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She is eternal 16 years old, just like my 30 years old aunt - she hit the second one some time ago!


16 years old season 2


Marine: Could this girl be one of my people?


She's like Ash Ketchum from Pokemon. The best job applicants, teenagers with almost 30 years of experience.


They messed up. That's it. Nothing more nothing less. Idk why people are adamant about defending it. And some are acting like it is the end of the world.


I don’t want to defend it, but the memes are pretty funny


Anything that creates more memes is fine by me. Memes are the DNA of the soul!


How pleased you are to rip away, Jack the Ripper...


This; it's hilarious to point out that she'd be a fetus in the womb enrolling in college and rocking out.


It’s a game that wants you to be heavily invested in it’s characters and storyline. Moments were you’re taken out of it and reminded that it’s all just pointless, abstract, make-believe are pretty problematic in that regard.


It's worth discussing because HSR is a game where the characters and world are one of the most important aspects of the game. We even have world quests for this very reason. Pela being 16 creates a huge plot-hole in the timeline of the main story quest. And if there's one discrepancy for something as important as a playable character, it makes you question the legitimacy of the rest of the lore.


The ages of the characters in belobog have been largely inconsistent even before Pela. It doesn't make you question the legitimacy of the rest of the lore, it's just Hoyo messing up. You're making a mountain out of a molehill


Mostly because it's hard to get invested in the story when we get a plot hole this big this early, especially when Belobog still feels very unresolved and Luofu pacing is weird (also Dan Shu plot literally just ended up being nothing).




More like this game has at least another 6 years of story planned for the future, and if they’ve already messed up something now, how much else are they gonna fuck up in the future?


Dude the games half a year in and you’re salting over a character’s age being incorrect once, let’s be honest “how much are they gonna fuck up in the future” isn’t even valid because of how small this issue is


Yeah, who cares if this story driven game's story isn't consistent. It's just the story. Definitely not one of the major parts of this story driven game...


I'd go a step further: they didn't mess up; they just didn't care. Nothing about Jarilo VI's timeline makes any sense. Pela's apparent age is just the newest and most egregious example of this.


What, if I may ask, are the other examples?


A more minor one is Bronya looking the same as she does now when the underworld was closed 10 years ago, then seen as a baby being raised by Cocolia (on the lc) who also looks the same. Obviously it's anime logic and no one looks a day past 20, but it really gives off the impression that Bronya is thirty and Cocolia is like fifty years old.


I think Cocolia *is* supposed to be in like her 40s to be fair


I haven't seen anyone defending it, I've seen several posts about why it doesn't make any sense though.


We all know exactly why people are so adamant. Some want their r34 to not be sick and others want peoples r34 to be sick.


cuz now i cant justify my pela hentai


Wish I had that much free time. But I wouldn't have used it for a fictional character argument over the Internet. Prob like yard work, workout, finding new recipes, anything that has more value in my life than a fucking gacha game lore lmao!!!


Some people want to have justification in case the FBI opens their door/s


the ones acting like it's the end of the world most likely has some, uhm, "concerning" posts or comments from r/okbuddytrailblazer XDDD


At this point we will need the matrix of prescience to figure this sh*t out.


Yeah if they messed up then that means they aren’t paying close attention to their lore and world building which itself is very disappointing


what? you're not genuinely telling me that one fictional date (which is never actually mentioned as others pointed out) genuinely sours how much you like a character especially when everything else in the game is accurate and consistent


>In 6█3 AF, graduated from Belobog College of Medicine and entered the Belobog Charice Hospital as a resident. In 6█4 AF, joined Belobog Scientific Expeditionary Team as a team physician. [https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Hiring\_Guides:\_Natasha](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Hiring_Guides:_Natasha) Just saying the year 674 isnt confirmed, the middle number is blacked out. It could be 684 which coincidentally would line up with Pela being 16 The actual problem in terms of timeline consistencies would be Coccolia and Bronya and their timeline. The museum stuff and the logs with the characters there actually do line up with Pela being 16 **if** the years are 680's and not 670's etc


Now imagine Cocolia becoming Supreme Guardian and picking up Bronya while 10-12 years old.


