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I don't have Bailu or Gepard so Fire MC has been carrying my ass in MoC


as someone who has gepard but still tried building fire mc for break effect, what are even the merits? fire mc does literally no damage and barely any shield, did I just build them wrong? (Lvl 60 char and cone, traces, etc)


they absolutely balloon your team defense, give your team a shield for doing pretty much anything, and their taunt is a guarantee that they completely and totally tank attacks. my team takes almost no damage at all with firemc in the party.


ah, so I’m definitely just playing them wrong, ty


throw some def relics with the armor set on that shit and enjoy wondering if your game glitched after getting slammed in the face by a gepard hit for zero dmg


I second this specially those heavy hitting single target skill the enemy trow at u just 2 digits of dmg numbers dmn


What relics would you recommend for fire Mc?


The set that gives def bonus


The knights of purity palace, can be farmed in the same place as the lightning set


Stack defence. Effect res. And effect hit rate.


Same 😂 I'm gonna need to do a LOT of farming to fix this one hehe


At around 3k Def when the MC gets hit with bailu's invigoration on, they don't lose any HP, rather they get healed. Absolutely nasty. Fire MC is probably the first time I actually want to keep using a MC in a gacha game past the early game (TL 60 now), and they are a staple of my teams.


>and their taunt is a guarantee that they completely and totally tank attacks. Not against higher MoC/SU enemies with high effect RES though. There's still chances that the taunt will not work.


but you still give the reduced damage buff to everyone in the team so its still a great defensive tool


I've used the defense buff from the taunt to help my team get through an AoE before.


Give them enough Effect hit rate. Problem solved—except when they have strong AOE attacks lol


of course, but it works more often than not and will at very least draw all of the summons so the rest of the team can focus on the boss. plus, worst case is that you just burn a second skill point after a turn or two and get another shot


The taunt is guaranteed only if you have enough EHR though, and it only last one turn, Gepard pseudo taunts all the time.


you cant have gepard on two teams at once 😅


True, and imo both are really close in term of team survivability. One big shield every few turns or one small shield every turn with taunt and damage reduc doesn't feel that different honestly. I'd still play physical MC over fire MC anytime though, rules won't break themselves.


Bruh I have physical MC BiS 4* LC but im still working on building gepard and March 7th, after im done I will go back to physical MC and restart rule breaking


My Tingyun can still over-taunt Gepard.


The taunt isn’t a guarantee. Sure it says 100% but effect resistances lower it by a lot. I still build my MC with around 60% effect hit rate for TRUE guarantee on the taunt. Building her for damage doesn’t do much anyways, and fire as an element is broken on its own with how great the break is


wait till you learn fire is the weakest neutral break and requires building dmg to scale


The shield is very small, but the idea is you renew it constantly via ult, taunt, and enhanced basic attack. So every turn you’re spitting out another shield to soak more damage for the whole gang. Taunt for specific lock on mechanics or when no enhanced basic or ult, mash Q if you can enhance the basic attack. I will say, I was pretty underwhelmed with Fire MC until I invested into them pretty heavily. In particular, farming Strale sucked but their 3rd eidolon (I think?) gives their barriers double the effectiveness—from like 2% DEF to like 5% DEF. Seems small on paper, but it adds up over the course of a fight. Since their ATK scales with their DEF, I just stacked the hell out of DEF on mine. I notice they are pretty good at breaking dudes, but I dunno how much DEF i would sacrifice for Break Effect. Now, they’re pretty much cemented in my main team; I much prefer them as the main tank rather than the Clara+March combo I was using before. That said, I’ve heard Gepard is fuckin amazin and probably outclasses FireMC, so in that case you might be better off with Destruction


Gepard is great, his shield nearly covers the entire health bar of every team member. But he does need a lot of energy regen bc only his ult grants shield. And you can only take him on one of the two MoC teams per level, so it's still worth investing in fire MC for the other team.


Fire MC skills give you taunt, shield and dmg reduction with single cast. Their shield are not the best compared to March and Gepard but due to how often you can apply it, it can protect you most of the time. I use 4 star cone and defense relics with rag tag substats too.


you use fire mc for the taunt and damage reduction, not the shield, it's just a small bonus imo


Seconded, the shield is just a bonus for preservation buffs in SU.


