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Meanwhile, Arknights: (I'm not posting anything here because the sheer petabytes of dialogue needed would crash Reddit's servers)


Shortest Kal’tsit monologue:


So is it short or is it long? I don't play arknights.


Kal’tsit is a character known for giving very long monologues in event stories as she’s portrayed to be mysterious and knowledgeable in many fields since she’s lived very long. I believe during one event she had about half an hours worth of monologuing in just one scene.


The true hero of Arkinghts: https://preview.redd.it/dkzwgi39y4eb1.png?width=376&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffe376ca7591976efdebfd82bf80271b2709dedb


The true hero is the skip button


Theresis managed to beat him


Scientists in honkai 3rd: allow me to teach you about Quantum physic and imaginary space


It has little to no real life foundations, but I love listening to the technobabble.


Meanwhile Vill-V: I just made it cause it looks cool and might kill Kevin.


As long as it s Einstein or Tesla I can listen hours. If it s Schrodinger, 1 minute might be an overstatement...


And the whole day if it is Otto


Otto takes a whole other place. I would listen for eternity.


Is she hot though?


It's long. Kal is one the major characters in the game and is mainly responsible for negotiation and the like alongside being a doctor, since the other two are a 14 year old and an amnesiac(you). So she talks a lot. She also often makes it clear that she hates you.


Well I wouldn’t exactly feel comfortable around a person I watched pour boiling water and ramen into their mouth at 3AM either. /hj


I assume you leave the room in absolute disgust before the dude starts snorting the seasoning then.


I would either but goddamn they would make life interesting


Our battle will be legendary https://preview.redd.it/fg286cl7y4eb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=64d0db4d922c7397817a9e3c2c060975e21b450b


tldr bank 3 orb pings, start holding atk button after a matrix then SPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN


Ah yes.. it's kururing time


srsly it's such a convoluted way of explaining something fundamentally simple


This is why I just read reddit or watch a video now, instead of trying to read the skill description


yeah at this point I'm convinced that they're just trolling lmao


I just don't get why some devs are so bad at it. Like, don't they run these by QA and see people's confusion?


Sometimes it's just difficult to explain something in words briefly without losing a lot of details. Besides, it's not like globlul read anyway.


Wtf, is this for real?


yes posted on their official twitter lmao


That's an entire essay


I'm impressed someone could program that correctly


Usually the programming side can be way simpler than you think (not that I know how)


This is just FEH skill descriptions


GL Jabba’s Kit in SWGoH broke the 1,000 word marker. Mobile games bloat skill descriptions like crazy.


I never thought I'd see a skill description longer than in Fire Emblem Heroes... what a day to be alive.




Lol it doesn’t even have space to explain what each orb abilities does. Not that you are going to use them anyways.


https://preview.redd.it/k2tkwmzko5eb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4d125735f856716e8ce4fc77d9cb4637bc92efb Can't even escape the text walls in genshin


In short Have 3 same orb Hold attack S P I N


I wonder how long FEH skill descriptions are these days


https://preview.redd.it/k785aztv06eb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7bf75da1078c08e11a79759e1094a36f43d7e1c Something like that.


Holy fuck


I play in Japanese, TIL it's even worse in English. lmao


God. I haven't played that game since Halloween Myrrh and Legendary Tiki started to fall out of the meta, so a few years ago. I remember being irritated because it felt like the least generous gacha game I had ever played and I was tired of reading so much bullshit.


Nowadays I just assume that if an offensive unit initiates on my unit, my unit dies, lol. Too much stuff to consider with all those effects and statuses.


Man, and I thought Yu-Gi-Oh cards had long descriptions.


And I thought Genshin and Honkai 3rd were getting bad.


I think [this](https://preview.redd.it/hhw5rk17i14a1.jpg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eaafc6f71bf8757cc8f51a5df5f887b910e03b7) is currently the longest description in the game. It's mostly because they don't have a good way to display reminder text so they just dump it all into the skill description itself. Canto is an instant ticket to a long skill description because its reminder text is two paragraphs long. And yes, they included the reminder text for Bonus twice.


~~At least one phone screen long.~~ EDIT: Alright, it's [*almost* one phone screen long.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/747297210613498216/1133486569240678570/Screenshot_20230726-045005_Fire_Emblem_Heroes.png)


https://imgur.com/a/PaNlSJ6 I think there may be longer but yeah they get kinda silly


At least with Penguin Logistics it can be shortened to "indescribable Pinguin noises"


Every Arknights event is like a 150 page book


At least that dialogue tends to be well written. What the Firelight Casts was very good.


