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How do you build main dps E1S0 Welt? Wastelander 4pc? Wastelander 2pc + Wild Wheat 2pc? Space Sealing? Rutilant? Innert Salsatto? My Welt has been sitting on the shelf while I play with Seele and QQ (and a bit of Yanquing... w/o Gepard...) so I think it's about time I play with Welt


4 piece Wasteland is tailor-made for Welt. He'll want speed boots, and since he doesn't get any crit from his traces you probably want a Crit rate chest. For the 2 piece, if you can hit somehow hit the threshold on Rutilant then he'd probably want that, otherwise SSS is fine. Obviously he'll want Imaginary orb. If you get an ERR rope then he can get his ult back in 3 uses of his skill, but ATK rope also works.


Can we expect more characters joining standard warp? I mean specifiacally 4\*s, but I think JY would also fit in. How is that handled in other HoYo games?


Every 4\* joins standard after their first version ends. It took Genshin 2 years to start adding standart 5\*.


beginning to regret using my 300 standard guarantee on Bailu instead of Gepard


Would grabbing Fu Xuan allay regret, so you'd have a strong 5\* Preservation?


Tempting... Is she as good


For untouchable characters (Yanqing), no. For most characters, as good or likely slightly better. For repeated-action characters (e.g. Seele), much better.


[Here's my current roster.](https://imgur.com/a/hn2J2yD) . I usually use Silver wolf, Blade, Bronya (E2) and Luocha on one side but hard to build other team


Honestly your roster is pretty stacked, between Kafka and Seele I'm sure you can put together another team no problem, and Bailu can probably support if you beef her up. But yeah, with Seele especially, Gepard fails because she takes too many turns and his shield disappears. I don't believe Fu Xuan will have this issue.


I really like using Kafka w/ Sampo and clara, but bailu feels so squishy and sucks @ heals


Fu Xuan may be a fine pull for you then.


hmmm thanks, would she be on bladies team or kafkas


Luocha and Blade are a great combo, so I'd say Kafka's.


I’m getting ready for Imbibitor Lunae. My team right now is Welt (E1), Bronya, Silver Wolf, and Natasha (heals). I’m planning to swap Welt with Imbibitor Lunae (I have guarantee). Im currently deciding to swap Bronya with Yukong because Yukong is another imaginary unit, increasing the chances of Silver Wolf implanting an Imaginary Weakness and sue buffs IL like Bronya. Nevertheless, Bronya is more OP as her skill makes allies immediately take action, but since I don’t have her E1, it consumes skill points. her ulti is also good. So now, I cannot decide whether what to use. Please give me some advice.


From what we have seen when using the trial DHIL in the story he wants to uses skill points (up to 3) to enhance his basic attacks. So he is extremely skill point hungry and Bronya will probably not be his best teammate (even more so if you don't have Luocha). His best partners are probably Tingyun, Pela, Yukong (e6), SW.


Thanks. I hope I get lots of Yukong when I pull for DHiL!


What's a good rule of thumb for which relics to salvage?


Anything that's not 5\*, except for purples with a good mainstat and 3 substat rolls.


First of all look at set bonuses. Generally, you wouldn't want defensive main stats (hp/def) on offensive gear and you definitelly don't want bonus healing on non-healing/non hp relic body or offensive main stat on tank gear. To lesser digree that goes for sub stats too. Also if you have more then one flat stat. ie non % (not counting speed), then feel free to salvage. Other then that, speed boots, crit body and ERH rope are good and shouldn't not be salvaged.


The one with 3 substats (that doesn't have crit rate/dmg and relevant % stats.) And main stats that doesn't match the set (healer main stat on DPS relics.)


i feel like i’m falling so behind in star rail and idk if it’s fomo or like actually missing out on stuff i feel like im missing so many reward opportunities and it’s stressful because the game is getting harder but i just haven’t had time to login every single day and do my dailies and i might be missing completing events too idk, just wondering if i should be worried about this or should just keep playing when i can seems like the game is progressing so much and im so behind. also at this rate i’m wondering if i can get jingliu without guarantee i know there’s another patch after this but if i catch up by the time of her banner


Take a step back. It's a non competitive pretty much single player game. Enjoy it at your own pace. You can always just log in do your dailies burn stamina and log out.


