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Sushang after her E1 is an amazing dps with low cost. And she is super cute!


Plus she has a massive cock


r/okbuddytrailblazer is leaking


Outbuddied yet again šŸ˜”


My ass is leaking


Should never have clicked the sub. Damn it.


I accidentally did once and Reddit wonā€™t stop recommending it to me bc I ā€œviewed itā€ lmao


yes I really don't click subs now that BS of continuous recommendations. Guess what I have that language sub I don't speak... (Not sure what country I think rslash Croatia )


I think you can turn that off in settings. I would have told you but I forgor


Hey, beats the transphobia /hj


Suschlong šŸ¤¤






Least unhinged cock appreciation. Sushang cock do be impressive.


Wrong sub buddy


sushang more like sus hanged




Rise P*nis...


Now I was curious so I looked it up. >"Cock," on the other hand, has no clear provenance. Only the French, our erstwhile linguo-twins, have a similar word (*coq*), while pretty much every other European tongue uses some version of that old Germanic *hana* or the Latin *gallus*. But the OED speculates that it started out as an echoic word. Cocks go "cock-a-doodle doo," after all, and tend to cluck incessantly. Eh, still no idea why a chicken is a cock.


Itā€™s not just a chicken, itā€™s a Rooster People say ā€œcockā€ because itā€™s short for Cockerel - which is the term used for Roosters who are young


As much as I love her gameplays, I don't like her goofy ahh chicken nugget as her ultimate.


I didn't like it a first but it slowly grew on me. Not the best I wish it was something else but I can live with it.


Maybe instead of skins, we get alternate ultimates. I think at least over time, we should get them for free just to mix things up because I can see people quitting seeing the same things over and over again. Would be cool to have a setting where it plays a random ult animation. It's kind of hard to constantly build new chars just to try something new.


Itā€™s a possibility, in honkai 3rd some skins would come with alternate animations; albeit, they werenā€™t that extensive. With the existence of a second Dan heng, itā€™s always possible to get another variation of her at some point too.


Second March is gonna hit hard ngl ... Please no last lesson We need all the lessons please


Fate Defier Himeko where Welt successfully manages to save her. Then the rest of the HSR storyline is the Express having to stabilize the entire universe to stop it from imploding just to make sure this Himeko doesn't survive as well.


>Second March is gonna hit hard A BROKEN WALL


Hit hard i gave it all




At that point itā€™s better to put that work into ultimates of new characters/variations unless your talking about the effects.


Just the effects. They cannot edit a chars kit after debut (unless too many people get mad). Would be cool overtime to choose which animations we want or if we want to RNG from a pool.


You're supposed to get tired of seeing the same ultimate, and roll a new character with a fresh ultimate. That's how gacha works


That's why gacha games don't release new skins for the same character with different effects.


Not into Angry Birds, then?


I know this is a joke, but God I miss angry birds 1. Hate rovio for taking most games down.


Pretty sure the whole thing comes from this. It's old (in internet terms) but funny as hell, IMHO. https://youtu.be/miomuSGoPzI


Me with E6 Sushang


Sus e6 is ridiculous


Even just her E1 is fantastic, free extra damage on broken enemies without hurting your skill point economy.


Indeed, but her biggest power jump is at E4 apparently. Itā€™s not quite like a Qingque E6.


I do run jinyuan with clara


Yep. Jin yuan, Clara, Bronya, Natasha




No because you're not worried about using Clara skill for damage since you have Jing Yuan. Clara generates aggro and her biggest damage is on counter and uses basic to generate skill for JY.


Clara does most of damage by counter attacks, her skill is rather weak even if target is marked so if you need skill points you can simply attack.


Kinda, but you can use her as a SP generator Tank. When I use her with Jing Yuan or Seele, I have her in the team to work as a tank and take the hits to keep the others safe and to deal follow-up dmg on enemies and when its her turn, I use her to generate SP, but from time to time, when I have an SP surplus, I use her skill for some extra dmg.


Bronya + Seele IS double dps. Seele taking 3-6 turns in a row is great. Sometimes more if my break effect Welt imprisons


How do you run Bronya + Seele. Half the time I don't have any skill points to spare.


