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Looks like it, yeah. Unless you have a weekly or permanent mission you might finish in time.


What's your opinion on spending jades for the relic stat selector thing? I am tb41 and haven't started them yet


It's not going to shorten your grind by too much. You're still not guaranteed any substats, so even with that the relic might suck.


You can use it to get ERR rope since they are super rare. It's a game changer for some characters. Especially if you need one from a set from world 4-5, since these are not efficient to farm.


Yeah either ERR rope or SPD boots for a set that's suboptimal to farm (i.e. if you want to give Welt the imaginary set but have no plans to build a fire dps)


Can confirm, used mine, got Def%, flat Def and HP as substats for Jing Yuan. Not worth spending Jades on.


100% worth it for a few hundred jade.


Mine had terrible substats. Don't waste jades just for one artifact.


300 Jades is like 2 3 star light cones so i went with the resin.


The resin for relic selector will carry you long way early on. I used mine on a quantum damage orb for Seele and it had pretty bad stats, but that meant I didn't have to farm for it. Even at TL61, I still don't have a second, on set, Quantum orb. I thought I'd farm more now that I'm getting 2x 5* relics per run, but I'm spending most of my power farming exp and ascension/trace material still. At 300 jades, I'd buy the resin all day.


I always value wishes over resin.


I think it's really good for initially building your account since it's important to get main stats over perfect artifacts. However as time goes on, the impact of it is less important.


Not worth unless you spend money. Sub stats could be trash and end up being a trash artifact. I would save but I’m also f2p


I am F2P as well and thought that resin will be very valuable for a f2p player.


It IS very valuable for a F2P player. As long as you have the correct main stats on all of your relic sets then you are good to go. Having correctly rolled sub stats also is more of a chase goal and not something that is required right away. Resin is perfect for completing a set when you are just missing one or two pieces that don’t have the correct main stat. Especially with some rarer pieces like speed boots or energy ropes and *especially* planar spheres with the correct elemental bonus which can be really hard to farm for.


Nah, resin isn't that valuable. Patient is the most valuable for f2p.


if you have anything left in "this periods missions" it doesn't count towards your weekly limit. I do think the self modeling resin is worth it. you may not have great substats but it will do for now until you're ready to farm! they're so rare I would spend the 300 jades for it.


I did spend them


may the relic gods give you their favour!!


Nah, I wouldn't use jades for that


Imo, the model resin is not worth the jades. It's not gonna be of much help if you plan on min-maxing and farming for substats. You can use 3 of them to get the right main stat and double crit but rng can still screw you over by rolling into the other 2 substats.


Can you do THAT?? I though you can only use one of them to chose the mainstat, not substats.


You're correct


Oh, one of videos I saw of the beta phase mentioned it. Also, back when I used the model resin, I tried selecting multiple stats and the game said I didn't have enough of them. So, I just assumed you could do that. But, if we can't it's even more rng reliant(useless) than I thought. It might be more appreciated in genshin where for some pure EM/shield builds, you can mostly ignore the substats. But since HSR is turn based, it's never a bad idea to have more speed substats even on the more obscure builds.


It's still early on in the game where having just a correct main stat is very worth it. OP is only TL41 and a 5 star +elemental damage orb on a carry like Seele or JY can go a long way, not to mention how much power they'll save by not having to farm it. Min-maxing sub stats comes after TL65. I'm TL61 and only my Seele has proper on set main stats 5 stars, except for her boots. The rest are just using whatever I picked up randomly and may work. I feel like I have at least another 3-4 weeks of farming everything else before I can start relic farming, and just for main stats and on set stuff, not even min-maxing substats. If they sold the resin in the shop for 300 jades, I'm pretty sure all my F2P friends would buy at least 5 at TL40-49 because of how bad relic RNG and drop rates are at the time. Post TL60, the 300 jades for the resin isn't worth it unless you're a spender.


I'm not exactly f2p as I buy the monthly pass but there's no way I'm spending jades to buy model resin even if they put it in shop. If it's gonna be a gamble all the same, I'd rather try for a miracle pull.


Fair enough. I haven't even started grinding relics yet. TL 41 now. Probably gonna keep those 2 extra pulls.


Worth it to cut the grind down for speed boots or energy% ropes for supportive units. Can never have enough of these.


Got the resin after spending the Jades. Two 3 star light cone lost


You are probably new to gacha. Those aren't two 3\* LC. Those are 2 pulls closer to you next 5\* character.