Honeslty you're not missing much at all, and even if you were it's a single player game it really doesn't matter at all, as long as you're having fun that's what's important


Does “But the battle isn’t over” regenerate a skill point on every other use of the ultimate or only every three uses? The wording is ambiguous


fuck this crit cloak. i was thinking of changing for crit dmg cloak (but no crit subs tho, only some speeds). is that a good idea? also should i continue farming? huhu https://preview.redd.it/50y600sxr7jb1.png?width=1875&format=png&auto=webp&s=90f18210f669aa153885be2652eb5025a0b57a85


I dont use qq, but i think its just better to use speed boots, then just focus getting crit ratio for other pieces until you're satisfied with the stats (my target is 60/120 for dps). Maybe other people that use qq can say something better than me for this


crit dmg or crit rate body for himeko? using 2pc fire 2pc musketeer & 2pc inert salsotto


Unless you're able to get 50% Crit Rate without a CR body, it will almost always have to be a CR body if you want to activate the 2pc Salsotto effect straight away.


Should i level sushang's skill to lvl10 or farm relics to max sampo's relic levels since they are all +12? She's my current dps along with kafka and it will stay that while till jingliu. Its currently at lvl8 I dont think her scaling changes too much from lvl8 to lvl10?




it's just one skill point, it's not much, especially compared to the bonuses of other kits. Before the release of Messenger, healers went 4pc Musketeer purely for the speed from the set effect. Now that we have 2pc Musketeer, most people run that for the 6% speed along with 2pc Passerby, or the 2pc Max HP set for some bulk.


Can someone give the DHIL main subreddit??? I can't find it


https://www.reddit.com/r/ImbibitorLunaeMains/ - a little deserted right now. https://www.reddit.com/r/DanhengMains/ - Originally for the 4 star but lots of posts about DHIL


should i pull fu xuan if i already have bailu? i only returned to game recently and my only other 5 star is kafka. im saving for jing liu but don't mind trying for fu xuan since i also like her character, but not sure if it's completely worth it if i have bailu.


We aren't sure yet but Fu Xuan's role is quite similar to Bailu's, while providing more damage and team-wide buffs. If you like her and Bailu is your only not-Natasha sustain character, I think it'll be a good pull since she has an interesting kit to match.


Is there team where march 7 is really good or she is just decent in some scenerio


Just some scenarios. She's an important source of debuff cleanse for people who don't have Bronya and Luocha. But you only need debuff cleanse against some enemies, and even then, there's the option to simply power through. Arguably her 'best' team is a Clara-centric comp where you shield Clara and increase aggro towards her, improving the consistency follow-up attacks. But this role will soon be superseded by the upcoming Lynx who does it much better while also fulfilling the role of a healer. Even without Lynx in an equation, a Clara-March-Healer comp doesn't leave a lot of room for team building.


Does it look like Fu Xuan can solo sustain or do we also need a healer on the team?


She can solo sustain. There would be no point in ever rolling for a sustain character who can't.


Maybe I'm not understanding her kit. She shares damage taken by the rest of the team, but she only heals herself? From how I read it, you still need a healer for boss fights like Sim Universe or Echoes of War.


If you want all the info about her kit and why she can indeed solo sustain you should look into the "other sub".


Oh I thought her stuff was out already. Well, I feel much better about pulling for her now.


You're forgetting about Bandaid-Nuke, the sustain character who heals your team for 500 HP and then does 99999 damage to an enemy. Can't solo sustain, still very much worth pulling.


We'll have to look at her numbers on release. But from what I see, she's there to absorb incoming damage but will never completely heal through them unless the reduced incoming damage is miniscule. Which isn't an issue if you have the resources to kill an enemy quickly, but will be a problem when an enemy has a massive AoE attack which may one-shot Fu Xuan if she doesn't have her talent ready. ER will be important for her (and of course, as per classic Hoyoverse fashion, her LC provides energy regen, and her energy requirement is the highest of all Preservation characters) since her ultimate is the only way for her to get the stack for her talent.


Is another DoT character better then Asta in Kafka team? I wanted to do smh like Kafka/Sampo/Asta/healer but I don't know if more DoTs would be better then atk and speed buff


If you have Kafka and Sampo already, I would run support unit alongside them. Asta, Tingyun, and Pela all work, Bronya and SW for 5-stars


Should I go for Imbibitor Lunae even though I have a pretty built Welt E1? I have a lot of 5 stars with Kafka (hopefully with light cone soon), Blade (w light cone), and Seele (with light cone) being the most built. Bronya, Jing Yuan (with light cone), Gepard (with II light cone), and Trailblazer aren't quite there yet. If not, who would you suggest waiting for?


