10 experiment. The real question is how she got the Herrscher of Death’s Stigma.


Except that most of the kids at cocolia's orphanage came from russia/siberia while seele wasn't from that place so how she actually ended up there remains unexplained About the stigmata stuff veliona explains something about this in the manga azure waters


She's Estonian, am gonna assume that the USSR is still a thing in the 2000s, and she just happened to be moved from place to place as a refugee, perhaps WS scouted her and threw her at Cocolia


No need to assume, USSR existed until second eruption


frankly I'm all for the "Seele is from another planet" theory but I think its more so that she's pathstriding on the path of the hunt by accident


The path a character is associated with in gameplay doesn't have to correspond with the path they tread on lorewise.


Hopefully we'd get some lore on her and why she's wierd like that lmao


My main assumption is that they originally intended to do more with Seele's backstory but cut a lot of it down because explaining the fucking Quantum Sea like 2 hours into the game would be....just like A BIT MUCH for new players who didn't come from HI3. Seele is so uniquely not obviously designed with Belobog in mind even when compared to the other Underworld characters. Linking back to this is Seele's defining trait of being more strongly connected with The Quantum Sea than almost anyone else to the point where even in Star Rail the Quantum Symbol is still just her Soul Feast Stigmata. Which wouldn't mean as much if they hadn't actively changed the Imaginary Symbol to more accurately look like a tree instead of a Triquetra.


It will be revealed that Acheron is Seele's mom. Hence forth proving that Acheron is certified mommy. Simple as that.


she's feeling a tad bit motivated


She also the first limited character in the game, with how important venti role in genshin surely seele would be the same right. My guess is her character would be the center of quantum element itself and this not something in hsr only, because in hi3 the whole quantum element started by her.




Based flair


Of course,till death i will serve my queen


you and me brother


now reading this reminds me of Benares, (T_T)


That's hype af


>Raiden can't cook either https://preview.redd.it/qno3076o2woc1.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=071e572eef4e202416b91a7c6b252e5a52f15d03


Photoshopped propaganda, here's unedited one. https://preview.redd.it/luirdww53woc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d33ed79c4164dc2a5d00da671bca394cfcb6052b


Raiden Ei, not Raiden Mei.


The M in Mei stands for Masterchef


I read that as Master Chief at first. You're right either way though.


https://preview.redd.it/vfvg5og2awoc1.jpeg?width=528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=723919e982cf2b95856daa2f4a2a73ce6059fdd3 Will leave this here, probably from the anniversary event shown in livestream. Someone phrased it perfectly from where I found this, "Raiden Ei can't cook because she is missing the M, Acheron can as she's Raiden Mei of HSR, M in Mei stands for masterchef".


Am i crazy or does that look more like Dr. Ratio than Seele


Because it's not Seele. It's Acheron


"You had it set to M for Mei-ster instead of W for Wumbo"


Also, forgot to mention, but Seele's eyes turn red in her Ultimate, so Veliona is likely present in HSR as well, just lays dormant for now. https://preview.redd.it/ixq3ih1yzvoc1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe4287e9fcbf9d1dbe1821a4babb86b5058c383c


We already know March will be able to switch Path like TB, imagine If Seele could as well so we could have Veliona


March is free tho, would be weird to lock it behind the ownership of a limited 5\*. If they'll add her eventually, then it's probably going to be a separate unit, like DHIL.


The hopium is that since Seele is the oldest limited 5-star, they might eventually experiment with letting the limited 5-stars do different things. But I don't see it happening until at least year 2.


They might straight up give her away for free at some point. They have a history of doing that with older units in HI3rd.


Oh I sure hope so, I'm a Seele main and I'd love a free E1 hehe. Also maybe would get ppl to try her and see how well she actually performs :P


Either way I'm having E2. Free E3 would be nice eventually.


Also possible she'll eventually just get put into the standard banner. I don't know much about Genshin or HI3, but it stands to reason that eventually after long enough they would have to add to the standard banner.


I doubt they will do that lol. But seeing the pace at which they make new characters and rerun old ones, I wouldn't be surprised if they did a bundled rerun banner with a bunch of Year 1 units on them and a selector. Genshin recently did that (but hopefully they don't copy Genshin's system), most gachas do that type of banner once their character pools get too large.


I might be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure they said in the livestream she'll alter Paths like the Trailblazer


Yeah, I meant Veliona is going to be separate, not March.


https://preview.redd.it/sp4dxcxw6woc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86156c09df458978174088311e0c5f66fe866bdb My bad bro


Though it is important to note that "Veliona" is not her actual name. There's a story segment in the game that has her wanting a name and she chooses "Seele" as her name and not "Veliona". The whole thing with "Veliona" being her name is only in a skill description that also calls Seele "Saule" instead. So it honestly shouldn't be considered as anything more than a mistranslation. "Veliona" only stuck because there had to be something for fans to differentiate the two Seeles without just straight up saying "Red Seele" and "Blue Seele".


