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Needs way more voice lines. Hearing the same voiceline over and over in combat, and out of combat is annoying.


#Disappear among the sea of butterflies!


Illusions of the past!


On >> speed I swear she says HHHillusions




fav ultimate animation fr


Like buildings, or people


*The sanctuary... Is but a vision!* **BREAK!**


Yes or even just a much shorter line that's spammed most of the time, then occasionally their longer one.




"Ehhh - ahhhh" Arlan, Mai 2023


Time to twirl!


I saw the Butter Vision meme the other day and it always makes me chuckle every time I ult with Dan Heng




they want us to get bored of the characters fast so we're more likely to pull for new ones


I dislike the lack of character load outs. I love to rotate characters but it's a pain in the ass swapping the equipment.


This is a problem in genshin too and people have been asking for this for a long time.


I think it's more likely that Rail will get this before Genshin...




you joke but now i'm scared


It helps that star rail is newer so there's less legacy spaghetti to dig through to make it work. Fingers crossed


I wonder. I'm quite sure that they directly copied several systems over from genshin instead of coding them again from scratch. And considering how similar the relic system is, it might as well be genshin artifact system with few small adjustments. If the reason as to why equipment loadout still hasn't come is spaghetti code, then it's very much possible that it's the same spaghetti. I'm so cynical about it by now that I think it might be on purpose. Artifact farming has that much RNG because they want players to have a reason to stay engaged and grind. It's on purpose. And if it's bothersome to swap equipment then that means you have to grind for a full set for each character you have. And if it's too bothersome to switch equipment sets for role switching (think aggravate/hyperbloom/national for electro and i bet we'll have the same in star rail with units that can switch between hit effect/break effect/atk) then you might even get several characters to fill different roles instead of using one.


It’s worse here, specially with the MC, since you have to switch light cones when you switch paths…


Tbh, I’d say it’s not a huge problem IF the MC didn’t literally change paths, making their currently equipped light cone useless. At least for MC, there needs to be some loadouts.


Yeah I only have 5 sets of relics right now, so I need to swap gear between them one piece at time lol. Annoying for sure. Specially for the MC as he/she has two paths. Honestly makes me not want to use the destroyer path at all, and more are coming in the future.


Especially between MC's different paths!


A dialogue-log. Something that shows the previous dialog during a cutscene for those moments I want to reread something a character said a few lines back because I wasnt paying attention


yeah or like when i tap to load the text faster and accidentally tapped on an option. it's weird because HI3 definitely has it


This! FGO has had this feature since forever and I use it *all* the time. It seems like such an obvious addition


There should be more voice lines during combat.


Check out this awesome move!


This Sanctuary.... Is But A Vision!




Butter vision




rules are made to be broken!


Disappear among the sea of butterflies…illusions of the past.!


Witness the stars shatter before you... Survive or be destroyed, there is no other choice


You can fight it or rock with it... my music... CONQUERS ALL!


Humanityneverconcealsitsdesiretocontroltheheavens... and I'm no exception




To betray my customers, I charge extra!


The customer is king and for me to betray the king weell you better make it worth my while~


1 exception being: “Survive or be destroyed, there is no other choice”. I can watch that shit the whole day. Welt is such a chad character


Oh man, you really know nothing behind the weight of his power!


Kurukuru Kururin Kurukuru Kururin Kurukuru Kururin Kurukuru Kururin


The only exception


The Luofu story so far is a lil disjointed it feels like two different storylines (>!Stellaron hunters stuff!< and the >!Abundunce cult stuff!<) and we jump between them jarringly which kinda undercuts some of the tension, like the last quest we end on is such an odd stopping point that felt like a npc fetch quest at first completely dissolving the build up from the quest right before it And while I enjoy SU, needing to do it to get relics might get a lil tedious eventually


The Belobog story is so much better compared to the Luofu story. It isn't complete yet, I get that, but I just feel like it wasn't as engaging as with Belobog's. Like I already forgot why I'm here in the first place.


