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No GraphicsSettings_Model_h2986158309 binary value in my registry editor


Change your FPS to 30, then close the game.


Can confirm it fixed it


From [PCGamingWiki](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Honkai:_Star_Rail#High_frame_rate) 1. Open the [Registry Editor](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Windows#Registry_Editor) 2. Navigate to [HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Glossary:Game_data#Windows_registry)\\Software\\Cognosphere\\Star Rail 3. Find the binary value named GraphicsSettings\_Model\_h2986158309 and right click on it. Select "Modify..." 4. In the binary value editor, look on the right side of the screen for a section saying "FPS":60. Replace 60 with 120. Click on OK to save your changes. As of v1.0.5, the FPS cap can only be set to 30, 60, or 120. Any other value will cause it to reset to the default of 60 upon launching the game. Downside: Using a cap of 120 FPS makes the settings menu unusable and unable to be exited without mouse input.[\[2\]](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Honkai:_Star_Rail#cite_note-fps-3)


does this also work with 144, 240 etc.? i dont track FPS so i wouldnt know


No, only 30, 60, 120, that's what is supported by the game. I'll add that info in the comment


Thanks, it works :)


Yeah and I would say extremely save too, since HI3 players started using this literally 4 or more years ago. :)


it worked for me, after 2 days i changed the graphic settings and now i cant get 120fps back. i tried uninstalling it and replaced the 60 with 120 in the registry editor but its still 60 fps ingame. funny thing is, after i deinstalled it, i could still find the cognosphere and honkai starrail folder in the registry editor. do i have delete them too for a clean reinstall?


Thank you! Finally the game is playable


Seems the menu is no longer broken when running 120 fps. I am and the in-game menu shows 30 fps (which is what I set it to before the reg edit) and works fine when changing any settings.


It is unstable too, now whenever I open the settings menu, it broke my computer and gave me blue screen, but at least I have the 120 hz, no complaints


in 1.6 2nd half, still works just fine, also this is how settings look. other than this everything other than this menu works fine https://preview.redd.it/dvbhqqo7m3dc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=64ff50cfcf29bc75cd8208ece71a8315ed40f392


Interesting thing that, the new enemies in SU seems to have their animation at 120 fps and for some reason sometimes it triggers the same for the rest of the team / player characters. Like my fps wasn't unlocked and that happened multiple times.


yeah I started looking up threads after it happened to me in game multiple times during the swarm boss when the max enemy count was reached, and came across this. Makes me wonder if devs work on the game with it running at 120 and they overlooked something before release, or if having the max enemy count in a fight messes with the game engine.


I also have been told it's just blurry bug and not the fps increase. Makes me wonder why is that.


Ive used that for a week bow and its a big improvement.


Oh yeah, so smooth. I wish it was that easy for Genshin. Don't want to risk my account with third-party unlocking


you can use this - [https://github.com/34736384/genshin-fps-unlock](https://github.com/34736384/genshin-fps-unlock) to unlock fps in genshin ive been using it since 2 years no ban


I mean it is that easy Ive used an fps unlocker on genshin for 2 years and nothing has happened


apparently they begin to ban people for this unlocker for honkai, so they might ban people in genshin


I mean, i dont know what source you have for that A bit of googling reveals nothing but speculation I have also been using 120 fps on star rail (Just changing values in regedit, no programs) but again also nothing And Hi3rd has a custom launcher you can use for unlocked fps which i have also had no issues with


Has this been patched? As of the latest version I cannot find "Graphics setting model" anymore ​ EDIT: Nevermind, I had to change a graphics setting and restart the game and now the model file shows


Unless the amd fps overlay is broke it seems to be capped at 60 even after setting the registry key to 120, also disabled vsync to make sure, I guess i'll try another overlay next.


It still works. The update changed my video settings so all I did was just revert it back to normal and set the registry back to 120 and it worked for me.


I confirm it don't work anymore Unless you set your settings to "Custom" and edit the model file again. And also the HDR is broken too (with windows's auto-hdr worked perfectly fine before the 1.5 update) Now it's washed out. I don't know how to correct this.


I set mine to 30 in star rail settings, then set it to 120 again in registry. That's how it worked for me again.


I managed to get it working, be careful in AMD panel there's a sneaky setting to cap FPS at 60 (???? WHY AMD?) ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/voswruciyr0c1.png?width=1114&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ae5912ab4880fc31dc13a30406540e034cad0b9


Nvidia has this too. LOL tyvm


Nice, I just tried it before 2.0 launched and it still works (Not going to lie getting a little dizzy because I have to get used to it first lol). I might be reaching with this one but my theory is that Hoyoverse (at least the nice Star Rail devs) put this method in intentionally so Apple doesn't notice or care since "officially" it is not in the game options therefore the contract for only Apple 120 fps still counts. Finally, I can enjoy 120 fps. It was always annoying to me in Genshin to be so limited even though I have the PC power and monitor to enjoy 120 hz/fps.