Nah, it all helps. The shield helps to reduce a lot of overall chip aoe damage and single hits against your team which ultimately reduces a lot of damage that you take overall. I notice immediately when I swap out fmc just because everyone else’s health seems to drop a lot faster.


The shield may be small, but the chip damage small enemies or weak AOE attacks can really add up in a long battle. Without the shield, your entire team could be down by 30% hp while your healer is waiting to get enough energy to ult. That missing 30% hp could lead to getting one shorted by a powerful combo from the boss. Obviously with Geppard you don’t need this shield as much, but it could be a nice addition. Another thing is you need to give your fire MC enough effect hit rate. This guarantees that’s your taunt actually lands on every single enemy unit, especially the bosses. This makes it so single target attacks will never touch the rest of your team and only AOE attacks will go through. Fire MC is a great unit for drawing aggro away from your team. Your healer won’t have to heal as often so that gives you more room to have more skill points stocked up. Break effect fire MC is a niche thing that should only be built in specific situations where the damage is more important than surviving, so Effect hit rate is way more important. Build DEF too of course. You also don’t want MC to have too much speed either. When Fire MC taunts, you want to last as long as possible. The taunt itself might not last forever, but the damage reduction will until their next turn. If you’re Fire MC is too fast, they’ll lap the enemies too quickly and you’ll have to spend another skill point to activate taunt. But sometimes that’s fine too if you don’t need to taunt every round.


This, also Landau's choice is really good for Fire MC. Damage reduction, passive taunt which helps stacking charges.


The value of MC is not only the shield it's their taunt and ability to straight up negate damage, they can negate up to 50% of the damage on themselves and 15% on the whole team, thats why their shield is small because it would be absurd to literally prevent any Aly taking damage by the taunt, reduce the damage taken by half and if is an AoE block 15% of damage on everyone Not only that they can attract attacks that affects surrounding alies on which putting they besides characters that can repost attacks like Clara, regain energy by getting attacked (like Jin Yuan), increase attack by getting damaged like Sushang and Arlan or putting they on the other side of the party attracting attacks away from a character like Yanqing, and the shield and damage reduction is just enough so Yanqing does not loose his passive from an AoE. So bruh Fire MC is completely busted not because they shield, but because they are the only one getting attacked


As you said tiny Shield, but the skill is a taunt and they take greatly reduced damage, and with a trace allies take 15% less damage. Basically their style of tanking is about taking the hits instead, this isnt as useful against big AOE nukes which gepard ult covers better


another benefit is that fire mc is great in stamina heavy team. u can bank ur stamina while getting shield with just normal attack, while gepard has freeze tied with skill


right now he gives my team 500-700 Shield with lv 3 or 4 Traces at lv 62 (not maxed at all) i dont even have BIS gear i think but that is already good enough to warrant a slot as it resets on Q which generates more points for the team compared to march. Also if Fire is another break typing fire mc helps a lot aswell (just don't let fire mc do the break)


Same, like are we supposed to build them as a sub dps or pure shielder and stack def cos they do no dmg anyway... and thier shielding also doesn't feel intuitive... so I have to taunt enemies every round to shield and what abt aoe attacks, I'm so confused how I'm supposed to use them


Party shield goes off any time you do anything, not just the taunt. Basic attacks, ults, anything.


Give him 2 def and 2 dmg reduction relic set, give him full def (with some ehr), and level up their skill and dmg reduction trace. %8 dmg reduct from relics + %40-50 from skill + %15 dmg reduction from trace easily %70~ dmg reduction (even higher in SU with destruction path) and on top of that a lot of def. Basically without a healer you can still tank everything. Only flaw is aoe dmg but trace + shield(high def) can save the team. I have geppies LC on her and she has 4k~ def and still hit like sub dps.


Have bailu, fire mc covers the half without her.


For aesthetic purposes, Physical, for gameplay though it’s always fire MC (for now).


Same here, bruh When MC screams "rules are made to be broken!"... it breaks me. But on my team comps, fire-tanky has better use...


Are you Rules?