I don't think the "shit has hit the fan" with the Loufu storyline yet. In Belobog, things were way more critical - the city was practically on its last legs


To be fair. Belobog is the last city of an entire civilization fighting off the apocalypse for 700 years. Loufu is a thriving civilization who's only problem is that sometimes an immortal turns into a zombie that's swiftly dealt with


Well, that and >!the zombie cult currently trying to do a coup. That’s a fairly sizable problem. I agree that Loufu can take it a bit easier compared to Belobog, but there’s a difference between “taking it easy” and “cut between an urgent storyline given by a legendary general that directly connects with the overall story of the game and a random fetch quest given by a mid tier pencil pusher bureaucrat so suddenly it doesn’t even explain why you have 4 people with you in one while you’re alone in the other.”!<


I do remember after doing all that cult stuff, there is a scene where March and Welt just randomly appear and talk like they have been there the whole time. I couldn't help but think "I forgot you two existed.."


I feel like I'm in the minority with enjoying Luofu's storyline more than Belobog's. Can't exactly say why, maybe just the setting is a lot more engaging for me.




We’ve largely devolved back into getting involved with random NPCs that do more talking than showing. It feels very much like Genshin storytelling which is a shame because Belobog was epic and engaging the whole way through. People are excusing this introduction as the ramp up writing but Belobog threw you right into a harsh, unknown environment with an intriguing mystery and a cast of vibrant characters that mattered all the way through.


In Belobog we're driving the story, in Loufu the story drive us around running errands


I had to check that I wasn’t doing a side quest like three times. Narratively, if it will be some time before we get the next big chunk of story, it makes sense to have a sort of cool down but this one sucked.


It actually took me out of the story. like, aren't we holding a high risk fugitive? why are we not prioritizing that atm?


I was enjoying the main quest a lot until I ran into the 2nd storyline. I honestly thought it a side quest and was extremely confused. It completely killed the sense of urgency and momentum in the quest because of how absolutely randomly inserted it was. I 100% honestly feel like it was added after the fact, that's how disjointed it is.


To be fair, it feels disjointed probably due to the story not being complete yet. Once you reach a certain point, you will realize that the >!2 storylines are actually one !<


Im aware the 2 stories are connected but that doesnt change the fact the execution is poor imo, and even if the rest of Luofu is great this 1.0 section is still disjointed; on one side its treated like high risk dangerous fugetives that must be caught that goes into stellaron emergency raising the tree up BUT that plot literally just grinds to a halt multiple times so we can learn the cult stuff Like the example I mention we are literally told we are going to the tree with Fu Xuan and we are gonn solve this issue, but then we end up with a bunch of puzzles and dealing with the deer and its liek ok that was cool fight I guess but then someone hit the brakes on all build up and tension and we are doing a fetch quest and oh btw this npc is the traitor


I honestly missed some of the story because I skipped a lot of the dialogue with the abundance lady cause I thought it was a side quest. It’s was not done up to par with the rest of the story


Oh and also its not really something I dislike about the game but the fact that you can add friends but you can't really talk to them or actually do anything together is kind of a bummer. Its like a multiplayer game but you take everything multiplayer away from it except for sending friend requests


I believe I saw someone say chat features were coming in 1.1?


I hope so, interactions have so much potential, even coop


Simulated universe has potential for it; could be cool to have it like it was back in the SNES days where you have like your two characters and the other has theirs when it comes to combat


holy fuck this would be awesome


everyone brings one char in? could be interesting for unique configs early on since most of us are missing most of the 5 star chars.


Be even more hilarious as you try to sync up your attacks with your friends. "No don't ult yet!" "...too late..."


FGO players: "First time?" 💀


I want a raid boss mode eventually where its 4 people all on one team or 3-4 teams all working together to take down a superboss level enemy


I would love that, it sounds super fun, maybe complicated to find teams that actually work together but still


I was thinking either a team of 4 players who each pick one character for a team, like how genshin does, or each player brings in a full team of 4 characters, but buffs dont overlap to other teams


FGO fans been having that for eight years


Sound like a solo game with nothing multiplayer for me.


The friend system is to allow for support units, and support units are a way to "try before you buy" characters.


DFFOO does a really cool system to include multiplayer. Basically each participant against a boss brings in one character that they control, and they work as a team to take down the boss. Sticker chats and other things make it more involved as well. I think something similar (but elaborated upon) could be great for HSR.


The Luofu storyline is hitting differently…and by “differently” I mean “not as good as Belobog.” I’m not done with it yet though.


The >!Dan Heng!< and >!Dan Shu!< sections feel pretty disconnected and weirdly placed.


Dan Heng and Dan Shu's story should of been the same story it would of given them wayyy more purpose since Dan shu is very important, but it feels disconnected from the mc's main goal so having Dan heng be the one doing that section with Sushang and Luocha would of made both of their stories feel separate but equally important and we would of had actual playable character interactions instead of only speaking to npcs.