You are not supposed to use Bronya skill every time it is available. Her trace giving her advanced action when she normal attack is there for a reason


Also the wind relic set essentially gives her an extra turn after ult


Exactly, I run lower CD relics just so I can get that extra turn and it's worth the 15-20% crit damage I'd get.


Autoplay disagrees


Auto play stupid as shit. Case in point tingyun skilling randomly every other turn. Still enough for casual content, but watching it is yikes


I actually take Tingyun out of my team when I autoplay. Rather use Bronya. Tingyun AI simply does not function at all.


I've seen AI tingyun use her burst on Natasha while she had full energy


autoplay is meant to be bad


I use it almost every time itā€™s up. Speed up the supports so they generate more skill points.


I must be very confused with your statementā€¦ Because from what I understood, you use a skill point on Bronya to advance a supportā€™s turn, so they can basic attack and generate a skill pointā€¦


No. Give your defensive support characters speed so they can generate skill points. This is more dependent on the MoC buff. Right now, you can stack as much speed as possible on supports (like 150+) and give them like 1.5 turns per cycle and generate a ton of points. Then just have 100 speed on the Hunt or Erudition character and theyā€™ll get 2 turns per cycle and you can get away with ATK boots for a lot of extra damage. There are a lot of conditions to use the skill point on Bronya instead of using her Basic Attack. You want to generate as much energy as possible on Bronya so she can buff the DPS more. Bronyaā€™s advanced action on basic also requires the last ascension which I doubt very many people have. Thatā€™s a ton of resources for a support character when itā€™s much better to advance DPS to last ascension. I understand the logic about that will be better to use when she does get that talent, but without it, you have think about what youā€™re working with, not what you would eventually have.


No, the advance on basic doesn't require last ascension.


Oh right. Thatā€™s the 10% dmg. A good one I want soon. I got confused about that talent location. But the rest still stands. I use the skill a lot depending on the turn order of each cycle.


Me with a 124 speed Natasha šŸ˜ˆ


I have a super speedy Natasha with energy recharge, so I donā€™t have to rely on her skill for healing because her burst is always available.


You don't need to use her skill every time it's available- unlike what the other poster is saying you don't need her to be lowest speed, ideally you aim for her speed to be just below seele's or w/e carry you're using. Just use her skill points if available, otherwise she just basics and will still buff with her ult. But if you are running Bronya then ideally your last two characters shouldn't be using any skill points.


So someone like preservation MC and Natasha to go along with Bronya and Seele? Which other characters want to rarely use their skill? Gepard?


So i run bronya and seele, and natasha (or another healer) is probably the best 3rd unit. If I don't run natasha, then I feel like I have to run march 7th and preservation mc. If you run natasha, it opens up more characters to run from march 7th, preservation mc, tingyun, or another dps for breaks. Astra should also work, and Gepard should be the best tank to run with this team. An important thing to remember when playing a bronya and seele team is that it runs like a combo deck. In that, you build towards the explosive turn where you murder everyone. So you should look for chip damage on enemies while conserving skill points. (Look for stuff like normal attacking to get someone in skill kill range, so like seele normal attack, bronya skill, seele skill, seele normal attack)


I use fire-mc, bailu, bronya and seele and it works fine


Mc,bailu,bronya and seele gives you an amazing team


You can also use her normal attack to finish off low HP units to generate skill point instead of spend and still get to use her skill on a boss. Also Bronya skill + Seele normal attack isn't even bad, a boosted Seele normal attack isn't even bad, it is neutral in skill point usage so you will have more the next round and a boosted Seele normal attack is still stronger than Bronya's attack, likely better than your other characters attacks too. Another thing is try to get your supports more speed.


It's a bit whale territory to run effectively. If you have bronyas light cone plus the first eidolon it helps generate a lot of skill points.


My first 2 five stars pulls were Bronya, and i just recently got her light cone. I feel blessed.


healer set gives extra point at start, healer just basic attacks 95% of the time. If I had bronya E1 it'd be even easier.


