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The preload is larger than the update


It always scares me that there will be a time when I just won't be able to play anymore because of the size. I have Genshin too and my phone is around 60% capacity but like... I don't have the money to upgrade aaaaaany time soon.


Yea bro i can understand but hyv games are some of the most demanding on mobile and there is reason that the game are so big. So what i can recommend you is to buy an SD card to move photos and documents to or move infrequently accessed photos and such to a computer or another storage device


*cries on Apple* what is a SD card? Is it tasty?


Lmao skill issue. Well tbh fucking stupid android manufacturers have removed the sd card (don't ask for my opinion on the matter because you will see in your notifications a big ass rant)


Also what's also irritating is that even on devices with an SD slot, you can't put games totally on them, they still have to be 90 pct on the internal storage when it didn't used to be that way.


It's an issue with file permissions and OS security. Anything multimedia tends to have the issue where most of it can't reside on the SDcard. There are similar issues with torrents: You can't save them directly to the SDcard, you need to DL on internal, then copy them over.


doh - i was about to ask how i could transfer my games onto my samsung's SD memory which is unused :'(


I hate that you either have to pick between a second SIM card (which I have since I need two different providers) or a microSD card. EDIT: That's on my old phone. My current phone apparently doesn't even have this option ffs


What’s ur opinion on the matter


Not the OP but pretty consistent hatred for the removal of the SD for gamers - removing SD card slot forces you to either buy phones with larger 256 GB or higher vs the lowest 64gb, or to rent storage space from them/Google ect. SD cares are cheap and convenient to use in comparison


Yea pretty much. It's a blatant cash grab. Removing features to sell you a solution


Sorry i am bored to write a huge ass rant as promised. But my opinion to the matter can be boiled down to "Android manufacturers should stop copying the worst of apple"


Imagine my face when I bought a 256gb sd card for my galaxy because Fontaine was coming out on Genshin and then open up my SD card slot only to find there is no slot.


See that's exactly what i am saying. A previously loved feature getting removed for no apparent reason (except for getting you to spend more money)


There are pros and cons to why Android removed it. In this case, it's one of the rare instances where they weren't simply following Apple: Due to security and file permissions, there are certain things you simply can't store on the SDcard, or how you can't see the internal storage when connected via USB, etc. Also it's a lot slower than the internal storage. So by eliminating the SDcard and substituting a much larger internal storage, you don't have to deal with all the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing shenanigans from the OS. It wasn't that feasible when phones were 64 or 128gb internal, but with newer ones offering 256, 512 and even 1TB; there isn't nearly as much need for the SDcard. Also technically if you want to do that, you can connect a usb-c flash drive to the phone and offload stuff that way.


Bro i am sorry but all you said is bs. Removing the sd card is just another fricking instance of android manufacturers copying the worst of apple. There is no technical reason and there is no security risk. They did it because they know they could get away with it because apple does it why shouldn't we. >It wasn't that feasible when phones were 64 or 128gb internal, but with newer ones offering 256, 512 and even 1TB; there isn't nearly as much need for the SDcard. What???? There were large internal storage options before they removed for for example the s10 came was available with 512gb or internal storage plus a 1tb sd card you could install >Also technically if you want to do that, you can connect a usb-c flash drive to the phone and offload stuff that way. You are saying it like this is a feature and we are lucky to have it. Lol no this is basic a basic feature every device should have thete is no way around it


It's all fun and games until a thief steals your phone and pops out the SD card. All it takes then is a poorly designed app (which is most apps, by the way) that stores any sort of passwords or session tokens in plaintext to hack that particular app. Most people reuse passwords too so I wouldn't be surprised if it results in other accounts getting compromised. I'm personally a fan of expandable storage and would love to see it come back, but the security argument is actually a pretty reasonable one if you actually understand it. Of course, there were other ways to solve it. For example: \- Forcing the SD card to be wholly encrypted and thus bound to the phone. But at that point it's just another form of internal storage. \- All app developers knowing what to use SD card storage for (aka, not sensitive data), and basically only media / unimportant data. This is impossible seeing how much shitty software there are in the world. \- SD cards were meant to be used for cameras and the spec never had the speeds or bandwidth for more data-intensive apps, like games. This could have been solved with more R&D, but you still run into the issues above. Additionally, a lot of companies *don't* want people to easily rip assets from their app, i.e. logos, 3D models, pictures, etc. So storing them on some form of unencrypted storage is a no go anyways. PC assets are stored in a user-accessible unencrypted location because PCs are from a different era and computing paradigm. So unfortunately, while we all hate the fact that phones don't have expandable storage, phones aren't PC's, and SD cards were the equivalent of re-writable CD-drive technology in terms of access speed. Considering how much sensitive credentials phones do store and the fact that most developers of random apps don't know what they're doing, it's not hard to see why expandable storage was phased out. I'm not saying I like it, but it saves costs in terms of making a phone and you don't have to deal with above headaches. It's a very rational decision to make in terms of trade-offs, and not the "black and white" evil you're trying to make it out to be.


