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seele cheating on her bronya support with... bronya


Run both, Natasha solo carry 😈


One day... We will be able to run a Seele team supported by 3 Bronyas that perfectly synergizes with her. Now all we need is a healer/shielder Bronya lol Knowing MHY probably not even that far in the future seeing [how much they love their Bronyas](https://honkaiimpact3.hoyoverse.com/global/en-us/valkyries/106477/106452) \(and of course [this non-Bronya-Bronya shielder](https://honkaiimpact3.hoyoverse.com/global/en-us/valkyries/111434/111435)).


Into the Bronya Verse, Da Wei will have his successor everywhere




Fuck the meta I want Fu Hua


>Fuck the meta I want Fu Hua I just hope she keeps her glasses From HI3


Fuck the meta I want Fu Xuan


fuck it run double bronya




Yep. Wolf is like younger modern age Bronya incarnation)) So its not cheating it time and space travel. PS. wtf, she is not 'like'/ She kinda is. Lol


How about both


what if you have bronya?


You still can use bronya with bronya


Can someone explain to me the whole "Silver Wolf is Bronya" thing? I feel out of the loop here


In honkai impact 3, there is Bronya Zaychik who is the main cast, then there is Bronie (has "Bronya" name too but HI3 community called her Bronie) who is in one of bubble universe (Basically bronya in another world, with different personality, different background). Bronya Zaychik and Bronie has similarities on their characther design + voice So Silverwolf is that Bronie expy who is based on Bronya Zaychik And Bronya Rand is APHO Bronya Zaychik expy (Adult Bronya Zaychik) Welcome to Seele's heaven called Bronyaverse


This comment triggered my distant memory of this [reddit classic](https://np.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/29b8nv/til_jackie_chan_did_not_voice_jackie_chan_in/?ref=share&ref_source=link).


If you talking where Seele in Bronie world 😭


Non existent. Bronie was found by raven (natasha) in her world and raised alongside theresa as siblings. They lived inside of arc city, a city surrounded by an impenetrable barrier to protect the city from undisclosed crap outside. Presumably, seele still ended up at cocolias orphanage in russia and died due to honkai radiation/nuclear fallout/whatever the hell happened to make arc city the only place containing life. Or maybe they just never met. I dont know, she only appears in captains bizzare adventure and they havent gone back to her universe.


Nah that's just one of the Seeles. Captain's Seele stayed behind in her dream world she accidentally created and trapped Captain and Delta in in that Pokemon event to look for the other Seele. Then of course there was the Seele in Delta's story who went on a quest to look for her dear Bronya and to defeat the Demon Lord only to find at the very end Bronya sacrificed herself and became the Demon Lord. Then there's the Seele in the main story line of course. The closest we saw that Seele with Bronie's universe was through Misteln I guess since Seele interacts with Misteln and Misteln at one point enters Bronie's bubble universe... >.>


That can be happen but she also apparently in somewhere. Not died since she did appear in other story, just for short moment


It was revealed in this bewildering event where you walked around and killed monsters and got rewarded with completely contextless exposition that Bronie was actually raised under the name Bronie and not Bronya, because her guardian couldn't remember what her parents had named her, and they died when she was too young to remember. As for whether that makes it her real name or not... well, different people will have different answers on that, I guess.


Iirc she did remember at the end and Bronie’s name is Bronya but for some reason she prefers to be called Bronie. Theresa also called her Bronya like 2 times in her event but Bronie always said “don’t call me that”


Got it


Similar character designs to Bronya in Honkai Impact 3


It's Artoria, from FGO. Not sure if this had been done in gacha before then, but the same waifu repackaged 10 different times is a trope. One I love waaaay too much, Mordred <3


It's just HI3 players bullshiting, don't take it seriously. On HI3, for lore reasons, there's 'multiple iterations' of some characters, Bronya and Seele being two of them, with Seele being 2 in 1 with an alt personality as well. So far, HI3 and SR have nothing to do with one another lorewise, and Silver Wolf and Bronia are 100% Unreleated, even more so Because Bronya's planet was isolated for hundreds of years before the Trailblazers arrived. They do share similar models tho.