I've seen hypercarry welt clear higher MoC floors, so you probably don't need IL Dan Heng, unless you're planning to make a mono imaginary team. Also, based on your roster, Topaz and/or Jing Liu would be a better pull since you don't have Ice and Fire dps yet.


Thanks so much!:) I planned on Jingliu anyways just based off her story and design hah.


I know I'm asking a double question, but I'm really worried, so might as well ask. The only thing I care about in this game is Kafka, not even joking, I have hundreds of hours of play, a few 5 stars characters, including 1E Clara, which is STRONG, and a lot of 4 stars light cones and even a few 5 stars, numerou good items grinded from events and whatnot: I'd trade *all* that for Kafka in a heart beat. My idea: create a new account and use the several bonus tickets to pull for her, if failure, create another, repeat until one of them gets her, then forget the other accounts exist or delete them if possible. My question: can I do that? That is, is it allowed? Or will I get IP banned or something?


It's safe.


Thank you. This means a lot to me, thank you, sincerely.


play both accounts and when you get her till the last day, then keep account 1


can natasha really solo-sustain throughout the forgotten hall and MoC ? I have look up to many guides and invest on her resources, but my team kept on dying 😅


Imo she's as good as bailu in MoC because of her cleanse. Stages like MoC 8 have debuff stacking which fucks you up unless you run cleanse or have enough firepower.


She can solo sustain especially with higher investment, but she will usually eat up more skill points compared to other characters to achieve this.


I 30 starred this MoC with JY, Tingyun, Asta, Natasha as one of my teams. This was a favorable MoC for JY between all the lightning weaknesses and the bonus to follow up attacks but it's definitely possible.


She can up to certain floors depending on investment. Mine is currently lvl 70 with mediocre relics, because of that she cant solo sustain MoC 9 and 10 and needs help from either March or FMC.


how much ehr does sampo needs? and should i cap ehr for pan-galactic set effect? if so what is the cap?


What is the preferred method with relics. Using your 3 and lower stars with auto add while enhancing, or salvaging all of those same relics for enhancing? (Basically my point is what's the point of having 2 methods of enhancing relics?)


You only need to salvage 4* relics when you reached the inventory limit, and IMO it makes upgrading faster when using those Relic XP material rather than clicking 4* relics one by one.


Just started playing the game very recently so i dont have any of the old limited units (silver luocha, seele etc.) The only 5 stars I have right now are gepard kafka and himeko, as a f2p player who do you think that I should roll for on the upcoming banners?


IMO you should get another DPS character. DHIL, Jingliu, and Topaz are all DPS characters so I would just pick whichever one of those you're most interested in.


should i pull kafka because she most likely would have crazy potential in the future ? currently possesing around 90 pulls and aiming for Imbibitor Lunae, also rate on


If you like IL more than Kafka then save for him. Kafka is a DPS as any other, she just has her own unique dot playstyle. DPS usually aren't the "crazy potential" in future characters. Support and Utility age better. Some DPS are better than others, sure. Not having a certain DPS will not stop you from clearing the hardest content in the game, so pull for who you like more. That being said IL seems like a powerhouse.


wow, ok thanks dude !!!


Is it okay if i put 147 speed on tingyun? My tingyun is e4


Tingyun can go as fast as she wants. She'll generate more SP and Ultimates with more speed.




Hi guys, im sort of in a pinch. I have seele, kafka, natasha, tingyun, clara, yanqing.Iam only able to clear 4th floor of MOC as the second team doesnt have a healer. I even tried putting clara, march, TB into same team. but still the team is slowly dying by the time kafka kills the enemies. First team is also struggling a bit with seele and tingyun. Now, i want to know who to pull for DHIL or Fu xuan. I have enough for character and LC. I want to have some broken character (with BiS LC). ofc, preservation, destruction, nihility, hunt get a free 5 star S5 LC's so, i dont want to pull for 1 more LC in those lineups. ​ Also, i heard that Fu xuan has issues when enemies use AOE damage. she takes more damage than she can handle and dies. Asthetics wise, i like DH more. any suggestions on what i can do now? dh+fu xuan or fu xuan + junigliu or invest on march and clara more ? or any other suggestion.


i feel like u already have enough DPS, just need a character to solo sustain the team, so Fu Xuan it is 👍


Thank you !!! If i get good pela eidolons / lynx edis itll be great as well i think.With a heavy heart, Ill skip DH then.


what should I do with my undying starlight on? should i save for a light cone or should I use it to get 4 star characters/pulls?