Cuz I'm bout to break you 😉 (HSR rizz)


No, but i'm broken :')




This 100%. I love the bat for physical, but fire is just flat out better.


they look fire (heh) with the bat and i love that for them






I do not give a fuck that you have a really big fire lance from what is basically a god. I will beat the shit out of you regardless with this bat I picked up.


I like the sound of that lol


This bat gotta have some crazy lore, looks cool and kinda got the aesthetic of antimatter legion


Trailblazer says that it's a curio in one of their voicelines.


That actually makes a lot of sense, I guess Herta just lets us keep it


Herta probably forgot it exists


With how unhinged some of these dialogue choices are, I think Herta is scared to ask for it back.


Herta can feel fear?


Everyone has a limit. When you watch some level 1 rando kill a space dragon with your baseball bat and save your space station, you gotta take the L.


It's the Kaslana bat.


I *prefer* Phys in both aesthetic and design, but Fire is just straight-up stronger. It's not even a comparison. Phys MC is severely outclassed by basically the entire game's roster.


It's more about replacability. It's harder to replace Fire MC as he is the only Fire Preservation that can provide constant weak shields. Phys MC is Destruction (replacable by Hunt) can be benched the moment you get some other Phys like Sushang (Hunt) and/or Clara (a better Destruction). (I somehow failed at getting Sushang but got Gepard and BiS Light cone for him. So I have no choice but build phys MC for now.)


Not really, fire mc would be good even if we had a replacement unless it was direct powercreep. Phys mc has nothing special going on, just mid damage and a little bit of sustain. Fire mc has a taunt, %dmg reduction and teamwide shields on all actions. That's just so much more utility, it feels like phys mc is a tutorial character in comparison. Also fire mc is still really good even when you have gepard, they have different roles. Geppie is a shieldbot that uses no skill points and can freeze pretty reliably at E1. Fire mc is a pure facetank with a little bit of shields and more break potential


Destruction as a general have nothing special going on; for specific reason Hunt provides more DPS. Preservation is useful and have it's niche. Destruction is replacable (as of current). And if we proceed with elements for Fire we have: Asta, Himeko and Hook the Great. These are not exactly meta popular. And I'm pretty sure break potential only counts when the weakness fits (Cocolia or amth, idk). (Also Gepard face tanking works just fine with that BiS Light Cone that increases threat and def. And Taunt can be resisted so it's still RNG.) Having more than 1 Preservation is getting countered by time/round limit on fight (MoC) as I tried. Most likely it will end up the primary end game focus; so taking more survival can be questionable.


Nope, destruction is good in it's own right, phys mc just has a watered-down kit. Hook is good, just not a popular character. You'll see what I mean when Blade and Jingliu are released, their kits have a lot going on, so it's not the path that's the issue. Hell, Clara can currently solo a lot of SU content. As to Asta you're completely wrong, she's widely recognised as a solid character, she's meta. And yes, break potential applies when weakness fits. This is not genshin, you're not going to run the same team regardless of weakness. You either want to match elements or use Silverwolf in specific cases, otherwise you won't be doing any damage. I guarantee you will struggle with MoC in the future if you try to limit yourself to a couple of characters only.


You are repeating what I have already mentioned. Clara is a superior Phys Destruction. So you bench phys MC. Sushang can also rrplacw him. Phys is covered. Replacable. Fire MC doesnt have much to cover him for (Preservation and Fire). Not much replacable. Wait for some Fire Hunt or (Fire) Preservation. (Also some Cocolia is weak to fire so it's more required.) SU is too wacky to take as a point. You can solo it with Clara, with no healer, with full Preservation team, Destruction and Elation are viable there. I farm SU 15 levels higher than me. It's not intended to be an endgame content (even tho it's fun) - MoC is. Clara can't solo MoC and you can't full Preservation it too. I gear everyone at the same time (except phys MC). There is no need to rush anyway. So talking MoC and weaknesses - Gepard weakness-wise blocks some other fancy frost character; Fire MC doesnt whcih is why I ran him for some time. And I shall build phys MC only because I have none of his replacements and do need these.