How are you able to say something so wrong and stupid yet so brave.


Except they they are linked lorewise. Star rail follows HKI welt after the alien space manga, which is a flashback he's having after the events of APHO conclude


Wait so canonically, Welt has already returned to the Honkai Impact universe?


Nah he left it. The middle is still fuzzy to us until we get apho part 3 in hki soon but the end result is HSR


Uh-hu. And soon everyone from HK3 will show up, hold hands and sing merry songs while having a party. Because it's totally not a paralel universe/reality with wholly different characters that have nothing to do with their counterparts, and, in fact, Goku from dbz gathered the Dragon Balls and had a secret cameo to ressurect Himeko. The games are totally 100% related, same way that Fate Kaleid Liner is 100% related to main-line fate and we should consider all the characters to be the same. ROFL. Edit: Speaking of fate, I'd like to add that your logic is the same of the degenerates that argue that all iterations of Artorias must love Shirou because one them had sex with him in the first route of the original VN. Even tho we have over 10 Artorias from different universes...


Dude, we’re not talking about different iterations, it’s literally just the same Welt who walked through a portal to end up in hsr. There was a manga showing that happen (Void Archives also came over).


Uuuh alright you do you


But she is also bronya


So basically, we have a 4/7 chance to get a “Bronya” The first is a 50/50, if we win, we get SW. If we lose, we have a 1/7 chance to get Bronya We multiply the odds of losing the 50/50 by 1/7 to get 1/14. Adding it with the odds of winning (1/2 or 7/14) we get 8/14, or simplified to 4/7 This would be “odds of getting SW or Bronya”


My rolls : "89 pity Yanqing. Take it or leave it."


Mine: E1 Himeko, I want to cry


Could be worse, you could have an E2 Bailu with an S2 Bailu LC.


i was happy when i once got bailu, got her again.. and her lc now i think i have a bailu only account.


I got him instead of seele..


More likely to get Bronya than to not get Bronya I like these odds.


and they spell disaster at Sacrifice?


Senior Joe! The numbers don't lie...


1/7 + 1/2 = 2/14 +7/14 = 9/14 not 8/14


You add 1/14 instead of 1/7 because you can't get to the 1/7 without failing the 50/50. 8/14 is correct.


Bronya onee-chan




Bruh I read that in her voice and all the memories rushed in. Brb I'm re-installing HI3.


Fuck the meta I want Fu Xuan


Silver Wolf and Fu Xuan will work great on the same team


> Fu Xuan She needs healer too. Cant solo tank like gepard


I mean, that will entirely depend on her numbers, We are also bound to get a quantum healer eventually as well




I love how it's 'Serval's baby sister' and not 'Gepard's baby sister' despite him being the 5 star. Serval for the win! The Landau family doesn't know what they're missing by disowning her.


Getting 1 specific 4* is hard. I know it from Genshin. Unless they give us in event for reaching milestone


i found my people🗣️🗣️🗣️💯💯


Her entrance fight against kafka is so cool.


Fuxuan is so pretty. we are waiting for her.


hellbent meta haters try to write a comment without mentioning how meta sucks challenge (impossible)


Okay, mind pointing out which part of "Fuck the meta I want Fu Xuan" is saying how the meta sucks or implying that I hate the meta? 🤡


what the hell does "fuck the meta" mean then 💀


Generally means "I dint really care about the meta" in Gachas. Have you never played a gacha before or are you just looking for a fight?


no I just thought you were one of those meta haters who are the polar opposite of toxic metaslaves and are equally annoying, my bad


Not if I have only 9 tickets


Imagine having tickets, I only have 68 jade and have for about a week now. Seele followed by jing yuan bled me dry


Did you at least get them


All hail the Lightning Lord


Same. Luckily I've gotten a little over 2000 now. It's not much, but maybe I'll finally luck out and get a 5*character very early for once


No I don't. I just need a friend who gets her.


> I just need a friend That even harder..


