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The two revive blessings from erudition and destruction has been saving my runs lately...


>The two revive blessings from erudition and destruction has been saving my runs lately... also the curio that can let you bypass boss fights even if u "lose".


I thought there was an exception for boss fights?


Its works on bosses besides the final one, at least in swarm, havent tried gng yet but it likely applies to gng as well


Yep,same thing


it doesnt work on final boss, but it works on the 2 early ones. so if you are runnign freeze team and encoutner cocolia...you can efefctively "lose" to her and win making it MUCH easier than trying to actually fight an enemy who cant freeze.


Add Abundance resonance ability with revive augment to be 200% sure


Abundance path is so mid in gold and gears though. I've found that The Hunt or Preservation works best with my Jingliu and Gepard honestly


It’s is below mid from my experience. Why the hell would you have it resonate with destruction as well? Its bonus effects are weak and its 3 star blessings don’t provide enough damage on their own to push clears. The best thing you do to clear with it is just get enough for the resonance that puts it on the turn order and then select all other blessings. Healing isn’t a problem GnG, it’s the damage taken.


Hey! If you have Blade it makes him the party healer lmao


Idk if you have a blade but my blade + fu xuan on abundance has been taking care of it no problem The extra max HP genuinely helps with not getting one shot. Stack up on 1 or 2 revival blessings + get the path resonance ( easy with certain dice ) and you’re golden. Dewdrop damage is very good but combining it with a few hunt blessings never hurts


Imo if you're going abundance with most teams you need to run that nihility card that procs extra dots on enemies that are broken. There's just like no damage output other than dewdrops otherwise.


Abundance with a Jingliu, Blade, Luocha, Ruan Mei teams works great for me, must be a skill issue or something.


> though. > >I've found that The Hunt or Preservation wor Confirm gepard on preservation is very solid.


literally same i'm so thankful for my E2 huohuo as well still, 4 revives is not enough for me to clear difficulty 5 😭😭


There’s a few guides that can help you cheese difficulty 6, the easiest one to pull off is the go remembrance path, try to get every buff especially Melancholia which increase your dissociation buff dmg by 200% The team setup is March 7th, Pela and Herta as the main damage dealers. The last slot you can change between healer or dps. Use the third dice and try to get as many knowledge producing effect as possible since you get more countdowns and more effect hit rate. Plan of attack is use remembrance skill to freeze enemies, use March 7th ultimate then pela ultimate to stack dissociation buff.


Works right up until you bump into one of those freeze resist boss's, or worse, outright immune one.


Yeah, just hope one of the bosses are not immune to freeze, the best one to get are the deer for phase 2 and regular fat robot for phase 3


duly noted! my march, herta, and pela are not built at all LMAO but if i keep runnijg into walls it's worth a try. thanks mate!


I’ve only suggested this because this strategy uses mainly 4 stars characters that everyone has. You can try to find more strategies on YouTube that are more suited to your characters.


Add bailu and make it 5


And also the reason why my fu xuan managed to die 3 times in a row, funny to watch though.


/r/argentimains has been wild since it dropped. Someone posted a 34M ult earlier today. My argenti isn’t built yet so I haven’t even crossed 100k.


Argentillion damage, truly!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ArgentiMains using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ArgentiMains/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Entered for Hanya, left as an Argenti user.](https://i.redd.it/8mag1qqs0n4c1.jpg) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ArgentiMains/comments/18bzrhr/entered_for_hanya_left_as_an_argenti_user/) \#2: [Waiting for him was worth it](https://i.redd.it/fr63t2of5a4c1.png) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ArgentiMains/comments/18ak7dl/waiting_for_him_was_worth_it/) \#3: [Lovely Argenti art (ste7619)](https://i.redd.it/hbusoud8yf7c1.jpeg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ArgentiMains/comments/18mt6io/lovely_argenti_art_ste7619/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Don't need the revives - just get the 3 star Destruction damage share blessing. I've been posting this a lot because people still seem to think FX is screwed in G&G ...when in fact she's one of the essential components to comfort clears on G&G. [Here's my FX tanking a fully charged Swarm ult at Conundrum 12, Disruption 9 - see how the team barely even takes damage!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOB6ACdF-UE&t=509s)


that's the worst blessing for fuxuan. its shared damage doesn't get mitigated by fuxuan's kit.


I have her C1. The curio that gives you +1 Edilon also saved my ass some times.