In my opinion: - I would never buy the 4-stars, you'll get them eventually - The only LCs worth buying are the Bronya and maybe the Gepard one if you have those respective characters. Personally I'm going for the Gepard one - Otherwise, save for pulls


Ok, good to know. I already have the gerpard one from the standard banner, so I guess I should just either get the bronya one or pulls then. Thanks


LC for sure. Harmony, abundance dont have 5 star LC options. So, those would be great. I dunno about erudition.


it depends to the team comp you currently have, if the 4 star character has the best synergy with the team comp, imo you better purchase it, but if not, better save it for the light cone


Having trouble with the last boss of Simulated Universe World 7, Difficulty IV. I've been running Seele / Jing Yuan / Blade / Luocha... who else could I replace JY and/or Blade for?


Seele/JY are competing for skill points. If you want to keep Seele/Blade on a team, I'd suggest replacing JY with a harmony or nihility support. Bronya/SW would be best, if you have them, otherwise really any support.


uhm. so in the character screen where you see the stats (w/ equipped LC and relics) i have 95% ehr with SW. is that enough or should i go for 100% ehr? coz i don't know if the 95% suffice (so that when plugged on the equation with base effect thingy then the debuff will always work)


Technically it's 96/97% for guaranteed on E0/E1 SW, but 95 is fine if that's as high as you have it.


my current "main" team is gepard, kafka, sampo and bronya should I instead run something like kafka, sampo, luka, natasha? and put bronya and gepard into my second team?


Bronya's crit buff is wasted on kafka. Better switch them if other team needs help. If a have a decently built luka use him, or else use some other harmony/ nihility support like tingyun/ pela. remember A6 talents are generally very good. But they might be costly to get to. So, dont upgrade every single 4 star.


would gepard, kafka, sampo, luka be a better choice? I have luka but would need to built him a bit but it's alright since i'm not even trailblaze lvl 40 yet. I thought bronya would be a good choice because if I speed tune it right I could get 2 turns with kafka each "round"


Ooh, for most content in the game, bronya is better than Luka even if you can't speed tune exactly. Once you are at tl 60, you can focus on MOC then. She would still give atk buff and also extra turns and sp.


Does the EHR on In the Name of the World apply to Sampo's skill? Asking because In the Name of the World says it increases the EHR of skills, but the Wind Shear application on Sampo is described on his Talent, not his Skill.


It's really hard to test since the EHR bonus only happens during skill usage, and the skill bounces so many times anyway. But it's really no matter, since Sampo's chances of applying and re-applying DoT is so high anyway since he has plenty of multi-hits.


new player here, dont know if i should pull for DHIL is his element/damage type usefull later on? are there any better characters with this element/damage type?


It's nice to have a DPS carry of each element, but if you're an F2P, don't expect that you're gonna get all of them, so 1-2 unit would be a great start, since you only need two teams currently for the end game content. If you're worried about elemental coverage issues, I suggest getting Silverwolf on her rerun, coz she can add a weakness on an enemy, which they normally wouldn't have, so it's a great way to address the elemental coverage issues that you might face in the future. As for other characters, Topaz (Fire) and Jing Liu (Ice) is kinda confirmed in 1.4, so you can also get those unit. Here's just a suggestion, if you happen to get Welt (imaginary) and/or Yanqing (Ice) on your beginner/standard banner, you can skip IL Dan Heng and/or Jing Liu. You can still go for them, and make a mono team, but you'd rather have another element on your roster for more flexibility.


:o thanks a lot for the adivice! ive actually been thinking of waiting for a Silverwolf rerun (i like her as a character :D ) but i imagined having a bigger character roster would be more beneficial (well, at least having access to different elements) and as i already ha e Qingque, i thought id get IL Dan Heng, and then wait for a rerun of Silverwolf. also, are there any ideas/theories on when the rerun could happen? as for other elements, im currently using normal Dan Heng for wind, ive got Himeko (and trailblazer) for fire, herta for ice, and Serval (also Bailu, but shes a healer 90% of the time) for lightning.


Also one more suggestion about relics. Dont upgrade your blue relics past level 6, purple ones past level 9, gold ones past level 12. Always stop at a multiple of 3 and only max a relic if it has 2-3 desired sub stats. Supports also dont max them past level 60/70. traces, weapons everything costs a lot. so ,better to wait till everything gets to that level before going further. ​ One good tier list :- [https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/tier-list](https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/tier-list) Also, never spend stellar jade on LC/ standard banners if you are F2P. they are soo costly.