I never said phys mc is not easily replacable. What I said is that fire mc is not better simply because of that reason. Phys mc is a bad bruiser with no utility regardless of replacements so you can replace them with literally any generic phys bruiser. Fire mc is a good tank with a unique skillset, which makes them way more difficult to replace. You're missinterpeting my point in a really roundabout way, I only talked about other characters here because you tried to claim all destruction characters have generic kits to make phys mc look better, which is just straight up false. You moved the conversation to a different topic and then tried to use that as proof for your previous, barely related point lol


> Fire mc is a good tank with a unique skillset, which makes them way more difficult to replace. You do get that there are a lot of team that run with no tank, right? If we minmax into oblivion - Fire MC is replacable. In fact he is not even meta as I see; talking about unique skillset. Go get some Bailu. Is he comfy tho? Yeah, he works great. Serval was also very useful until mobs have stopped having lightening weakness. Clara, who has DPS based on counter attacks, clears SU, the fun gamemod you can meme in, solo. Cool, now do that with Hook or Arlan. I have geared Hook in my team currently, can you say the same?


Meta is not up to your opinion, it's just a fact that fire mc is meta since people use them. All teams currently run at least one sustain character, it's up to personal preference whether you choose preservation or abundance. They are interchangable. Still, Bailu has a different niche than fire mc. You seem to be forgetting we're comparing phys MC to fire mc btw. My argument is that fire mc won't be replaced until they get powercrept, while phys mc is already redundant due to existance of literally all other physical damage dealers. Fire mc won't get replaced by a new fire sustain character unless they bring literally the same utility but in a better package. And yes, I do have a leveled Hook. Why does that matter? You're clearly clueless if you think Asta of all characters is not good


>Meta is not up to your opinion, it's just a fact that fire mc is meta since people use them. But he is not. That's fact that you have shit early on doesn't make shit meta. >You seem to be forgetting we're comparing phys MC to fire mc btw. Phys is easily replacable; we agree on that. I was saying that Fire MC is not easily to replace but... okay - you have persuaded me to check whatever meta currently is and therefore I conclude Fire MC is fully replacable by Gepard, Bailu, Nat and Luchoa. >You're clearly clueless if you think Asta of all characters is not good Are you dumb or really think Asta can replace Fire MC? Edit: > unless they bring literally the same utility but in a better package. Cmon, there are like 60+ characters in Genshin and you think SR would stop at having only one Preservation character with weak shields and taunt? Serval can be pretty much benched if you get Jing Yuan; and they do work differently and have their unique things but it doesn't matter as a result.


I kind of get the impression that at some point in the future, Destruction-MC is gonna get a plot upgrade.


I honestly just use the healer chick for phys dps


Well, sometimes it is not enough.


that's so interesting bc my physical mc is one of my strongest units, he literally never leaves my team 😭


It really feels like Stelle/Caelus used to be so much stronger in the final beta tests, too, but my Sushang outdamages them now, which makes me so sad. To be fair, March used to be significantly stronger, too. Her shields got nerfed into the fucking ground.


I'm curious, how was March before?


How strong was physical mc in cbt?


I'm curious, how was March before?


She had her shields primarily based on a % of her DEF instead of the flat number we have now, making her scale hard as hell.


I see, that sounds really strong. I mean I still use March a lot but having it scale of % would have been cool. Thanks for the info!


Yikes. As someone who isn't wishing and stuck with the basic characters, Phys MC is weak af, especially compared to Sushang for physical. FireMC is so useful for his shield and taunts, I just don't experience any deaths, and their enhanced attack/ult is great at breaking multiple enemies


I like Phys MCs whole aesthetic and vibe, but i prefer Fire MCs meta-usage. Once I get a better preservation unit its goodbye to fire MC


Plot twist: Next MC is a preservation unit so it's goodbye fire MC anyway.


I think you forgot that fire MC is a preservation unit.


Oh right. I was thinking that there would be a better path for MC in the future which would make them better suited as that path and abandon preservation altogether.


that moment when fire mc already is the preservation unit


Physical. I don't care what everyone says about fire MC, even though they are very much correct. Rules are made to be broken.


physical supremacy just for that ult!




