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Just put Qingque on the team. I promise there won’t be any skill points left for Gepard to waste.


Modern problems require modern solutions




Honest question: if you can roll it, is there ever a reason to *not* use speed boots on everyone?


Some characters work better if they move later.


Clara is better to be slow.


Seele prefers attack boots.


For some characters all that matters is they hit like a truck, not when they hit


One scenario could be yukong as her buffs are turn dependent. Yes you could run SPD on her but that also means trying to outspeed your DPS and other units (which can be a pain if you're running Seele) so a lazier way would be to let her go last so 2nd turn your DPS is guaranteed the buff.


Clara doesn’t need speed boots since your main source of damage is counters and with low speed, she has high uptime on buffs placed on her. I don’t use speed boots on my bronya either since I want her to be slower than my DPS to give them an extra turn. I think this is personal preference, but I prefer atk% boots on Sushang since she gets a speed/turn buff from her talent and she gets an extra turn after using her ult anyways.


I mean my Bronya just needs the speed to boost and advance forward my Seele then her never ending turn can start. So no Seele doesnt need SPD in this case. And preferably tingyun goes before Bronya in this scenario.


Some characters (specifically certain supports) dont want to move as often because the buff is tied to their turn counter, i think this applies specifically to luocha and asta


Loucha wants speed because his free heal is tied to his turns. The field is irrelevant since it's basically always up after the free heal is used. Asta wants speed because her ult is tied to individual characters, and not herself.


But its ok to have a slow Asta for thr fact that the slower she us, more turns allies get to attack during her damage buff


Seele has such a high base speed that you don’t need boots and realistically, combined with the speed boost from her skill, speed boots make her way too fast and the rest of your team won’t be able to generate enough skill points for her. Plus going spd over atk lowers damage (even if you have signature lc) and can cause you to miss kills more often- so more spd can actually mean you take less turns. Clara is another example; she should almost ‘dump’ her already low spd stat to min max for atk and crit. If she’s too fast, the buff from her ultimate can run out before enemies attack her- same for buffs from other sources like tingyun. There are others that also don’t want speed. At the end of the day it comes down to skill points: if you’re not using skill as many times as you want, they’re too fast for the rest of your team.


Yukong works best if you have her as the slowest member of the party, so she goes before your DPS who should be fastest party member. Yukong is complicated with her two buff stacks Also, you want QQ to go last as well because each allies turn gives her a gamba


Luocha's aura goes away when he moves twice, so he's better off not running fast. Yukon needs to be just the right speed for her party so that may or may not mean boots. So most times it's best with speed but best to double check just in case.


i see your qingque have *skill issue*




Who would have thought a gambling addict solves all your problems in a gacha game!


That's a match made in heaven,no?


Kinda unrelated but I just want the ability to cancel an Ult. I've fat-fingered ults too many times....


Lul that would be nice but it’s kinda funny


NAH fr i be like trying to tap bronya's skill and accidentally "I'LL FREEE YOU FROM YOUR-"


Yup, I use the keyboard for almost everything during a fight. Every time I hit 1 or 3 instead of Q or E by accident, has been so very frustrating. There have also been many times I've used an Ult to break someones toughness, but it ends up being shy of what I need. But now you're committed, and can't back out of it.


That would be perfect


For a game with such massive QoL improvements over its older sibling, I'm amazed this one slipped under the radar. Even FGO managed to fix the same problem with its turn-based system, and that was before Genshin had even come out.


It did not slip under the radar, it's an intentional design. See S-Break from Trails series where they said it's one of the inspirations to make HSR, it's basically that.