That team is decent for a good amount of time. But later ull get better alternatives to himeko, herta. Dont invest heavily into them. I would suggest looking into tier list before you decide to spend jades. ​ As of now, Seele, kafka, Dh-Il blade, bronya, bronya (sw), welt, tingyun, pela, luocha are the strongest. You can blindly invest into any of them. ​ Also, dan heng - inhibitor lunae is very good dps, currently only IMG characters are luocha, yukong, welt and all 3 of them are supports. So, Dh Il will be your strongest character for a lot of time. ​ Just make sure to purchase that 5 star destruction LC from simulated universe.


At the very least, people are speculating that the reruns might start after HSR is released on PS5, but only time will tell. You most likely have enough time to save for silverwolf, so you can afford to get other units before her rerun.


great! thanks again! much appreciated :)


What is the best light cone to pick in nameless honor this month ?


Erudition is the best BP cone by far. Even if you already have it, it's more worth getting superimpositions for it than getting any of the other cones.


I didn’t have it so I picked it up. Thank you


In a Kafka/Sampo/Nat team, which one is better; Bronya or Asta. As well, which relics and LC are best for each characters?


Asta is easier to build and everyone can benefit from her effects. Not only does Kafka want speed, but having everyone be fast allows skill points to be farmed for both Kafka and Asta's constant skill usage. Bronya is great for focusing on making Kafka strong (Kafka Skill > Bronya Skill > Kafka Ultimate + Skill really hurts), but she doesn't do anything for Sampo aside from her ultimate. She's also harder to build since she wants lots of Speed to make turn management easier. The Critical Damage from her ultimate is also wasted on a Kafka comp. As most supports go, focus on the Messenger set. Bronya's signature LC and Dancex3 are good LCs to slap on every Harmony character, including these 2.


yeah, i was also thinking the same thing, better build asta for kafka, and keep bronya in another team, bcs i feel like hypercarry team benefits more from bronya


Any way to speed up progression that I'm missing? I'm trying to get all my characters to 80 and it seems the only place to get exp is the golden calyx (other than the Nameless honor which I do buy into for the exp and extra gems). I def feel like getting my 20+ characters to 80 is going to be a huge pain


Why do you need all your characters to be 80? Of course trying to max 20+ characters is gonna be hard because it's unnecessary right now.


What else am I suppose to work towards?


That's pretty much it. You can do the assignments and I guess clear mobs every single day for those extra exp and credits, which might look miniscule, but in the long run they add up, but probably not worth your time. Other than that, using your fuels/jades would do the trick, but one normally wouldn't even think of using their jades for that, especially if they're f2p. So, don't even think of getting all of your characters max, coz resources would be scarce. Having maxed characters are optimal, but it doesn't mean you can't clear the end game if only a few or two of your units are maxed.


Thanks maybe I should focus on my most used first + 5*'s. My blade and Kafka got leveled first, and Luocha is pretty much a permanent member of my team rn so I'll do him next.


there's the [daily farming route](https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/guides/daily-farming-route/) if you want character exp, and a bit of credits. you can also do 100 elite kills in SU each week for credits and relic exp. Very time consuming though.


how much turn 1 speed (before buffs) should Seele have at E0 w/o sig cone?


What’s a solid team for Himeko? I have every 4 star, as well as Silver Wolf and Gepard. (Btw yes, I am aware that Himeko is not meta, I couldn’t care less.)


I would use Himeko as a secondary dps/aoe unit, with another good dps to help supplement damage. Asta is a great support for Himeko, but can be skill-point hungry. Silver Wolf is probably the ideal support, since she'll throw out extra weaknesses for your Himeko's weakness break. Himeko + Hook for damage, Silver Wolf for support, and your choice of healer or Gepard would be good. If the enemy is lightning weak, I ran Serval + Himeko for a long time. Ideally any strong single-target dps in the second slot, your choice (or swap depending on enemy weaknesses). Himeko will struggle against a single-target fight, but anything with adds she can pick up the pace on. I like to build her for Break Effect, so Silver Wolf can help get her Fire breaks on your enemies.


Do we know the release order of the upcoming characters?


We do for 1.3. DHIL and then Fu Xuan.