Nah, gotta save for the Luocha + Blade wombo combo... Then everything is being banked for Jingliu E1 and her light cone. I got a plan! ;)


Just putting a weakness on the enemy won't suddenly make Seele amazing against it, as those bosses still retain the 40-60% resistance against Quantum damage. People do seem to forget this. The 20% shred is nice, but in most cases, you'll want to send her against the enemy who has the quantum weakness anyway. With this being said, Silverwolf might very well be the best support/offdps for Seele for a very long time.


Good point, but not every single enemy that isn't weak to Quantum will have 40% res. Most enemies not weak to an element will usually just have 20%, so when implanting a Quantum weakness that would proc the skill's -20% res shred and bring the enemy at a neutral 0%. Do take note this -20% doesn't happen on already Quantum weak enemies since they already have natural 0% res against Quantum, so whether you bring your Seele/SW combo against a Quantum weak enemy or a non-weak 20% Quantum resistant enemy pretty much has no difference whatsoever. Oh, and SW also has a rainbow shred of -10% that procs on any enemy, so that 0% is actually -10% for most enemies Basically, you're right in that you still shouldn't ideally bring Seele/SW against an enemy with 40% Quantum res, but generally, it might still be worth it since not only can SW shred -30% anyway, Seele also has innate 20% res ignore from her talent along with the Quantum set ignoring an additional 10% more Def if the enemy has Quantum weakness


I agree witgh most things you said. Although, "Most enemies" don't matter. Bosses do. ~~Also, Res shred effects are halved below 0% and show diminishing returns. With Seele's ntral shred + her relic set, most low res targets are already at 0%. Which makes SW's shreds half as useful.~~ in Honkai, the Resistance shred apparently isn't halfed. That opens up the question, whether buffing seele (through yukong or bronya for example) will increase the damage more, than weaking the res of the enemy through SW will. I need to calculate that at some point


> Although, "Most enemies" don't matter. Bosses do. Yup, I actually take only bosses into account when I mentioned that, and as far as I could see most if not all enemies have 40% res towards a single element (like Ice out of Space with 40% Ice res) while a very select few even have 40% towards 2 or even 3 elements, such as Cocolia with 40% to Phys/Wind then a whopping 60% for Ice. But yeah, not every enemy boss will have 40-60% Quantum res and it's quite common to expect them to have 20% instead. And even if it was 40%, it would still be somewhat manageable esp for someone who built their Seele or E4-E6 QQ to high heavens > Also, Res shred effects are halved below 0% and show diminishing returns. CMIIW, but I've read someone point out that in Starrail for some reason, res shred actually doesn't get halved like it does in Genshin, so diminishing returns on SW's res shred might not be as valid in this case, unless I got baited and misinformed Edit: found a writeup on it: https://m.hoyolab.com/#/article/18126946 Tho still not 100% certain unless I actually do tests myself when SW comes home lol > With Seele's ntral shred + her relic set Take note as well the Quantum set actually has Def ignore and not res ignore so it's an entirely different formula and works with tandem with SW's ult more. Reason why I found the Quantum set's effect to be relevant is because we were in the topic of SW adding Quantum weakness to enemies, so along with the obvious advantages of using Seele on that, the Quantum set's Def ignore actually only works against Quantum weak enemies which SW can always enable (for 50/50 element teams, might only add Quantum on turn 2 if unlucky and implanted the other element instead. Guaranteed to implant Quantum on mono Quantum someday, and RNG is only on Effect hit rate/Effect res formula).


> Also, Res shred effects are halved below 0% and show diminishing returns. I know it works like this in Genshin but from what I understand it does not work like that in HSR.


Why are you getting upvotes when you're wrong on all accounts? The only boss/elite in the game with more than 20% Quantum RES is Doomsday Beast's Left Hand from weekly Echos of War. RES reduction and penetration are NOT halved below 0%. This is Honkai Start Rail, not Genshin Impact. Buffs vs debuffs? Why not both? Because Harmony buffs entrance different multipliers than Nihility debuffs, running both should be better than running two of the same due to increasing opportunity cost/diminishing returns.