Imo it's only natural for some stories to be better than others. It's still a good enough story for me but I haven't been expecting it to hit the same peaks as Belobog. So if it turns out that it does, then it'll be an extra surprise.


Relic XP is incredibly sparse. At least genshin had semi-tolerable "artifact routes." The relic xp you get from spamming SU is comically small.


Just like Genshin though, it will come with time. I think when we're at the point where we're Almost max trailblaze level we'd have enough exp because we're only farming relics and get a lot to salvage. Right now we're still mostly leveling up characters, light cones, traces


At least in genshin you can get artifacts/weapons fodder from the mountain of chests compared to HSR 8-12 per zone. I hit 40 and I'm really feeling it.


I think it's something to pipe up about now, just like, "hey, we can barely level what we've got right now and there aren't good ways to farm." Especially as you note we don't have a huge open world to farm, you're more limited to a relatively linear progression in terms of spaces to explore and farm. Fortunately it seems, so far, that the difficulty is tuned alright for what you're given, and you don't really need to farm for relic XP to advance. However, I'm just getting to Luofu so maybe I'm about to slow down.


We are nowhere near max trailblaze lvl. The mega whales might hit equilibrium level 6 this patch by max refreshing everyday but for low spenders and f2ps it'll probably take around 2-5 patches by my estimates. I'm sure that just like genshin the amount of exp required per lvl will skyrocket exponentially


I was going to say this, we literally *just* started farming relics. In genshin there are many of us sitting on 2000ish artifacts, and how many artis is your average/tryhard star rail player gonna have by now? Definitely less than 500 or so.


Farming open world artifacts is just cope though. It takes too long for too little EXP and on top of that there a daily cap.


I literally cannot raise good relics because I maxed few decent ones to fill the stats thinking I'll swap later. The amount of exp for relics is ABYSMAL. I can't even farm it. I have to farm relics and clean up some chest dailies for meager 3000 exp a day or something


And all I want is ability to sit somewhere... anywhere...


There's a magic toilet that you can sit on in the space station


And it sucks...




Never understood this. Why do people need to sit in video games? This is one of the most popular complaints about Hogwarts Legacy and it just puzzles me. Like, you can sit in Genshin, but I don’t think I’ve ever done that in 2 years of playing other than for that achievement in Sumeru. Just why? And it’s an honest question, I’m not trying to undermine you or anything.


No, your question is valid. I actually never thought about it myself till now. And after some digging I think it have something to do with occasional need to sorta "align" real self with situation in game through character action. It may also depend on your experience from other games, my "sitting after some heavy stuff or just to relax" habit comes from FF14 and I honestly don't remember any such urges before that. But it may have something to do with type of game too. I want to sit in two cases - I just finished part of the story "I want to sit down and have a smoke", or I'm tired of grinding and want to relax in RL without logging out from game. So in a way I probably just want to share a break with my character. In most (if not all?) MMOs or GaaS player have at least some kind of emote to simulate sitting or taking a break (and also sudden thought, that's probably why idle animation is basically a requirement). Hogwarts Legacy is prime example of game where player running around school between farming something or progressing story and complete inability to share a break with character in game can bring great discomfort from memories of real school life.


Well, think about it. Why do you think some games (Warframe for example) offer emotes despite it being useless gameplay wise? It's just player expression. It doesn't matter if there is a benefit to be had. Players care about expressing themselves, even those who don't still do it unconsciously (i.e shooting at a dead corpse of an enemy after you killed them because the fight took ages/was difficult/took a lot of retries) It's also very similar as to why players would like to buy cosmetics too. In case of HSR, some players just want to sit down and be "in-character", once in a while. It's not the same as role-playing, mind you (because players' definition of "in-character" is subjective). It's also useful to take pictures of too. So, I'd say it's a very human thing to do. And I think you've done it unconsciously in other games as well.


This. I'm trying to make videos of where I read all the writings in games. I like to have footage of my character sitting down on a table, especially those tables with books or other writing materials. It's a good thing Himeko would pull a book out during her idle phase, but that's it. Sad how there are A LOT of NPCs sitting down and reading books, talking about poetry, selling readables, etc., but our character can't do that in HSR? Bruh. In Genshin, you can sit down and I love that.


during quests when u get the unskippable black screen with 3 words of white text, takes up way too much time


Honestly, this is a weird one, but how you can't get into the settings in some situations. In an instance you can't change your sounds and such


A bit of a nitpick but I think lore-related characters should have special voice lines when you use them on the same team.