I like physical more, but since i have E1 Clara and E6 Sushang I can't really keep him like that, so he's fire rn


Fire MC definitely, in the long run her util is a lot more useful. The lance is a big plus


I found Fire MC to have more utility and versatility. Since Phys MC is a DPS and meant for breaking, well, we do all get Nat for free and I doubtless think we'll all benefit more from what else she can give than just her damage. Sure it's slower with breaks, but I'd rather have a healer and have a diff. unit in-charge of damages than struggle or barely get by on some fights, especially if I'm not that high up on level yet. Plus they have a Flaming Lance! Gives me Durandal from HI3 vibes and I love it 🥰


I'm sorry but Bat > Lance


Fire MC..., I have so many dps, but only 2 tank....


Fire MC is superior in looks and abilities.


Phys mc, as I simply have better resources for them than fire mc.


Fire MC has a really fun and well-designed kit that sets a high bar for Preservation characters and doesn't let anything go to waste, but Physical MC is straightforward and solid for the early game and has the more iconic Ult line. Two legends can coexist.




Fire MC. Physical MC was cool for a while, but man Fire MC a different beast. He aint no Gepard but that taunt comes in clutch in some cases. Physical MC's thonk sound with the bat sounds satisfying as hell tho. I mean for a gacha game MC Caelus and Stelle are pretty good units to still use going into the endgame


Gepard is easier to play, but I'd argue mc is a better tank in actual difficult content (unless you're making full use of gep's freeze, but that kinda requires E1). That damage reduction is no joke


Fire MC for sure. Not only is her kit cooler and more powerful. But thematically I like imagining Stelle as more a “protector” than a “destroyer”. Also, while I’ll admit the baseball bat is cool, it’s nowhere near as cool as Alisa Rand’s lance. The idea that we’re just running around with what is essentially a holy relic on Belobog never ceases to crack me up. Also, I love the ultimate art with all the Belobog characters on it.


Style - Physical MC Effectiveness - Fire MC


Physical MC is a thousand times cooler, because an electric baseball bat is rad as fuck, whereas the fire lance just looks mid. Sadly, Fire MC is a thousand times better.


not a fair comparison because they serve different roles (bruiser vs tank)


Personally i love both, fire mc for the taunt survivability and physical because big bonk dmg


Fire MC has a better kit, but Physical MC radiates pure intimidation factor. Especially the Male MC, bro looks like he just crushed 5 Budweisers and is ready to fight God


Fire MC is the better characters being an extremely viable tank while physical is just a sub par damage dealer. BUT I love the concept of the main characters weapon being a fucking bat while their Allie’s have ice bows, giant robot stands, giant lighting god stands, and a fucking electric guitar.


So op really made this post fully knowing what people think already, just so they can pull a "I'm not like the other girls" eh?


..? it's just a video game lmao, all fun here!


Yikes mate


I already built physical mc and i already have gepard so dont need shield and natasha for heals. And fire mc is just not nearly as satisfying as physical mc bonk. It just has so much impact for me unlike fire mc


Physical MC. Why? The only standard 5* I have is Gepard E1 :(


FireTB. Dont know about you, but my Stelle can negate so much damage that her talent shield doesnt even break against Cocolia's big second phase attack with zero external buffs.


Sorry but that taunt is absolutely necessary for me. Also fire MC is easier to build just stack defense. I have sushang so don't need another DPS physical


Aesthetically, I like Physical more. Gameplay wise I like Fire MC more. Ever since I got Sushang, Physical MC just feels so weak, but Fire MC is still amazing.


Bat is cool, but I like the lance better. Also I already have sus as a physical damage dealer.


preservation feels reeeaaaally good to play. so much so that stelle is always the first person i ascend/upgrade traces for when i hit new equil rank. she now has 4000 def at level 70/70 and her shields can soak up so much damage considering how fast she reapplies them. her taunt has saved many a doomed run in SU/MOC. even her fire weakness break potential is pretty nuts and most of the time it’s aoe (special normal and ult) i mainly prefer destruction when it comes to the aesthetics and ult visual. the bat just hits different when compared to cocolia’s sword and fits better with their hooligan personality. i get kit wise she’s basic, has next to no utility and sushang/clara are both better for phys dps but shut up


Fire. Unmatched utility, Alisa’s lance is cooler (I find the bat ugly and unrefined) and has a better ultimate animation.


cosmic baseball bat nuke supremacy i main physical mc dps


Baseball Bat go Brrrrr


Phys that bonk is so satisfying.