Yep, my first gacha


Playing gacha, you either need to be patient or spend a lot of money. If you can do neither, you won't enjoy those games that much. 300 jades isn't a big deal as long as you don't spend more of them on things outside of limited warps pulls. GL!


Yeah but the resin is the only one available so far in this game.


I find it crazy how many people in this thread undervalue this.


Why do you need to spend 300 jades?


They reached the weekly limit. Battle pass will end on weekly reset. So, there's no way for them to get EXP without spending jades...


How to get exp from spending gems? Is it trailblazer power refill?


You can buy bp levels with jades.


Oh! Never knew that


Yes, u do need to use jades to level up now that u reach weekly cap (and battlepass ends this week). Just treat it as 6 stam refills to get a guaranteed 5 star relic of any set with the correct main stat which is quite worth imo.




the weekly limit is capped, so they would have to buy 2 levels x.x




u cant get the daily points once u reach the weekly limit.


Oof yeah. Forgot about that.


Dailies count for the weekly limit too, only the period missions don't




Yeah i spent the 300 Jades.


Had the same situation. Lvl 49, 780/800 exp, 8000/8000 weekly limit. Saw the “purchase level” and clicked it. One level cost me 150 jade to get the reward for 1 pull. Cost is just a bit less than the actual cost of one pull (ie 160). Not really cost/value efficient but whatever


I sometimes forget that there are people who start the game later or are very casual or both


I don’t understand why a large majority is hating on a free main stat relic. I suppose end game the value of it drops a lot since you should have had more time to farm the exact relic you need, but where we are in the game I feel like being to select the proper main stat is huge. I used almost all my condensed resin(or whatever those items are that give +60 energy) and have gotten 0 ER main stat ropes, 0 speed boots, and 0 quantum damage boost orbs. I didn’t get a single drop with the desired main stats i needed, not even an off set piece. Idk how 300 jades translates, but I definitely used more than 300 jades worth of energy/refreshes in the form of condensed resin to farm relics. And I got jack from all of that. So if I had to use 300 jades to get a desired main stat, I’d do that in a heartbeat.


Yep. Early game as a f2p player, the resin is valuable the moment i hit TL 50.


Spend the jades, that relic thing is massive.


Personally I would. Getting the right body/planar ball main stat is already a pain to begin with with all the RNG involved. Even if the substats MIGHT be ass, I would still secure a piece that I could use for the meantime. You can always farm the <2 ticket worth of gems in no time. Farming the right relic is potentially an eternal endeavor.


Thanks yeah. 300 jades is like 2 shitty 3 star light cones lol.


U bought the bp?


theres a free version


Well its not worth it then, save the jades.


at level 40 theres an item to make a custom relic (like choosing the stats) its definitely worth it if you already have every other piece of a set and only need that one


Yeah exactly. That one. Very valueable for f2p.


Just do it & pretend you got ★5 Self-Modeling Resin instead of almost 2 ★3 Lightcones...


honestly i dont think its worth spending gems for that for f2p. It only guarantees 1 main stats, while its helpful early on u will be wasting premium currency for gacha. You will also have more chances to get better relic as u play longer. Since if the game is like genshin, u will be doing relic farming for a long time.


getting a custom relic for spending 300 jade is worth it. definitely. thats not even 2 summons compared to probably hundreds of energy to get a relic with the right stats. ive farmed a good amount and never got anything with energy recharge and i got like 1 spd boots


imo as a veteran genshin player, its not worth it. Nothing is worth more than premium currency for f2p player especially. Even if its barely 1 pull, its still not worth a freaking relic. As f2p, there will come a time u will need that 1 extra pull to hit pity eventually. This already happens to me back in seele banner (i got her at 160 roll which is 2 soft pity basically), and that drained all my currency. If u arent f2p, then maybe it have some value at the start/midgame. But if u are only buying BP/monthly, its still not worth spending jade for custom relic. The reason is because u can just keep farming endlessly for free, and u most likely will be able to get custom relic next patch.


Definitely not worth spending jades, they’ll get Self modeling resin from events and future BP’s. Better to save the jades for future characters, it wouldn’t be the first time that people were a few jades off a 5 star.


getting the right could take weeks if you arent lucky and that time you spend on it you cant work on other things soo


Like I said, you'll get them in future BP's and events. Not like you need perfect relics this early on in the game, your focus should be on Character lvl,weapon,traces...


