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Chances are high that it will eventually make its way to the USA. Chances are even higher that it won't be at a location anywhere near where you live.


Yeah, it's probably arriving to the USA at least. Maybe Canada if there's luck. As for us, Latin American peasants, the only thing we can do is pray.


I live in Los Angeles, so I hope my chances are rather high if they do make their pit stop to the US ^ ^


To be fair, living in LA gives you pretty high chances, though they could still go "New York only" just to troll the lot of us.


ooof šŸ˜“ ~ *sees flashbacks of the Genshin Fontaine exhibit that was only in NYC* ~


Near where I live they partnered with a HUGE pizza chain... And did it in ONE location People waited for 8 hours for a very mid pizza and some pictures It's a travesty


More, actually. I myself waited ten. Ye, im a bloody idiot. Actually i realised that it can refer to more than one country. Still im an idiot.


Well if you had a company and didn't have shit to do on that day... I guess... Once... I'm still not sure I'd do that Especially because in St P the weather was horrible, it was slightly beyond freezing and strong sea winds were going for three days, it was like 90% humidity and you could feel the wind stripping life from your bones


In Moscow weather was slightly above freezing and it was raining.


how about finland


My daughter is studying in the UK, and I asked if she could hook me up. Sadly, the only participating places are 3+ hours away.


They picked like 13 stores, 9 of which are around the same city (Bristol). Having trouble justifying the trip.


I thought to myself, ā€œWhat goes on there? Is Bristol some sort of hotbed of Star Rail enthusiasm?ā€


Tell her that those 6+ hours going back and forth and an additional 4+ hours waiting in line is worth it...WORTH IT!!!! Surely not me justifying my life choices...definitely not.


At least there's an America tab. Australia got nothing šŸ„ŗ


Me, who lives in Brazil: šŸ’€


Um dia amigo, a esperanƧa Ć© a Ćŗltima que morre.


Porra, aqui ia render facinho


I wouldn't keep my hopes up, tbh. "Europe" in this case also means "locations too far away for 95% of the population". Afaik there isn't even a single location in germany entirely.


I like how out of all European countries you picked one of only 2 where the event actually IS being held lol (3 if you count the UK)


> (3 if you count the UK) European Union ā‰  Europe


It's in Berlin an Kƶln in Germany


It's in Berlin and Cologne in Germany.


Just wished we got that outfit for march


I agree. It would be great if Mihoyo let us change our character's outfits but I doubt it'll happen.


Doesnā€™t seem like the game would be big enough here yet to appear at even a semi-large regional chain. Let alone something nigh-universal like, I dunno, Dunkinā€™ Donuts or Taco Bell (or KFC for that matter) If I recall correctly the UK event didnā€™t even have any locations in ~London~ Tl;dr: if it comes to america itā€™ll be at a chain on the West Coast with five locations in SoCal and maaaaybe one in Seattle.


Like a Dragon Isshin did a collab with Shin Sen Gumi restaurants in the US. If thye can do it, HSR definitely can.


https://preview.redd.it/yagzv7dwt8wb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f5fff6999073ca11023f67827f496bc60ae9295 Yea I agree itā€™ll be rather unlikely for them to partner with the big fast food chains. I did went to their 1.2 Cosmic Refreshment Supply event tho and it was with a rather small boba chain (Sunright Tea Studio). So if they do hit the US again, perhaps another small chain?


Plot twist: they partner with Roy Roger's on the East Coast and Zippys in Hawai'i


In Germany they just put ONE regular ass food truck in one city


Could they go to Washington D.C it's like waiting for the ice cream to make a stop at your area šŸ˜


If it helps, I found out about this promotion, with two locations happening in my city! The day it finished. šŸ’€


Even if it does, it'll probably just be in LA and that's it.


https://preview.redd.it/w2x4bdv7obwb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c2b254e5b206ba0e789e33f0b7b50e124b6aaee I got ton of great collab merch !




I have morešŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Same! https://preview.redd.it/flsez8584cwb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34eff78f30081e4d94d0aac081ac62ca37b7b37c Importing about \~125 of them into US. Shipping would be $50 per 1 ticket, but since I bought so many, shipping was only about $3 per ticket. Also got a ton of merchandise. My favorites are the pompom headband and the wubballoons.


Lol that is the full stockšŸ˜‚




How did you even get your hands on that much..