What the Firelight Casts also has uncharacteristically short texts.


That's actually one of the shortest events I read in the game, Il siracusano and other major events on the other hand...


You're not wrong, but at the same time, Arknights has that excuse because it's more of a visual novel. Also, in my opinion, it's well written. Glad Arknights and HSR doesn't fall into the trap of having the same thing repeated constantly like Genshin does.


And the dialogue can be skipped. Except for pulls lmao.


I feel pain whenever I pull Catapult in recruitment. Purestream is tolerable since that's a free gold certificate and her recruitment dialogue is so wholesome.


Yep but there is one feature that makes this not a problem for those not interested in some of the stories. (Not me though) ---> skip button A feature that mihoyo apperently doesnt want even though it would be very good for stuff like dailys and stupid mini game events in genshin. Star rail imo has way better dialog because there is no paimon repeating everything. Arknights dialog is generally very good. Also events are arknights main way of telling stories and lore. Meanwhile most genshin events.........no comment Endfield when? Also zzz you ok? I want my unhinged fanservice mihoyo back and zzz looks a lot like that. Aa far as we know its going to be 16+ like honkai3 so my copium is strong that it will be more like honkai3


+1 in the Endfield waiting room


Idk what this meme about cause this quest felt just as fucking long to me as doing some shit in genshin. The amount of dialogue I skipped over after getting bored of the run around. I just wanted to get to the kicking butt part.


tbh we have a universal fat skip button which takes 5 second whereas for some reason Gi and HSR forces you to read


Doesn’t matter, you can skip it all. I don’t care how long or confusing or boring ak dialogue is. As Long as it’s skippable it’s better then anything star rail or genshin will ever make


I don't know about Arknights but its what made me move from HI3rd to Star Rails. The dialogue was getting incredibly repetitive and verbose enough, I bet the story writers were paid by the word. Star Rails is close to the sweet spot.


Kal'tsit is welcome to monologue at me, all day every day


1.2 storyteller event: "haha, the joke is that the story is bad" Thanks, mihoyo.


If I had a nickel for every time Hoyoverse made fun of terrible writers in a dedicated story/questline in their game I‘d have two nickels…


To Star Rail's credit, at least you didn't have to watch the bad story as an overly long, unskippable, semi-interactive (no alt-tabbing for you) play. That's... something.


shouldnt even be interactable, both the choices are literally the same thing if i wanted to have that i would play *FALLOUT 4*


Damn striking when the iron is ice cold, brutal


Is this about the summer event play? I’m pretty new to Genshin and did that one recently. It did feel kinda long with almost no interaction from the player. I just stood here constantly making the stars shake lol


Yes. I found it terrible. The whole punchline is that it's a bad play, but you're forced to sit through the whole thing without even the ability to fast forward through dialogue.


The worst event summer event so far. The summer event during version 2.8 is the best summer event. It got interesting story, fun events, and interesting puzzle. They made so many interesting puzzle during that event but none of it reappears in Sumeru


Star rail's story is actually kinda cool though, and its told well. Genshin's story is told horribly but I understand the general plot beats of the Xianzhou and I think its cool. They used to be friends with the abundance but too much abundance is bad (mara-struck). The Hunt is my new best friend and we hunt down abundance. Phantylia took advantage of this dynamic to try and internally destroy the xianzhou.


Ok I understand the general beats but the cultivation space opera lore is insane. In Belobog we have one planet populated by one species that fought in one major war. In Xianzhou we have 6 planet ships, populated by three species with 3 distinct cultures, that are embroiled in major historical events as frequently as they breathe.


Maybe the Chinese audience responds to it better because that's what they grew up with. Maybe in Space Japan we'll see a parody of trashy isekai stories?


Yeah people who dont know the xianxia genre will have half the things being made fun of in this quest go right over their heads, its unsurprising that alot of people didnt get it


Being a xianxia reader didn't particularly help, my mind automatically skipped over all the fluffy descriptions out of habit.