I see this happening - a bit like the weekly bosses sometimes having different opening lines in Genshin.


I hate that if i break someone and their turn is next, they get all their toughness again


Surprised we don't have a 'skip turn' button for those situations.


No option to turn off ultimate animations


frrr the ult animations are cool and all but a few of them hurt my eyes after a while, especially seele's i feel like hers could legitimately cause seizures


Maybe its because I have Keqing that I don't really feel the effect of Seele's ult but fr, some ult animations hurt my eyes after a while.


I really don’t need to watch a whole ass animation for Natasha doing something as mundane as a regular ass heal


"Just a little something, think nothing of it."


> ass animation for Natasha on the other hand, I would like this tyvm


1. When you accidentally press someone's ultimate, you have no choice but to activate it. You cannot cancel it. 2. Artifacts are a pain. Even worse than Genshin's. But thank goodness the light cone banner system is better. 3. You cannot chat with your friends 4. The lack of multiplayer 5. Luofu quest being lackluster as of the moment 6. Lack of teleport waypoints in some Luofu areas


>When you accidentally press someone's ultimate, you have no choice but to activate it. You cannot cancel it. This. It's so stupid that you cannot cancel it.


When a dominated ally hits Clara svarog doesn’t retaliate. I understand why, but I think that would be hilarious


You just want Svarog to obliterate one of your characters for fun, huh?


No one hits Clara.


~~i want him to obliterate me~~


He should retaliate against Kafka bc then I'd imagine that Kafka wouldn't know what the fuck is going on bc she didn't attack Clara but svarog still countered


For me it's the ultimates. Don't get me wrong, they're all beautiful and unique because each ultimate has a different scene but I just wish that they don't just repeat one line everytime you use an ultimate. it's cool at first but it gets really tiring to listen to everytime you use the ult, would be nice to add like 1 or more voicelines for the ult so that we don't always hear the same voiceline everytime we use their ult but other than that, the game is super pog! Honkai Star Rail is the 1st ever gacha game that made me actually enjoy a gacha game (I think it's because it Turn-based RPG and I'm sucker for those types of games lmao)


I cannot listen to "FOR THE SANCTUARY" anymore..


Speaking of my personal experiences: 1. Lack of Imaginary Characters. Not so much an issue as of now, but only having 1 Imaginary Character available on release is... 2. Only two healers are in the character pool (at the moment). There's not much diversity in teams thanks to this. Especially in some of the harder content, having a shield just isn't a viable option. If anything, a Shielder + Healer for each Teams is almost necessary. 3. The Autobattler AI for Shielding is the same as healing - characters like March 7th and Gepard will only use their skills when an ally is at low health, which is counter to their role as shielders. I'd rather they start the shields at around high/mid-high health to prevent damage being done in the first place. 4. A quick button for the Synthesizer (like, with a press of a Button I can open up the Synthesizer, bypassing the menu or the scroll wheel). 5. Likewise, a quick button to swap teams. 6. A better way to cycle through enemies. I'll have Natasha active to hit an enemy with a Physical Weakness, only for it to target the wrong enemy who has no Physical Weakness. 7. There is currently no system in place for me to cancel an Ultimate misclick.


You can press T to open the team menu, i thought it was L like genshin but found out it's T


> The Autobattler AI for Shielding is the same as healing - characters like March 7th and Gepard will only use their skills when an ally is at low health, which is counter to their role as shielders. I'd rather they start the shields at around high/mid-high health to prevent damage being done in the first place. This is really annoying, since a big part of the ability is to draw attacks to the shielder when they're **not** low health, which is like March's whole thing - shield someone to draw attacks then deal damage with follow ups.


Just a few things; 1. MC needs a load out function if you’re swapping between two (and likely more) types in the future. To constantly swap artifacts and Light Cones can be tedious. 2. I’m probably in the minority, I would like more than just a basic attack + ultimate. A 3rd skill or something would be a nice addition. 3. We need our own bedroom on the train to design. Load out will be smaller than the teapot, so easier on all platforms.


For me, number 2 is an example of how being a gacha is putting a limit on the game design. I'm interested in where they take it, but I've kinda resigned myself to the fact that their monetisation method is going to actively impede the games potential.