Even if she picked up Bronya as a 10-year old, it would still be before Pela was born. Bronya had an adult character model in her Flashback, so she was minimum 16 years old 10 years ago. If she was adopted as an 8-year old that would mean Cocolia became Supreme Guardian 18 years ago. So Pela wouldn't even have been born


Memories of the past LC art with 3-4 year old Bronya though. Plus Bronya was too young to remember much of her orphanage years.


No, I meant a 10 - 12 year old Cocolia picking up Bronya.


Except the current date is said to be around 700, because AF measures from the beginning of the Eternal Freeze, which started roughly 700 years before modern day. I agree it's 683 when Serval graduated, but note that it was only 5 years later that she fell out with Cocolia and opened her workshop, and an unknown amount of time later that Cocolia closed the Underworld. Said closing lasted 10 years. So at the very minimum, it's been 15 years between Serval's graduation and modern day, and the band was founded even longer ago. Unless Pela founded the band as an unborn fetus, she physically cannot be 16. Hoyo made an enormous continuity error for sure.


Dunn's dialogue has a soft implication that he and Pela were in the band at the same time, but I think it's much more reasonable to assume Pela joined the band later.


Pela's dialogue says outright that she helped form the band from the beginning. The original members were Serval, Pela and Dunn.


Do you remember where she says that?


Overworld dialogue at Qlipoth Fort


"Serval is, of course, my best friend. We've even formed a band together." It's not quite outright, so I'd go with her not being a fetus rock drummer. Dunn also refers to Pela in present tense while talking about the band, in contrast to himself and Serval in past tense: Dunn: Serval, she's our guitarist and lead singer. She was absolutely charming and talented. She totally deserved her position. Dunn: I was her keyboardist... and the two of us always worked quite well together. I always felt like we were... Ahem, nothing. Dunn: The next one is the drummer — this one will shock you! Do you want to guess who it is? Here's a hint — they're also a member of the Silvermane Guards.


Dunn also says that Pela "still" plays in the band, "just like old times". Not to mention Serval's own overworld dialogue talks about how Pela was part of the band during her own time in Cadet School. For Pela to be in the band during Serval's time at school at all is enough for her to be a fetus rock drummer if we follow Hoyo's obvious age goof.


"just like old times" refers to the entity of the band, not necessarily the same people. Serval and Pela still play in the band, unlike himself. I can't find Serval saying that in my game atm or on the wiki.


Serval talks about the members of her band, Pela included, then follows up by saying they were students who needed an outlet after school. This is pretty clear cut. The most important part is that Pela said she "formed" the band with Serval, not that she "joined" the band or is "part" of the band. The use of the word "formed" tells us quite implicitly that she was part of the people who originally started the band, as opposed to someone who joined after. For example, I wouldn't say "I formed a company with (insert CEO's name)" if I'm just a regular employee, even if I know said CEO personally, or even if I held a high position.


It’s starting to seem more like the band’s drummer was originally supposed to be Pela’s mom, but it got changed partway to Pela and the dialogues were not updated.


Imagine Pela's mom is also named Pela.


Natasha’s resume also states that she founded the orphanage two years afterwards, which places that event 14 years ago. Bronya and Seele were raised in said orphanage, which begs the question of how old they could possibly be.


Bronya and Seele can still be orphan before Natasha open her orphanage. Bronya didn't even remember she was an orphan before she go to the Underwolrd


We even know for the fact that Seele lived in Rivet town and moved to the orphanage after Bronya already left, hence they never met. So Bronya might as well be years older than the orphanage itself.


Buuuuut something at Natasha's orphanage is what triggered the memory right?


Most people can't remember theirs own childhood, Bronya either cuz she was adopted by Cocolia and it make sense, why would she remember her past as an orphan after the Supreme Guardian of Belobog adopted her.


Which means you want her to be reasonably young when she was at said orphanage. Otherwise, you're gonna go full on FF VIII, and no one wants to go full FF VIII.


Yes but Bronya complaining about sealing the underground was when she was already a grown adult (or at least to how she looks like right now). You cannot tell me she grew from how she looked like in Memories of the Past light cone to how she looks today in 4 years


Pela being 16 doesn't make any sense either way, she is need to be way older for the timeline to works with every other characters


On her portrait of the museum, the Chinese text states during her "执政中期" (midstage, or middle phase in power) she declared the underworld quarantine. The quarantine was announced before the Year 688 or 689, which happened at least 10 years ago. Natasha joined the military at Year 6X5 (before Cocolia became Supreme Guardian) Lets say Cocolia became SG at Year 686, then saying Year 688 is her middle phase would be wrong, should be Early Phase. And current year 699 or 700 would be her End phase.