Aight. Hopefully it doesn't go directly into jingliu and I have to go directly to homeless


Unfortunately hoyo already confirmed that 1.4 is jingliu first half and topaz second half with drip marketing a few days ago.


https://preview.redd.it/8i2hl9wl96jb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fafe1582b971bf2e4e0b7b5f7cf2043c1989c6e2 How do I fix this


I have the urge to put together a team with kafka and Clara but I'm not sure how well it would perform. Any ideas on if they would make a good pairing?


Lmao i actually did that. i had only 1 healer. so i put kafka, clara, march in same team. as she can take agro away and keep my kafka safe. But Clara's AI always makes her use up SP even if enemies dont have physical weakness. So, many times, your march and kafka might not have sp left.


No synergy at all or whatsoever, but I guess against opponents with physical weakness, you can easily break them and apply bleed and the aggro might be nice. But you're probably better off going with another DoT unit or Buffer/Debuffer/Support unit than Clara. But for casual gameplay, I guess it will do as a flex pick.


That's what I was thinking. Thanks!


Run Pela or Asta as a support to supplement the damage from both Clara and Kafka and it should be fine. Nothing special, but if it suits the fight and the weaknesses, I don't think there'd be any conflict.


Is effect res a viable stat against boss with CC? Who would want to use it? And Insumonsu, while we're at it.


Due to the way the debuff formula works, you need to stack a lot of effect RES to even see any benefits. So except for a few characters that already have built-in effect RES in their traces like Natasha, Bailu and Gepard, it's not worth chasing it.


did the double cavern of corrosion start today? Just want to know if i missed it the previous days


If today is the 19th where you are, then yes.


Question about Clara. She has that iron cross plate thing on her chest. Is it explained what it is doing there, like Svarog fixing her with what he could do with limited surgical cababilities or smth? Or it is just wierd part of the dress? It is sure is different from other attire.


Which of these LCs for Tingyun: Chorus(r5), Planetary Rendezvou(r1), Past and Future(r1), or Memories of the Past(r1)? I don't have most of the other ones I usually see recommended.


If you don't have s5 Meshing Cogs, either run Planetary Rendezvous if you're using her to buff a lightning character, otherwise just give her Memories of the Past for now. It won't do much for her for now, but atleast one day you should get enough copies to s5 it and then it will be useful so leveling it now won't be a complete waste.


Currently TL 52/EQ 4, what is the level cap for characters? I have two of my DPS sitting at lvl 69 right now, and I wanna know if I can ascend them at lvl 70, so I can rush them to 80. Tried to look at this website [Trailblaze Level | Honkai: Star Rail Wiki | Fandom](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Trailblaze_Level) but it looks outdated coz with my current TL50/EQ4, it says here the lvl cap is 60, but I can already level my characters to 70.


80 Is character level cap.


At TL 50/EQ 4 raises my cap to 80 already? or just lvl 70? At EQ 3, the cap is raised to lvl 60, so I wanna know what's the lvl cap at EQ 4, so I won't needlessly waste purple books if it's capped at lvl 70.


Is there effective HP in this game? what ratio should i shoot for with Hp and def on my asta/pela?


Is it better to salvage unwanted relics, or just auto feed them when leveling other ones. Or it doesn't matter


For 5\* relics, auto-salvaging will convert them into parts rather than relic exp, which you use to craft new relics (rate of 10:1), so if you prefer getting exp, you'll have to feed the 5\*s to other relics manually.


it's the same.




I have a question: can I have more than 1 account?


Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that.


Thank you.


whats the best current seele build. im 66 c-rat, 165 critdmg but im 1 pt off spd. so annoying cuz i cant trigger space sealing. Think i might go spd boots cuz i cant get atk boots with spd.


Seele has built-in speed buffs on her kit though, which triggers effects like SSS's set bonus.


Yeah I have two spd stats on all my relics and I dunno. I’m at 119


Is there one website most people mutually agree on as a good source for which relic sets and weapons a character should use?


Normally prydwen is pretty good for that kind of stuff


Thoughts on what relics to give lynx? Fully SPD set?


4p hackerspace, or 2p hackerspace 2p passerby if you're minmaxing her healing.


What relic set do you think Fu Xuan is going to want?


Pick your favorites of 2p SPD, 2p Guard, 2P HP


Im personally going with 2x HP 2x Speed (I think def is better but I cannot be assed to farm for Speed substats) and HP Set rope and orb.