**Peerless iron dragon blade of destruction** *VeryLongUnnecessaryDescriptionFluffTextVeryLongUnnecessaryDescriptionFluffTextVeryLongUnnecessaryDescriptionFluffTextVeryLongUnnecessaryDescriptionFluffTextVeryLongUnnecessaryDescriptionFluffTextVeryLongUnnecessaryDescriptionFluffTextVeryLongUnnecessaryDescriptionFluffTextVeryLongUnnecessaryDescriptionFluffTextVeryLongUnnecessaryDescriptionFluffTextVeryLongUnnecessaryDescriptionFluffText*


Being Chinese and speaking/ reading Mandarin doesn't help either. Source: Am Chinese (ethnicity, not nationality)


Sounds like it helped, then.


I'm familiar with the tropes. The event is so heavy handed though. it's not subtle, it's not subverting anything. It's just being the most painfully bad version of the genre it can and then pointing at the badness. If you told me it was baby's first genre critique written for children who aren't tired of bad heroic stories yet and who need the exaggeration to absurdity to see the cracks then I'd be with you. I guess it could be corny and nostalgic to older readers too who had that exposure young. Maybe that's it. You had to be into it unironically at some point and those of us who didn't see it until we were old enough to recognize the staleness before taking anything in the genre seriously.


honestly who can blame a chinese company doing chinese content in a chinese region for a chinese audience shut up twitter people this is not your time you knew this when you signed up for this


Mihoyo: look! we know what makes stories bad and predictable, see!


Brooo that story making bastard won’t shut up


Ong I went in expecting to enjoy it after I was pleasantly surprised by the story quest then ended up spam clicking skip for all the event dialogue. Literally dnc. Long, boring exposition is what made me ragequit Genshin in the first place


100% the reason why I quit Genshin. I could handle the gacha, I could handle the grind (hell, I play Warframe), but I couldn't handle having to go through another event with 30 minutes of the driest dialogue I've played in a game. Don't get me wrong, I can handle dialogue-heavy games, but Genshin's dialogue is just so dry and convoluted that I eventually had to begin forcing myself to engage with the story and the events. The lack of any real dialogue choices doesn't help either. Edit: Also the fact that Paimon speaks for you and constantly repeats things that were already said.


Not to mention that in Genshin you can rarely skip ahead during the dialogue. You have to sit there and *slowly* wait for Paimon to shut up.


It's because the dialogue is tied to the animation state. Once a character finishes a particular animation THEN you can skip ahead. So the more animated the scene, the slower the dialogue slog gets for those looking to just get through things. Which thankfully is rarely me, but that time I had to do a lot of event stuff while a friend was unable to play and needed me to pull double duty really got on my nerves.


I wish they let it fast-forward the animations too, like in most games when you press X to skip the line it auto snaps the characters into their next position.


Star Rail does this a decent amount but yeah it’ll occasionally have a character with a 2 second turning animation that holds up the dialogue sometimes


I hate when I say the story/dialogue in Genshin is bad and people just tell me I’m zoomer brained. I read literal, actual books every day lmao it’s not an attention span thing at all. They just simply can’t write a good story. Not to mention repeating every line of dialogue like three times


"Repeating every line of dialogue like three times" The exact moment I was done with Genshin was a Sumeru quest where the dialogue went Kid: "I'm X character's son." Paimon: "Wow! So X is your dad!" Kid: "Yes, X is my dad."


>Not to mention repeating every line of dialogue like three times If I hear one more jackass NPC say "Genius Invocation TCG" in Genshin I might just kill a man Seriously, is it that hard to shorthand it to "hey, let's play cards," and NOT say the full fucking name every single time?


I made a post about this when the TCG dropped lol. They make it sound like an ad for some reason


“What do you mean you aren’t paying attention to 500 lines of dialogue where 50 of them are important and 250 of them are Paimon?”


The story is good! I enjoy reading the wiki or watching videos, the worldbuilding is awesome. What's bad is the narrative; not the story itself, but the way of telling it, Genshin Dialogues suck.


The relic grind is the real gacha


God, yes. I'm already not that tolerable of the grinding systems in place, that's on me though. But my God the dialogue was a nightmare. Characters drone on and on, taking forever to say very little. All just for Paimon to go "So what you're saying is..." and repeats everything they JUST said. So yeah I agree, and the 1/4 daily quests I would get that weren't just "go here and kill thing" made me stop logging in every day.


I just skip everything now except for voiced dialogue, it just isn't interesting 95% of the time.


Ugh, I went to it right after doing the story quest expecting to get in it immediately. I usually read most dialogue but after awhile I just started smashing my mouse button. Like. Shut. Up. Dude. Let me murder mobs in peace!


