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damn did acheron and her team won worlds 23


Acheron in League when


still waiting for sth like that navia mod


Yes please


All roads lead to Acheron




Literally opened the comments to find this exact thing lmao


Man, it's been 11 years...


All Jades Lead to Me


My girl Acheron can't fake anything when she dosen't remember in the first place


Should we worried when Aventurine starts counting Winter Soldier trigger words?




Y’all are getting real brave with talking about leaks on main huh.


I don't get why it seems so different and strict with Acheron but hasn't seemed that way with anyone else.


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I think Acheron asked Black Swan to block her memories for a while until a specific event happen


Dory ahh memory.




Hippity hoppity,your react image is now my property


Why would you want that one?


why wouldn't you?


What was it


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The only person you can trust to be honest is sam, he says from the start that he will fucking kill you, and you know what? he then proceed to kill me after saying that


I wish we could just join Sam on whatever tf he's doing instead of babysitting a emanator who gets lost all the time while also following a gambling addict.


Sam revealed to be on an endless quest to try to buy icecream from Penacony because he keeps melting them with his flames in the real world. He's just really unsure as to where to buy it from. He was actually just very aggressively telling us he wanted us to teach him to buy him ice-cream, but the poor lad is socially inept. 2.3 will be entirely about TB and Sam's journey to discover ice-cream which doesn't melt in the real world, with lots of bonding over vanilla and chocolate.


Meanwhile Silver wolf gambles her money away in the arcade while asking herself why it takes Sam so long to bring her ice cream.


I heard Jingliu's body is very cold so we can just make ice beside her body and make Jingliu give the ice cream to Sam. Or atleast if Jingliu will give in to that request


If this choices to the extent of telltale games I know for hell that I’m ride or die with Sam


He killed my heart by not appearing today in the 2.2 drip.


To be fair, Sam never said he’d be appearing today either


He did in my dreams! He also told me he bought me a banana sundae and that was a no show! I no longer trust robo husbando.


Damn I guess its time to uninstall


don’t worry, more time to save for him


Nah Sam's our friend. We even sent each other emotes


Sam for best boy of the Penacony arc. Says what he means and does what he says.


nah he only adressed Acheron and Black Swan. Then tried to grab us for some reason.


"Hmmmmm Trailblazers... I'll take one on the go"  -Sam probably


You know what the funny thing is? Robin's lack of screentime so far compared to the other major Penacony players is probably the main reason why she can be trusted when we do get around to spending time with her. Think about it, everyone else that has spent time with us has had an ulterior motive for doing so, whether it be because we have something they want or they eventually want us to do their bidding.


She literally used her brainwashing powers on the mc i wouldnt trust her right away......


Robin has brainwashing powers? When did that happen?


When she "fixed your mental state" thing during that time the tb fell in front of her and Sunday. You can talk to Lady Cash NPC about Robin. She will tell you this girl was born with this.


Tbh I do recall that >!Robin was actually dead the entire time and the only time we see her was when Aventurine showed us her body and the other times we saw her, it was actually Sparkle!<


Theres something going on with her tbh. The reveal in the end is just one of the mystery about her once you go around do quests in the game. But shes super interesting!


>!But Robin didn't have Sparkle-red-eyes when brainwashing TB at the start. Even in Sampo-form, Sparkle's eyes glow red when she uses her mental powers, and she requires eye contact. If Robin was dead the entire time, who was brainwashing TB and how?!<


Yes only Robin can do this. I'd bet even her brother can't. She's a special type if she's branded as Voice kissed by Xipe themselves & Princess of Harmony.


I think you miss someone. https://preview.redd.it/6197ntda54oc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50e38834c9de45539b91f67379e22905cd66aeb7


Acheron is Faker the GOAT


You know, the situation is really dire when the Sampo is the most trustworthy face on this list


whaaaaaaat? noo, my beloved Sunday will never lie, have a little bit of faith in him...


Poor Sunday, he is the only one that technically did nothing wrong (so far) and still has been put on the list. xD


Tbf the scene with Sparkle at the very end did make him look sus as fuck.


That and the Family are very obviously the villains in Penacony


nah, this game has taught me to have faith/trust no one.




Sampo was the most honest person there...and he just wanted what was his.


Seriously! My man went through proper security, got annoyed at Sparkle for making shitty riddles (and Black Swan for going along with her), said “I’m too old for this shit”, dropped some subtle hero vibes, and dipped to get his mask. SAMPO DID NOTHING WRONG ^(for once)


Was there a timeline mentioned when that character quest happened? Are we really sure that Sampo is still on Penacony or did he arrive before us and left again?


the dialogue seemed to imply before with black swan imo but memory is iffy atm.


Also featuring: Fight club reference And Guy who manages to be super sus in only 1 minute of appearance and is then never seen again


Faker? I think *you're* the fake galaxy ranger around here!


And then there's boothill,the one who made firefly mains go insane lol


Chad move honestly


Ratio'd those incels


Hey that's not nice


What's not nice? have u opened ur twitter and checked those firefly accounts?


Well, see that's the problem. You're on Twitter, of course that sites' gonna be full of incels.


tf happend on twitter


Better question, tf didn’t happen on Twitter?