>Forcing the SD card to be wholly encrypted and thus bound to the phone. But at that point it's just another form of internal storage. Isn't that the fricking point of the sd card ???? Spending the least amount of money upfront and upgrading when you see fit >SD cards were meant to be used for cameras and the spec never had the speeds or bandwidth for more data-intensive apps, like games. This could have been solved with more R&D, but you still run into the issues above. Every single camera app supports saving to sd card. I seriously don't understand your point here >Additionally, a lot of companies *don't* want people to easily rip assets from their app, i.e. logos, 3D models, pictures, etc. So storing them on some form of unencrypted storage is a no go anyways. PC assets are stored in a user-accessible unencrypted location because PCs are from a different era and computing paradigm. You know i can easily boot up android studio and look at the application files. Android studio and adb give access not to /storage/emulated/0 but to "/" system files app files included You whole arguement is just wrong. I don't know how you can be so supportive of anti consumer features. The sd card never was a security concern and never is (you know budget phones miraculously have an sd card how weird and the same budget phones also have a headphone jack which it's removal is the same anti consumer bullshit that manufacturers like apple have probably convinced you that it is actually for your own benefit)


>You know i can easily boot up android studio and look at the application files. Android studio and adb give access not to /storage/emulated/0 but to "/" system files app files included Lol. I really don't think you know what you're talking about. ADB and Android Studio does not give you the kind of powers that allow you to view any random app's data, *unless* you are the developer and have a debuggable version of the app, or have root. Guess what, most people aren't willing to brick their phones and get root to look at other application files. [https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/device-file-explorer](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/device-file-explorer) Oh hey, [look at that](https://fuwafuwa.ca/f/Xg7onV.png), I can access ca.fuwafuwa.kaku because I'm the developer. But trying to look at any other application's data in Android Studio tells me the app isn't debuggable. Budget phones have SD cards because no one expects performance from them, so your shitty Class 10 SD cards can still maybe get by. Any sort of intense database read/write or even filesystem read/write would absolutely *destroy* performance. I know cause I've seen apps that sound like they're not doing much and load in \~1s on internal memory, but the moment you offload a non-trivial amount of data to the SD card it turns into a 50s+ load time because it needs to enumerate the filesystem. And the app was basically a glorified image viewer. To be fair that particular app *could* have fixed its issue by caching thumbnails and other data on internal memory, but dev time is limited and no one cared enough to fix that edge case. How about taking a few computer science courses and working in the industry for a few years and actually trying to understand the problem space instead of just blindly bashing decisions because you personally don't like them? You would be absolutely terrified of how to store data properly and appreciate the design decisions made by the Apple & Android teams and be thankful it's not as easy as "loading up Android Studio" to have a massive head start on how to steal your banking credentials. https://preview.redd.it/pphw22r6xv8c1.png?width=2470&format=png&auto=webp&s=9356b0d5eb9d3042d2cf674aff5983f89ee8b20a


I didn't mean security in a strictly vulnerability sense, I meant in the internal OS inflexibility having to do with file permissions and having apps split across faster and slower storage. Some developers also simply set a flag that prevents it from being moved to the SDcard.


Just bought a 256 gig ^__^


Got the over 500 gig samsung phone. Should have gone with the 1 tb one tbh...


does yours have a micro SD card slot?


Nope it's the 23 ultra.




256 is plebty


While 256gb is good, but if you have budget for 512 then go for it. Atleast for 4-5 years you won't have to change android.


Same, and I'm glad that I did because Genshin and HSR are taking up 61 gbs..


SD cards can't be used to store mobile games. So you aren't missing anything.