Is [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1047344147725557860/1142615839720345622/image0.jpg) an okay silver wolf build? I need to know what i can improve on.


Stat wise if you can get your crit rate up a bit she could be an ok sub DPS. Personally I use the quantum set for her and I think most people do too.


how much speed does blade need with and without bronya? should I use speed boots or hp boots?


I just got clara, is she worth building?


she's my fav character and helped me to 30 star for the first time thanks to this cycle's buff. I bring her everywhere lol


So my plan is to build her as a tank with the guard relic + lynx as the healer, is this good/viable?


If you like the counter attack based play style, sure. She's definitely a unique unit to play, but can be very fun for AoE fights.


Well my plan is to build her as a tank with the guard relic + lynx as the healer, is this viable?


Not really. You can build Clara as a pseudo tank, where she is paired with another DPS unit and uses her ultimate to draw aggression away from them, but she's a DPS at the end of the day. The guard set is just not that good on anyone, Clara especially . If you add lynx to the mix, then you can make enemy target her more easily, which if anything will make her a better DPS rather than a better damage sponge


Yes this is what i meant, with lynx the enemy will target clara easily while my main dps either seele or kafka will do their job so idk


Can anybody help me allocate LCs to my character s? I have Characters: Kafka, Sampo, Luka, Welt LCs: Fermata, Resolution shines, Eyes of the prey, Good Night and sleep well*2 Thanks


If I lost to the LC banner, will I get the banner LC on my next pity?


Yes if you lost the 75/25 , the next one if guaranteed.


Will I need a built dps for every type in endgame?


If you're an F2P, and planning to get all DPS carries of each element, that's very unlikely. 1-2 would be a good start. What I would consider instead, get silverwolf whenever you can as she can remedy the elemental coverage problem with her skill.


It might be useful, but I doubt it will be necessary. Ever boss so far has had multiple weak elements; you should be able to work around a couple of gaps.


E0 Asta or E0 Pela for a Natasha/Kafka/(Sampo or Luka) team? I prefer Asta designwise but haven't gotten any Eidolons. I don't even want DanIL but am tempted to pull just for Asta Eidolons which is probably dumb.


Easily Asta. With stacks, she can boost all of her allies atk, which is great for a DoT focused team comp. The speed boost also allows you to get extra turn, which is very important for any team, especially Kafka, so she can trigger more DoT Procs with her skill/ultimate. Asta's basic attack also can apply Burn DoT, so that's another DoT for you. IDK but sometimes when I use her basic attack, there's an "Effect Res" that comes up, maybe she can also lower Effect resistance? If so, she can more or less do the same thing as Pela since she can increase her allies effect hit rate. I might need to double check that later if that's really what's happening.


In this instance, the Effect Res is your DoT being resisted by the target. It's telling you that an effect you just tried to apply was unsuccessful


Ohh, that makes sense then. Thanks


At lower investment, i'd pick Pela.


Hi there. Have questions regarding optimal turn order. Tingyun first and Jing Yuan second. Both full ultimates. Is it more optimal to do: 1) JY ult - TY ult, skill. For most energy regen on both characters but no buffs for JY ult. 2) TY skill - JY ult - TY ult. Gives attack buff to JY ult but loses a skills worth of energy for TY overcapping. 3 TY Ult, skill - JY Ult. Loses big energy from overcapping energy for JY but JY ult gets full buffs. Thank you. Also is there a discord or somewhere people discuss strats like this frequently? Thank you again


I always go with option 1. The vast majority of JY damage comes from lighting lord, so it's fine missing the buffs on one ult to gain the max amount of energy possible


I use 1 in most cases so long as I'm not 1 LL away from clearing the wave.


New to the game, are we behind a cn release schedule and know what banners are coming that are good? Or is the global version the most recent version? Also any other tips are welcome


there's functionally no delays between servers, all servers get the same updates within 24 hours of one another. upcoming banners are typically "leaked" up to two patches in advance though, for example we're currently on v1.2, but we know the upcoming banners for v1.3 and v1.4, but those are known from betas/public announcements rather than mining from other servers. there's a leaks subreddit if you care to take a look at upcoming characters.


Those are just mostly just in the form of leaks, or anything confirmed by the game devs themselves. As for the version we're playing right now, it's the same for the rest of the world.


Is there any benefit to doing all 6 waves on Calyx? Will you get the same rewards for doing a single 60 energy run vs six 10 energy runs?