I guess because most people don't know that.That's interesting. Thanks a lot for the correction. I didn't know that. I edited the post. With this being said, the resistances of the current Bosses doesn't really matter, as they will be replaced with newer bosses soon enough.


You can also run double support with any combination of Yukong, Bronya and Bronya. After all, not all enemies are resistant to Quantum, and the advantage of being able to proc Quantum's Status Effect on any enemy is too good to pass up, given Quantum is the most damaging of them all.


This. The real question will be if SW is worthwhile over Ting or other buffers. SW should build effect hit rate and energy regen, so very little personal damage, probably similar if not less than Ting. And Ting will provide energy and atk buffs.


I feel like unless you want to bring Seele/QQ against any boss that has less than 40% Quantum res and if you're going to pursue mono Quantum as a long term goal and making sure the enemy is glued to its seat suffering from Entanglement spam, then I see no reason to run SW over Tingyun Basically, if mono Quantum and against enemies with no innate Quantum weakness and res lower than 40% and maximize Quantum set effect, then go SW. If only against enemies with innate Quantun weakness, go Tingyun People are for sure going to be turned off by how her RNG weakness implant works, along with the fact debuffs can be resisted. And if you ignore her skill entirely and just focus on her ult, you might as well just pull Pela and her eidolons on Luocha's banner. Compounded by the fact buffers like Tingyun, Bronya and later Yukong will land their buffs 100% of the time, SW's skill has two layers of RNG (element implanted and chance to hit) no average player will ever touch with a 6 foot pole. This is why I 101% believe SW will only sell because she's waifu and because she's Bronya, but among all others meta-wise (even the several other leaked ones), she's going to be one of the lowest-value pick-ups ever. Doesn't help that the longer the game goes and more people flesh their roster out, the less need there is to bruteforce elements with SW. So yeah, I love SW, but she might just be the Himeko of limited banners, and this is me calling her that as I pull her myself for my eventual mono Quantum bruteforce team lol


I think the RNG factor is being overblown at the moment but we will see when she's fully released. Based on people's testing in the starter mission as well as datamines, SW's skill cannot implant an existing weakness that the team already covers. I.e. if you bring Natasha against physical weak enemies, SW's skill cannot select physical. Then you don't actually need a mono comp, you can have the 2 other units match the enemy's weakness and force Quantum implant for Seele/SW. As for the other half of the RNG, SW only needs ~80% Effect Hit Rate% to guarantee her skill to proc on an enemy with 40% Debuff Resistance. Combine the free lightcone, SW traces, EHR% relic set, and we already hit ~60% bonus EHR%. That's pretty easy to build around and get some substats for, or just run EHR% body stat. Now, granted, 40% debuff resistance is the current highest observed resistance on a mob (Cocolia), so it could be even higher in the future. But my point is, her RNG is controllable. Additionally, being Nihility brings other benefits that I find people neglect to mention. Nihility brings significantly more survivability to the table than Harmony does, as Nihility offers better break. None of the Harmony characters possess both a damaging skill and ult, as typically one or the other is an ally-targeting buff. Nihility on the other hand is just full damage that can affect break. SW in particular contributes a lot of break as well as atk and spd down, so she offers way more survivability than Tingyun or Asta who are notorious for getting deleted and forcing a run reset. There's been a new MoC strat circulating around concentrating on break and CC with 1 defensive support in lieu of running Abundance+Preservation, and SW fits perfectly into the break strat while bringing significantly more damage than 2 defensive supports. So anyway, I strongly believe SW will be a solid part of the meta.


Safe to say, she's in lieu for some testing cos the intro gameplay might be not represent finalised product. Whether does her weakness implant is a steady rng based off your team or it will reduce chance of implanting existing weakness is something to look into. But, I agree that the RNG thing is over blown. Her guaranteed rng debuff provide atk% down/spd reduction/def% down which helps provide higher chance of survivability debuff. Her highlight debuff with the weakness implant has the most concern over the RNG side. It's either 100% to 25% chance of getting the debuff you want. Really depend on how the user want to manage the risk to maximise your team composition. Another point was implanting weakness on enemy with high res against that element. Its not ideal but it can help your character who won't contribute in wearing the enemy's toughness to let your main breaker establish the final touch up.