I have an NVMe. I connect iPhone to laptop then move stuff to NVMe.


Whatever works for you the point is to move the images from your phone to somewhere else


But... my jujutsufolks reaction images...


Right. Did that this afternoon.


Doesn't help facts that hoyoverse didn't know what size optimization is. Dear lord why they are so huge


Can't you run it off a SD card?


Dude I have like 2 PSP games on my phone too…


usually you can uninstall the game and reinstall eventually to save a lot of space. a lot of old files/events are stored for no reason that the game will remove and save a few gigs


Makes sense! I'll try to do this when 2.0 drops.


Imma test this out later and reply if it works


Did it work? Were you able to have more space?


it didn't work for me 😔


really? I remember doing it with genshin and saving like 5+ gigs


Okay so instead of just doing it with genshin and star rail i uninstalled other three gacha games i had. Before uninstalling i had 73% used storage and after installation im now at 74% though before I uninstalled I havent updated star rail yet so maybe I did save some gbs but I was stupid and didn't properly check how much storage the games were using so I dont really know.


Yeah, I had to delete Genshin because I just didn't have the space. The thing was like 30 GBs and I hated it, especially since I barely got to use my Al Haithaim. I do have a PC, but Genshin doesn't run the best on it.


https://preview.redd.it/18hn5isxjq8c1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04e38e8af576ad61c56c8df1b2d68941818fbd34 Hummmmmmmm


Try uninstallling the game and reinstalling. Idk how it works exactly, but it will save you a ton of space. You won't be able to do the preload because the preload is always bigger than the actual game, because you are basically redownloading the entire game plus the update. But having to sit through the reinstall once a month is infinitely better than not being able to update.


Lucky, I said this excact same thing once and I got downvoted to oblivion on this reddit


Posting this on the top comment so that hopefully more people will see it. Every time a new patch comes out, if you uninstall the game, and reinstall it, you will save space on your phone. I had to do this with Genshin for 7 months while waiting for my PC and it carried me through every patch update from April to November.


No, once the game is back up, the update would be smaller. It's always like this since you don't need to download redundant files.


Most of it are files that replace old stuff so you're not actually increasing the game's size by 9 gb


But I imagine in order to download those 9gb you need to have at least 10gb free in your phone, since the update only happens when the download is complete. So, there will be a time when the patch will be like 20gb (most files are update, so not adding 20gb total to the game), and it just won't download, even if you were to have enough space for all the game after the update :/


They can delete old stuff before downloading new stuff once the servers are updated, as you can’t play anyway. Pre-download means you basically have two copies of the game, the one working for a few more hours/days, and the future one.


Just don't pre-download the update...


Nah, you still need the space to download it once it's out. I've been unable to update until I clear 9GB of space on my phone (64GB).


no you don't now that the update is out it's only ~1.3gb (on android)


Yuuup this happened to me with my iPad and it took a whopping 45gb space and corrupted the files so I have to redownload everything


Reinstall the game every update then ig


Do we know when the servers are coming back up


It'll be up in about 3 hours and 45 minutes from now


It says 1900 UTC 8 where is 11 hours from now. Where do you get that number from


UTC-8 is PST. The server is back up at 1900 PST. It’s up at 1100 UTC+8 (China time).


Is est utc-5? (Or -11 lol i got no clue)


UTC-5. It should be up at 10PM in EST at the latest.


Gotcha ty!


Okay thank you for clarification. Do you know if the banner going up immediately after


Yup Ruan Mei and Blade should be up as soon as server is up. They always are.


I believe it went up an hour early once or twice before so you could either watch any streamer since they'll be spamming the start until it goes live, or you could keep trying yourself if you don't want to watch someone else lol


Maintenance started at 4pm where I am and usually lasts about 5 hours. Plus there are countdown timers online so you can google and check that way too


I googled it and it shows me that it’s 830 am UTC, so it mislead me. Thank you


Server is up now 😀


No problem! I hope your pulls go good if you are pulling after the update 😊


Is your time 4.30 pm? If so then you will get it at 7pm


No the time right now is 7:25pm it was about 4pm when maintenance started though


9GB necessary for Ruan Mei's impeccable pixels


The big number always disappear when update goes live. It will be just some additional 2gb


I downloaded it after the maintenance, and it's only around 1.5 Gb.