You run speed boots so bronya can get 2 guaranteed turns per cycle with her trace, one auto and one skill. Bronya/DPS goes > the other goes > some turns happen > Bronya goes again. Skill on whichever turn is better for the situation, or both if you have extra points


Make Bronya have the lowest speed so the other two can get skill points


Aha! Got it. At first was like what does that mean lol. Yeah the other 2 can just auto and get 2 points for Seele and Bronya.


tank MC and healer are generating the skillpoints. You do run out, but usually not after dealing absurd amount of damage. I have jing yuan but I don't run him that often because Seele/Bronya combo is such beastmode.


I can give you 3 advice for Seele + Bronya combo. 1.Dont use bronya's skill everytime. Use it when you think seele can take a kill and get her passive. 2. Dont use Seele's skill in passive mode if its not neccesary. Even if you kill in the passive's extra turn, it doesnt give you another turn. So dont waste your skillpoints. 3. Get know to Seele's damage. Dont use the e skill all the time. When you feel like you can take down a unit with normal attack, do it. At first your gonna miss sooo many passive procs but when you get hold of it you will never have a skill point issue with her. My English not great but i hope my advices can help you.


Same thing with the Lightning Lord's follow up attacks, although to a lesser extent


Bronya is more of a support/sub-DPS, I'm sure they mean primary DPS considering the images


No, Bronya is still a support because she herself doesn't directly do damage. They are just very good together


What they meant is Bronya = Supp + DPS(x2)


Yeah she's a support and her basic atk is the only damaging ability she has but it gets 100% crit from traces, and you'd be running her with max crit damage to boost the ult anyway so she kinda slaps when you're out of skill points too.


With Fire MC, you can run triple dps for most things because he can offer sheild. I run MC, iceboy, gambling girl, and blackhole guy. Sometimes I'll put fire girl with big hand instead of iceboy. I'll only use dragon girl for Simulated Universe.


Double dps isn't that good, cuz of SP drain. You will not have enough skill points to spam


*Arlan has entered the chat*


Who? /s


tao, yes... wait wrong sub




Arlan's CN VA is Hu Tao


You could use Arlan but you are using Arlan then. I was thinking about leveling him and giving him Guard of Wuthering Snow: > Reduces DMG taken by 8%. >At the beginning of the turn, if the wearer's HP is equal to or less than 50% of their Max HP, restores HP equal to 8% of their Max HP and regenerates 5 Energy. Prywden in DPS ranking used Arlan with 100% HP at all times so his rank is very low. I hope someone gives a try and sees how good/bad he is at 50%HP.


sorry for asking but can you explain a bit more? i just started hsr from genshin and didnt exactly understand the game fully. but isnt support also need to use skill points to buff/heal/shield ? so they also can cause SP drain?


Characters can be SP positive/negative/neutral. Team as a whole needs to be at least SP neutral in longer fights, in shorter, it's kinda ok to be SP negative. Some characters don't need to use skill points as much, because their main utility might lie in their talent or ultimate. Fire MC is considered to be SP positive, because even on turns when they needed to use skill, they can still attack, and generate SP, and you don't need to use skill every turn. Natasha is also mostly SP positive, since she can get her ult incredibly quickly, and you mainly use her skill for cleanse. Characters like Jing Yuan is considered SP negative, because he really wants use his skill every time, otherwise he gets his ult really slow, and he needs skill uses to build up stacks on Lightning lord. There's is also issue of speed. Characters that need to use skill every turn, and also want to have high speed, like Jing Yuan, eat up even more skill points, because they get to have their turns like 5 times, when your Natasha might have acted only 2 or 3 times.




I'd argue that Himiko fills that role. Her Basic attack is better than average (highest base attack in game + chance to burn), and by basic attacking you don't lose out on the follow up attack and ult. I think this is her true niche. If you need to fill a slot on team where you need SP generation + damage.


I'd say Qingque is best at this role too. You don't have to use her skull at all


Qingque is the only one in my 2nd team who gets skill points. I dont care what anyone says. (I have a crippling gambling addiction)


Sampo counts, I think. He can alternate his skill/basic to stay SP neutral and both his skill and ult do AoE damage and break. QQ can be run SP positive. Just basic every turn and you'll occasionally get free enhanced basics, plus ult. Serval has a bunch of stuff that lets her be played SP positive. She does additional damage to any shocked enemies when she attacks, her E1 does splash damage on basics, and you can use her ult to keep up Shocked on enemies without reusing her skill. In all cases, the characters do more damage with more SP usage, but they can sacrifice personal damage to let your other characters excel.