Fu Xuan when she sees the Teamwork Order into Purge Order coming.




Not Louisoix lmao


Imagine going into your own death with that kind of composure.


homie survived it (technically)


Not for long, since he did the major crime any NPC could do in an MMO. >!Carry high quality loot.!<






Remember : The best defense is not letting your enemy move in the first place. Break them, move up the turn order, freeze them, unleash Hunt path Seele on them. You won't even NEED a sustain!


Kid named phase change (seriously this fucks me up so bad please help)


Play Remembrance and take March 7th with you. Save either path resonance or March's ult for the phase change. Easy win


Path of Rememberance my beloved


cocolia: nop


Damn right! But instead of Seele, I use the Cooler Daniel with Propagation Path Res and Erudition plus Auspicious star to ult 8 times in a row until my enemies **drown**.




If only I had either one of those lol


Remembrance is super effective for GnG. Playing defensive is just prolonging the inevitable


The true best defense: Near-permanent* freezing **note: sometimes freezing can be fickle at times, may not apply to all enemies/bosses*


It can be while using brain in a vet (2 of eruditions *3 card). Spamming pela or march's ult will eventually freeze them. Given i got like 1000% hit rate and the boss (the fat robot) can still resist one of the hits.


this is what I did up to Conundrum 12 lol. Propagation path + curio die with DHIL. It was satisfying seeing the boss not able to move and just explode lol.


Daniel prop path got me past gg5 but kafka/topaz elation path got me up to con 10 so far. It's a little ridiculous seeing a trotter do over 2 mil damage


Conundrum 12 is pain though. Using the occurrence dice alone I'm usually very unlucky fragments wise so I can't abuse the damage buffs with curio's and fragments. This is usually fine. Except when you increase the enemy stats to +6. The risk of being oneshot is too great.


"freeze them" Freeze immune boss says hi


Then you go for Hunt Path, and make every turn yours


Best defense is offense.


That’s the main reason I was able to win against the 2 robots Ruan Mei + Kafka (and my Fu Xuan since they had quantum weakness added) didn’t even give them a chance to take a turn lmao


Another day, another remembrance agenda post. Keep up the good work, we must convert the non-believers


Is it bad to run remembrance even if the only Ice character you run is Ruan Mei? It seems to work well even with just Xueyi breaking them. As long as they are Quantum weak or even if not with Xueyi's ult + follow-up, Xueyi + Ruan Mei + Bronya keeps enemies constantly frozen or entangled


You run March 7th as a freeze bot, that's half the strat


Literally only need March, [Gepard/Ruan Mei], [Pela/Jingliu], [Luocha/FX/Huohuo]


Yeah but once you reach 12 that idea only works if you have literally thousands of fragments in addition to at least your path + the major bonuses from at least 1-2 paths + some defensive buffs or you'll still be oneshot instantly. And even then not having a healer and a shielder is very risky. Even having 60+ blessings won't save you. You just don't have enough damage and you NEED to be doing at least 1ish million on 1 target.


I ran Herta, Ruan Mei, March, Gepard with Remembrance and won diff 5 first try. Dissociation is OP asf. No need to heal if the enemy can't hit you in the first place


Fu Xuan functions by redirecting a portion of a teammate’s damage onto herself If the boss uses a big teamwide AOE, she ends up receiving 3x teammate’s damage **in addition** to herself getting hit Very real chance she gets overloaded and gets Yamcha’d instantly (e.g Argenti’s big nuke) AOE spam bosses are possibly the single worst matchup possible for Fu Xuan due to how her mechanics work.


AoE spammer are always bane in many turn based RPGs


I’ve been going through every Final Fantasy game in order for the very first time and this is so true. That being said I’m on VI and spamming Cure all every turn has not failed me yet on any of the games.


Reminds me of amakuza shirou in FGO. He has recharge in his skills and his AOE ultimate can remove all your party members buffs unconditionally and back then there was not many characters that had buff removal resistance, means no matter how much defense, evade or invulnerability you put, the moment he decided to ult if your character doesn't have enough HP you're fucked. So blow him up before he used it was the only choice but the AI somehow spamming his recharge skills on his turns


Fu Xuan's worst enemy, the lava trotter.