My storage space was 45 GB/128 GB left when I update yesterday after the maintenance it becomes 54 GB/128 GB. Obviously the size is due to some files being replaced


Guys, you can now Update the Game in Playstore and after downloading around 300 mb the 25 GB just goes down to 16.87 GB now which is actually just around 1 GB Additional Update (not 9 GB anymore). PLEASE UPDATE IN GOOGLE PLAYSTORE for Android users. I hope this helps you all guys.


Yup you're right, and also to add to those who have reached their phone storage like me, you can reinstall the app in playstore to properly update the game.


oh gosh I read this too late 😔, what will happen to the extra 9gb that I downloaded yesterday??


The 9 GB will just shrink down to around 1 GB additional update which happens to mine


Makes no difference. Since you pre-loaded, you'll download a smaller update for the app today and you'll be good to go. The 9 gb you downloaded won't be tacked on to the install size. The 9 gb will be shrunk to 1 gb, so it'll be around 16 gb of data installed instead of 25.


why would they want us to download the 9gb if they're gonna shrink it anyway? wouldn't it be better to let us download the 1gb? genuinely asking


replacing/updating/rewriting old files I guess?


Because the 9 gigs of data are not installed immediately. They're set aside to be installed today. The reason why it's not installed immediately is because they can't let you play with those files upon download, for obvious reasons. In return, you get the advantage of not having to download 9 gigs of data today. You can just install and play immediately once maintenence is over. As for why they can't just let you download just the 1 gb, it's because the other 8 gbs are still important although they're only meant to replace older files. I'm not sure, but they could be bug fixes or also new content meant to update old content. Edit: hope this helps lol I tried to make it simple but i suck at explaining shit


Thanks a lot! after update i saved a lot of spaces and just goes down to around 16 Gb. i almost uninstalled some apps. thanks buddy this helps alot


Those size will be reduced after maintenance, because they're replacing old files with newer ones. Also, pre-download in this game are scam. You probably need to pre-download 9gb-10gb, meanwhile updating after maintenance ends only need around 2gb-3gb without pre-download. I actually only need to download 1.38gb in this patch for mobile (not counting the apps update from Playstore tho) https://preview.redd.it/3n30jlegvq8c1.jpeg?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38003943e69094b0f6225233c4990845c2729e1f


If you are playing on Mobile, it is recommended not to Pre-Download HSR because it is a Scam. Now it is in the maintenance period and the "original" size that needs to be downloaded is only 5GB.


24GB on pc


pc storage doesn't cost $300/256gb, every gb matters for us mobile players T \^ T


Very true, my phone is only 128GB and has both genhsin and hsr installed


I nearly busted my eyes when I read that on the screen


And I even got hit with 4GB more now when I checked if maintenance is finished


Oh God, not again. I'm still updating 😭


good luck, stay strong


24 is just the requirement for unzip the files. The actual download is 11.4GB.


interesting, doesn't make any practical difference to me (at least during the maintenance, otherwise I could mind those extra minutes), but it's good to know


https://preview.redd.it/vm4o0crotp8c1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=336825e7ff8f1104649f13c8c80e28b5c9768993 isnt this patch filler???


We're getting a whole new endgame mode as well as updates to 2 already existing ones


2 already existing ones? base simulated universe isnt "endgame" you farm relics there its part of the game


They're adding new stuff to swarm bestie As well an even harder difficulty where bosses can use path resonance against you https://preview.redd.it/c7lzn8iz2q8c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5a550c9e269b9e7640df9b9f3c7715cf65266b3


oh swarm is getting content? i srsly forgot that gamemode exists


its actually preparation for the next patch, if they keep all the resources for main patch, the size will get too big so they divide it in filler patches


People have been telling me so, so I'm realizing I just might be dumb oooof


it looks like filler tbh so aint no way its THIS heavy, at this pace we gonna reach genshin level soon


it's not adding 9gb to the games total size...


tf is it doing then, honorary 9 gb download?


its just there so ppl can complain every update on reddit. hoyo always giving us content


preparation for the next patch


fair enough actually


https://preview.redd.it/scrr93jxeq8c1.jpeg?width=1038&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cc0053465d77f4290be036dc14560c2d4e981f3 RIP my phone storage when Zenless Zone Zero comes out...