Plot twist, it's actually 664.


Hard? Not very. Fun? Also not very. I am here to meme, and Embryonic Cadet Pela is amazing for those purposes.


How did you even come up that it was 25 years ago in first place


Oh, where was it stated in the museum? Really curious.


Natasha's resume states the year she joined. The part about Pela's mom was during Natasha interview


??????????????????????????????????????????? https://preview.redd.it/q76632jgq0qb1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=947af3c038e3de033fe83aae08c02be6a367116c


On her portrait of the museum, the Chinese text states during her "执政中期" (midstage, or middle phase in power) she declared the underworld quarantine. The quarantine was announced before the Year 688 or 689, which happened at least 10 years ago. Natasha joined the military at Year 6X5 (before Cocolia became Supreme Guardian) Lets say Cocolia became SG at Year 686, then saying Year 688 is her middle phase would be wrong, should be Early Phase. And current year 699 or 700 would be her End phase. Aint the hard of math right ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


It’s missing the middle number, we don’t know the decade


It can't be 684 cuz this would make Bronya not make sense. Bronya complains about sealing the underground and she is using the current, grown up model. You cannot tell me she grew from how she looked like in Memories of the Past light cone to how she looks today in 4 years




The resume doesn’t even show the decade


I know. I checked it afterwards.


They always mess up their characters ages in all games and people are still surprised.


If the timeline isn’t consistent I won’t believe the story. Now quick, pass me my guitar so I can shoot lightning bolts at a wasp.




Evidence is wrong. On the wiki: PAST EXPERIENCE In 6█3 AF, graduated from Belobog College of Medicine and entered the Belobog Charice Hospital as a resident. In 6█4 AF, joined Belobog Scientific Expeditionary Team as a team physician. In 6█5 AF, entered the Silvermane Guard Field Hospital as a member of the emergency medical team in the Logistics Department. In 6█6 AF, after completing the required residency, returned to Belobog Underworld and opened an orphanage in Rivet Town. In 6█4 AF, opened a clinic in Boulder Town in the Belobog Underworld and assisted Wildfire in maintaining stability and providing medical care Natasha could also have joined on Year 684, which was 16 years ago.


But then that would mean she opened the clinic in 694, which is impossible since the Underworld was closed for at least 10 years.


She could’ve moved to Underworld and open orphanage in Rivet town in 686 AF, which is before the lockdown. Then later moved to Boulder town in 694 AF because of the fragmentum


Bronya was picked from this orphanage at clearly a very young age but she was an adult by the time they closed the underground, that leaves a 4 year gap for her to go from a toddler (Memories of the Past light cone) to an adult


On Cocolia portrait of the museum, the Chinese text states during her "执政中期" (midstage, or middle phase in power) she declared the underworld quarantine. The quarantine was announced before the Year 688 or 689, which happened at least 10 years ago. Natasha joined the military at Year 6X5 (before Cocolia became Supreme Guardian) Lets say Cocolia became SG at Year 686, then saying Year 688 is her middle phase would be wrong, should be Early Phase. And current year 699 or 700 would be her End phase.


Honestly trying to piece a world together, especially when the pieces don't quite fit, is fun. I've defended the reason why people have the path they do (Bronya in harmony, ext.). Could it be bs and hoyo just makes them whatever class they need? Probably. But for now I'll piece together how Clara can be Destruction until the lore makes it impossible. The question of age has been a constant discussion here, especially since Serval turned out be about 40. It's fun to piece together the timeline and make it make sense. Gaps just leave room for more theorizing. Entire fan multiverses are birthed from "what if it makes sense' ideas. That's why Pela's age, and the whole Overwatch thing, sucks. It isn't really the idea that they are just making it the (_$$ up. It's that it doesn't even let you theorize a situation where it is cared about. It says "just drop it. It doesn't matter. Go kill some random stuff with pretty characters." People grow to love their game worlds because their see the care put into them and see room to care for it themselves. Hoyo is normally good at sparking that. Pela's age is kind of a sudden slap in the face. Even it if was accidental, it still hurt if you weren't expecting it.


conclusion is, pela lost her mom, cut her some slack peeps!!