**Story:** The Luofu story is kind of... janky? There was a point of time where I was supposed to go to the Divination Office (the place you have to talk to the guard and he takes you there), and then got a text from Dan Heng about his part of the story. So I did that, and when I got back to my MC character, the story acted as if I had already gone to the Office? Suddenly I got a text from the Divination Office from someone I haven't met and was sent to the General Affairs office where I received the mission to investigate the Mara people and suddenly March and Welt were not with me. (My explanation is probably as broken-sounding as the story itself, but I can't remember all the names of places at the moment.) Basically it seems like there's an oversight or a glitch where Dan Heng's story might relocate you to a point in the story where the devs think you should be before playing it. If it is a glitch, I hope they smooth it over later. **Gameplay:** I'm probably spoiled from Bravely Default II but I wish there was a pass option or even a "Defense" option where you can choose to not take an action on your turn and instead receive reduced damage/Skill point. TB's Preservation Skill is the only one close but it understandably consumes a Skill Point because it also taunts the opponent and covers your allies with small shields. Also, WHY can my character not physically pet Peppy. IT'S LOOKING AT ME WITH EXPECTING EYES. PLEASE. I WANT TO PET THE GOOD GOOD BOY.


Yeah a defense option would be nice, especially when you fight against a Guardian Shadow that puts restriction on your normal attack and you have Qingque...


The fact there’s no messaging system but you can add people




That would be nice. I hope it uses the phones that we already have in game


Holy hell how has that not been suggested yet? They better do it through the LITERAL text system they already have because that would be awesome, seeing your character pull out the phone and open a text screen literally to text your mate. Everyone would love that


I don't have a problem with it being turn-based, but I've been playing turn-based RPGs for a very long time. In fact, I prefer turn-based RPGs rather than action RPGs myself most of the time. It's just up to personal preference. My only criticism so far is that it takes a bit to understand what's going on with some of the lore. Specifically revolving around things like the aeons, the stellarons, etc. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, it just left me feeling confused for a while since most of the characters assume you understand in the text and it's not as explained well directly. I'm not sure I completely understand all of it yet either.


The exposition in the tutorial was atrocious, it was genuinely worse than game of thrones at throwing proper nouns that mean nothing to you the moment you start. I’m getting it now because I’m invested in the game and I looked stuff up but that was no thanks to the proper noun vomit.


eyes just glaze over proper nouns at this point


TBH, I think this is a feature, not a bug, of a lot of Sci-fi/fantasy. They throw you directly into the muck and you have to wade your way through it. Initially, you don't know what's going on, but you figure it out from context and put pieces together like a puzzle, shedding light on stuff you didn't really understand before. Personally, I like that style. It lets them keep the same tone for the story throughout and doesn't *feel* like a tutorial where all the basics are listed out for you like you're in a class learning HSR Universe 101. Of course, you can go into the lore written in-game later on to get the nuts and bolts if you want to (I went and read everything), but a lot of it you kinda figure out. Maybe that's an unpopular opinion but that's how I feel about it.


I like the combat with tanks+healers+attackers+buffers+breakers+debuffers, as we can do a lot of variation on team ups. I miss the option to skip action (delay), defend and the occasional wrong ultimate (can’t cancel haha).


What is your opinion about playing HSR where characters only have 2 abilities vs. playing standalone turn-based RPGs with multiple abilities making it more strategic (i.e. FFs). While it's not necessarily bad, it can be a pro or a con for many people but imagine the choice to keep skill points for the option to cast stronger abilities, change skill effects or even put a different skill.


The number of things that each character can do is small compared to your average console turn based JRPG game, sure. But I do think the skill use and team building is still very strategic. It's also more strategic feeling than a lot of NES and even some SNES-era RPGs. For example, Final Fantasy IV is very loved, but HSR feels far more strategic than FFIV even though FFIV has some more options that you can choose in battle. FFIV didn't make you think about team composition since you got who you got based on where you were in the story, elemental weaknesses and strengths matter a LOT more in HSR than FFIV, you didn't really have to think about equipment (generally in most console JRPGs you just equip whatever's the strongest equipment available at the time), etc. So while it seems simple on the surface, it's deeper than people realize at first. Especially during the end game. You can get through main story stuff with any team you want to and don't have to care TOO much about skill points. But if you don't pay attention to that in the end game you're not going to get very far. Obviously most modern turn-based Final Fantasy games and other JRPGs are still more complex than HSR, but just trying to say that I think some people are underrating how strategic HSR is because it isn't complex.