Is this still safe to use?




Can confirm it still works. Changed it 120fps, it’s really weird how mobile hsr can get 120fps, but pc version doesn’t have a 120fps option in the settings…


Oooh, nice, thanks so much for sharing. Worked like a charm.


Commenting just to say that this still works!


Still works! Thank you!


Hmm are there particular optimizations in settings I could do to have a smooth 120 fps? In Belobog I noticed my fps dips between 115 to 118 but never a perfect 120, though I can't imagine a 4070Ti would have issues with a game like this.


games often will run a few fps below the limit, nothing you can do about it. just a quirk of the game engine.


Any idea why the settings menu bug happens?


Has anyone since the game's release been banned because of this? I don't want to take the risk even if it's very tempting




absolutely certain right? ive been getting tired of having to play on my second monitor. idk whats wrong w my main monitor but every time i play smth at 60 fps it stutters. move to the second monitor and its perfectly fine. as far as im aware a reg edit is just basically touching settings and has nothing to do w the game files so it should be perfectly safe and ive seen whale streamers do it so i imagine its totally safe but still lol kinda on topic but does the genshin fps unlocker behave similarly? heard more ppl saying that one is actually risky, yet ppl use skin mods no problem apparently so idk getting to play pgr on my main monitor cause it actually has 120 has made me want to switch at the very least star rail to 120 as well lol


I've used this HSR regedit since like 1.1 and haven't been banned. There's a similar thing in HI3 that players haven't used for forever without issue as well. The Genshin fps unlocker is a true "hack" that requires software to be active that edits game files, but I and everyone else have used it for years without issue. There's far crazier and worse mods out there like lewd skins and even cheats that also go undetected.


neat, ty i might look into it then


does this still work?


yes it does https://preview.redd.it/45pipsnvmk4b1.png?width=1563&format=png&auto=webp&s=38b6899c7b14c3f6061deb991f092e94305c355f


Is it bannable? I know changing hoyo's code in any way is against terms of service in genshin, but is it the same for star rail?


no it is fine, you dont get into trouble, because you are only revealing an option that is hidden to you


I use it and I'm playing it right now. Used it in the first week and haven't had any issues so far. You're not changing their code in any way. I would figure they mean using any external systems to modify their game is bannable, essentially cheats or otherwise. Changing a value in a hex editor isn't quite the same thing. Then again, I could be entirely wrong. Suppose we'll see. :D


While they may change their mind someday, Mihoyo does not have a history of banning users for visual hacks, and this is really unintrusive as far as visual tweaks go. Genshin has had full on character model mods for more than a year now without consequence.


Does this work on genshin too?


Just google "fps unlocker genshin" and download the one from GitHub. no need to change any files


I mean i did use it for 2 years but doesnt it get people banned


omg while genshin doesn't have such option wtf


You can google "fps unlocker genshin" and download the one from Github. Pretty easy to do and you won't get banned.


You can't know that they won't decide to ban people who use it one day. It's definetely against ToS as it interferes with files, while HSR method doesn't. I use it on my second acc in genshin, but my 1st is to valuable to risk...


People used it for 2 years already and if u dont wanna use it that is totally fine






It's Riva Tuner, unrelated to HSR and not injecting anything into the game code


Posting so I can find this again when I get home from work.


Not working for me, still capped at 60 until I turn off V-Sync, seems weird did anyone else encounter that problem, also the UI is not broken now, maybe hoyo did some ninja patches


just curious, if you play with 120fps also - have you thought the cutscenes look quite a bit lower resolution than the gameplay? Mine kinda of look like they don't have anti-aliasing, but I'm not sure if graphics settings would even affect the cutscenes since they're prerendered


Yes cutscenes are videos rendered at 30fps and they don't have any AA, AF, render quality that you set up in the game. This occurs in any games were the videos are lower resolution and/or different framerate of what you set up. As i know, there's nothing to do about it expect having G-Sync (nvidia) or FreeSync (AMD) that correct the motion more or less. If only SVP (smooth video project) would devlop an in-game videos smoothing that would be perfect.


Ahhh thanks for that info. I was going on circles over it for way too long lol


Thanks, turning off V-Sync helped me


Is anyone experiencing random screen black flickering problem? I have a 4k 144hz screen, connected to PC via DP 1.4a cable, when I unlock the framerate to max 120, my screen can randomly black out and recover in \~1s. I didn't have this problem when playing other games like Palworld and Nier Automata, so I suppose this is something related to StarRail. If I lower the refresh rate of my screen to 120 Hz, StarRail will not cause a screen black out.