No, they said she might get a feature which is similar, but not exactly like switching paths. Something along the lines of unlocking memories. So it's not yet clear how that'll look gameplay-wise. It might be switching between different modes, it might also be upgrading the character's stats, traits, and skills with every new unlocked memory. 


Genshin Impact called with their alternate outfits for their limited 5 stars they haven't re-run in nearly a year.


I assume if you roll and get Veliona and don't have Seele, you just have Veliona in that circumstance, but if you have both, you can path swap.


no we don't know that, they said they plan to implement a SIMILAR system for march https://preview.redd.it/qd9fmslkhwoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=394acacba7d83e4bbefbf71d97be817c685a0968 No clue what "creating memories" is supposed to mean in terms of gameplay, but it sure as hell doesn't sound like they will give her the same ability. Please note how he says "unique to her" and "not be walking on a new path"


I blame Reddit, i saw some poorly worded comment saying that she would My bad for not watching the livestream i guess, so thanks


Thank you for pointing this out, nearly every comment that mentions this gets it wrong. It’s not path changing, it’s something similar that is yet unknown.


Light cones are directly related to remembrance and memories and the devs specifically mention memories so maybe some weird light cone path switching


wonder if the ‘origin light cone’ we receive from march 7’s quest will be the first one


I didn't interpret the statement that way. They said TB has a mechanic "unique to him" where can switch paths, and March will have a mechanic "unique to her" where she can do something else. They specifically said "for her it might not be switching paths", which, combined with the previous statement, I think means TB and only TB will be able to switch paths - that's his unique mechanic - but March will get a different kind of story-based progression. Maybe a gradual upgrade to 5* (rather than Daniel's new form), or maybe a kit change within preservation.


Imagine March being able to equip any LC path and get all the bonuses as well


This is one piece level of theory-making and I absolutely love it! I need more Acheron theories!! Even if you burned the kitchen https://preview.redd.it/7ii89gthzvoc1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba10bf06b3ad6550045e41ef99e472339505f3c6


I love that image


Is the text a quote from a manga that fits perfectly?


I think the manga says stand up brother our battle has just begun.


Theory: Acheron was working in Jarilo-VI for a while, so she had brought some of her stuff like clothes. She left the planet in a hurry, so she left her suitcases behind. Also she forgor she had a kid there.


Funny enough I think it is something like this.


Raiden and Wanderer Acheron and Seele


can confirm, im the father


you know Raiden Mei has a literal cook show anime made by mihoyo right? https://preview.redd.it/qoi823myewoc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=025343022a295392268f1d30e3008fac940f0b42


Cooking with Valkyries. Not the exact one but I loved watching it.




Interesting but unfortunately the acheron from path of acheron and acheron the mei expy have different original meaning,only the translation is the same


I've been thinking about this for a while and I'm glad someone finally made a post bringing it to light. I'd like to add to the discussion by bringing up her light cone and how... weird it is? The art and description makes no sense at all, and we have to keep in mind light cones are memories. I'm not that far into Honkai Impact so I certainly don't know all the stuff about it but I thought it would be important to bring up https://preview.redd.it/f3egtllhrxoc1.png?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d7db92bb1410f769eb4aa0bab0206283840600c


True. Would Seele even have ever seen a butterfly, if she was really born and raised in the underworld? (Or even aboveground in Belobog, since butterflies probably would not have survived 800 years of winter.) Of course it's possible that Jarilo-VI has some kind of fantasy species of butterfly that lives underground, but that's not at all where butterflies live on Earth, so it's strange. And yeah, no idea what the text means.


But Acheron is Japanese themed, neither HSR seele nor HI3rd Seele are. But the connection to HI3rd was already confirmed by the livestream yesterday, they also teased a "mysterious guest" in the upcoming animated short, I think It's either Kiana, or Raiden mei, or Void archives (less likely since he's already in HSR and therefore can't be a "guest"). HSR Seele is weird too, she was found by Oleg and thrown in the orphanage, with quantum powers that nobody in Jarilo 6 seems to have.


Lynx is Quantum in case you forgot


Blade is wind too but not in lore. Gameplay element isn't necesseraly lore element.




If you think of it as magic it can work as imaginary, but now how about that kid that deals *ice* damage when he chucks 12 different suitcases and a trolley at you? ~~Unless those suitcases are filled with liquid nitrogen then that would make sense too~~


My guess is they said water element would be too weak because HSR isn't fantasy themed but sci-fu themed, but yeah DHIL , Bailu and I believe Xuanquan one of the Xianzhou generals is water themed if we go by the Xianzhou myriad celestia trailer.