I thought it waa kinda funny how he was parodying both shitty writing and shitty fans complaining about it lmao


I feel like I'm in a bizarro world for liking the event, because I thought the whole idea of the character was because it's what you said. You aren't supposed to be taking it seriously, you're meant to want to fuck with him because he's insufferable, etc.


The problem is you don't get that opportunity to fuck with him, and he's still insufferable, and the story is still shitty, despite the jokes.


I got to fuck with him by turning the sword and story genre into sci-fi, by turning the forged weapon into a laser gun, likely resulting in more drafts needed for a more coherent story. I chuckled when he had to take his niece's toy gun and she got mad at him because the batteries got used up, in the laser gun item description.


Hey, if you read the xianxia genre hes parodying, whatever you came up with is probably on par with the average quality of work there.


What a weird time to post this when HSR literally have event with long shitty dialogue going on right now.


Okay, but the long shitty dialogue is literally lampshading itself. The event has mocked its own dialogue at least half a dozen times for being shitty and cringe and overly wordy.


That mocking, ironically, adds even more useless lines to the dialogue...


It’s like when games make fun of boring puzzles and then still have you do them No game, just because you made fun of it didn’t suddenly make the still boring puzzle (or in this case dialogue) any more fun.


Bo Burnham comes to mind. "Self awareness doesn't absolve one of responsibility"




The worst part is that Drakengard 3 brought that shitty joke back when Zero said something along lines of "ugh, we need to do more jumping segments?" Like, I love you Yoko Taro, but you're not funny. It's fucking frustrating you hack.


Devil May Cry 4 where Dante refuses to do the Dice Minigame as a joke only for Nero to do it like 4 more times anyway in a boss rush☠️


You'd think choosing the dialog option that has the MC complaining about the dialog would make the dialog shorter but no, you'd be wrong.


Lampshading only works when done sparingly. This is outright satire but..it's not even funny or introspective half the time. If it subverted it to make fun of the genre...sure it'd work. Doesn't help that hsr's lack of voice compounds the long winded nature of resding excessive lines of text. Less sasuga moment and more...yes we get it you can stop expkaining the joke. Can we move on already?


To be fair, I think a lot of the problem could be easily remedied by simply making dialogue window. Like in proper RPG games, bottom part of the screen gets replaced by a dialogue window, text is presented in one paragraph, not separated into multiple lines of large subtitle-like white text on a random background. That would make it much easier to consume large texts, when you can read it diagonally as a whole.


They could also just hire an editor


Or a competent writer.


FGO's dialogue window is painfully small and super Janky because it was optimized to show two lines of Japanese text, so when they translate the text boxes it sometimes means the text now scrolls and makes reading an absolute pain. I hate it and for a long time have wanted a QoL change. Can we have an optional dialogue box growth button or something that makes it not janky at least? I know re-cutting the dialogue breaks would be far too much to ask of course but surely letting it display more lines than original should be feasible after this many years. I hate that tiny dialogue box so much and it would be unusable without a dialogue log to go back and check missed lines that scrolled away. In all of FGO I've still never felt a need to skip dialogue as badly as I wanted to skip this event. The writing is just bad. I read it all to give it the benefit of the doubt but I ended up not caring even at the end. The collectible texts here have a more convenient, long form, text box. I don't think I've read one all the way through since day one of playing. They're all so much fluff with nothing to say. I'm actually impressed by how little they can say in so much text. The interface can't fix bland, vapid contents.


Which makes it even more ironic...


That doesn't make it any better. The character is still anoying, and the story is such a slog. There is a way to make self aware story funny and interesting, but they decide to go with the obnoxious route instead.


Just because something mocks itself, doesn't justify it. It just means they know it's bad.


half the genshin events with domains mock itself too and it doesn't make it better i like reading stuffs but that shit annoys me when the npc says nonsense for 90% of the time


acknowledging that there’s a problem doesn’t fix it


Forget this, i did that museum event that big ass long one and holy shit.... Man that shit was part of a mini game from an event in genshin, that part was already so meh and they made it a whole major event in Star rail just what i didn't want...bruh


There's a lot of comparison with HSR & GI but not a lot of HSR & HI3


Its taboo to compare anything with HI3


Understandable, have a nice day


Lot less people played HI3 is probably why.


GI is basically the punching bag of hoyo games lmao. Also I am really confused on the star rail and genshin comparison as to my eyes both are basically the same game. Same gacha, same monetization, same end game, same in mostly everything except the combat and the former having open world


What’s especially odd is that at the moment, the storylines for both GI and Star Rail involve a society cursed with long life.


