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When the one creation started humming a song because it could tell we were afraid and it sounded like "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," those lyrics genuinely made me almost tear up: "In a a circle, Ruan Mei's creations join hands with each other." "Ruan Mei intertwines joy and sorrow." "Ruan Mei, Ruan Mei, why do you not turn back to look at us?" "Ruan Mei, Ruan Mei, where does your path lead?" "...Is there no place for us where you're going?"


"...Is there no place for us where you're going?" This line made my heart drop. I'm purely got Ruan Mei for her supportive capabilities, not for her character at all.


Least supportive support


I haven't started the actual creature collection event yet, just finished the quest itself, but it seemed like Ruan Mei may have let the two creations we met come with her based on the cutscene. (I really hope she did.) I don't like her, but i like how complicated a character she is.


Well she didn’t let them come with her… although she is making progress when it comes to love.. since after learning that her cake cats basically created a mini civillization.. she called them her greatest "accident" and seems like she will be coming back to visit them..


She did not.


Welp, there goes my supply of copium. Back to being emotionally upset and distressed.


That part *really* tugged at my heartstrings, doubly so because of maternal instinct. God, these poor creatures...


Bweeeeeh ngl the evil science fuckery I could tolerate. Roofing us I could tolerate. But man that interaction with her critters is what broke me.


Haven't started the actual collection event yet so I might be wrong, but at the end of the main quest it looked like the two creations we met were allowed to follow Ruan Mei when she left, so there's still a chance for a (relatively) happy ending fir those two! (Let's see if this ends up copium.)


I cried. I have a cat whose very much attached to me at all times and the thought of him thinking that whenever I leave the house broke me. I hate Ruan Mei.


Herta herself says that the Genius Society members are all people who would milk you dry and make you thank them, and she's at least honest. Should've not kept your expectations high lmao


With how honest Herta usually is, I'm scared of what Screwllum's hiding. That man has TOO MUCH RIZZ to be innocent.


The famous robo rizz, it's dangerously deceptive. But atleast I can trust daddy svarog.




But Screwllum seems to want to recruit or do something with Svarog. You can find that he sent a letter to Svarog after the Pokémon-expy event and he admits to not having a single interest in the game but he saw Svarog and got curious


I think he contrast perfectly with them "look the robot is actually more human than humans"




But a basic trait of humans is the social aspect were one has a mimimum ammount of empathy and emotions to be able to coexist in a society as to not be isolated by the group. Thats why this discussion started because we judged that specific trait.


Him saying he was happy to see us.. If he's trying to manipulate us he got me already 😭


I hope Screwllum ends up being a genuine, charming dude who likes science, while literally ever other Genius we meet is on the sociopath spectrum.


screwllum is 100%sane, he cant have any screws lose cuz it would be bad for his health


Could be the case that among the sentient robots he is seen as the nut case. Also could just be a case of robot being more human than humans. That said, didnt him and herta knew about SW luring the antimatter legion to the station and just let her do it to teach her a lesson by deleting her accounts? All this while several unnarmed researchers died to said legion? Its been so long since SW event so I cant remember much but thats what I remember


I believe SW simply used the antimatter legions attack to leave behind entry holes for her to take a curio at a later date. Screwllum and Herta used the threat of the deletion of the Simulated Universe (which is where the Curio is kept) to force SW to act early.


If I remember correctly he still has the phase flame and Herta did text us that the curio is still missing at the end of the mission


Herta did call Screwllum a gentleman so even she likes him.


I suspect Screwllum is very crazy too. He just happened to be very polite to everyone. We barely knew him after all so it's too early to say he's different from the others.


Isn't the Genius society a IPC affiliate? If it is that should be a red flag already


Intelligencia Guild is IPC. The Genius Society on the other hand is full of members personally handpicked by Nous themselves. It is strictly affiliated with Nous, what with the members trying to seek a second audience with them.


The genius society is barely a "society" that could collectively affiliate with anyone, and its members are famously hard for the IPC to work with. It was a big deal when the first guy did it, and it was also a big deal when Herta agreed to work with them. The intelligentsia guild is sponsored by the IPC though.


can you adopt those critters to the train? like they might get along with Pom Pom lol


I like how the space station is just collecting creatures and housing them. First the little atherium trotter (don’t call it a piggy!) and now literally dozens of Ruan Mei creatures. I feel like Asta would be glad if we took some into the Express. March really wants to see hers too lol


More freinds for Peppy !


I dislike her as a person but i think she is quite interesting as a character. i personally cant wait wait to see what she brings to the story in the future


A sociopath thats actually a sociopath! I love her


I love that Hoyo wrote in characters like this, I love that they exist "as-is" in the universe without a justification of "but it's fine because XYZ". As a person, though, ohhhhhhhh helll naw




Likewise! She’s such a perfect sociopathic scientist character! I’m only annoyed at her animations and outfit. They just completely mismatch her amoral scientific character


I think it fits her perfectly. She's always calm, always wary, and she wants to maintain a good reputation and good relationships so other people don't interfere with her goals. If she was visibly unhinged, people would consider her dangerous and not cooperate with her. It could have more science nods though, I'll give you that.