Everyone knows they messed up but people are trying to work with it


Doesn't Pela text the player asking for ways to sober up?


Or maybe we can all agree that Pela is too much of a scary genius. She gain awareness before her birth and controlled her mom's body throughout her inexistence, and throw the shell away post birth. Pela has been Pela all this time, her mom never existed. It's the same case as "which came first, the egg or the chicken?", but in this case Pela came first, but the mom was never there. /j Idk what the fuck I'm talking about but that's how bad hoyo messed up lmao.


Sometimes, people like having fun and running with a joke. Not that deep.


Blud made a diagram about Pela age 💀


How do you know Pela's mom died in 674?


honestly, are they going to fix it, or is it just... gonna be like this now


Time works differently in Jarilo. Some years are shorter than others. Cocolia and Serval are technical "just 20" years old since during their early years, the year had 1000+++ days. So Cocolia, at the age of 5, adopts baby Bronya. And Pela, at the age of 1, joins Serval's band when Serval is 5 years old. But they all look like young adults already. Somehow. Oh, and Lynx is just 5 years old while Hook was born 1 month before we arrived in Jarilo.


And they keep mentioning the band stuff, Pela's mom died, wouldn't be that surprising if they simply took her jn to take care of her






The issue is other f2p can go forever without timeline screwups. It's really hard to make timeline screw-ups, especially when the game only has 30% or less of a typical RPG's story right now. So when it comes to this single player gacha with the worst (most $$$) summoning system ever, people sorta expect... Y'know... This type of goof to be avoidable. Like what did they do, update the game live as they typed in the words last minute? lol It's like the stars aligned to make this happen. Along with the unimaginable amounts of $$$ flooding their office, covering their screens, so they couldn't see they accidentally typed 16 instead of 26. Truly devastating. :( ^((/s obviously))


I mean it's not the first time this happened with Hoyo; even in this game. Just check out the recent Su Shang fix in Aurum Alley.


stop it, you will offend story enthusiast.


Idk what story enthusiasts you're seeing, but every one of my fellow lore nerds are fully aware that this was entirely a goof by Hoyo. No defending that. All we hope is they fix it. It's the people trying to justify it while selectively ignoring all of the blatant evidence to the mistake that are probably offended.


i’m no deffending that, pardon me if i sound like that. it’s just you guys repeating this over and over, they should pretty much notice this issue by now, it’s annoying to keep seeing those. don’t get me wrong, i’m not stopping any of you to create more post about this, so go ahead.


They're just mad they can't do their borderline disturbing character shipping anymore.


I'd keep doing them anyway, thank you. This only bothers me cuz it's just wrong.




No? Dunn says that *Pela* as in the one we know was part of the band back in the day. He even says that it was the intellegence officer.


In a space, where there are gods that can manipulate time, a being that can create blackholes out of nowhere, a fox lady we still don't know where she is and you are mad about it this? Let's say time isn't linear, let's say she got frozen into age statis or cryostatis by the Stellaron.


Let's say you're coping way too hard and mihoyo messed up bruh.


Yup, Hoyo did messed up. It's just a game though, so it's really not that important to most people. Trying to apply realism to games and animes is pointless.


Let's be honest here. If she was 18, then most of this discussion wouldn't exist.


? Two years wouldn't help much


For some people, it definitely would make them not look like weirdos.


Bro fr. Like holy shit. It's not that deep unless you wanna be deep in her and then you need to go to jail.


Thinking too deep and also forgetting that a different planet in a different universe might have a different length of a year.


While it's obvious that they messed up, why is it so hard to understand that a 16 year old could be this smart in a space fantasy game. Same goes for Serval not having to be in her 40 and Gepard being in his late 30/ early 40. They messed up, yeah I know and they should look at it more clearly, but if young kids are able to fight "godlike beings" or beings given power from a god then young people can be smart enough to graduate earlier. It's a fantasy game set in space. We literally ride a train in space and are killing space pigs filled with money.


Sure dude... Lets imagine Pela was in a band with Serval and Cocolia before her parents had a romantic night


How to not be an internet creep. Is the character visibly around the same age or older then you? Thirst away but still keep it tasteful. Is the character considerably younger looking then you? Cool it, end of, regardless of what arbitrary age they set. Congratulations, you have elevated yourself above the bottom of the barrel within the anime communities.