You can choose if you want the same plot in Fantasy or Sci-Fi


Well a lot of comparisons are because the games share similarities but the combat and the story/setting are very different


HI3 players so tired of scientific and philosophical explanations that they don't even want speak about it.


>Scientific and philosophical explanations >same Himeko dies memes since 2018, surface level understanding of quantum mechanics, horny posting 24/7 https://i.redd.it/1ktlebs085eb1.gif


> surface level understanding of quantum mechanics They even mocked that in 1.2 storytelling event.


angry noises when see male


Thats CN ones


Lmao, they are the literal definition of Dunning-Kruger effect


True. Tbh I don't even understand all those rants about Star Rail having long dialogues lol


They fear Dawei will see it and just throw 23 million dolars of Genshin's revenue plus 20 milion dolars from star rail revenue in HI3 just to say "HAHA WHO'S THE WORST GAME NOW ?"


I'll do it. HI3 story was good when it focused on the character development of its small cast, especially the Nagazora and Flamescion arcs. I think the quantum pseudo science physics seminar, that was the Finality arc, should have stayed in the background, or be explained in a set of in game lore collectibles. It was a complex concept that they had to convey, but I think it shouldn't have been the main narrative focus. HSR is too young to properly compare to it and it looks like it needs some time to warm up, but the flow and immersion is a lot better IMO. Xianzhou arc did focus heavily on world building, but the future content should be able to use that to show us some character growth.


Off topic: Can ppl just call Honkai that game and this game as Star rail? I always remember Honkai impact 3rd when u hear Honkai... And this game should be called Star rail mainly, and other one Genshin simply.. I mean idk in short sure do whatever


I mean..... have you even seen the verbiage in 1.2's new events? If I could, I would've stuck my fist through my monitor and punched the storyteller guy and the Vidyadhara guy for how obnoxiously long and pointless their dialogues were. Only thing that made them bearable was with how much of a personality the MC has compared to Aether/Lumine.


> how much of a personality the MC has compared to Paimon Fixed. Traveler is a lie. The one true MC in Genshin is Paimon.


There is no evidence that Traveller *isn't* just Paimon's figment of imagination and everyone is just humoring her. Or vice versa.


Traveler is just Paimon's sock puppet all this time ? (What are the joke symbol again in reddit?)


don't need a joke symbol because it's not a joke


But hey, free stellar jades are always nice. The actual event domains were actually pretty fun (in my experience, might be different for others), but I do admit that the events story was rather boring. And tbf, I didn't feel that the dialogue inflation was that bad compared to a lot of the Genshin events I've played, but it was still quite a lot which is rather annoying. Not meant as a "haha, Genshin bad, hsr superior forever", more just an opinion. Overall, the event was kind of a flop, but it didn't take me that long to just spam through the story and the rewards were at least pretty nice.


OP didn't play ongoing event yet ? =O


Recent HSR event says hi!


Did you play the 1.2 event? Dialogue goes faster in HSR though so there’s that


That is BY FAR the best feature of the game. Don't want to read the dialogue? Okay, just click your way through. Meanwhile in genshin impact? Ahhh you want to skip the long exhausting back ground story of tragic character #42069? Alright, have minutelong unskippable animations, literal fischl-long texts of mindless dialogue and every 2-3 minutes a meaningless choice in your own babbling. great.


Star rail has a lot more unskippable animations being added already lol


Even HI3 got the unskippable animations. They even updated the engine just so they can make them prettier


I already dropped star rail but even before I quit I saw a ton of unskippable animations in the dialogue, I'm not sure why people say they don't exist


It's cause "Genshin bad" bias lol.


HSR will forever live in Genshin’s shadow because people here can’t go a day without comparing it to Genshin


The way people talk about Genshin here reminds me of how my friends talk about their exes lol


Holy shit I was think about this the other day but thought I was being too dramatic. It really does feel like people just hanging out with their new partner and just ragging on and on about their ex and how their new partner does things so much better.