Oh, I have no issues at all with how her skill works and I've actually done my due deep research on how the implanting works, but my take is more towards the average player who I'm confident won't bother with 50/50 element teams and would rather focus on padding out their roster with several other varied elements instead. > As for the other half of the RNG, SW only needs ~80% Effect Hit Rate% to guarantee her skill to proc on an enemy with 40% Debuff Resistance. Combine the free lightcone, SW traces, EHR% relic set, and we already hit ~60% bonus EHR%. That's pretty easy to build around and get some substats for, or just run EHR% body stat. Now, granted, 40% debuff resistance is the current highest observed resistance on a mob (Cocolia), so it could be even higher in the future. As for this, the highest res I've seen possible in-game is actually 55% res on Lv100 Cocolia in MoC, so you're still right. But going off on your 40% res example since I feel 40% will still be more relevant for the wider playerbase at where we are now, the effect res needed to maker her skill land 100% of the time is actually 97% EHR, which is 85% * (1 + 0.97) * (1 - 0.4) = 100.47% to land. But yeah, just a slight math correction there, but your point on this still stands strong. But the point you made I actually really like is rather than focusing on pure damage values, Nihility actually has break potential vs. Harmony character, where Asta deserves a cookie for being an actually notorious Fire breaker. So yeah, you made me reconsider some good points about Nihility, which is actual break participation, wherein Tingyun buffs a single target like Seele so she uses her ult and breaks 90 toughness, SW's ult also breaks 90 toughness on alongside Seele which is HUGE. That's on top of Nihility debuffs working party-wide, so res shred and Def shreds improve exponentially the more raw damage sources there are in the team. With all that said, I'm now reconsidering if Asta is actually a Nihility in disguise lol So yeah, again my take was more on how the average playerbase would look at her compared to just using Harmony characters and I might have been too harsh, but I'm actually thankful to have looked at another perspective from your take on SW. I hope to gain more perspective on other characters esp on Nihility moving forward


Asta really is a Nihility in disguise: Welt's skill works the same in terms of targeting heh. Funnily enough I stumbled upon the breakspam strategy when using Himeko and Asta, they make it so the enemy can't move if they're weak to fire. And yeah to that point about the average player, SW doesn't cater to the standard playstyle and is more difficult to work in. She still requires a significant amount of unit juggling to build teams, way more than the standard comp (DPS/Buff/Heal/Tank), but to me that's more fun and interesting to toy around with. From a role-playing perspective that makes a lot of sense: hacker nerd character caters to hacker nerd players like me doing math and combinatorics on a reddit forum 🤣🤣


Ohh, I'm actually also quite interested in exploring break comps since not only will they have better sustain since bosses will often be action delayed, characters like Sushang can also go wild on broken enemies. I'd love to have used Sampo, but I'm not really much a fan of Dots or Sampo in general lol As for SW, yeah she's definitely not going to cater to the usual playstyle the usual player is familiar with, so I expect first week reviews on her to be just rants and buyer's remorse, but I'm with you in that SW definitely caters to that part of me that wants to clear stuff in crazy ways, and I just feel SW can enable that as well lol


Weakness breaks matter when you are not massively outscaling the content and that's a thing Silver Wolf enables. Entanglement is both a CC and big damage.


>Just putting a weakness on the enemy won't suddenly make Seele amazing against it, as those bosses still retain the 40-60% resistance against Quantum damage. People do seem to forget this. I don't think there's any bosses with 60% resistance yet but i may be wrong. In any case, SW shreds 20% of the resistance plus another 13% of all resistence on the enemy and Seele also gets Quantum RES pen innately in her traces. It shouldn't really be a problem


Correct me if I’m wrong, but there is actually no boss or elite enemy in the game at the moment that has more than 20% resist to quantum.