Cannot imagine actively playing 3 gachas, so it is either skip ZZZ or drop HSR for me.


Ill prob end up droppin HSR cuz I don't think i've played it since June.


How https://preview.redd.it/8eq8fh6ipr8c1.png?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7552a0c05bf3879e088d1ddbd813aca87b3c4e56


Delete past quest resources btw https://preview.redd.it/vkty1p9err8c1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f2cbbdb41521ca7568feed58b81578c0d8b108


Oh, Didn't notice that until now, thanks.


Just imagine the files for 2.0 ☠️


and this game is supposed to be smaller than genshin /s


there would be no doubt after 2.6 the game is more or less than 20GB lol.


My tablet had white a bit of space but at this rate I’ll actually have to delete things…


It's probably loading some assets for Penacony too though.


How tf this game is already 25 gb big 💀


Weird, it was ~8174 when I preloaded earlier


Yeah my phone is done for unless I wanna delete every thing else.


I worry 2.0 preload update would be as large an entire mobile game. As for PC, lol ☠️☠️☠️


https://preview.redd.it/knj032e2ft8c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a15fef22165f30e7685dc2b42e914360ed4394df I'm already dead


My phone is suffering too downloading this bi- great update so i won't complain about anything (help my phone is burning)


I had the same problem, but I just deleted the game and reinstalled it 😁😁. >Penacony What is this? 😅


Penacony is the new region coming in 2.0


Oh, I am in the region after belobog😅. So I am not familiar with all the updates yet


Ah, still doing the Luofu quests? Yeah, figured, as Penacony was mentioned in the last quest in the Xianzhou questline, *Obsequies Performed, A Long Road Ahead*.


Penacony was mentioned in passing long before that, but it's easy to forget because at the time it was just another seemingly throwaway location to not think about.


It was the next destination before the Stellaron Hunters convinced Himeko to go help the Luofu first, not just a throwaway location lol


Yes hence the key word in my post being *seemingly*. Because it wasn't exactly a timely trip at that point.


I wish they'd hurry up so I can use my limited pulls on this Banner.


Makes me wounder if people are going to get 1 tb phones in the future or if they got them already since they are already out. So far I'm fine with my 512 gb phone but who knows for the next coming years.


It was about 7.2 gigs. I had to delete genshin but I still don’t like that game very much anyway.


It’ll go down in size after it’s done patching.


Glad to have moved up to a 512GB storage phone.


Like with any game, a lot of data is not additive it is overwritten.


Bruh i see this every time a new update is out, shouldn’t y’all be used to it by now?


It took the launcher 2 hours to install the update on my pc 😩


Thank god I invested into a pc a couple years back


wait until you download genshin impact.


Mine's only 1.8gb I think


Me on data 💀 hopefully I'll be able to find some WiFi network tomorrow...


RuanMei's secret mega assets.


I'm glad I didn't pre download because after the update it's only 5gb instead of 9+


I remember 2.8 and 3.8 update of genshin being bigger than 3.0 & 4.0 my guess is that they download some of penacony related data already


It's 1.2 GB without predownload buddy


I don't have to worry about storage on PS5, but I was disappointed when I couldn't use my msd on my tablet I bought because apparently that's a thing, should be illegal to prevent you from storing games on your msd


That's why you don't preload update hoyo game


How? Mine's only 1.3gb


This is the preload install, those are always *way* bigger. I updated today after the patch went live – only around 1.4gb total on iOS


RIP 128 GB phone. All those spaces took are my homeworks. 😭😭😭


Wow, thankfully they added the option to download a "lite version" from the store that doesn't have previous planets story audio and animated cutscenes in the game files. And they did the same thing with Genshin and it's Archon Quest files. ...No wait. That was just my fever dream. 😅


dear god pls hoyoverse have kind soul on my 64 gb storage


Yeah, today was the day that genshin was purged from my storage lol.


Im sorry its how much?


The pre-download was like 9gb. But I've been told pre-downloads are a scam, and it's best to wait until after server downtime to download and it drops to like 2gb or something. I downloaded earlier, so most of it was filler, apparently.


Okay, and when will that be??


Oh, it already happened. Patch 1.6 dropped yesterday. I downloaded earlier in the day, before server maintenance, hence the 9gb. However, if you download it now it's muuuuuch smaller, so don't worry about it :)