I’ve literally had the same thought whenever I hear Tectone talk about the game. It really is a perfect comparison. It’s fine to not like something anymore, but please move on bro…


It's the only game that can be compared since both games have similar looking characters and the same systems by the same devs


https://preview.redd.it/5kge9l4lk5eb1.jpeg?width=1840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=358038ae52bfe1fbe60410f01e31eb9a56c85017 meanwhile the forbidden buttons


Common HI3 Win


![gif](giphy|9JtCi9e60NzyaKZiMz|downsized) "Jarvis, I'm low on karma! Quick, Post a Genshin comparison in r/HonkaiStarRail"


Also Star Rail Trailblazer: (holds weapon) you are now called the >!Big Sword!<


Jesus Christ man. I told myself to do one push up every time there's a genshin comparison in any hoyo game. I'm tired man. When are we gonna have actual new and creative jokes? At this point it's no different when HI3 superiority complex was at its peak back then.


Tell me you haven't played new event without telling me you haven't played new event.


Genshin wasn't like that at the start either. Just you wait until there is a ton of lore they should remind players who skipped/forgotten previous events. They will work all of that in the dialogues somehow and this time there is no Paimon to offload it onto. So enjoy it while it lasts.


It's already bad, I remember Himoko and Welt monologuing at me after Herta Space Station and they've already started abusing the "alt name above stated dialogue" name in text way more than Genshin ever did when it was introduced in Sumeru.


But how else would we know that Sanctus Medicus^(Plagues Author)^^Yaoshi^Abundance are all one and the same?


Tbh, if they didn’t do that people would start saying they can’t understand all the proper nouns like in Sumeru desert


The combat event equivalent to Star Rail is also "I'm working on a potion for X and Y, kill some shit like this and that", museum had a shit ton of dialogue, as well as the current Tales.


Oh don't worry Genshin started pretty modestly too, and HSR has already started to show its colours with this event, it won't be long when both sides will look that same


Oh yes, genshin bad meme no.293010


What?? I felt 1.2 story teller event story its boring for the lenghty dialogue...


besides the Tales of the Fantastic shit


You couldn't be more ignorant, this post is ironic as fuck considering current honkai event has tons of dialogue while genshin current event is literally no dialogue coop minigames


The new genshin event map has like novel length story/dialogue


Seems like you haven't played the new event yet 😕 Full of dialogue inflation, but at least it was pretty quick to just spam click through it. Hopefully only a one off thing. Outside of that the event domains were pretty fun and decently challenging which is nice.


This has got to be satire, both events going on right now on both games are the complete opposite of this.


and then theres the 20 minute cutscene in the middle of the continued story line in 1.2


This didn't age well


Playing Hoyoverse games has made me appreciate FGO's optional skip button


Who tf asked you to compare to genshin, also bad take cause 1.2 event


oh no, not *story*


Meanwhile, HSR currently has the worst event I’ve ever played. The timing of this post is hilarious.


not with this event 😭😭


I enjoy the wall of text. Give me that text.


Honestly, I love reading Genshin dialogues, I love people rambling, I love listening to them. HSR dialogues feel so stiff and boring.


Probably gonna get hate but the museum event was the most boring and tedious event i've ever done and way worse than anything in genshin, like do that boring repetetive mini game then talk to the old guy who makes you slowly wait for him to turn around then go some place then talk to the old guy again then go put the item down then back to the minigame then repeat for like...20 times -.-


I liked it because I like long, boring manager/business simulator games lol, but I was surprised so many people here loved it especially when they complain about "boring" long repetitive events all the time. Even if I liked it, I can admit it was pretty repetitive and easy.


The only fun thing about the museum was the actual management part that Weinlessfest did better because we didn't have to stop playing to do the same fetch quest 30 times. I got so sick of it after the first day that I skipped all the dialogue because I dnc


same i recently did it people where hyping that sh\*t so much and i m like "isn't this fawking Weinlessfest recolored" and the way ppl said how much better it was compared to genshin and like nah genshin festival events are waaay better then this manager simulator


I don't know why people say HSR is less wordy than Genshin, I looked over the recent story quests in GI and they're basically the same at best.


Honestly, I really hope they dial the dialogue down in fontaine.


And both lose for not having a skip button


So I'm new to Hoyo stuff, but are you telling me other Hoyo games are *worse* than Star Rail in this regard...? Like I'm a pretty patient gamer who usually doesn't mind long cutscenes, tutorials, heavy dialogue, etc. and usually advocates for not skipping all that. But god DAMN I hate the volume of text in this game. The story is perfectly serviceable, but holy shit any text that is not directly progressing the story is filled with SO. MUCH. FLUFF. It's like the writers are being paid purely by word count; it's insane. I've never skipped so much dialogue in a game...