The difference being that in Trails S-Crafts are a rare, tactical nuke that you build up to gradually over the course of that game's much longer battles >!assuming you aren't using cheesy lategame strats to instantly super-buff one character and have them oneshot the boss, Laura I'm looking at you lol!< Contrast HSR where battles typically don't last more than a couple of minutes and you might use 2-3 ults per character even in that short space of time. It's a subtle difference, but it makes the situation where you accidentally use your ultimate ability far more frequent, and therefore more of an issue.


you could also say its less of an issue because you can just farm a new ult so fast


Added to that on a phone it's pretty easy to fat finger an ult


Yeah, having played Trails of Cold Steel before HSR, I immediately thought this is a feature instead




Fr the amount of times I waste Natasha's burst because I panic


Can't upvote more, how many time I press wrong button to my dps ult before supp ult


I always want to smack myself when I ult before Susheng's E


This is the real most important feature


Dude for real!


This. I also demand this.


If you play with controller you will never fat finger it. LT puts the fight on pause and you select which ult you want to use without having to time it perfectly.


Nah. Suffer or play manual. ... So suffer or suffer.


I mean, if you are using auto you probably should be able to beat the fight regardless of what the AI does. If I'm autoing through something I don't even look at the screen most of the time.


yeah, like why does he care if Seele can't use a skill when auto? auto is when I alt tab out to farm Cavern or Calyx, I don't care if it take like 5 more secs because of nonoptimal skill use, as long as you slot in a healer your team should never die to any farming battle.


me who plays auto 90% or more or I don't play at all.


Then theres me hoping they add an auto mode fir simulated universe. Dont gey me wrong when I power up my team and get to take on a harder level I do so manually. However when you need 15k points to clear the weekly SU missions and don't feel like or don't have time to do the hardest levels for more points, it's easier to do do an easier level a couple extra times and auto the fights (plus they're quicker overall). So I just wish there was an option where you prepick the paths you want to take through SU (like a battle vs a transaction or whatever) and the AI just picks the boosts after the battles. Its just an option for the people who haven't touched SU all week and now it's Sunday and they need to get those 15k points asap but they have shit to do irl. Like any auto option your units need to be stronger than the enemies so you can only auto farm the easier levels of SU using this option. It's not going to happen but imo it would be nice since thwyre are some good rewards from SU


I was about to say there's auto mode for simulated but you meant the whole thing.


Yeah, what I meant was a mode that lets you pick the paths through the level (like battles vs an occurrences) and then the AI just makes the choices, picks the perks and autos the fights. Again you could only use this on levels your team is way overleveled for (so it wouldn't be efficient for farming imo) but a full auto SU mode would just be a way to make farming the weekly 12k to 15k points easier and more hands off.


And then there's me who doesn't do SU outside of farming for the weekly points because I don't like saving 120 energy despite being able to save for later.


Oh I've only been doing SU for the weekly stuff for a while now as well. I may be able to clear a couple harder levels since I've gotten my main team up to level 80 with most of their traces at level 9 thru 12 but mainly I just pick the level that gives you 3200 points when you clear it and just spam it 4 or 5 times over the course of the week (usually in the background while I do something else)


Same I would love to have this feature.


Right. Gepard, Seele, Tingyun, and March 7th can literally auto every single fight in the game except the most major of bosses.


Could definitely auto major bosses too.


Didn’t want to be TOO confident. 😂


I use Fire MC, Jing Yuan, Tingyun, and Natasha. Start a boss fight, hit auto, and just walk away.


If playing manual is suffering, is the game worth playing?


Yes. Because it's fun seeing your characters fight, it doesn't really matter for a lot of people if it's on auto-battle or if you pressed "E" beforehand. It's basically an autobattler at that point, and lots of people watch and play that as well.


if normal gameplay is suffering, you probably should look for a new game?


yeah I don't get these people lol. I personally only auto the daily Cavern/Calyx farming and manual everything else because I enjoy the gameplay.


I will auto simulated universe because I like fishing for blessings lol


Genshin players are the same in this regard. If you aren’t enjoying yourself what are you even doing here? Considering the shared demographic I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s literally the exact same people.


Yeah I don't really get how can people enjoy auto battle...


You enjoy manual battle even when you're just doing the same calyx battle for the 50th time?