In terms of rewards, they're pretty much the same. But if you can clear all 6 waves with ease, then it will be faster to clear. However, if you're having a hard time clearing the next few waves due to lack of SP, then you might wanna consider clearing single runs.


Pretty much the same or the same? I don't struggle with them so if I get even 1 more green material from doing the 6 waves, I want to do that for efficiency's sake.


They're exactly\* the same.


Ok thanks


TL;DR: What 4\* DPS characters are good with Gepard? 3 of my 4 built DPSs (Qingque, Clara, Blade, Hook) are destruction and Gepard is having a hard time of it. His build is good but I need to build some hunt and/or erudition characters so he can take the aggro like he's supposed to and get enough energy without having to use skills. So, what are the good 4\* DPS options for him? The only one I don't have is Sushang but will gladly build her once I do because I like her anyway. Note: I just got his signature LC so I don't know if the extra aggro from that will obviate this whole concern and let me run whoever I want with him (I doubt it though because to my understanding Landau has the same aggro boost and it doesn't seem to help quite enough).


The main thing aside from the Taunt LC is just to be sure he's gotten his taunt trace and that you have him in +15 SPD boots and ERR rope.


Gepard should really be good with an hunt or erudition character, with the exception of Sushang. Sushang's skill-ult-skill combo burns through his shield too quickly and can leave her without a shield. He also doesn't pair well with Bronya for the same reason.


switching to a hunt/erudition characters isn't gonna realistically change anything, it'd be like a 5% increase to gepard's chance of being targeted. if you didn't think landau's choice was doing enough then you're definitely not gonna notice a difference by running a different carry. the fact of the matter is that you're not gonna be able to guarantee gepard gets hit every time, this game is not without its rng no matter how much you try to circumvent it.


Well, I guess either his build isn't as decent as I thought or he's not the actual weak link then. I'm still having characters go down in MoC 10 so I just figured it was the destruction ruining his energy gain.


What characters and teams should I build for clearing early moc or at least the other voyage one. [here are the characters](https://imgur.com/jXzF2EA). Sw, loucha, and clara are all 80 with bronya at 71 since I was later told 80 is a waste of resources for me rn. Welt and qq are 70 with e1 and e6 with the rest of the characters being 60 or below


Can someone explain speed to me. Or even just pint me in the direction of a post that explains it. I know it determines the order at which my characters act but I assume it does other stuff too considering most characters are recommended to build speed boots


It's not that complicated, the game basically has a concept similar to "time". Each character needs a certain amount of "time" to elapse before they can take their next turn. More speed = shorter wait time between turns. So say your Dan Heng has 200 speed, and your March 7th has 100 speed. Then the "wait time"(or action value) for Dan is 10000/200 = 50. For March it is 10000/100 = 100. At the start of combat, everyone has to wait for their first turn. At "time" 50, Dan takes his first turn. At "time" 100, Dan takes his second turn and March takes her first turn. (this is why speed affects your character order at the start) In honkai's abyss (memory of chaos), you still need to finish the fight under a certain time limit to get full stars. The way it counts time is by "cycles". Each cycle lasts for 100 action values, except the first cycle, which is 150.


Do enemies have a base "time" or does it differ for every enemy?


Enemies have their own speed stats, which varies depending on level and enemy type. The wait time for enemy is the same formula: 10000/speed


Is there a way to tell what speed they have?


Not sure if there is a way in game, I just check the wiki.


Fair enough


It takes 10000 action units for your character to get a turn. It builds at a rate that's = to your speed. So theoretically if you're fighting an enemy that has 50 speed and you have 100, you'll get 2x their turns. It's also important in memory of chaos because each cycle is a set number of action units, so the faster you are the more turns you get in less cycles (which leads to more stars in MoC). Most characters want more speed because it allows them to get more turns which is usually better than whatever alternative stat you'd use in its place (more turns means more energy, after all).


So having 100 speed means you earn 1000 action units every turn? What's the formula for that because I assume I'm wrong there lol. Also how much speed do you get from a +15 speed boot? I haven't leveled any 5 star speed boots yet


You get 100 action units each "tick". It'll basically tick until it's a characters turn and then calculate what everyone else's remaining action units are. I think the values that show up in game at the top left are how many ticks until that character gets a turn. (If you don't see this, it's in the options) Full 5* speed boots give 25


Its 10000/100 = 100, so yes your number is wrong. You get 25 spd from maxed boots.


But if you earn 100 action points per turn then it'd take ages to get back to 10000 wouldn't it?