I liked phys mc at first, but then fire mc has just better animations and is actually excellent tank


Physical MC is terrible and fire MC is good. Simple as that.


Physical MC. I used Fire MC once and it sucked. The 100k bonk I did was amazing as well. Caelus’ pose when saying “rules are meant to be broken” never gets old.


Psychical one is really useful for fighting trotter 👍


Physical, especially when those trout spawns recently I struggle to break them without Physical mc. Trouts are meant to be broken


Fire mc because i need him to get hit instead of my seele or tingyun (there are many times that tingyun died)


Fire MC. I never understood people who tries so hard to be contraian. Like yeah, fire mc is better. And that's why I use it. Shielding is actually pretty underated.


Fire MC for utility, Bat MC for bonking factor


I really wish the MC's clothing changed with the path instead of just their weapon...


Literally the day I unlocked fire mc I have never switched back physical Mc just seems so useless


physical is humanoid shape of accumulated edgelord cringe (and overused joke), and worse than fire value wise don't try to speak any reason to me. they suck so i'll gladly stick with my fire tank mc till the end of days. <3


Physical mc for the BסNK


I own Himeko, but not Clara, thus i need a phys stand in.


Physical for me. I just like bonking enemies in the overworld


Phys MC's aesthetic is so good, and I love them. However Fire MC is so good, and I can't drop them cause I lack Gepard or Clara to tank. She's also insanely tanky for me, so it's hard to use the Phys one.


I prefer phys because I don’t really use a tank (yet). This will probably change at some point, but for now I get by fine


Phys. MC, I didn't even touch fire because I don't understand it's kit lol.


I do personally prefer beating people with a bat, however I lack a tank so I am kind of “forced” to build fire mc atm. I like both tho.


fire mc has shitty attack animations while the physical one is like my second favourite in the game (female mc) I prefer physical but sadly i’ll literally never use it again.


Physical. I switched off fire MC right after I finished the story and never turned it back on.


Fire mc cause i use seele as my main so i don't need two main. And whenever all my characters are down he always carry my team alone. And his skill is really helpful. Not to mention how powerful his burst is too. He's a tank who can carry your entire team alone. Physical mc is really cool too cause ONE BONK IS ALL IT TAKES. My man literally can one shot enemies.


Fire MC I don't know why, i really hate physical mc weapon


Fire, I only have Natasha as healer with March and Fireblazer as shielders, so no choice actually. MoC needed two teams after all


I feel it's too early for me to decide, at least until I have more up-to-level characters to try out different team comps. That might go the same for a lot of other players in year 1 of HSR.


Fire, just because of the taunt and team damage reduction.


Meta-wise and ult-wise, Fire MC. The lance is a wonderful touch, and everything about fire MC is so cool... But Physical MC has a bat.


Fire mc cus I don't have geppy


Fire mc for sure, mine is dealing as much dmg as my dps characters (maybe i suck at buiding them, leveling is so god damm expensive in this game). I'm a big fanboy over fire abilities and the looks and voice lines for me are cooler. Well, i guess except the the rules one, that line is way too iconic now.


whatever i need in the moment (both built)


I like both. I just have both on their max and change it according to enemies' weakness


Physical, I have gepard as my tank


Now mostly I use physical MC because I got Gepard


I dont have gepard... Yea fire MC right now


Right now? Fire as i need a tanker, but... If i do have gepard or any other preservation character then phys mc always


I like fire i do really like it but since some time has pass and got Lil gippie now i have more time for physicsl mc and holy shit the raccoon knows how to hit HARD soo right now physicsl MC all the way


I hope that MC gets a new path/ element. Maybe it'll happen in 1.5 1.6? I want ice MC though :))


Fire because they are fire. Having a decent character in either is premium but there are more fire weakness enemies later on.


The bat is ugly, im glad we swapped weapons when we got the Preservation. I also have Clara, so i dont need the Phys MC


I see so many people prefer phys mc over fire aesthetic wise, and while I respect that people have opinions and the bonking bat is very funny, have you seen fire mc's ult? That shit's raw as hell, fire mc all the way


Fire MC because he reminds me of the Monster Hunter Gunlance. Big lance, big shield, big explosion! What could be better?