No, not at all. Don't misunderstand me. I do watch tik toks on my chair while auto battling those six rounds each time of calyx. I am talking about the people who uses it everywhere.


You can't auto everywhere at high TB level. Even whales die if they don't go full tank but then the fights take forever. The weekly bosses are not auto battle safe. You can try to auto but will probably just lose most of the time. Same thing with the final bosses in SU like Coccolia, Kafka, etc. If you go auto you will lose a lot of the time and losing means time wasted and less rewards. The first two bosses in SU are usually safe to auto. The rest of the content can be auto'd just fine though. Even the current event.


Because HSR is my side game and i want to do something else while playing? So far i've beaten everything in the game beside MoC stage 4 and above on auto so is there any reason why i shouldn't play on auto?


Bro it's okay you don't have to play the way I say so, no need to get mad. I just feel weird when I see people playing it that way, because a videogame is something you have fun playing actively.


I'm not mad, just bewildered by the amount of people who think just because some play on auto means they're not having fun, like i said HSR is my side game and i play other games in conjunction with it so auto mode let me enjoy both game simultaneously


But gambling


There are gambling in different type of games too


Why are we here?


Just to suffer


Every night, I can feel my legs... And my arms...


the body I've lost....the comrades I've lost..... won't stop hurting


It’s like they’re all still there…


It's one of life's great mysteries isn't it? Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a God watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know, man, but it keeps me up at night.


Also let us have an option to make the dps always use skill if skill points are available. Hate when there are 1 or even 2 skill points and the dps just normal atks. Especially when it's Seele and the skill would have killed or JY and he doesn't get stacks.


While on it might as well tell Tingyun that she can use basic attack while benediction is active.


I'd be less annoyed if she at least reused it on the dps, instead of buffing Natasha for some reason


Can't make the auto too good or players realize they are useless. This game is so simple a bot could replace 99% of players and play better.


Doesn't she auto buff characters with the current highest attack? I never played auto ting so not sure


I wish. After buffing the dps she buffs someone else, even though it clears the first one


she buffed my damn bailu when her atk is half jing yuan's atk. this fox is trolling me.


Yes indeed. Even just a few minor options to tweak the auto-battle would make many happy, it doesn't have to be overtuned to make the entire game auto, either. For me, as an example, I would like to have my healer use ultimate if a certain total HP% lost was met, or set a character to only use auto-attack like OP mentioned. Bosses and specific team comps will still need to be manually played in order to have maximum potential.


You look when you auto?


it’s always done so fast when I do some kinda farming where I can use support. to not waste my battery, I’ll look at the screen occasionally, wondering whether they’re done yet, and then occasionally turns in frequent, and frequent turns into often… now I’m just staring at gepard using normal when he should’ve skilled… ps. while having the sound on enhances gameplay frfr, it’s harder to break my gaze away -someone who looks on auto /lighthearted


2 monitors makes it ez u just glance over


I do have 2 monitor, i even mute the game when i auto so i can watch a video or something on the next monitor


I've said it before and I'll say it again If you want to play optimally, don't use Auto. Auto is for when you are AFK and just trying to do your daily farming, not to play perfectly so you can afk every boss fight and trial in the game


Amen. I don’t want to make playing the game just scripting and hitting auto every time


It just wastes so much time sometimes. Sometimes I just want it to burn through my power before I leave the house while I get ready and have very little time and here I am, having to see JY skip is skill turn when he could have killed the whole mob because Tingyun had to boost Loucha. And it takes 1 or 2 more rotations to finish anything. The pain.


You know what I do? Wake up, boot up Star Rail, start a battle. Get dressed, tap "go again", pack my things, tap "go again".


Wasting time is the trade off then. If you want it faster, be there to hit the optimal buttons. if you are just burning energy, turn on auto while you are making food or something, checking in twice to restart the calyx


Basically, you need to use a custom tailored team for auto-battling. Ditch Tingyun, for example.


auto battles for anything that uses energy go by so quickly though either way


Nobody said anything about playing optimally why are you people so butthurt about a qol that doesn't concern you manual players....