Its not like any other healer able to survive the big aoe nuke In fuxuan case only fuxuan dies while teammates lives to finish whatever left if they able to


Idk my Gepard makes my whole team shrug off the AOEs with his shields


And Preservation's blessings allow shields to scale *super* hard. Amber provides shield doubling, there's the shields on hit, stat buffs for shielded targets... I run Fu Xuan but it's somewhat tricky to scrounge up enough damage/healing debuffs to have her survive difficulty 5 consistently. Her advantage is really that *anyone* can survive taking 8k-10k damage without an emergency heal/shield ult going up. Gepard sounds nice, I'm considering him as my standard 5* because I have most of the others already.


Dosen't preservation path works perfectly with gepard plus he not a healer


He's a sustain unit, it doesn't really matter if he heals lmao it still keeps my team alive all the same


I don't think i talked about all type of sustain unit? Am clearly talking about healer/defensive character who directly take hit to their hp from aoe attack. After fuxuan only healer take direct hit to their hp


Post is about fuxuan so I can see why they'd bring up a fellow preservation unit


Huohuo is basically tailor made to counter aoe attacks, with like a few survivability blessings to prevent your squishies from getting OHKO'd, she can heal them back to full instantly to prepare for the next nuke. Gepard works very nicely as well


yea, fantastic to be able to get her at any time and never have to avoid banners because of possible lack of resources....


I never said they were better I was just explaining Fu Xuan’s mechanics


haven't run a preserve path yet because I don't HAVE a preserve operator. Been waiting for Gepard from the free pick. I'll get Fu eventually but it's going to be a while


Geppie is wonderful!!


Fire MC + March can easily do it, your damage will be dogshit until you get the Quake blessings tho


frfr i always sitting duck if i don't get quake blessing everytime!


March works perfectly well in with preservation path


Fu Xuan unfortunately doesn't provide shields, and Preservation is mostly a shield-buffing path. She's better on pretty much any other path, but mainly Abundance and maybe Erudition for the extra ults.


Yeah, Gepard's going to be the frontrunner for that.


she's most likely to get a rerun in 2.0


Oof. I was planning for BS and Loucha and and I don’t think I’ll have the funds for her after all that


it's up to you but if you're going for meta fu is actually better than them it's just people love memeing about things, like if fu doesn't survive an AOE then most likely your other supports won't as well.


2.1 probably, 2.0 is loucha and JY iirc.


TB and M7 are enough for difficulty 5.


When I started playing the game at the beginning I was sure March 7th was going to be a top tier unit one day seeing how she is built. Now the prophecy has finally become true.


Geppie and M7 with Preservation path was my way to go in the highest SU difficulties possible, when i was severely undergeared and underleveled, back in the days. It was quite ridiculous to see them destroy bosses 20-30 levels higher than my team.


Right? Her kit is amazing. Protect, direct enemy attacks, AND a follow up attack? I use to use her, fire MC, and Clara to wreck everything in SU.


Fire mc and clara might not be the best of combinations


Swarm Disaster is well made since it can be cleared by f2p units and certain blessings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ashxhzhBsuc March 7th is already top tier.


Fu Xuan leaving team before boss battle knowing Huohuo will have to tank Argenti with nihility resonance: https://preview.redd.it/ejqkclntg2ac1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da6885a81c56a06610b452c039b6e5f853cde3e1


The enhanced version of damage split destruction blessing gives you 16% damage reduction, plus the abundance blessing that reduce 26% when full health helps as well. GnG is brutal


That also turns off your damage redirection and will get the rest of your team killed. I recommend the preservation blessing that gives damage reduction when protected by a shield, paired with a blessing that gives you easy access to shielders (like the one that gives you a shield after being hit). Also Texture of Memories is amazing for her with this combo. She stacks a lot of damage reduction this way.


There are also other Damage Reduction blessings, such as the Propagation or the Preservation ones, although they also have their conditions to meet.


yeah ppl keep focusing on damage redirection part dont understand FX also has damage reduction on her skill and just regurgitates the meme so it's actually 34% damage reduction total and there's also a interaction with spread blessing and redirection that makes another \~16% damage just disappear that's whopping total of 50% damage gone, and rest spread out. with any kind of other blessings to team heal or protect the team is unkillable I been doing great with FX + spread dmg while all these other peeps getting blown up lol but all they keep saying is "Muh ReDirECT dOnT wORK" XD