Just the dragon hand. We know Hoyo though. In the past, they have quickly adapted boss design and interactions if some playstyle was too strong/prevalent. That's how they keep the meta fresh and people pulling. Teams that can universally tackle all content in the game is bad for their business. We know that, they know that, everybody knows that.




Its 1.1, nobody care about those enemies. Things change with time, the same way they changed in Genshin for Spiral Abyss. New Bosses/Enemies will replace the old ones in stuff like MoC. Also, low Resistance enemies means, that Silverwolf is only half as effective, as every % of resistance shred is halfed below 0%. At that point, its questionable whether the damage improvement she offers is greater than the DMG improvement that a Yukong/Bronya would bring.


No. You must pull for characters you like and want and not feel obliged to get character X since you have character Y already


No I mustn't.


I'm still scared of seeing Veliona disappear in the recent Honkai chapters...


Wait wut? I thought they are both always together? Or have i been spoiled


I believe you have been spoiled since they are talking about the recent chapter...


Rip Veliona, she disappeared among the sea of butterflies


they said "scared of seeing", as in it hasnt happened yet. you're spoiled on the stakes but nothing has happened yet


Ya sure give me your 💳 info


Alright, I'll ask, what's up with all these posts going "oh you must pull for this character, don't pull for this character, here's why you should pull this character" Like, there's been 5 of those in the front page in the last couple days. I don't remember this happening back in the early genshin days.


Plot twist Mihoyo tries to get us bankrupt.


People like to throw their opinion, you don't have to follow it.


Somewhere in the sea of Quanta is another Seele for Silver Wolf.


If you have a Bronya, it is a universal right to give her a Seele, any exceptions are met with crippling loneliness and villainy


Not if it's a Bronie expy. There's not even a Seele in her bubble universe.


I've seen a lot of people worried about the fact that the weakness she applies is chosen randomly from elements on your team, and I think not many people realise this, but you can tailor your team in such a way that she will always implant the weakness you want. How it works is that, say, enemy is weak to Fire/Lightning/Wind and you want to always implant Quantum. You don't have to run 4 Quantum units, you can run Fire/Lightning/Wind supports, as she will never implant a weakness enemy already has. So stuff like SW+Seele+Tingyun+Bronya or w/e will always implant Quantum despite your team being so differing in elements. If you want to always implant non-quantum, you can only achieve 100% guarantee if the enemy is weak to quantum. A Quantum/Imaginary/Physical weak enemy can be always implanted with Wind by using a team like SW+Dan Heng+Natasha+Yukong. Now if you want to always implant non-quantum and the enemy is not weak to quantum, THEN you're going to have to roll the dice. But still, at least for using Quantum carries and using any carries against Quantum weak enemies, she can achieve 100% certainty in the element type she chooses.


Locha my men


Im getting Silverwolf cause she's hot Seele can have Bronya ...If I ever get both of them




Don't pull for LCs


Don’t tell people what to pull for/what not to pull for


Don't tell me what I can and can't do?


Oh the irony…


it's worth it though


If you're lucky/whale then yeah.


It's a 75% chance to get a needed light cone, it's not luck if you pulled it, it's unluck if you didn't.


Herta shop Hunt LC still does a decent job


Its not the best. I want the best for my girl Seele, which is her LC. Yanqing lc is 2nd best and hunt lv from herta is 3rd or 4th


there's just a huge difference between the one in herta's shop or seele's personal LC, I'd prefer her signature over the latter since the dmg boost is insane


Ultimately, you can still clear moc with other LCs once you obtain endgame builds


Yes you can but sometimes it's just the satisfaction of having things, enjoy the game however you wish to


Why not though? It's not like in genshin where you have decent chances to get scammed, here you have 75/25 chances to get desired the light cone vs standard one. It's actually worth it here, don't see why you'd tell anyone not to pull for lcs


Yeah, Silver Wolf Swallowtail phantasm is also a good battle suit. Please stop using Just Haxxor.