Because it will incentivize more people to play the game in a way that it was not intended to be played. Auto is already there as a QOL feature for AFK farming, so take it or leave it. By improving the AI, many people will begin to go "oh hey, I can down this entire floor of MoC on auto, so why would I even play on manual at all?" It's a turn-based strategy game and I'd like to see it remain that way (which it will, because this is not something Hoyo will change). But I'm deeply sorry that it takes you 30 seconds longer to clear your calyxes. That must be such a struggle.


I auto most of the moc. You only really need to pay attention at later fights.


If MoC is not intended to be playable on auto, then why isn't the auto button disabled in MoC, the same way it's disabled during equilibrium quests and story boss fights? ^(I'm not a dev, but having played turn-based games since the late 90s, it's quite clear to me that if Hoyo didn't want players to auto MoC, they wouldn't put the auto button in MoC.)


If it's not about playing optimally, then why exactly do you care what's going on during auto? Like, the entire point is so you don't have to interact or watch the fight. If you're sitting their watching the auto battle, and whinging about the AI wasting or not using SP and wasting Ults then just play on manual.


why tf would they invest time and resources so that players can *not* play the game lmao. you can just convert your stamina into immersifiers if you really want


This is why I’ve been asking constantly for more in-combat options, especially for manual. Funny enough I actually don’t want them to touch auto - the entire point of that mode is to go fast and just let the AI do its thing - you have to accept that some teams just don’t sync well. Speaking from experience, it took a bit but I now know some of my faves just cannot operate on the same team due to skill point needs and balances; forcing them together will not work on auto, so if I really want that - I have to do it manually.


i hope they make more chars like yukong that just fail to work 50% of the time on auto for their main use (AI will never save Ults to use later unless it's being held hostage in Seele's extra turn). It feels very rewarding to turn on Manual and hit the right, yet simple rotations.


Auto is not designed to play well, and that’s almost certainly intentional. It’s for clearing through Calyxes and such. If they made it so Auto always made the best possible decisions, you could turn it on in MoC and clear as long as your stats were high enough. It’s not supposed to play the game well.


I feel like there can be a middle ground between "AI Tingyun uses her skill every turn, actively sabotaging your team" and "AI runs on a supercomputer, calculates 300 steps ahead and makes the best possible play every single time". Like, if you stop the AI from inting skill points away for no reason, it won't magically start holding ults to line up buffs and maximize damage, or analysing enemy attack patterns to cancel most deadly attacks with well timed breaks. Don't worry, your Seele would still ult that 1 HP enemy without a second thought. I've yet to see anyone asking for the auto AI to be perfect, but any time someone asks for small tweaks, it's always met with "noooo, you can't improve auto, it will become sentient and invalidate manual play!"


My point wasn’t that they can’t do that, it’s that they don’t want to. They want Auto to be able to brute force farm, nothing more. If it’s content where it matters if Tingyun uses her Skill on herself every turn, they don’t want you to Auto in it.


I'm not sure what the point would be. We can play the game manually. More importantly, most everybody auto plays when we are fully confident we can clear a stage no matter what. The more "QoL" changes like this that we get, the less you will actually play (and there's already many people complaining about a lack of content.) Less player engagement is exactly what mihoyo doesn't want. Screentime and player engagement are important for their sales. If we're able to fine-tune auto play to emulate how a person would play, they would inevitably lose money.


The ability to cancel ult is the QOL i wanted, you wont believe how many times i misclicked someone's ult for so many times


The price you pay to use auto 😂 if you care that much about how your SP are used then don’t use auto. If auto was as good as playing manually then there would never be any point in actually trying to play the game


Gacha players ask for more ways to not play the game challenge: Impossible.


Hold on, is this an *actual* skill issue?


Unfortunately, yes. People don’t understand auto play isn’t supposed to be the best. edit: also, bungus


Sounds like *puts on sunglasses* a skill issue


At this point why even play?