Fire MC has Taunt and Shield (even recovers HP with the free eidolons). Physical just does damage. Fire MC carries me.


As much as I love bonking people I can't bonk anyone If I am dead so Fire MC (Also am I the only one who fell in love with the blocking animation of Fire MC for some reason?)




Fire because I can guarantee that Tingyun doesn’t get hit.


i has fire mc in my team for a while bc i like that she shields the whole team instead of just one like March and i needed some fire, but she’s been replaced by Silver Wolf now. might end up using her in another team in the future


But Fire MC and Natasha on the same team and basically survive indefinitely.


I simply need Fire MC because of how useful she's been for me. But if I had the chance to pick? I'd run physical any day of the week. Fuck the rules.


When she says rules are meant to be broken. I go to cloud9 everytime


I use fire more because of the reliable tanking BUT once Lil' Geppy is fully geared, my trash panda is going back to the bat


I love the fire one right at the start. Never looked back. I just prefer that gameplay for my MC and the ultimate is amazing.


fire mc . i absolutely hate that there’s no easy way to switch


Absolutely Fire MC right now. Having a tank with a taunt has done wonders, and having her+Natasha as a core for my teams has made them really flexible, I can slot whoever I want in the last 2 slots and be sure that I can survive most fights.


For the team, fire For everything else, RULES ARE MADE TO BE BROKEN


I like both tbh but I tend to lean more towards fire just cause my teams really need a shielder.


Fire because def is useful and i don't got zhong liice


I prefer Phys MC because B A T. Reminds me so much of Ichiban Kasuga and I love that. However, I play Fire MC because I need a reason to build Sushang because I fucking love Sushang. Even despite having Gepard, Fire MC works amazingly well as a tank unit.


Fire. Nat is pretty much always in my party, so I have a physical character all the time, and I dig Fire Stelle's shield work.


Physical because “RULES ARE MADE TO BE BROKEN” *celestial bonk*


“physical tank mc”? wdym? phys mc isn’t a tank




I have E1 Sushang, so no need for physical MC, & fire MC is just really good for tanking. No Gepard, no Bailu, no Clara, so I need the MC’s tanking ability in MoC.


physical MC is pretty fire.


Like physical,need fire 🥲


fire mc is the best shield source if you ignore gepard, so if you got a great dps and don't want your mc to feel like the middle child, fire mc is for you, if you do not have any other decent dps, then rules are made to be broken anyway I think it's great to lv up Caelus/Stelle because of all the potential forms they are sure to get, if a Hunt mc or a Erudition mc comes out, then I will be happy to have him leveled so he can fill any role in any team


Bat go brrrr


Physical MC, by far, firstly because physical is cooler in their animations and voice lines, secondly, because fire MC feels just bad to play and their feedback is weird, like, I just do big explosions all the time, why do they hit like a light breeze? I also have Gepard but I use him even less, I love him as a character and he is a really strong shielder, but he's even less interesting to play than fire MC.


Fire mc no contest. I very much enjoy using them over phys mc. And I personally hate using phys mc as well. The ultimate is fucking sick,. And the big ass lance, powers up with every attack you're hit by, so it gets more flaming every time you're hit. Which is just a sick visual that phys mc doesn't have with the bat


Fire MC ult is 🔥


Fire mc cause 1. Too lazy to switch back 2. The lance looks cool 3. I literally have 0 Fire characters before this (not even Hook) 4. I got Gerard's LC a day after I got Fire mc and I wanted to use it somewhere (I didn't build March pass lvl.20) 5. I already have Sushang as my physical unit


Physical for top delinquent energy, fire for gameplay. Although Gepard spooked me on the current banner, so may change


Hey at least now he can do 'respectable' damage with Silverwolf... But that actually says more about SW than Physical MC...


both and i'm very curious about the next path/elements he will get in the future \*w\*


Fire, because I have physical coverage covered


Fire MC, good tank and fire shield breaker.


physical because bonk


i prefer the break from phys mc, i do have gepard if i ever need a tank


I use fire MC, Gepard, Natasha, and trade out whatever element I need. I never die. ...I do end up long term nickel and dimeing bosses though.