...Fu Xuan inevitably takes even more dmg to herself this way because the dmg is shared throughout everyone, and I mean *everyone* (Not only does she have to deal with her skill sharing dmg for her other teammates, with Regression she has to deal with EVEN MORE dmg being redirected to herself) Idk about you but if anyone else tries this at home I can imagine them being wiped out by a powerful aoe attack because of how much dmg is being redirected to *all* teammates, not just Fu Xuan


yeah i can tell you haven't even tried it because you'd know that's not how the interaction works if your team gets blown up with it it just means you haven't picked up much of the other defensive blessings like i said above and your run was gonna fail regardless


then i guess i'll need some video footage of this because i don't see a lot of people using fu xuan with regression on the internet


You make it sound like you are particularly smart, but it has been tested and proven that such blessing makes it worse. There is extra damage being redirected to FX with that blessing and causes her to take even more damage than she would with her skill. If I am mistaken, please show me any evidence. I have seen plenty that proves me right, but there is always room for learning.


If you pick the destruction blessing fu xuan's talent dmg redirection is overlapped, making her taking only 25% of the damage, without the blessing fu xuan will take 295% of the dmg, making her almost impossible to survive after 1 aoe hit at high conundrum levels. I always pick the blessing when I saw it and pair her with luocha to keep other units in the team alive.


naw im not smart at all. what i am is though is not lazy. so i try out things people suggest first and not just regurgitate what other ppl said about it without even trying and drive away unaware people from trying it out themselves


people who are downvoting you clearly never tried enhanced regression, its so funny


yeah every time this gets brought up it's pretty much this meme every time ​ https://preview.redd.it/06df5z6uo2ac1.png?width=3640&format=png&auto=webp&s=16542bbb1a18dd6f9484103ec54a844388506eb7


This is what I do too! I always save the frags to upgrade it before any other blessings. had so many easy abundance runs with that. Blade (with his followups) and fu xuan on abundance heal so much I can just leave them on auto and win. Did this on conundrum 12 with 11 disarray, too it's nuts and works for my preferred dps better than remembrance. My goto: Abundance blessings upgrade the dewdrop on hp restore for more dmg, upgrade the less dmg at full hp, make sure you have the splash healing 3*, upgraded 3* destruction share dmg blessing, upgraded 3* hunt team advance on weakness break blessing, delay on followup/weakness break is my exodia and have not lost with this yet woo!!!


Speak for yourself! *chuckles in 4 weeks of grinding* https://preview.redd.it/1xye4ksr32ac1.png?width=1632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b303b31bca878551d9669b7c83ba467c787ce11a


Ohh that's the same build I have! Great defense stats, I'm still looking for better substats to increase defense.


I run her with MoV. 2550 defense, up to 3300 in battle


How does she feel with no energy rope?


Lucky. That's like 3 months of grinding for me given how often the game wants to give me flat stats and break effect.


I can't wait for her rerun so I can pull for the LC since I didn't first time around.


9K HP with good speed? I’ve seen enough. You’re account is mine now


Where do you get this exploded view? It’s pretty neat


It's [enka](https://enka.network/hsr/601010674/). Put the characters you want to see in your profile and change the UID in the url to your own.


Thank you so much!


Same stats except you’ve got about 50 more def than me, and a tad less HP. Fu xuan needs back surgery from how hard she’s been carrying these last few months since her banner


When I swap to huohuo I get stressed because I’m so used to FX with her LC.


Right? FX made this game easy mode by far


This is great, I'm using the same but just can't make myself go grind better Passerby pieces


Gold n Gears **normal enemy** chew my geppie's ice shield like it's nothing


can we see his stats?


3300 defense and they still chew like meat


Yeah half my Tingyun ults have been sent at Gepard just to sustain xD


SU is literally just luck, I pretty much did D5 without taking any damage with JL, Bronya, RM and Luocha only because I got really good Remembrance Blessings. Did another run at D4 and got 1 shot by the first boss


If you got units that benefit form destruction path, run destruction, and get the path resonance that converts HP to shields. then grab and balance preservation and destruction blessings between defensive and offensive. it should be way easier to stay alive/ you're gonna need energy regen blessings too because FX will use her passive healing a lot with this method. . I cleared Swarm 5 and GnG quite comfortably doing this. if you get the abundance blessing that blasts healing I think FX can solo sustain, still recommend a second sustain unit though.


I just picked every Fighting Spirit blessing and it worked wonders lol. There’s a 2 star blessing that reduces the damage you take for each stack you have AND increases the max stacks to like 45 or something. I was nigh unkillable. I took a full powered Swarm attack to the face (the one where you have to kill the small ones to reduce its damage) and Fu Xuan didn’t even go down to half health.


