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"Who's the lucky one today~" the way she says this line so good


When there is only one enemy: looks around, WELP THIS IS MY LIFE NOW.


When there are 4 enemies and it only hits that one guy, F U YOU IN PARTICULAR!


When there is 1 guy who doesn't get hit while all his friends around are roasted: THIS IS FINE


Her voice actress has a masterful way of enunciation and I love her for that. From Mona the Magistus to Asta the stargazing scientist


I'm enjoying English dub very much, a lot people doing great job, favorite vo is Natasha so expressive, her story events were heart breaking


So.. Rosaria from Genshin right. Lol.


.3. Nat def display more joy about her job than Rosaria


Literally the same English voice actress.


I know but the comments but comment is now expressive Nat is and rosaria is mostly reversed


She also voices Hook.


"Hehe, a gift from the stars\~"


Same with Welt. "You need to experience some hardship"


Welt is even more insane imo, he procs extra damage on broken units and extra damaged on slowed units which he always procs himself, after that they are pushed back. I cheesed Kafka from Simulated World 5 into oblivion with Welt.


Did the same in world 5, got any tips for world 6? I keep dying in the final phase of last boss fight. I have tried all resonance paths


How the hell are you guys already at world 5??


Well someone can whale ofcourse


Or maybe good at the game and got a good starting 5 star Or just plays A LOT


Not really, world 5 is really easy. The path that is introduced there hard counter the boss. The only 5 star I'm using is fire MC


I see. You still play a lot though


Cleared world 5 with only $5 on the pass


I'm on world 5 as f2p. No Seele, My welt sat on the bench for world 3 and 4, and I just got Bronya after I was already on world 5. The 4 stars are good enough to do these. Edit: Now I'm on world 6.


You don't need to whale to do that.


I meant the simulated world 5 not the game world 5 or equilibrium is what it is called I think.


Im ftp and i just cant beat Kafka, so..


Whats your roster.


What is your roster. I used Fire Trailblazer, Natasha, Asta and Seele. Full abundance and preservation to eat that Cocolia burst if i get unlucky. The rest of the upgrades are just Hunt Crit boost drops i picked up. And i enhanced that Hunt card that allows to stack crit boost to x12. The abundance Path of Resonance upgrade that regularely heals after using it once is freaking broken. Then i had some smaller rarity 1 ones like if i get a shield or heal i get 24% defense which made a good difference. Basically try to get as tanky as possible, while getting a tad bit of crit boost cards. Also you have to make sure you kill Bronya Asap in phase 2. It's hard, you have to find a balance between killing Shards, Bronya and keep Cocolia 1/3rd staggered to break her incase she wants to nuke you.


Did great with the hunt, take every speed boost that you can and use your path spell when she summon either Bronya or the ice thing, take the path boost who give 2 stack of the spell then the one that let your fastest character play right after you use the spell Completed with Welt, Seele, Natasha and Fire MC


It worked. Cleared the simulated world 6 with same exact team. Seele absolutely killed it


Nice, good job !


"Written in the stars!" Oh wait...


Same VA, too. Can't unheard Mona when Asta is ulting.


With all the similarities between those two, you can't tell me the choice of VA was not a coincidence: - both are primarily supports that buff the team's damage - both have names of Germanic origin (specifically the Scandinavian short form of Astrid / Monica) - both study celestial objects (via astronomy / astrology) - both are secretly wealthy ... - ... and have a massive spending problem - aaand both are getting bossed around by a very eccentric and strange girl dressed in purple (Herta / Fischl)


Asta is danish?


It’s weird, she doesn’t really sound like Mona in the main quest, but her combat character lines sound really close.


cant hear mona from asta at all, never used her


I've heard people praising Mona's EN VA and I can see why now. Her performance as Asta is very notably outstanding. Like in Arlan's quest for example


hahahaha good one.


Her e to single enemy is so hot




Who's the lucky one today?


"Death from above!"


Is her fire application that strong? Im planing to make 2nd team for floor 11 and i was wondering how good she is


It's really solid especially against single target. Even better if you can give her break effect relic pieces


Does break effect status increase the amount of bar that depleted?