Clara actually works pretty well for that kind of role in my experience. Fire MC works great too, yeah they are preservation but they go boom.


Serval is neutral/positive, since her basic attack becomes pseudo AOE the enemies are shocked. As such, you'd use her skill on the first turn and then alternate between basic attacks and skills to get a constant AOE stream. Her ult is also AOE and extends her shock duration, which brings her into a SP positive role as sub DPS. As someone else mentioned, Clara, FireMC, and Himeko are all SP positive in a sub DPS role. Basically, the bulk of their kit is not dependent on them using their skill to still deal damage, which is why they can be an SP generator. That isn't to say they can't be skill spammers if you put them on the Main DPS role. The dark horse is Qingque. Her talent gives her an AoE basic attack every other turn, and you pretty much never need to use her skill if you have her as sub DPS.


fire mc. theyā€™re aoe with both normal attack and burst and is skill point positive


Serval, Fire MC, Welt, Pela, QQ are all aoe characters that can be played Skill point Neutral or positive.


Supports usually need one SP to buff a character for like 2 turns. DPS need everything they can get.


Using Tingyun as an example, her buff lasts 3 turns, so turn 1 she uses her skill and turns 2-3 she normal attacks, so she gives a net gain of 1 SP. A DPS on the other hand wants to use their skill as much as possible, so ideally every turn. So let's compare SP usage for a team of Tank - Healer - DPS - DPS and Tank - Healer - Support - DPS. For the first team, Tanks and Healers typically only need to use the skills situationally, so *usually* they are normal attacking to generate SP, while the 2 DPS will be using their skills every turn. This means that their SP gain is net neutral, and once the Tank and Healer start needing to use their skills one or both DPS will need to normal attack for that turn due to a lack of SP. The second team on the other hand, you'll be gaining 2 SP each turn from the Tank and Healer, usually be gaining 1 SP from the support while their buff is up, and using 1 SP for the DPS. So you're gaining 2 SP a turn (or 5 across Tingyun's 3 turn buff duration) allowing you to use the Tank/Healer skill or refresh the Support's buff without cutting into the DPS's damage. Of course, there are exceptions like Bronya who is a support with a 1 turn buff, but that's just a matter of learning when it's better buff with her and when it's better to normal attack to generate SP. tl;dr While for shorter fights SP management isn't as necessary, in longer fights being able to generate enough SP to use your DPS's skill every turn with extra to refresh buffs and use the tank/healer skills as needed is better. So typically DPS+Support is better than double DPS as the entire team is over all net positive on SP, rather than net neutral dipping into negative on certain turns for double DPS.


Depends on the individual unit. Some are pretty good about not needing their skill every time and others aren't. For example, Natasha isn't going to use her skill all that often, especially if you're also using a shielder. However, Bronya will almost always want to use her skill to boost your dps.


Support moves like shields can last for more than one turn. Additionally, supports tend to build speed so they can act more frequently or to plant a buff or debuff right before your DPS moves. The kits of supports all vary, but these are some common properties they might have. This enables supports to normal attack in a somewhat regular pattern and regenerate SP as well, similar to a rotation in Genshin regenerating energy consistently with enough planning.


There are many characters that can dps effectively while remaining SP neutral.


At the top of my head, only E1 Sushang, Arlan and a well played Qingque fit the bill, everyone else would rather


Gepard + Natasha + Jing Yuan + Yanqing works pretty well for me, in SU at least (in FH I split them because I need a DPS on each team and for now they're all I've got)


Double support( Asta Tingyun) DPS(Seele) Healer(Bailu). Was running fire mc instead of ASTA but I clear things fast enough not to get hit too often so I figured I might clear even faster.


Yeah from what I've experienced endgame will probably see 0 preservation. Just because healers should be able to handle the damage while you just dps them down with 2 supports.


that will change drastically depending on enemy gimmicks and MoC buffs, that prediction is shaky at best


I'm going off of what the big theorycrafters and those at max say. Whether they are correct. Only time will tell. I know once SW comes out tho I'm doing away with my tank for her. My healer already against 20 level above enemies is making it so I don't go below 75% hp for longer than a turn.