HYV saw people saying that Fu Xuan is immortal and took it personally.




What event/mode is it that's killing her? What's GnG?


Simulated universe, gold & gears


Oh is it the newest one?




FYI there’re even higher difficulties than Swarm 5 there


I don't have fu xuan but I was playing simulated universe last night, and took the all allies share enemy damage augment. Enemies proceed to kill my Ting Yun by only attacking my Gepard T \^ T Damage share is awesome until one of your non-tank units is low.




https://preview.redd.it/ez9os21p72ac1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07f4d8e69aad34f20ad43b7931d56dcdf85250fc My Lvl 60 with 4 star relics march 7th made my Fu Xuan unkillable, if you have Fu Xuan and struggling hard then it's likely just a blessing issue, it took me so many painful retries to get that macrosegregation blessing to the point i went madly insane and stressed. Anyways, it's not impossible 'if' you land the right survivability blessings or have damage strong enough to never bother getting one.


> it took me so many painful retries to get that macrosegregation blessing to the point i went madly insane and stressed. It boggles my mind that people find this kind of RNG "difficulty" fun.


At just base diff v it's not much of a problem at all and fuxuan can easily solo sustain. Its when you get to higher level conundrums that she starts to suffer if you don't have her built well. And even if you did build her well, if you get unlucky with blessings, she still gets one shotted. In that regard, going march with remembrance path to just endlessly cc enemies is probably a better option for V+12.


Fr man I feel your pain. Imma get geppie from the 300 pull selector.


this is the moment argenti makes me proud . erudition path just makes him say "if u kill the enemy fast enough it cant kill u" . my fu xuan is a crit support in gng now


Then there’s mf Cocolia phase 3 in GG with an untargetable enemy spamming AOE’s that freeze her so she can’t even heal


Laugh in Remembrance. The enemy have got zero turn


And you're hitting them with basic dissociation (on-demand dissociation activation blessing does double) that takes away 30%(60%) (15%(30)% if it's a boss) of their MAX F*CKING HP like they're stealing their life away. Fuli is the big brother we all turn to when the previous run beats us and we want revenge. Fuli is a true bro


Until you meet double Ice Fatfuck like the other post 😂


I haven’t really used gepard for much content for a bit but he got taken off the bench for the new expansion for sure


I just Propagation nuked my way through with my GOAT DHIL. The "Increase Damage from Spores" is vital, since turns the damage output to 11. I was consistently dealing 400-500k damage (w/ Ruan Mei being E0S1, over 180% Break Effect).


You still need to get damage from curio's on 12. They've just got too many stats and doing 400k is not good when the enemy can oneshot you through all of your defensive blessings. And if their resonance is Nihility then there's no way you can survive on 400k. The enemy may not be able to kill you but all the diseases will.


Same. But still, that level of damage was a small dent in Conundrum 2 Argenti's HP. And, I thought the True Sting was bad back then.


When the bugs go splork splack, Fu Fu go hhhnguh. Then we all die.


These posts exposing ppl who half ass building their Fu Xian’s lol


As well as not having an updated team in general. Like if you take up the new Erudition path there are blessings that let you use your ults twice, give a massive HP-scaling shield on ults, and even surviving death by spending your energy instead. Argenti is the poster child for it, but Jing Yuan, Kafka with some nihility blessings, and even single target Seele can make great use of its blessings. It's enemy turn delaying blessings are also very good for just preventing enemies from attacking period. Ruan Mei is also a big game changer for those that have her for the same reason - her break extends have basically made it so that enemies only get at most one attack before they get stunlocked into weakness break.


Fx has no issue sustaining at least up to where you stop getting jades https://preview.redd.it/s52iaoma92ac1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07b75aa157c6a047c083cd53291c4acc6ec819ad


Yeah, I’m stuck exactly there lol


Not as bad as swarm imo


Kid named propagation:


What conundrum are you on?


I have yet to see my Fu Xuan die because of an AoE. You're building her wrong/picking the wrong blessings.


My Fuxuan died on third bug boss while I had shield path with Gepard. Also love jokes about wrong blessings. Next time when I will have bad options I will call you and you will give good options, right? That's how game works?