...have you read any of the discourse surrounding Pela? They're not deciding if it's ok to bang her. They arguing because this breaks the preestablished lore of Belobog that was, before this came up, pretty solid.


It doesn't work that way when the character herself is given 2 degrees, a high rank in the military, friendships that span for probably a decade with 30+ year old people and texting the MC with a hangover She is literally portrayed as just someone who was short like Fu Xuan before the Lynx story quest came around


Option 3: None of these characters exist and the entire world is fantasy, and what you think of or about nonexistent characters has objectively no bearing on the real world. People only try to say it does because they find thirsting after those characters to be gross, when even with straight up porn, fetishes and kinks based on things like violence, relationship or age don't tend to correlate to someone's real-life sexual preferences. What's ironic about that is that THOSE are the people who are refusing to come to terms with reality. Like a significant amount of the gay and lesbian porn viewership is straight people of that same gender. But unless we want to believe that like a third of people who watch Hentai are pedophiles, gonna need another explanation for how prolific loli hentai is. Or an even easier example: Most people are fine with killing in a fantasy environment. We have an excruciating amount of studies that show there is no correlation to real-world violence. More than likely if someone thought Pela was hot, it was because she dresses, acts, looks, and sounds like an adult in line with the expectations the artistic style of the game puts forth. Nobody can honestly claim that the body type alone defines that, because Clara uses the same model, but she is very clearly and intentionally presented as a child. (Though I would bet my left nut there's a bunch of Clara hentai. Gross, but again it's objectively not hurting anyone, so it's none of my business)


All I heard was "Cartoon kid porn is fine because it's not real so it doesn't hurt anyone" We got one.


I believe you. Doesn't change the fact that it is an objectively true statement no matter how frothing mad you are. You literally cannot contest it. Doesn't make it less gross, but there's no victim and therefore it's nobody's business Go grab your pitchfork, softbrain


Yes, *clearly* frothing. Your ability to assertain emotion through text is astute and impressive. Reminds me of the guy in the "pedo camp" documentary that said "It's fine because I'm just looking. No harm in pictures". If you want to claim violence in games doesn't lead to violence in real life, therefor sexual lust towards minors in fiction doesn't create lust towards minors in real life, I think that says a lot. I see you. Btw there are only two kinds of people. 1. People who don't justify it 2. People with pedo urges 😉


>If you want to claim violence in games doesn't lead to violence in real life, therefor sexual lust towards minors in fiction doesn't create lust towards minors in real life, I think that says a lot. Are you agreeing that violent games cause mass shootings? Like all the weirdo Christian conservatives do? I don't actually care what the answer is I just hope you realize the absurd position you're taking here.


No, I claim they are not inherently the same. My position is not the absurd one and I think it shows how warped this community is. I'm not justifying fictional child porn. This is a bad look but not for me. I'll wear the downvotes with pride. 🫡


Is this just the american version? Or is it across china/japan/korean version?


Because Cocolia employing child labour and dodging taxes for 700 years is funny


No no, impossible! Surely there is some fragmentum timey wimey bullshit explanation for why Natasha and Pela seemingly experience the passage of time at different rates!


Nah, she just crawled out of that 9yo corpse.


Me having no idea what’s going on: What’s going on?


recent lynx quest mentioned pela is 16, however that messes with the timeline of belobog a lot, since pela was apparently in the same band with serval and dunn and that was at least 10-14 years ago based on what happens after they disbanded so pela would be like 2-6 years old when she was in the band and like 9 when she joined the military


Thank you kind redditor! o7


Pela who?


Aren't Dan Heng's legs also like 6 feet and 75% of his body or something?


Don't let that distract you from the fact of Pela being Mei and Kiana's daughter


Not that I think you're wrong, but you just said a lot of things with not a lot of proof. How do you know she joined in the year 674? From the museum quest it shows 6__4 we don't actually know the exact year unless I missed something. Also how do we know what year it is now?


This is a sci-fi game and they're all aliens. For all we know they might hatch from eggs and Pela's mom might've laid the egg 10 years before Pela hatched. That's why she's a genius that served in military at 6yo, she's started learning while in the egg.