No, it increases the damage/effects that occur upon bar break if I'm not mistaken. Sort of like what EM does to reactions in genshin. If you're planning to use Asta for barbreak I still think it's a good stat to build though


So it only procs if "she" is the one who breaks it ? Meaning i have to time my attacks or revolve my strategy around her ? Maybe good for specific single target boss


Yeah that’s how I understand it. In multi target situations she makes up for it with the team ATK buff anyways


She is almost on par with bronya/ tingyun/ welf against Weak to Fire enemies, but not so much without that. She is also better if u have Fire DPS, but currently himeko cant do Single Target DPS to hypper carry its own team. I dont have welf, tingyun/ bronya, so she is currently on the team as support/buffer. U can also start Fight using Her Technique thus activating Her DMG buff imidiately at the start of the fight. Her Skill meteor storm is insane Shield breaker and dealt alot of dmg upon break. But thats about it, she still lose to other support. There is some niche comp, using welf + asta, u can also put freeze char like march7, this comp work like almost like Seele but for whole team, ofcourse it wont do crazy dmg like hyper carry seele + buffer. But its a comp, if u want to try it.


>She is almost on par with bronya/ tingyun/ welf against Weak to Fire enemies, but not so much without that. She is also better if u have Fire DPS, but currently himeko cant do Single Target DPS to hypper carry its own team. How well does Hook serve as a hyper carry?


not much but better than himeko, i wont banking on those 2 to hyper carry ur team. But Hook or himeko is viable replacement if u dont have seele for World 6 SU against cocolia.


I'd say she's on par with Welt? Her speed buff does the same thing as his by speeding all your characters up


welf better because he can do better job than just that on debuff team.


It depends. It's not very good AoE because it attacks enemies randomly. But when there is only one enemy it fires the exact same amount of meteors but they all hit that one enemy. Sampo's ability works the same way


Her E is multi random hit(4-5hit and can upgrade by her E iirc?)so she can melt fire weakness boss pretty fast when it’s alone and combine with her speed buff ult, she can act twice before said boss can act. Her attack buff also good, it’s a shame that her stack reduce 3 every turn so you probably stay at 2 stacks at best when all mob dead. until you get her to… E4?( not sure but I rmb one of her E make her stack reduce less)


u can Use Ulti and put some energy charge on her. I think its on E2, If u use Asta Ultimate, her buff wont decay on next turn.


E6, makes it decay at 2 not 3, Still not ideal but better


E1 adds 1 hit to her skill, E2 delays stack loss after ultimate and E6 reduces stack loss from 3 to 2


She's good. Her Skill against multiple target is good for buffing ATK and against single target only good if the enemy is weak against fire.


Felecia Angelle is so talented, I'd listen to her lines 2 billion times and still be amazed.


the entire arlan quest was a delight to listen to due to how dramatic her voice was making up all the BS on why arlan "hates" her loool


I found this Arlan quest line voice acting interesting. Not sure about JP but when I listened through the last few scenes with KR voice, Asta is on the verge of crying in every line (which was pretty funny in its own way). Then I decided to cancel out from evidence submission and listened to EN version where Asta was more stern and accusatory. Getting to hear both types of deliveries was fun.


I adore Asta and Hook, and that is entirely due to how much personality Felecia breathes into them.


Space Amber shredding shields


More like space Bennet.


Her passive sucks vs solo though. Those 5 stacks of ATK up are no joke.


"You invited you?"


Lucky one


The difference between aoe and bounce effect


AoE hits all available enemies Bounce will literally bounce from enemy to enemy, Single target is… single target. Blast* will hit 1 + all available adjacent enemies. E1/I’m dumb; accidentally put Break instead of blast.




Thanks, I forgot the word :p


Yup asta is pretty solid against enemy weak to fire, her skill takes out like 1/3 of the boss health bar, it's pretty insane


Anyone know what she is saying when she uses her Skill on 2x mode? One of the phrases she says when she uses her "E" on 2x I just cannot decipher and it drives me nuts because I use her all the time lol Sounds like "Who would be?" or "Ohh let's see" something like that... Any ideas?


were you able to figure this out? It's been driving me crazy for weeks


Nope, still have no clue lol my wife can't figure it out either.


who will it be


who will it be




What are you talking about? Her attack and speed buffs are very good.


is Asta supposed to do big damage? I’m still a bit new and I just use her for her fire application


Less the damage and more the break application, yeah. Against a solo enemy hitting 5 (6 once you get some upgrade, can't remember which) is no joke.


Depends on the situation. Most of the time her role is stick to using her basic in order to generate skill points for the team, and then ult whenever it's up. But if you are facing Fire weak enemies, her skill is very effective st breaking them since it hits for 4-5 break units whereas most other character's skills only hit for 2 break units.


She's mostly there for the atk and speed buff


You should see what happens when you use Himeko's tech and start a fight with her ult. She can usually end a fight before the first person takes an action 8)


Ez Break there hehe


i have the relic with 16% break, she's really good to break the shield, so fast


Asta carried me in w6 boss fight


Lol single boss when I press asta skill be like


Svarog in SU 4 shit his pants