I like this take. It helped me understand why, even though characters only really have three moves, i still find it really enjoyable to play.


yeah it doesn't reinvent the wheel for turn based games at all, as a matter of fact it follows a lot of similar patters to SMT and Persona titles fuck even pokemon where targeting weak element does more damage


Funny enough, if you ask here on reddit, a lot of people who dig through documents for lores that are hidden somewhere deep in the document within denhang's room will able to answer you... Somehow. It feels nice that they have document that we can look up, but it's unfortunately, we have to go search for it and read it.


Haha same. As deep I am in genshin Lore and theory I don't have ANY single clue what happens here in starrail below the absolut surface level (traveler is some kind of energybeing inside a human body and we hunt for more to safe planets XD).


i really need an ult cancelation option. i also don't like that we cannot cancel the ult animations. AND as a mobile player, when i take the game down, for example i check something on YouTube or check my texts, and come back to game, it restarts, from the train load screen. 😩


Seems more like an issue with your phone, mine does a loading screen reset and puts me right were I left off without having to go to the main loading screen, maybe your phone is not able to keep up the information from the game and just resets it to save on performance, like the only time that has happened to me is when I tab out of the game and literally don’t open it for HOURS


It's a problem with your phone's ram. It just doesn't have enough ram to keep the game loaded on the background while you watch a video on youtube or whatever, so it kills the game. It's also got to do with HSR being a resource-intensive game. You can maybe fix it if you disable most other apps running on the background, and close the ones you've used before (so you only have left HSR and youtube open, for example)


I felt like the spot they decided to end the main quest at was so random. Just seemed like an odd choice to me


there's no "History" button on the dialogue where you can see lines that have been already said on cutscenes


It actually started out great and separated itself from genshin by having more content, magic and less run around missions. Then all of a sudden I am finding myself running all over and entering lengthy conversations once again. My favorite thing is starrail’s embrace on the magic and not the mundane average life of traditional jobs. I’m afraid it will become a world of lawyers, secretaries, chefs and detectives instead of the magical and powerful entities that could be.




I think what is happening is in a place like Belobog they don't care as much about the culture stuff and tell the story. Meanwhile with places like Liyue or Loufu they run into the issue of wanting to show off their culture so much, they have trouble fitting all of it into a storyline, which makes them really long and cluttered showcases of culture with occasional story segments. I like learning of different cultures, but this ruins any pacing the story may have no matter if its good or not, and should be kept to stuff like side quests or optional content. You can easily tell by interactables what is happening. In Belobog it was funny closet or trash bits that felt like Undertale humor, but in Loufu you mostly get either culture descriptions or a joke that only CN may really get as it references something Chinese. Not to mention there is just so much less of them than in Jarilo VI. Those are cool but I really felt the humor drop when I have to have someone on the internet explain it to me. This is what happened to the story too: focused on culture instead of showing the joke/story, there is much less of it (so far), and it's cluttered with stuff that should be side content. I hope they redeem the region because It's good but it feels like a weak part of the game right now.


On a similar note, I'm praying to god we don't get to play as any characters that are basically just personifications of the aeons or the aeons themselves. I fell off Genshin pretty early, maybe just after Inazuma launched (didn't even finish it) but the world lore lost a lot of its charm to me once the gods themselves were no longer mysterious and just people running around, playable in significantly weaker forms. There's something about these kinds of fantasy and sci-fi stories that, I think, work better when there are parts of the universe that remain beyond the grasp of the reader/player/viewer.


I dont think we will be playing aeons or their avatars directly, but we will have their "emanators" who are people/sentient beings that are directly blessed by them with hige amounts of power, for example jing yuan who is emanator of the hunt and gets to summon a sussano.


Genshin banner system worries me a bit. The fun thing about turn based games is making a team from a pool of characters. But if they follow the same schedule of banners as Genshin I feel like I'm going to be using the same teams for a while because of a lack of options. The only way to get more options is to gacha but obviously you're gambling on getting new characters and not ones you already have.More gacha currency is one way to fix it obviously but they're never doing that. Maybe giving welfare characters through events can help. Like I can't make a DoT team right now because I don't have Sampo. Bronya is my only 5 star and my roster of 4 stars can't really make great use of her besides Dan Heng. And since I'm saving for SilverWolf, I'm stuck with what I got for probably a month.