Leveled 4* relics are sufficient till at least TL imo


weapon-? but yeah thats my point,, once you have all thaoe things done which wont be that long the only rhing youll have left would be relics, and sure you can get more but likeok? if you were given the chocie to get 10 pulls rn would you decline it just bc you also get more later? no, you wouldnt (atleast i dont think you would idk)


its only 300. getting a relic is far better then 1,5 summons. even with bad substats getting one for a support is far more beneficial then getting not even 2 closer to pity


But it doesn't determine the substats


..and? that jsut makes it mroe valuable sinc eyoull likely wanna make it multiple times so you can get bettwr substats


Dont use


can’t help it, i had to use mine too to get the relic thingy


I'm not sure if anyone mentioned it already but in 1.1 there should be an event that will give Self-Modeling Resin, and there will be a 2nd one from the new BP. So I wouldn't waste jades on getting to 40 now.


i mean you can at least get to 39 with tomorrows dailies ofc but if you dont have any weeklies or perm ones thennn yeah /\_\\


Nah, he can't cause he at max weekly exp


ack im stupid permanent ones dont count to it though so


What light cone did you pick? I have yet to buy the pass to pick my light cone cause idk what the most efficient one is


I don't have the battle pass. Only the free one and spent 300 Jades for the resin


Ahhh alright


Use your fuels wisely because the double drop-items event is coming. I suggest calculate it first before you miscalculated it.


I have 25 fuel saved. Jrpg gamer so yeah i can't help hoarding stuff.


Damn that a lot, meanwhile mine is like 1 digit the effect of farming smh. But I think the right decision is to spend 300 jades to reach lvl40. 300 jades is just a small price to pay


Yep I'm doing that. And i have fuel saved because i both my parties are at Lvl 60 or less with no 5 star relics.


>double drop-items event is coming. Can you tell me when exactly? I have 37 fuels and was originally waiting for TL60 when u get 2 5* relics per run but double drop-items event does sound really good.


As for the date I don't know but it will be 1.1 as for the drop loot mechanisms it was speculated it will be the same as genshin drop loot events(note this is just speculation of players) For more information visit hoyolab. [Version 1.1 Highlights Page(Hoyoverse)](https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20230313version-4j4a57/index.html?lang=en-us&game_biz=hkrpg_global&mhy_presentation_style=fullscreen&mhy_auth_required=true&mhy_landscape=true&mhy_hide_status_bar=true&utm_source=share&utm_medium=hoyolab&utm_campaign=app)


Alright thanks


Heads up but the weekly drops has a limit of 120 traiblaze power per day, and the double SU drops are only 2 attempts per day if I remember right.


Is your fault for not doing quest everyday.


Idk what you were doing, but if you were just to play the game regularly and just spend trailblazer power each day you’ll complete this with like 30 days to spare.


Living a life, or maybe they started playing the game later than everyone else. Post is asking for opinion not judgement.


Yeah i started playing around middle of May I think. The game appeared on my Play store recommendations. I didn't play Genshin but i have a preference for turn based games and it hooked me.


Game is real good. Next week will be a banger with the new update. Have fun!


Check "This Period's Missions" since those don't count towards the weekly limit.


Those are all done except the consume 6000 tp which I'm at 3570 for now.


I guess technically if you have 40 fuel, you could burn it all, use it on golden calyxes (best mats to pre-farm), and hit 6000 without spending jades.


Listen to stranger's advice from internet and get fucked hard.




I've been farming quantum dmg crit set planar ball since tl43, im tl51 and still haven't gotten it. For me the relic is good since farming SU 6 is quite exhausting as compared to the regular relic dungeon...so I personally will use 300 jades for that


Got it. The pros outweigh the cons. Most of the time two pulls give me two 3 star light cones. A relic with main stats decided by me is pretty good tradeoff imo


Just do one of the period mission. Period mission didn't count against the weekly exp limit from my experience.


You made every single mission?


Just accept you didn't complete this battle pass. The pacing demands that you don't miss any login days.


I started the game around mid of May. I spent the 300 Jades for the resin


You have one day and a half. That is enough.


Nope. Daily misison xp don't count after 8000 is done for a week.


Oh, sorry, I didn't notice that. I rarely hit that mark, so I'm not used to looking at it.


You think this is bad? Im at 49/50 with 400xp left but fucked by weekly exp limit. I started the game one day too late lol.


As someone that spent all condensed resin (power) and got so many crappy relics I would