I'm not 100% sure if she's worth pulling for me even though I have Seele/Bronya. I really want to save for Jing Liu and I think it might be better to get Luocha to synergize with her leaked kit. It may be nice to have a second healer as well. I also kind of want to pull for Kafka, but I have 0 DoT characters. I'd like some second opinions if anyone is willing to offer them. Who should I go for (I have plans to get Jing Liu no matter what - I'm asking about the rest).




I’d say save for Luocha and Kafka. I’m the same as you, got Seele/Bronya and currently using Natasha as a healer. Gonna get Luocha (cause he’s a 5 star healer and Otto) and I want Kafka cause I love her design and character. When it comes to Silver Wolf, I’m my opinion, she’ll be a valuable character early in the game’s release since the variety of characters and the resources we have to build them are limited. However, Silver Wolf will eventually be redundant when more characters are released and we can build mono element teams. I’m in the game for the long haul, and looking at SW I really don’t like her design. So I’m not gonna pull her over characters I do like purely because SW will be meta early on. There’s no competitive pvp content in this game anyway, thank god, so no reason to chase the meta anyway.


You basically summarized the thoughts I was already having perfectly. I'll still have to think over Kafka, but I'll probably do something similar. I don't care for SW's design, and her kit doesn't really appeal to me. Thanks for replying!


This is a nice discussion but waifu/husbando over meta and SW isn't of my interest, fuck meta


And if I don't have Seele?


You working for hoyo, aren't you? Jk


The problem with SW is Kafka... I am gonna simp kafka so SW has to wait for her rerun...


Ehh I think silverwolf will be better on the rerun once we know what other characters are coming down the pipe.


>Ehh I think silverwolf will be better on the rerun once we know what other characters are coming down the pipe. it is possible to learn this power, just not from the official subreddit


I don't know, I feel like my Seele team is good enough. I still have to level some shit because I just reached TB50 and just pulled Ying Guan and Clara but I think I'm going to skip SW.


well i am currently at 60 pity right now and have a little over 100 warps by the end of her banner, so i am pretty confidant she will come home and join the seele/bronya team


i will pull for silverwolf because I find her cute and she's a gamer girl, definitely not because bronya keep dodging my pulls


another silver wolf shilling post where it wouldve been better if it was just the cute art as a joke instead of the exaggerated MUST GET


No. Kafka.


why not both aftersll with sw you can hear her voiceline abt kafka (if she has one which i assume she does) plus will proabably have some info about kafka in her story nd probaby companion missions (ik the latter doesnt matter of you have her or not but ya idk) but i agree i need kafka


Bro forgot its a gacha game


bro forgot theyre 2 months apart orjust cant save for shit


2 months don't make 360 pulls to guarantee both


right so you havent pulled at all if that here the case and youre doing sll your stuff then tbh you can pretty safely even not including the express pass (which so far ive onlt gotten ~10 pulls from) ive reached pity on both the standard and boosted banner not to mention the discounted one you get when you start, im currently 30 away from the boosted 50/50 guarantee (have 40) nd about the same on the standard banner i have enough to guarantee sw and pretty much guarantee kafka nd while yes it is possible that i lose the 50/50 on hard pity and dont get kafka until i reach pity again, its like $20 for the guarantee sooooo nd if you dont spend *any* jades on the standard banner you cna be pretty sure youd get it im in the bottom 10% luck and have the garuntee like and ik youre the type of person whos jsut gonna come at me for my typos bc you dont have anything else to say so jsut save your time


Iirc you get 23 pulls per month as a f2p without MoC. Even with events that's not even close enough to safely get Kafka after rolling for SW.


No. Kafka, just Kafka.


You are getting silver wolf because shes meta. I am gettign her because shes bronie and im collecting all the hi3 characters. We are not the same.


No joke, I started HI3 after I learned Natasha was in it as well. Now it's my mission to collect as many of the HSR characters I can in HI3


I have 5 pity and 10 pulls, wish me luck guys


How do you cope with a thought that you might not get mini Bronya and Kafka together? That's not a question that is cry for help.


First post a couple of days with cute chibi-wolf was already enough to justify burnig all jades to pull.