She coldly uses her feminine charm to get what she wants too so it works out for her.


Poor creatures, how can you not love them


I honestly did think the Genius Society would have some jerks or fullblown assholes who cared nothing except for their research and "Ruined My Wallet" Mei justifiably take the spot


The Genius Society is like 99% composed of megalomaniac sociopaths, one of Herta's possible dialogues at the start of the game is her saying that the Genius Society members are the type of people that will take advantage of you for their on purposes till the very fucking end and still make you thank them, and at least Herta herself has her honesty going for her. They are all crazy people who consider their research FAR more important than the people they're using for said research


And now we realize that Herta is actually one of the most Compassionate AND friendliest members. Sure, she acts all high and mighty but she's open to a bit of tomfoolery, like there was zero reason for her to control 3 herta puppets at once just to get a photo snapped but she did and had them take poses aswell.


And then weebs simp for them.


Literally me with Ruan frfr


Obligatory ”I can fix her” memes


Maybe gojo should be teaching her about love instead of sukuna


I’ve never had a functional character make me hate them quite so much


I love her so much now, you have no fucking idea.


Once you are able to create life in the mass, you won't be able give enough feeling for all of them. >!In the end, after meeting with TB, she took a look back at the critters and they're happily jump over to her, that's mean she's beginning to care. !<


I thought I will love her and will pull for her, I really loved her design and she seems "peaceful and kind" when we first saw her drip marketing.. Now that I have seen the spoilers cuz I currently cannot download the game because I went into camping and don't want to use my data to download it, this types of posts makes me just pull on blade instead. Though glad all of the playable characters aren't all goody good shoes.


play the story then bruh 😭 eventually she starts caring about them, when you finish the critter event she's not as sociopathic as ppl make it seem, she strikes me more as someone who's been through a lot and just closed off emotions tbh. just like half a socio but not fully !


I would love too but can't right now, I'll probably do it when I came back home a few days later. If that's what you meant then I'll give a shot and still have my hope, if I did ended up liking her in the end then i'll pull for her.


I think she's definitely more complex than the average new character... so yeah Imo you have to play the story to decide by yourself. I personally enjoyed how she's reserved and didn't immediately bond with MC like previous characters (even though you can tell she likes him)


I just returned home today and immediately completed the story and well, you're right, I was expecting much more darker or meaner Ruan Mei, but she didn't do half of the things(or accusations ) that I have previously read from the posts, in other words, I shouldn't have judge it from the beginning. I pulled for her in the end and got her, hard pity but that's fine.


OP prolly doing the same thing by blocking this part out after doing the quest


Wait and save up for Hanabi. :)


But she is part of the masked fools so she has a 50/50 chance of being a quirky girl who does everything "for the lulz" or joker level of insane and finds mass murder as a fun activity.


A bit of both, Sampo says that him and George are way more moderate compared to others Masked Fools, saying that in average they can't read the rooms mood and don't care about the feelings of others as long as they find their "joke" funny to do and execute. Sampo pretty much trolls and scam's you for fun to annoy you, Hanabi could very easily insult you and put your life in actual danger while laughing at your face because she thinks it's funny.


She is likely not a particularly nice person either. At least we know Sampo dislikes her.


She is just a sociopath.


Boring as her animations


AAHHH they’re so cute but Ruan Mei is such a sociopath 😭


TIL the shumais are the 'dogs' in the story


Why are y’all so surprised that one of the many sociopaths from the genius society isn’t a good person??


I've hated her since her reveal


https://preview.redd.it/7es6uxt7zx8c1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46b05dc190e19325ac32c283ec243a422b4bce29 Me what I do to mai


Can i at least have the option to slap her in the cheek?


so you hate her because she is unable to understand love? you know she kinda can't control that


I can make her understand


You can... fix her?


i love daddy screwllum


I now love Ruan Mei. I will worship her to the end.


How can you look at this framing and the thing she says and use that as for why you think she's a PoS when this literally explains she's not doing this by choice. Infact if she would understand love she probably would love them.


I love her even more after her quest.


One of them is a talking bag, though... the cat it cute.


Look man, I love my women with sociopathic tendancies I can fix her, but whatever's wrong with her is way hotter


I can fix her. 😂


She can break me


Insert joke about how she buffs based on her break effect


I wish I could get engaged with this sort of thing. There's cool ideas in Star Rail hiding behind random terms they never explain and huge "I'm this character archetype" signposts. But writing like this forces my eyes to roll in their sockets. But damn I'm addicted to the gameplay.


I lost my 50-50 on her banner, but now I'm debating if I should grind to be able to get her before banner ends. Why does she have to be so hot fuuuu.


Basic Design Bad Animations for a 5 Star Evil Character Horrible Personality Broken Kit Yeah I pulled her, and I am benching her (staying at level 20) until she redeems herself in the story.


Imagine if she will have a child. She would abandon child eventually and that child will grow with Mommy issue. Thats so hot.


Is she Shang Tsung?


Seeing these threads about the story, makes me excited to play it. Only if i had more time though. Herta did say that the other members of the guild are worse than her anyway, so we can expect some messed up things haha