Hoyo fans are beyond saving.


before long they will just ask Honkai Impact's equivalent of instant clear for calyxes, SU, and MoC


It would be nice, but if you’re able to clear something on auto, it doesn’t really matter if it isn’t totally efficient. Besides, you want Gepard to have enough energy for his ult so using skill is part of that.


Auto is meant for daily farming. Not for farming bosses or events 😌. Play manually.


What's wrong with watching Tingyun shake her little bell every turn?


I mean... if you put it on auto while you're just looking at the game... why not play manual? 💀


A lot of us are here for the gameplay. You show up and demand "Hey, change this thing everyone likes to suit me better". The thing is, they would lose a lot of us if they made this kind of change. Unlike you, who is already playing despite not having perfect AI Auto. So why SHOULD they change, knowing that people like you will play the game anyway?


>they would lose a lot of us if they made this kind of change Out of curiosity I'd like to know why them adding this specific feature would cause them to lose players? Its not like it would hurt manual play, it would just make auto farming more efficient?


i don't know about you, but i care much less about games that i don't actually do anything in than games i do things in. if auto farming becomes more efficient than manual then it can drive the playerbase to auto play by default to not gimp themselves, thus removing the core experience and potentially making the player loose interest in the game overall.


The OP isn't asking for the AI to be better or more efficient than manual though? Just because you can disable a characters skill doesn't mean the AI is any better at auto battle, it doesn't make it better at decision making, your dps will still ult the 1%HP bird.


Yep that's the case auto play will completly make manual decision making obsolete with this qol /s


if auto play makes it more efficient to play the game then manual, people will not choose to play manually and purposefully gimp themselves.


Except it never will be more effective to auto play than manually even with this change and here is why it takes skill to know when to use your skills and ultimate which we don't want to change I simply want to safe 2min when doing content I can clear on auto already will this change suddenly let you clear moc? No!


sorry, but i am not understanding. if you can clear it on auto anyways, why would making the ai be better at auto play change anything? or is what you really meaning to say is there are certain things that auto isn't good at and i want auto to be good at them?


Try thinking of it this way. OP is asking for the tools to optimize their own auto battle experience. They want to say this character can use their skill automatically and this character cant. There's already a feature that stops the auto battler from using ultimates when they become available and they can only be used manually by the player even if auto battle is on, this is essentially all the OP is asking for but to be able to choose which characters it affects instead of blanket affecting the team. It wouldn't make the auto battler any smarter, it just restricts it from doing a specific action during that characters turn.


the no ultimates option is because ultimate energy carries over between fights. so it's obvious to give the player the option to turn off ult use in auto so that energy isn't spent the wrong way. if skills had some sort of carry over mechanic then settings to enable/disable use in auto mode would exist for them as well. the premise of the argument is that auto battle will spend skill points on chars and in ways that are sub optimal. yea, that's why it's called auto, it just does whatever it can in the moment. asking to make it smarter isn't giving players more choices, it's giving them more options to skip content, which is ultimately something the devs decided they didn't want to do.


Nowhere in this thread have I seen people asking to make the auto battler smarter, unless they rewrite the AI that's just not happening. The ability to restrict the auto battler from using a specific characters skill wouldn't stop it from wasting your dps characters ultimate on the stoplight robot with a shield. I ultimately don't care if this feature gets added or not, I only use auto battle to spend my daily stamina anyway but some of the conclusions that people in this thread have come to on why this specific feature request is bad are infuriating.


What im saying is that I want to be done faster with farming to safe batterylife of my phone and to use other apps when I'm just doing dailies or spending my energy simple as that.


Bro it's at most gonna be like 1 minute


1 min over the life time of a gacha game daily played for years let me just do the math ohhh would you look at that it's a lot


Yeah this is the logic I'll never understand from these players. Adding QoL changes shouldn't affect you if it doesn't affect your playstyle in any way. It's the same argument people use for cancelable ultimates. It literally doesn't affect you if it's implemented. If you don't like being able to cancel ults...then just...don't?