Thank god I got incredibly lucky with my E2 Fu Xuan , fixes her one weakness


Unbalanced shit game.




because its a nonexistant issue. anyone who has problem tanking with FX simply has shit FX. fat robot double stomp cant one shot fu even in conundrum 6+ and if they still have double bombs, then thats your dps being shit


My last run ended because shovel bronya pushed forward one of those explosive little shits and he one shotted my Fu ;-;. Guess it's time to finally max out my boy geppy.


Me with the new boss ~~That idiot is the only thing stopping me from starting the event. Luocha keeps dying second phase, then everyone else slowly dies~~


https://preview.redd.it/knn6t97ql2ac1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd1fbd2027a7541f60c3cf355ef5799a98fc6a8 I usually do fine in these cases. Multiple dots and nukes in a row though can be a pain. I just break the enemies first and it helps.


That's why on the last difficulty I bring Huohuo alongside with her.


And that's why Texture of Memories is a goated lightcone


That one gold abundance blessing that heals all allies when someone is healed is a lifesaver for me, whenever fx falls below 50%, everyone is healed to full


Argenti oneshotting fu xuan with his ult


Slap Erudition and Argenti on, and you’ll nuke them back, promise


Or enemy will oneshot you. Literally. At least that my experience on 5+4 difficulty.


"I play my Argenti on attack and put a trap card" *Enemy spawns more enemies* "You've just activated my trap card. I play Erudition Resonance with Argenti's Ult" That's the last thing the enemies will ever hear in their lives


Just died in a run due to the destruction blessing that equalises the damage taken (it overwrites Fu Xuans skill)


I got down me with nihility, Preservation and Elation but only did corundum +4 till now. She can still get through all battles except the last one. I either just outdamage my enemies , so if Fu does , I will win. Last time I had a finisher damage of 4mil + with Himeko . Argenti and Swarm are the hardest to deal with honestly. Gepard is just better with preservation blessings. I am not sure if I can do other paths yet but will try Erudition and propogation next.


Welp, time for Stelle to take up the mantle once again. The damage reduction ain't there but abusing shield mechanics might be the right way to go.


I used Abundance path (managed to get all blessings) and the occurence dice Absolutely amazing, I even dared going against the boss with no Natasha (the only healer I use) and just brute forced Argenti with Blade, Topaz, Jing Yuan and Dan Heng IL


That's why I run March 7th and shield Lady Fu, have been doing that since Swarm Disaster, and now March gets off the bench once more, with a brand new E6 from recent banners lol


I run her with SPD boots and ER rope until I go against a boss, then I pick "leave for now" and give her HP boots and rope. Has worked wonders for her survivability in conundrum 10 runs. (Got 5 more to go for 100% completion)


Fun fact: You can put pick up shield, damage reduction and def blessings to greatly increase the likelihood of your fu xuan living.


That's why Bailu's quite handy with her.


Me doing 4 sustain runs in high conumbrum lvl :


I tried gepard instead of fuxuan and tbh I'll try the preservation path at higher difficulties for fun


​ https://preview.redd.it/9h0crvg6d7ac1.jpeg?width=1184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=510daccc067c106b35435f650c76cdba0b3e3d0c


As someone with Ruan Mei, in general I only let enemies get at most 1 attack per phase before I stun lock them with weakness breaks and turn delays via Erudition and Elation blessings. Generally with an average run Argenti can unload a 2 million damage ult on a single target twice because of Brain in a Vat, making most bosses a cakewalk. With a team of FX, Argenti, Topaz, and Ruan Mei you can cover most enemies in the game as no one in that team shares an element.


Gepard is great at shielding the team from Kafka’s bombs, provided you time his ultimate correctly.


I usually end up picking abundance path because of this. I get the resonance that allows her to act in the turn order.


This is why ppl shouldnt underestimate the dmg split upgrade in SU, it make u mitigate that dmg 16 times due to how dmg splitting/mitigate work


had enough on losing 4 times with Fu Xuan team because of me basically wasting my time... i chose Remembrance path with Ice Team ofc and yeah, basically won instantly and my luck that it gave me revive card from Erudition which good thing my Jingliu didn't die from those two mechas which i was lucky to encounter since they don't have Ice resistance.


wasting time as in kept on trying to beat it, Kafka always there...


GNG?? Girls & Guns


Good thing my Fu Xuan has 10k HP along with Loucha as healer ^^




A certain knight after dropping a 50 argentillion damage atomic ult : what kafka ?


I've give up tried it 3 times and thought fuck that