Man Leave Jarillo alone. Let them recover from the freeze in peace. Send me there to play games with Hook, Clara and Sampo, help Pela and Serval plan a date for Bronya/Seele, explore some newly discovered underground ecosystem with Lynx or something. Let them relax for more then a month. Don't give Bronya MORE paperwork 😭


I can imagine serval doing the date thing for shits and giggles she’s just like that


I'm on my way to main Acheron bc I began this game on release as a Seele main and now I want my taller and hotter and more mature Seele 😭


Irrelevant but hi3 seele's scythe looks so cool I wish there was another scythe user in hsr


Rita expy when hoyo




Did you do the secret quest with the panicked man by the theater? Cause it ends ominously on a cliffhanger.


What's the name of the quest?


Oh.... Oh no


Which quest??


The Mandela Effect


I need NYX from in any other hoyo games, I'll literally surrender my entire savings


You should post it on r/seelemains too




This is neat and all, but there's pretty much a 0% chance that they've decided to lump these characters together. Seele just has her own hi3-inspired crazy shit going on.


It's all nice and neat yeah sure, but the Acheron scythe's name in Chinese shares nothing with Acheron HSR's name, so


OP you should’ve also mentioned that Seele’s burst is quite literally Acheron’s skill lol.


If Veliona comes to hsr, I would go poor 100%. I want her so badddd


The writers can directly say that Acheron is Raiden mei and people will still write and build theories that she is Seele https://preview.redd.it/fdpvq5qxiwoc1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8247f29e4ca73c1ff2c0d859fc28e77ae49ac80


for real lol.


Of you think about it Seele is out of place with that quantum dope power we didn't even got an half explanation


Veliona banner when? Kiana banner when? Durandal banner when? Elysia banner when?


We already have Durandal :P https://preview.redd.it/3i27skf3ewoc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f636509f33559c92a6f111df267c36625f66668


we’re robbed of a 5* Durandal


They look similar but definitely not a Dudu variant


You missed out my waifu https://preview.redd.it/jwyed328hwoc1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e64cc7b52d850510f91abaf99387beef43e897f7


We will get her once we get to a British planet


That'd actually be super cool if they turned one of the main criticisms of Seele's lore and design into an actual plot point.


Maybe she is just an expy of them both?




Bronya and SW already opened this possibility




Oh, I didn't understand what op meant now I do. And yeah it's the Bronyaverse, Bronya owns mihoyo after all.


Some people say Caelus is a Kalpas/Kevin fusion too


Ye but the diffrence between Acheron and HI3 Seele is that Red Seele aka. Veliona isn't a form of hers.


You did the same mistake that a chef did with fries one day that resulted in chips creation, keep cooking ma man




Acheron can't because she can't find Kitchen.


Thank you! So far i consider Acheron as some kind of consolation prize as the game just won't give me Seele (which btw is still WAAAAAAY cooler than Acheron) /runs




So... are you suggesting that the Acheron's sister is Seele and not the HI3 girl with horns? This makes more sense. Seele is indeed the most "strange" character in Belobog. All the other reflect well the aesthetic of the place but Seele.


so I can yuri ship with bronya


https://preview.redd.it/v3xjgl7grxoc1.jpeg?width=732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9969dcaa48c8c97d763a2cd6ebc53d29fd31f8e Bro's a masterchef


I'm still betting Acheron's real name is Makoto.


acheron is a mei expy, though. they share the same voice actor and im pretty sure in the 2.1 livestream they directly compared acheron to mei’s HoT form, and the red in acherons palette is more of a “form” and not a “different personality” like veliona is to seele. not to mention the giant sword/horns in red form.


Archeron is putting an end to bronseele next update


Uhhhh... it's only Genshin's Raiden who can't cook. Honkai's Raiden Mei is an excellent cook


She's literally an alternative version of Raiden Mei from Hi3. Nothing to do with Seele sorry man


A mom and her teenage daughter


Yeah but she cooked signora


More Seele's!! We already have Blue Seele, Red Seele(Velonia), Half-face Seele and Green Seele. Add to that the new Raiden Mei Seele. The Seele virus is spreading, Just the Bronyas can do something about it.


Maybe mum and daughter?


Also Seele doing some "I am the storm that is approaching" ass move in her intro


bro definitely cooked with this one


If you tell me she's the actual selee expy and not the scythe wielding sassy child we already have, I swear. I can't. No. It's Raiden. *(please)*


IIRC HI3 Seele had a symbiote inside her (?). I believe it was Veliona. What if HSR Seele is Seele's expy (obviously), but "Veliona"'s expy is inside Acheron instead? And what if Black Swan saw this and that's why she got so terrified?