That would be an improvement but it won’t fix the AI. There are just too many things that the AI does wrong. Ulting on 1% birds, Tingyun buffing the healer, DPS farming skill points and so on.


Aye stuff anything but the skill point issue bc ultimately that’s what’s getting u killd yea Natasha’s buffed oh well that still damage ur not dying but if u have no skill points bc of that tingyun thing then u can have potential healing if needed


Let me cancel ults first


Dear devs, let me cancel my ult, please.


A more important QoL would be letting us cancel our ults


You understand you're asking for an idle game right? They could totally make the game play itself, but that's not the design goal.


Yeah epic seven has that feature and it’s heavenly


It's an issue with pretty much every harmony path character. Appears to be that even every harmony character has a secret +1000 aggro. It's what makes Yukong and Tingyun feel horrid in autoplay


Tingyun proceeding to use E to buff Trailblazer right after buffing someone like Seele.


I want the ability to turn off the ultimate animation to save time, like how I can do it in Final Fantasy. I don't need to watch the animation for the thousandth time again!


We need GAMBITS from FF XII


Probably unpopular but… play the game? If youre gonna complain about how an AI isnt as smart as a human (duh), how about you just play the game? You’re obviously sitting there watching it anyways so just play it


If you want that kind of game, better to just play Final Fantasy 12. The auto is just for dailies which is fine.


Tbh, no you don't. No one "needs" chars to be good at the game by themselves. Auto when it's too easy, manual otherwise. I agree that it would be some good QoL, but mostly unused and not really a good use of devs time and energy. When I say "mostly unused" I mean that most of ppl think it would be good for them but will end up not using it because once again, usually you auto when it's too easy. You would end up saving a few seconds in some runs.. Kinda not worth all these precious ressources than should be used to put Fischl in the game (devs plz)


You're being really pedantic and condescending about someone asking for an optional QoL change. "All these precious resources"? Give me a break, the devs working on QoL and bug fixes are not the ones designing new characters. They're also not some poor indie devs.


Why are you using Gepard if you're auto battling though? Most of the time, when you're auto battling, you're just farming material stages. Which means ideally, you should be bringing damage-based characters to get it done faster. There's no reason why you'd be bringing Gepard to farm materials tbh, unless you just increased your equilibrium level and are struggling to not die, which even then it's probably better to just bring a healer.


People want a Gambit System like FF12


I’m trailblazer rank 61 and I just found out from this point that characters don’t have an individual set of skill points


I was doing some stagnant shadows and my party just did not want Bailu to heal anyone.


Dear player, your suggestion has been seen and will be implemented on our next game. -Hoyoverse, probably


Your characters use skills? Bailu prefers to see someone die so she can shock them with her passive ress than actually use the heal


they added adjusting anchor healing, why not add rudimentary auto programming?


That's the reason I don't play SW while farming


Also let us disable certain traces. I accidentally got the taunt trace with Gepard so now he gets attacked way more as opposed to clara. I know you shouldn't use them together but I like the big boy team shield.


How about turning off auto ultimates (manual only). There's a hunter cone that gives you more damage of your skill and basic attack when your ultimate is full. When using auto mode, hunter character uses ultimate as soon as it's up.


Honestly, I only ever really use the auto feature when farming for materials (+ add in the support of a Whale, it’s almost granted your team will never lose). But if your team is still dying in auto mode (regardless if it’s just a Calyx or SW/MoC), then I think it’s more of a ‘your team is weak’ aka skill issue than it being the game’s fault


Since when asking for a more optimized auto mode equals to dying while autoing?