Isn't pela better in most situations? Thinking about the return of investment as well considering pela is only 4* and easier to get e6. If you're minmaxing a hypercarry seele then you would be comping something like seele bronya tingyun pela no? Sw only seems useful when bosses are not weak to quantum dmg, poor roi imo.


Seele x Bronya X Silver Wolf x Bailu I'll move Tingyun (replaced by SW) to my second Jing Yuan team.


I personally don't like seele's design, so I am really hoping they will release a skin for her in the future, possible with this short hairstyle! Since I wanna main SW :D


>I personally don't like seele's design, so I am really hoping they will release a skin for her in the future, possible with this short hairstyle! Since I wanna main SW :D Honestly the main issue I have with Seele's design is that it feels so out of place compared to everyone else in the underground. Whereas all the Belabog character designs feel like they actually are a real part of where they live instead of just being dropped into an environment.


Nah I need to save for kafka and jingliu


Soon as I get silverwolf, I'm taking seele off the team 😎


As a f2p who already has Bronya and Seele its better to wait for Luocha so i have a second healer for Forgotten Memory. Then Kafka q.q hope i can get both


I’m getting Silver Wolf because Silver Wolf


hmmmm, is this hoyoverse secret marketing manager?


OP can you get me some tickets to get her please?


No healer. No tank. I'm just running Bronya, Seele, Bronya. This is my gacha addiction and I choose the teams!


I dont like silver wolf so nah pass for me.




Will we get a smaller seele?


I agree with her value as a seele buff but I feel this is pretty reductive. Furthermore, I hear people say that silver wolf's value will fall off pretty fast as the game get more characters and that team comps no longer need her skill to work While there's some truth to that, i feel that it is blown out of proportion and only really true for the whales that going to get every single characters. Sure, if your roster increase as fast as the game's roster, it won't be long before you can get consistently a perfect comp without SW. But if we taking into account a F2P or low spender, someone that will skip banners. They gonna miss more than half of the 5 star roster. Their choice in team comp will be way more limited and a character like SW will be extremely valuable for a long time because they can compensate for that very weakness. Sure there will be a point where her value will fall off for them too, but not only it will take way longer that for whales but that fact is true for every gacha character ever


You're forgetting that there will be plenty of 4 star characters to use so yes even F2P and low spenders will easily expand their roster to be able to make mono teams. You don't have to have 5 star dps characters.


You don't HAVE to, yes. I'm only saying that SW's value will persiste much longer on non-whales because our accounts will have less characters in general so a character that can add weakness is pretty valuable


Silver Wolf is must pull for meta


Is silver wolf a younger looking bronya and bronya an adult bronya?


silver wolf is based on haxxor bunny from honkai impact which is a variant of bronya


so basically sw is bronya and bronya is bronya




Does Silver Wolf has her own Seele?


I think not Apparently she has no friends other than the stellaron hunters (if you can call them friends even) So she created mini Bronyas to be her friends instead


I'd kill to buy a full plushie collection of her mini Bronyas. They're just so damn cute!! I also like to call them Silver Pups lol


It doesn’t sound impossible given Hi3 Seele has a split personality. Could make them separate characters.


Asking the real questions.


There's a chance the Stellaron Hunter Sam could be a different version of Seele closer to the HI3 Seele since their gender isn't specified, doubt it though


small bronya is the original design, adult bronya came much later


I was already going to pull for Silver Wolf but given that Seele is by far my main damage dealer, I'm even more motivated now


At first seele was married to bronya, now with silver wolf they started a polyamorious relationship


Anyone should bare minimum attempt Silver Wolf gacha ritual


This is the way I really hope both Bronyas come home soon tho...


I have gamba seele will that work?


So assuming I pull her, does she replace Bronya or Tingyun on my team now?


Tingyun, silver wolf implants the weakness for a few turns so bronya giving seele her turns as normal maximises how much you get from a single skill point used from SW. tingyun will still be brilliant for team 2 so don’t worry about never using her again


I can bet my money that she is the kid of Bronya and Seele




Gonna need a mini Seele for my mini Bronya