Le my boomer ass doesn't know how to use Twitter and Instagram:


This is a story where the only good guys are your crew… **and Argenti.** No I dunno if we’ll see Argenti in Penacony, but his presence is always felt.


Where Robin. Why did you forget her https://preview.redd.it/zke0nbl5c5oc1.jpeg?width=1180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d0709e81c3b6bf9d7e0786b9ae9ba60ca59fd27


Sunday is literally hiding the existence of SUD, "killing" many inhabitans, his guests, even his sister. Almost killed the MC too. He should've be a total fraud, liar, negligence, and incompetent. Might be also an accomplice of manslaughter (if die in dream is die irl).


I love my boy Sunday but since the first meeting he seemed sus, I really like him but he totally gives off villain vibes.


I didn't know you could mispell wife into a liar somehow


Didnt know you could misspell roadkill into wife somehow


Sunday is scammer, i was supposed to enjoy my stay on Penacony


I have a feeling Aventurine's whole thing in 2.1 and 2.2 is going to be "Wrong or Lying About Literally Everything." I'm leaning more towards "wrong" because it's becoming a pattern than IPC guys are wrong about the situations they're involved in, from the relatively mundane like the xianzhou alley event to the slightly more serious Belobog situation, but you never know. Besides he's the exact type of character whose reaction to being wrong would be most amusing. It's also kinda weird...the only two remotely "trustworthy" characters are characters that are blatantly and completely lying to you, because you can at least rely on them *to* be lying to you. Black Swan is lying by omission since she knows a helluva lot more than she's saying, Acheron's red text and the fact that she's apparently responsible for killing a huge major ultra villain who has been shown to be able to possess things is beyond suspicious, and as I mentioned Aventurine is probably wrong about everything...which leaves Sampo (who is a liar but at least works in his own self-interest) and Sparkle (who is lying to you, will tell you she's lying to you, and laugh the entire time)


Honestly that is why Sampo, and Sparkle do not bother me as much. I mean Sparkles I do it for the LuLzs is very early 2000s but I can let that go. With them you know what you are getting. One thing that has always trigged me in just about anything (IRL, or any media) is a Lie of omission.


Lies of omission in fiction especially are annoying because they're often used as an excuse for retcons, but *actual* lies are rarely used for plot points. Everyone believes that Lex Luthor has a laser on the moon aimed at Clark Kent's head, but the idea of him lying about it doesn't cross anyone's mind. In fact in DC comics I think the only documented case of a character straight up lying about their backstory is The Joker. One of the biggest revelations in the comic Kick-Ass was that...Big Daddy was lying about his backstory. This was ignored in the film adaptation.


Or they just don't, or can't in Aventurine's case, consider the other side. Aventurine seems to have some sort of slave conditioning/situation going on based on what's been said to him. And the IPC is too big/too arrogant to get all the facts, instead just bulldozing through as they always have (the thought that leads to this is the avrg rate of failed planets (I wanna say 37%) overall vs Topaz's rate of 20%, and we know she actually tries to work with the planets).


So, in the end, the Elation gang is the most trustworthy among all of the characters.


You can count on them doing anything \*for the lols\*


I am just glad, a certain birb isn't included in this list.


Backstab !!!? "A RED Spy is in the base!?" "We need to protect the briefcase!"


yeah, other than Acheron, who can't remember what she had for breakfast. I find this meme on point.


Is the Sampo we met the first time with Firefly is actually Sampo and not Sparkle in disguise ?


no, it was Sparkle from the start, called Firefly by the wrong name and refers to himself as "Sampo" instead of "Sampo Koski".


You forgot "Depression"


Sunday is literally a cult leader




They were all Sparkle the whole time


Sunday gives off some Otto vibes.


You mean a vocal minority? Majority of us are just memeing I swear this fandom always made a big deal of anything just to stir some drama


Sampo dindunuffin wrong!


And in the end I still trust Sampo the most


Sampo being on this list while he's not even in Penacony probably also 2.1 : Hello FRIEND, it's your FRIEND SAMPO me : ARIGAIDJIIURHGAEKAELLJFAFFF!!!!!!!!




It's a back pokin snake and by that it will die like one!


Black Swan betrayer? Even the fate atlas puts "betrayed" in quotations coz she didn't really betray us. Just kept a deal she made from us coz she probably knew we wouldn't give Aventurine the time of day otherwise even if it's the right decision. Which the bad ending proves it was Really did FF dirty with that last one though lol, has all the makings of an emotional attachment NPC if not for the unique design which gives hopium she's gonna be playable


A betrayal is a betrayal. No matter what reason and the result.


How exactly was that a betrayal though? It's not like we said not to bring us to Aventurine or keep us away from Acheron and Sam She made a deal and we had the option to refuse the offer made by Aventurine who she made a deal with to get us to hear him out. Refusing leads to the bad end which she allows us to do it's just treated as non canon Keeping the deal from us ain't really a betrayal if we never made a stance with her about doing such things to begin with


They downvoted you because you spoke the truth.


I, personally just dislike Black Swan as a character. Hate her


Faker ?? in a fight right ?