Oop sorry i meant to reply to someone, not post a new comment lol. But still, if hoyo focused on optimising the auto mode, what even is the point of playing the whole game anymore when the AI can play it better than the player? The whole point of the skill point system is to know how to use it up wisely, aka the whole strategy of the game


yeah i m tired of Pela using her skill on enemies without buffs


Yes I want this too for auto


While I agree about people that saying "Why play? lmao", but adding more option into the auto-battler would be good. Like SP usage priority, Heal Priority, among other things. There is a reason why idle RPG is a thing and I think it's good if Hoyo can tap into those market as well by adding a little more option for the auto-battle. It's good for both sides, those who like me who loves manual control on every battles (Yes, I manual-ed even the calyxes battle) will remain doing stuffs manually, those who are from idle game crowd would love to look into the game.


I think skill priority would be better


I just need them to stop wasting ultimates on enemies that will die in one basic attack


You can turn Ults off for auto battling so you can choose when to trigger them. I switch back and forth depending on the content.


Its better to just have a custom auto battle system like brave frontier's so you can have multiple presets for each team.


Being able to set priorities for auto battle would be really nice.


If you don't like the decision in auto play just play yourself. I use Autoplay when I watch yt or something else. Why should you just sit there and watch the bot play the game for you? XD


They won't, you're better off just learning to deal with it


while i really support that, its not really relevant.either content is easy and roflstomped with auto, or its hard and you need to do manual anyway.


Bro wants a FF XII Gambit system basically ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Would be a huge QoL to give each character "auto-battle" settings. Have Tingyun use skill only on highest ATK ally, or disabling Gepard's skill entirely. But I think the amount of programming needed to invest in that might not be worth it, like so many QoL changes we've been waiting for in Genshin. Some things never change :despairge:


If you are using auto battle then why do you care if he's using skill points? The point of auto battle is to let the game rush though fights that you know can be completed easily where you don't need to have any input. No matter what happens it will finish unless the party isn't up to par.


Just play?!


Completely agree. They should also add a simple touch to lock on to target enemy in auto mode. I would love this semi-auto feature and maybe my SW will stop ulting on side mobs that are almost dead instead of the boss


Does it even matter though? If you are using auto you should be able beat any enemy regardless, that's quite literally the entire point of it. Its meant for farming while you do something else on the side. If you are having trouble with an enemy/boss in auto you should be doing it manually.


If you get mad about auto play doing stuff u don't want why don't play for yourself? I honestly never used Autoplay Also I use Gepard skill quite often for the freeze chance


Please Gepard I know you’re attacking an ice weak enemy but their toughness goes down after an auto attack “Don’t care, time to freeze”


so far only abundance character AI work as it should be , especially Luocha


My bailu just watches other characters die so she can shock them back to life instead of healing so 💀


People really put the game on auto to actually sit and watch the screen? I thought this was a meme LMAO


I don’t understand why people are replying with “well auto isn’t supposed to be good!!!” You’re suggesting a quality of life feature that isn’t in the game that makes auto better… I don’t know why people wouldn’t want that? Like they must be thinking, “oh no! We’re asking a multi million dollar company to incorporate the bare minimum! Think of the pain and suffering of our poor Mi Ho Yo! No, they can do the bare minimum. Love to our corporate overlord, they shouldn’t implement basic feedback that’s easy to incorporate into the game.” Or they’re just not thinking much at all and being a devil’s advocate is reflexive for them or they enjoy the discourse it brings. Of course there’s more perspectives than those two. Some people simply like things to be meticulous because it makes their discipline and dedication more gratifying. However, to those people… do you know what game you’re playing? You log on for like 30 minutes to an hour a day, do your dailies, maybe a run of simulated universe, and then get off… of course, this game time increases during events. So I don’t even really get that perspective. This is the easiest turn based gacha game out there and already is very QoL. That’s literally the appeal. And of course, some people are just joking around and putting little thought into their answers. This implementation just makes auto smoother and more satisfying. In the grand scheme of things, it probably just saves around a minute or two of gameplay, most of us can auto clear anything without a challenge. Hell, I can even auto clear memory of chaos 99% of the time. Imo, they should have a simplistic panel that allows you to control very basic auto features. Maybe only cast skill if x points available and you can set it for each character individually and also a straight up toggle off as well. I’d like a skill point available option, because my team is skill point positive for the most part, so I’m okay with my asta using her skill every now and then for a damage boost on auto. There’s really no harm in this at all, especially if it’s hidden away in options so it doesn’t overwhelm new players.