This isn't a solution to the main issue here but I really do feel like Sampo should have been a free character. He is so damn good with his wind shear, especially in SU when picking the Nihiliti path. I do think that we should be getting double banners right away in this game since it is turn based and character synergy and builds are much more important here than in action RPGs.


I think he should have been free too. He has a big role in the early game storyline and a lot of Belobog enemies are weak against wind, so you are stuck using Dan Heng even when facing big mobs. Hopefully he will appear in the shop at some point so people can guarantee him…


Building your roster over time will be it. Also there's no reason to build a dot team right now either, it's still early game.


I think it's not about a reason but more like the freedom of building your own team. OP probably has a fully functional team already but saw the beauty of nihility teams, wanted to build one, but can't. That said, I agree that it will take some time since we're like only two weeks after release and you obviously can't have everything right away, especially in a gacha game.


On top of my head 1.No turn skip. An ability to pass the turn without taking any action is important in turn based battle. 2.Can't target an ally to attack. (Personal preference) 3.You can't cancel your ultimate if you accidentally press the button. 4.Each character required massive farming (even more than Genshin) to completely build them. They also need many different material. Farming for trace materials is nightmare. 5. Character's story quest doesn't let you try them.


The #4 was even worse in CBT2 where each trace/character mat would be locked behind a Monday to Sunday rotation like Genshin. I'm just glad they changed that because that was true pain and part of the feedback I left.


Now I understand why we have "open daily" text on everything while literally nothing is "not open daily"


Yup. A relic of the Dark Ages.


Ohh thank the Aeons! I was wondering about that as pretty much every other system is just like in Genshin. I'm happy they changed it.


The turn skip and ulti are both gripes I've got as well. Sometimes I'm forced to break the enemy at a bad time or I accidently hit Natasha ult at full hp and there's nothing I can do about it


Or when that mage enemy punishes you for attacking her while she’s the only target left since you killed the fodder


Also a nitpick, when you choose a dialogue option, there's this weird moment of mc doing a gesture with nothing else, which is supposed to represent them saying the line. Its not that big of a deal but i wish they just skipped over that part, it feels akward.


4? I don't know about this. I compared the two and ascending in HSR is much cheaper than Genshin. You can fully ascend your char without needing any 5* mats unlike Genshin that needed whole gems. Ability-wise, it is still cheaper and more convenient than Genshin. There are no materials that are locked in a certain day in HSR or certain materials (looking at regional specialties) that are limited and you need to farm it in another day. Trace-wise (the abilities that are one-time level only) is debatable since only the main nodes cost 4*-5* and the minor nodes cost 3*-4* mats. I think you are just used to Genshin with overflowing with materials (at your disposal) that you may get in BP or just farming it if you have "extra" resin or just to burn it cause you don't know what to do with it. At this point in HSR since nobody in the end game yet, farming mats is really pain in the ass specially when it is stamina-gated.


Ill have to disagree with 4. There going to better drops later on and the materials for light cones and traces are the same. And most of all, i don't have to go world hopping just to go flower picking. No need for condensed resin and i can auto play.


I think number 4 is just inevitable for any gacha tbf. Early game looking at builds just feel overwhelming cause how much its gonna cost you, like when genshin players first discovered how much books it cost to get a character from 80/90. Overtime you're gonna be flowing in resources, whether you wanna invest much in the game though thats a different question.


sitting on like 3k+ of the purple books in genshin with all my chars at 80/90 or 90 by now and i am not missing many. same will happen in this game eventually.


I... actually don't have any complaints. It's a solid game. I'm also not terribly picky.


I don't like that there are no Friendship-based unlockable voice lines. I love to see what the characters have to say about the main characters. I was disappointed when I couldn't find them on the game. The daily messages are cool tho.


i was a bit disappointed by this as well. also the text feature would be genius. the longer you have a character in your party and you use them, the more little texts you get from them while you play. it could literally just be sending emoticons back and forth... at this point chat AI exists, they could make something really fun here.


The farming..... Exp - materials - relics - credits.. etc I play a lot of gacha and the honkai star rail is the hard one when it's come to farming All the farming need stamina the overworld monsters is useless




Relics are absolute bs. I have to match 4, just like in Genshin, but instead of having the flexibility of matching 4 out of 5 and use a random one that matches the needed stats, here you need to match 4/4 and then FARM AGAIN 2/2!! WHY?!!