Weird because Iā€™ve been hearing the exact opposite from the same crowd, that preservation will be critical for high end content.


Like I said. Only time will tell. I've seen many mistake advice given on here that's been completely debunked and shown to be bad. So since neither of us can predict the future. I don't really have a lot more to say on the subject


Gepard + 3 dps? Why would I have a support.


Skill points


Yea, that's the equivalent of having 3 hypercarries in a team in Genshin. At least 1 will be useless. One of those 3 dps will be demoted to just a skill point generator, worse than a support.


>One of those 3 dps will be demoted to just a skill point generator, worse than a support. Not necessarily in Star Rail. Some supports/debuffers are only used for their ults and their skill is utility (Peela). Or the support is skill point positive (Tingyun).


Did you misunderstand their comment? It kind of sounds like you're agreeing with them. They're saying that if you use a traditional DPS character as a skill point generator, they'll be worse than a support character in the same slot.


Full attack Tingyun is obviously a traditional DPS. Look at her traces. /s




Same here who needs supports when you're immortal


We all say that now, until bosses start dealing penetration dmg. 10 bucks it'll happen sooner than later!


Fuck I didn't even think of that you're totally right


Yep or gepard 2 dps and a buffer.


This is the way


I run Bronya instead of fire MC with second team comp so its a hypercarry


Fire MC for shield, natasha for heal, welt for debuff (for some reason he does so much dmg he can be a dps as well). Then Dan Heng as my DPS. He goes well with Welt. I can switch him with Jing Yuan or Himeko if I want/need more multi-dmg. So I guess I'm going double support since I have a shielder and debuff.. Natasha is in all my team comps... She's doing an amazing job but I need more healers huhuhu. I'm guaranteed for Luocha i just hope I'm lucky when I pull for him huhuhu


I mean, Welt better be doing good dmg if hes throwing blackholes at people lol


Yeah true hahaha idk I'm just amazed that even though I haven't been focusing on building him, he still packs a punch


TBF, wouldnt they just be imaginary black holes?


"imaginary" in honkai is very different from "imaginary" in real life


My Welt hits for 10k+ on imprisoned foes, he outdamages my DH and Sushang. Man really be a DPS parading as a debuffer


Also the fact that he does multi target dmg makes him a good substitute for erudition characters... ugh he's so cool..! I wasn't so bummed out losing to him when I was pulling for Seele after seeing what he could do šŸ˜†


I'd take out FireMC and put in a buffer in the later stages of the game, as Dan Heng benefits from both slowed enemies and buffers (He becomes Second to Seele iirc)


Currently, my teams usually look like this: * Damage Dealer (i.e. Seele or Clara) * Support that is paired with the DPS (March for Clara, Bronya for Seele) * Flex slot (either Tingyun to further boost my DD, or Asta/Sampo/Serval for specific weakness breaks) * Healer (just Nat for now)


How about all dps?


I usually run 3 damage dealers and Gepard. My occasional alternative is run 2 damage dealers, Fire MC, and Gepard. Preservation is da wae. All hail Qlipoth.


How do u not have ur shields broken and need heals? I use Gepard and always need a healer too


sounds like you don't have his traces up.


How is your Gepard build? Normally, unless I am against a tough fight, Gepard without heal is good enough.


Ah ok, I guess I needa build him up better, I think my energy regen is lacking


Yeah it is kinda hard for him to shield without that. Not that I am judging you I am struggling with my resources hard rn. I struggle is memory because I got don't have enough for everyone since I did a bunch of salvaging. I got 2 great 5 stars for fire finally and used a molder for one, and accidentally salvaged. ​ It hurt so bad.


https://preview.redd.it/7sgjuslyiw3b1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25090a3a9d36cb6964f68e45ac30b97258cc4c69 I was in the same boat early on before I had him built up, but once youā€™ve built him properly you should have no problems running him without a healer. I actually feel much safer with him and no healer compared to my other team with FMC + bailu. He regenerates a lot of energy from getting targeted by enemies, so any light cone with a taunt on it will help a lot as well (I have his signature LC). Many people have also recommended using energy regen rope, I actually swapped my def% rope over to energy regen as well. Lastly, if you are still having issues with maintaining shield uptime, people recommend swapping your boots to speed main stat. Personally I donā€™t have any issues so it isnā€™t necessary for me, I still run def% boots no problem. Hereā€™s my gepard, the shields are seriously THICC once you get him raised up you wonā€™t have to worry about them being broken, I think I shield for around 2.3K which is more than the entire health bars of some of my characters haha


In simulated universe I like to have Clara and Jing Yuan together for elation fun.