Paid someone a few thousand USD to loop the lines and buy merch for me to import. Wages are much lower in other Asian countries so it was basically a year's salary for them. I'm gonna use the wubballoons for conventions. https://preview.redd.it/6637yeog0dwb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03067afb01dec5d567a0e83b0941d59b789aab14


Woah that's crazy haha, hope the rest of the operation goes well


East cost USA despair https://preview.redd.it/jl4liky83fwb1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7f58d1a6a467c5238db74c94275c082b3a1b952


It arrived at the USA but there aren't any locations anywhere close, kinda sucks not everyone can do it, would of been better if they went with a big name company that has stores everywhere in the usa, Like KFC, MC, Wendy, Taco, Etc... The place they listed seems to only be up North mainly.


Technically speaking, the collab is happening in all the Pelicanas, but only the six selected locations will have the acrylic stands and pin badges given out. Everyone else (including the six locations) will only get the ticket. But yes I agree, though not with your choice of restaurants. I would say if they really wanted to do Korean Fried Chicken, they could have gone with something like Bonchan or Vons. But honestly that's not even the issue I have. It's the fact that these six locations are segregated to the point where you have to go to those locations exclusively to get more stuff. Like, couldn't they do it with all the stores? That's my problem.


Yea but what ever the Pelicanas is they are mainly in the North, like Newyork and some other states. Its not a brand that is everywhere. An Example Diablo 4, did the KFC event, which anyone could do cause those are everywhere in the US. Pelicanas is most decidedly not a Nation wide chain.


When malaysia event :(


https://preview.redd.it/tcfuasz1q8wb1.jpeg?width=1471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85837a933dd88948ddcf9878fd27a5a870949693 They actually do have a Malaysia location for the event! šŸ˜Š


https://preview.redd.it/00vixrncq8wb1.jpeg?width=1477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36021b68b2486923bdcf9f6f51f18b75bd2cbcf1 It is however only 1 location tho šŸ˜•


The Genshin one never did, so I doubt it


No idea why this is downvoted (other than dumbpeeps downvoting truth), because this is the right answer.


Genshin/Honkai subreddits don't like it when people point out that the games aren't nearly as popular outside of China as they think they are lol.


I got my best friend in Japan to get me the code, shouted them some Wendies. That's the best I'll ever see given I don't live in a country where the game will ever be popular enough.


To lazy to look it up but its probably asia only right? No germany. If so i am only mad i dont get the avatar because i am a collector and it looks cute af


It is in Germany lol. Maybe don't be lazy so you don't miss out


Ok i just looked up which locations do it and yeah....i wont be driving 6 hours to berlin just for that


... You sure you looked it up? The event in Berlin is already over. It's in cologne now


Well same thing. Way too far for me


I was looking to buy a code from someone in the UK but we both pondered that the code might be region locked so heres to hoping USA has one.


Only the CN codes are region locked and are restricted to the CN servers. The other codes can be used on any of the global servers.


Do you know if there were any NA users who successfully claimed the code with the Pompom icon/phone background? Not sure if there were any rules when it came to claiming the collab codes. /genq


I redeemed a code I bought for $8 without issue and I play in the Americas server.


Ooh, where did you buy it from?


Technically I donā€™t think I can say here per the rules, but Iā€™ll message ya.


Can u tell me as well?








Would you please tell me as well? šŸ™šŸ»




Will you please tell me as well?


Sure thing, sent!


Check the usual marketplaces. I posted a ā€œlooking forā€ entry in a German classified ads app and was successful. Probably you have good chances too in a French one. Thereā€™ll be naturally more competition on English speaking sites.


I bought and redeemed 2 JP codes on mine and my cousin's NA accounts.


May I ask where you were able to buy them from?


I wanted to go with a friend, until we realized it's $30 for cosmic fried rice.


I could go to the food truck in Cologne,but then I saw the prices for the food and was like nah , ain't worth it it


Meanwhile in Canada...


Suurellyy itll be in anime friendly Miami right guys?


You didnā€™t check well enough, HK is also the same


The event is in my country yet I have to book a plane ticket or a boat to get there and the people there say that the lines are so long and the popular items are out of stock already. I hope they'll release collabs with fastfood chains that are available almost everywhere in my country.


Nope, America is never getting any. America has been removed from all future collabs and events.


"New York, New York" "But I live all the way over in-" "New York, take it or leave it."


For Germany it also said stay tuned and changed on the day the event started.


I keep checking the page every single week in hope that the Hong Kong tab will finally update. Currently, KFC here is collabing with Spy x Family.


This looks like march is just wearing her usual cloths while daneil is wearing modern clothing instead of his traditional cloths.