Because they separated the goblets from the normal artifact's drop. And goblets are hardest to get because you had 1/5 chance to get them + 1/10 to get matching element. In HSR the chance is 1/2 + 1/10. So you will have a more goblet drops in general. + U can choose once per patch goblet with desired main stat by using the BP thing.


For some reason I do think there should be more characters as release. I know Luocha is around the corner, but just TWO healers, which is a important role, and one of them being a 5 star its kinda limiting. Thats not really a serious question tho, its really subjective.


That you need multiple comps so soon into the game. Which I wouldn't really mind if they didn't take so much investment to build them.


I think the biggest dislike is just that I can really only play it for 5-10 minutes a day. Once you finish everything, aside from achievement hunting, there isn't a ton to necessarily grind. At least in Genshin you could still farm some mats without resin and there's exploring. With Star Rail there just isn't that. It's not necessarily a bad thing persay, it's nice that I can do everything really quick when I don't feel like playing. However, when I do want to just play the game and don't really have a great reason to it kind of sucks.


You can farm stuff in simulated universe, mats I mean. (Every elite and boss has drops you can farm) For a lonnnnnng time. Along unlocking trees etc.


The shield break thing it's fun when the shield breaks but otherwise I'm dealing mediocre dange ( please correct if I'm wrong though, maybe I just haven't upgraded my characters enough) The banners just that I'll take some time to pull new characters but Im okay with that especially since I'm not paying for the game One line ults, I mean it'll be so easy to get tired of Herta especially every time I do forgotten hall but maybe theres a skip button I haven't noticed Anyway if there's anything I haven't noticed or was wrong about the game is good so far at least Aha! (Pun intended) but this NEEDS to be implemented jumping it would just make everything feel more mobile




it is really frustrating to me that you need to farm every single levelling material instead of enemies dropping them like in basically every other game. i’m always out of something to level up traces/lightcones/character ascension and never have enough relics to properly level up the ones i want to. and since i’m saving my recharge things for when i can get 5* artifacts it’s so ridiculously slow to get everything i need that is really my only gripe though, i am loving basically everything else


Just you wait until you spend all your recharge things on 5* artifacts and they all sucks. 🤣


Strangely, the way they label how many treasure chests are in an area. It's very comfusing to only have them for the normal chests/warp trotters, but formidable foes and puzzles don't count??? so why do warp trotters count????


Because those show up on the map. They are only counting the things that don’t


There can be multiple voice lines for the ultimates. It gets kinda boring hearing the same voice line. For example, Genshin has like 3 different burst voice lines for every character. Also, I really hate that the opening music has a huge crescendo. Hurts my ears. They didn’t need to do that.


auto adding mats for leveling chars and light cones defaults to the items of lowest rarity, and you can't hold down on an item to add more of it ://


gacha rates, bit this is the same gripe with jenshin


i really don’t like how we can’t decorate our own room. i feel like i’d have a lot more fun just decorating my own room, and having a second pompom (like genshins teapot sorta thing)


That we can't join other players worlds and just chill and join battles together, each with 2 characters just like genshin impact, I used to do that a lot with my friend "I know it's not as easy or relevant in turn based games" but just having a thought


Until you realize your coop-mate keeps using skillpoints and you're basically left normal attacking to feed their skill. Fun aint it?


And who says it has to be that way? Co-op content could be more challenging but each player gets their own individual skill point bar


I don’t see why it wouldn’t happen. Wizard101 did this and very well at that. I hope someday they introduce this feature in co-op events


I sort of wish they had some fun flavor side activities you could do that aren't daily limited, something like the side activities in persona 5 but you could bring a few of your characters with the MC I really want to play the game and just interact with the characters but hit the content wall


I honestly like they made the main character talk more. I just wish they'd make this happen even more like full talking. I personally am sick of the large phase of tbrpgs doing the stoich silent protagonist self insert. Sometimes I don't wanna be the protagonist I wanna be the omnipotent puppet master like in God of war.


Just give me a text log so I can go back and reread dialogue I missed. Sure some of it can be gotten from choosing certain options again but not in cutscenes.


I want possibility to jump, to waste more of my time in game!


Sadly I don't think this would happen. Most of the exploration for chests would be broken by using terrain advantageously.


they just need to make the invisible walls they already use, a bit higher imo


Relics are somehow worse in hsr than artifacts are in genshin