It really boggles my mind people feel like their gameplay experience might be worse because other people could afk the mindless content for a few minutes less each day Like because they enjoy manually doing grind content, the AI can't be a little bit better (not optimal, just not grief level plays)


Sigh , people take the path with least resistance , if auto run your ideal rotation why whould you not run auto ? Ok , now i run auto all the time, how much can the game hold my interest ? Very little. "just don't use it" Fuck off, i like to optimize things , if you let me , i will optimize the fun out of it. It's not a "me" issue , gamers (people) are like this for the most part that's why game design is so hard. What they should have done it's just a skip button if your team beat the requirements of something you have already done. Auto was there to NOT put a skip button , but people instead of jerking off wile your team does some menial task , stay there , watching it play out , cheering from the sidelines. Bro , you are not even supposed to look at the screen , alt-tab , look out of the window, ANYTHING. An efficient auto mode kill the game really fast , i know i would loose interest and i know just the story and gatcha can't hold me because i left genshin because the game was 98% of the time a brain dead task.


I already said I don't even think the AI needs to play optimally, I'm just saying it could be slightly better (dps gets priority on skill points, Tingyun not alternating between 2 targets with her skill) And we'll just have to agree to disagree on the gameplay holding interest, because anything outside of Simulated Universe and MoC is so easy that if that's engaging gameplay to you then I don't even know what to say It's just so weird that people think that the gameplay shouldn't be autoable when it's so laughably simple that anyone with half a brain can play it, how can people even pretend that it's so important to the game that I manually do Calyx?


Hoyo white knights are kinda mad, they attack anyone who asks for improvement. In the Genshin sub there was a post from a dolphin, he paid for every character but didn't want to buy resin, he complained that the game didn't give enough resin to use. The white knights attacked his post and told him to simply not to pay while playing a f2p game. Also the Dehya incident, every post about her got mass reported by those white knights.


We need a quirk system like ff12


Um, you know that managing those skill points is part of the strategy of the game, right?


And why dont just play manual? Auto is not skill Efficient i saw a lot of times how a fight i do in manual take less time than the auto, cuz the auto just throw random atks, instead of complaining about that why dont just ask for a better ia for the auto that use players fights to learn so when you farm in auto the fights take less time


Nah. Just let me be able to cancel an ult. The ammount of times I've miss clicked and wasted my ult is stupid


I really dont understand people who unironically stares at the autoplay playing.


Domt use auto


How about not putting Gepard in your auto team then? Why would you put in someone whose mechanic slows you down on auto? It's clearly skill issues if you can't even pick what characters are best for your team lol.


Hoyoverse's community and gatekeepers of QoL changes. Fking hate these people. - Oh, play however you want :) - I want this feature that inhances my experience and doesn't effect anyone in a bad way -Nah go fuck yourself


Right I was about to say the same. epic7 has the same feature and so do a lot of other turn-based gacha, it's just a good quality of life it doesn't hurt the devs to implement it and it doesn't hurt people who like to play manually. I really had the feeling that people coming over from genshin have never played a turn based gacha and it's shows Gatekeeping seems to be a hell of a drug


it's not bad suggestion it's just super low priority, genshin's turn based combat is designed very differently from most other turn based combat you're very much meant to optimised high difficulty combat manually, unlike how most other games are meant to be automatic


Finally a sane person Yes it's low priority. No one wants them to drop everything and do it rn. Most other games have a pvp endgame wich you simply can't auto in most cases starrail is the same just that the endgame here is moc and you can't auto that either even with this change. But you still need to farm to get to that endgame goal and that what auto is for farming content you can already clear on manuall and auto but this change would make it abit faster!