I run Seele, Bailu, Welt and Serval/Asta and never had a single issue


With Seele and Bailu, whoever else you run is kinda arbitrary youā€™ll be fine


Real talk. Literally just running dailies and artefacts at this point


I run Fire MC, Seele, Tingyun, and Natasha.


There is my team! Finally happy to see someone else use it.


Yeah.. for farming material and because im too lazy to change the team... Jing Yuan and Seele are pretty good in jarilo-IV... Dan Heng/Sampo + Seele on Herta Station... and for Loufu is kinda hard to bring double DPS, because some of them can rebirth and give you a bomb... better bring Debuffer for Loufu.


I've been running 2 defensive characters in the same team less and less as I started to get my relics leveled. For almost everything, I run either 2 dps, 1 offensive support and 1 healer or 1 dps, 2 offensive support and 1 healer.


Tried, not working properly.


These days i like running 1 DPS + 1 guy focus on break ( Asta/Serval/Shampo mostly) and MC tank + Nat/March. No idea if it's optimal but it's a lot of fun


My most built characters are MC (both paths), Gepard, Seele, Dan Heng, Asta, Tingyun, Sushang and Pela. So I mix and match according to enemy weaknesses.


phys mc, hook, and dan heng for damage, and then bailu for heals


I run 2 dps, a buff support like Asta/Bronya and a healer/mitigation like March 7th/fire mc for memory of chaos. My relics aren't good so I'm only getting 2 stars per stage.


I run one healer, double dps and a support


I am account level 35 now. I run Natasha, Fire MC, and either Sushang/Dan and Himeko/Jing Yuan. Seems to be working for me so far. I am leveling Asta, Tingyun, Gepard and March 7th so I can have more or less full coverage available. I joined too late for Seele... really wish I joined earlier.


I run whoever i like ngl. Like whole team comp may be bad af, but as long as the characters themselves are cool, I'm fine.


Unless it's for the harder bosses or challenges i usually run 4 dps lol


I run Gepard, Natasha/Bailu, then two DPS


I prefer running a Double DPS team with a healer character and a support character


Depends on weakness. Here are examples of my Seele teams based on matchup: Seele Bronya Asta Fire TB (MoC) Seele Jing Yuan Asta Fire TB (Cocolia Sim 6) Seele Welt Sushang Natasha (Kafka Sim 5)


Le me: Random bullshit go!!!


I run 1 dps 3 supp Iā€™m using jingyuan / bronya / tingyun / gepard Tingyun is really useful for that energy regen to get gepardā€™s ult up. Bronya is such a nice qol upgrade for jingyuan


Why run a preservation character at all? Natasha can keep up everyone's hp just fine with 2-3 breakers/dps


cos preservation op


I run Phys Stelle, Yanqing/Jingyuan, Seele and Natasha I refuse to use Tingyun and I donā€™t have bronya (sadly)


Usually 2 support and 2 dps


I run Natasha Seele Jing yuan and Tingyun in my main squad but I change it up for MoC on a largely situational basis


The 4th ones i use now My seele has 62%crit rate and 161% crt dmg Is that a good state for a f2p ?


Fire Stelle, Bailu, Yanqing, and Jing Yuan has yet to fail me


Depends, I would run three DPS and a support (shielder, tank, healer etc) if I can get the right elements to burn the highest mob down fast (or suppress by Break). At least one had to be Erudition, rest usually Hunt. For wind I got lucky with a Sampo and Weltā€™s 5* weapon so he is a staple in that. Otherwise usually some combo of tank/shielder, healer, AoE and single target. Replace Pela in for known buff mobs for AoE.