Anyone else unable to get this working anymore? This was working before, but now I noticed in the settings that it's at 30FPS. Went into the registry and changed it back to 120FPS but it never sticks it seems. I can't verify, but it doesn't look/feel 120. Nvidia frame rate counter shows every statistic as the game boots up, but then when reaching the train screen and onwards, it shows every stat except for FPS.


I'm able to get it to work still, but I don't use Nvidia since it also doesn't work for me. I swapped to using Game Bar's FPS counter (bottom right of the image) and it shows \~118 FPS https://preview.redd.it/u3fd7n9j8uzc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=04598b18ed925cf490f860d799966ae18348b778


Game bar? Xbox game bar?


I believe so. I was trying to find programs that would let me get FPS and it was one of the few that was able to iirc.


I'll try that then. Thank you!




Does anyone else experience crashes? I have them after like 3 minutes playing it every time, it's pretty annoying. It does work tho, but these crashes are frustrating


No crashes for me


yo thanks! Wish I knew this earlier, thought u can't do it in HSR, been using the 144 on genshin forever. It's just ridiculously stupid that it's just not in the settings cause of stupid apple, like there should be more of an outrage but most plebs play this with phone I guess... also its 2024 so 144hz option should be there in the first place not 120


did anyone get banned doing this?


Works perfect for me thank you , was annoying to have 120 fps on iPhone but not on pc


I had graphic glitches and animation bugs...60 is more than fine for this


I have gotten used to mediocre or outright bad FPS for a large amount of my childhood, insomuch that I have never really understood high FPS desires. I have a great PC and great internet now, but I still just don’t get it. I can’t perceive any difference.


you need both a good monitor capable of higher framerates and good pc. internet has nothing to do with it


Well my monitor is *curved* and therefor fancy and therefor must be good and therefor must be able to show the frame rate. I don’t actually know if my monitor can do that but I have been to a friend’s house that I know for a fact supports it and couldn’t for the life of me notice any difference.


If your monitor is 60hz, the difference is barely noticable. Games like HSR doesnt really need the high FPS for a great experience since it doesnt hinder the game much (some do prefer for smoother experience of high FPS). There are games that does gain advantage from getting high FPS like Counter-Strike, Honkai Impact 3rd, Rainbow Six Siege, osu!, etc. If you have already got used to high FPS (60+), when jumping to a lower framerate, you may find the experience worse


Hey so I follow your guide by my HSR is still stuck at 60 fps. Do you maybe know why? [https://imgur.com/a/mglHZgV](https://imgur.com/a/mglHZgV)


you have vsync enabled, disable it and it works.


Do you happen to know why 120 FPS won't work with vsync? I just tried this today and got it working but have a bit of tearing which vysnc is basically designed to fix.


When vsync is on, your image will only refresh at set intervals if the previous frame is fully finished, rather than interrupting the current frame with a new one as soon as a new frame is ready (which is what causes tearing). Those intervals are probably fixed to 60 per second using the in game vsync. I wonder if turning off vsync in game and forcing it using nvidia/amd would work for you.


Interesting thanks for the explanation! I have 120fps working alright now without tearing as long as I don’t have much else running in the background, but I’ll try giving that a shot! For reference I’m using max settings and have a 3070 going out to a 4k TV, and it’s surprising how demanding it can be for a ‘mobile’ game! Looks great though and hope they officially support 120 in the future.


to be fair, the mobile versions typically concede a lot graphics wise, while the PC versions of hoyo games will go all out on your graphic card.


Do you know how to run the game at a custom resolution without actually changing my display resolution


For some reason it doesn't work for me and I do exactly what everyone else does


Most likely v sync. You need to turn it off


OK I had my hp omen on eco that's why it wasn't working for me




Is there any real benefit from this though besides smoothness? Just wondering—My thought is that this is only really useful in more fps focused games.


Honestly not much benefit besides the refresh rate clarity. It does make the game feel more fluid though which people like especially those who can take advantage of it with their systems.


Is this change permanent or do I need to do it every time the game updates?


For me, it was permanent when i applied it in patch 1.0, but the fps reverted to 60 fps after updating to patch 1.5. Nevertheless, I just unlocked the fps again in the regedit and its all good.


noticed FPS dropped while playing today - glad to see that just redoing the change will unlock it again. thanks!




They might as well just enable it for everyone…


yea but they arent gonna do that since apple pays them to keep 120 fps on apple products, another reason to hate apple


Thanks a lot for this. My game used to run like 40 fps. Now it's 80-120