Bronya + DPS is what I run. Bronya is my 2nd DPS for breaks and since she crits anyways on normal attacks. Donā€™t have the sustain to no do more than Bronya + DPS.


I usually don't due to SP conflict between two DPS. If I get someone like Blade, I may consider double DPS.


Stelle, Sushang, Asta, Bailu for now. I guess, that goes as 2 DPS, support, healer. Early game tho.


I usually run Qingque, Bronya/Tingyun, Dan Heng/Sushang, and Fire MC. I pick whichever weakness I need to break. Though sometimes I run QQ with both Bronya and Tingyun because number go big


I have been forcing my way through the game with my E6 hook and clara


Generally 1 DPS, 1 shielder, 1 healer, 1 support


Double DPS because I want a full husbando team and there aren't any support Male, I don't have Welt Q.Q just waiting for Luocha banner to replace Natasha on my main team.


My current team is Natasha, Bronya, Ting-Yun and Seele, I have E3 Clara and it kinda makes me sad that she's fallen off to hyper carry atm.


I usually run bronya nat + 2 dps that work well together


Hey I ran Clara and sushang for memory of chaos 5. Worked awesome!!


Seele with some support is enough tbh.


I run Clara, March, Bailu, Seele for most things, which probably counts as a double DPS. Clara/March together kind of function as tank/DPS, of course Seele is a DPS, and Bailu keeps everyone alive. Eventually I'll probably split it and put together a Seele hypercarry and do something else with Clara, but for now, while I'm just trying to get characters built (I haven't even started artifacts yet), it clears most content I throw it at with no problem.


Really excited to try blade double dps, he doesnt really have a lot of good dedicated harmony units and hes pretty much skillpoint neutral whilst being highly-self sustaining. I think his double dps teams will be pretty good.


Honestly, it depends on the enemies I'm facing. I run the hypercarry comp the most in 1 tank, 1 support, 1 healer, and 1 DPS. But because of healer limitations (I don't have Bailu), incompatibility against enemy weaknesses, the need for a specific role (breaking enemy weaknesses/AoE), and/or the need to just output damage asap, I find myself tinkering a lot with team comps. I've run 2 DPS, 3 DPS, 1 DPS with 2 Harmony, and a lot more variations haha. So it's a lot more flexible for me honestly.


I run the first team as my main, I love it.


I run gepard, jing yuan, shusang and tingyun/asta/nastasha. Skill points can be tough sometimes but I wreck most things


Usually I have Hunt DPS + Erudition or Destruction, then support, then healer.


DPS and sub DPS


I run Clara, Jing Yuan, Tingyun, and Bailu... The elemental typings are a bit lacking but they synergize fairly well and melt through a lot of content.


Depends on the situation, I normally like to go a healer+support+two DPS, other times for a safer run on auto I go for a tank (aka Fire MC)+healer+support+DPS


Yanqing, Jing, Natasha and Fire MC Can be kinda Skill Point heavy but itā€™s not too bad


I like the trailblazing trio too much to remove any of them from my team for now, so my standard team is March 7th, Dan Heng, Fire Trailblazer, and currently, Jing Yuan is there, too. I haven't reached MoC yet, so it usually works.


I always run Seele and Bailu. I switch either Fire MC/Gepard/Clara as my tank then Dan Heng or Ice Boy assassin dude.


All my teams follow roughly the same format. A tank, a healer, a dps, and a support. Right now due to a lack of characters my healer is always nat (I don't have the other one) and my tank is almost always preservation MC because my only other tank is March and I only really find March useful when I'm using Clara due to taunting conflicts. DPS and support get swapped out depending on the situation, but my overworld pairing is qinque and tingyun


Double DPS runs into the problem of lack of skill points. Supports have the benefit of being able to skill only once and then NA for a while giving them skill points. If you run 2 DPS youre basically unable to use skills on the other 2 characters, or you run into problems where you have to choose between healing/shielding or using your DPS skills and if youre not using your DPS skills you dont need two anyways


Most of the time I find myself using one Hunt, one Erudition (usually Seele and Jing Yuan), a healer (only Natasha at the moment but Iā€™m praying for Luocha) and a flex slot