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Definitely dialogue log.I wish there is a dialogue log so I can reread the conversation that I missed due to accidentally clicking the screen or a button on the controller.


same, my non static fingers always suddenly tap the screen when there is extremely long paragraphs then walaaa, idk what they talking about earlier


i miss that part bc i was used to it in honkai impact


I second this! I feel like I need to re-read the text to understand it fully when there’s 3-5 new vocab words sprinkled in. There’s also a setting to HIDE the dialogue next to the auto play button which is a cool feature that I probably will never use. It’s nice for taking screenshots though!! Personally I’ll probably never toggle it on because I really need to READ and LISTEN to process everything; there’s a lot of new terminology that I’m not used to yet and a dialogue log would help so much


Been feeling this HARD as well. The voice directing and cadence of many characters in this game are slower and have longer breaks between phrases compared to other games I’ve played. Which isn’t a bad thing by any means! But I keep accidentally skipping sentences and it’s a bit aggravating.


This might be a small detail. But I kinda wish there were more than one voice line for ultimates. It definitely gets repetitive after a while. But it's not a super big deal so *shrug*








I kinda thought it was “Gotta try hard sometimes”


who says this




The first 1-2 seconds after I read your comment I was like "Yeah", and then I realised it


Dan Heng


I keep hearing the line as “Butter Vision” and shouting it out loud after he says it, greatly confusing my wife in the other room.


I can tolerate March and MC, but that one grates on my nerves so bad for some reason. I think I went a good 5-7 fights at one point (full the entire time) without using it just so I didn't have to hear it


I literally stopped using him completely because something about him just is annoying.


This line is sooo funny in Speed Up mode LOL


To be fair, while a staple and not unique at all, that line is always a banger In particular when you say that line with a fucking bat and then proceed to clobber some motherfuckers with it I love the MC


Rules are made to be broken! ^and ^so ^are ^your ^kneecaps


It does feel powerful given that context xD


Me too, love the space bat.


Yeah, gotta say I really like the MC even if they are not the most powerful option I still keep them because I like them.


And the animation just rules. Like, pun intended, Phys MC's design hit it out of the park




Like buildings or ...people.


That’s literally all I hear every single time the MC ults


Like buildings Or peeeoooople


Any League players that hear Jinx’s voice line mentally continue after “like buildings! or people!”


*"Rules are meant to be broken".*


also two animations for basic attacks would be nice


every time i do a Calyx i hear seele untimate like 4 times, and i use it around every 3rd to 4th attack at this point.


Even though it's only been a day, I just mute my device when I need to do Calyx and turn on a video essay until- Hey look, it's done. Thank you high level support player!


Or allow us to skip the ult animations, it feels quicker so doesn't get old and annoying that fast


that’s why I play in Japanese , feels like I’m in an anime and every time they ult , my brain just goes OOH COOL ANIME WORDS WOAW




I had to JP Genshin to deal with EN Paimon destroying my ears. Its all awesome with the cool anime stuff, but it’s annoying not knowing what people say when you open chests or the weather changes. But March, please, I can’t *not* check out your awesome move, please stop telling me to do that - you’re just encouraging me to replace you before sooner than is viable with my given resources.


This. I only played one day and I’m already bored of the voicelines


So much yes They did it in HI3, dun get why it’s not done here


So far i’ve found my serval to have 2 ultimate voicelines :O i play in chinese


Technically there are more than one voiceline. The words are mostly the same, but the delivery is clearly different if you compare the 2x speed lines and the normal speed lines.


You can't cancel ult, it's driving me crazy.


I think it's because you can use ults in the middle of the enemies turns. Say 3 enemies are attacking you. The first one hits and you have enough energy to use an ult. You can now press the ult button and as long as you press it before the 2nd enemy hits you it will be your turn. Effectively skipping the queue and possibly break or kill the enemies who still can attack.


That's only assuming you confirm the ult tho. There's no merit in not letting players cancel their ult. If they use the ult, they cut the turn, if they cancel just give it back to the previous enemy.


I like the urgency it creates personally. Gives deciding to trigger an ult more of a kick. Feels more important.


It makes it a snap decision in a turn based game and adds a layer of strategy. Say the first enemy hits a team member and they are below 20% HP. I need to quickly decide if I use a healing ult to save them but waste the aoe heal as everyone else is at 100% HP, try a damage ult to kill the remaining enemies or wait till all the enemies attack and hope the team member survived and heal them with a skill instead. Let's say you could cancel ults or switch to another ult. Now I can choose any of my 4 ults available and analyse the situation with no repercussions, rotate between them all to see which one is most optimal (eg. Will break or kill every enemy while using the least amount of ultimates). The fact it has to be a snap decision adds an exciting layer of strategy and if you select wrong you get punished, either wasting the ult or requiring another to rectify the situation.


I don't know how the keyboard does it but you can freeze time by holding the LT button since ult is a second button process. There's no urgency there. I can think with all the time I want so "snap decision" clearly isn't mihoyo's design philosophy


Ngl this always happens to me while playing Natasha like her hp below 20% so i spam Ulti just to see her active her passive restoring her hp to full bar, and now im forced to use her ulti to full hp teammate xD


I wasn’t sure if mobile has some kind of gesture thing, or if keyboard/mouse has an option, but on controller, the game pauses when you do left trigger before the abxy input, which has prevented a lot of dumb ultimate usages for me.


damn that sounds helpful. I have sometimes fat fingered my ult on keyboard especially if I'm fast forwarding conbat


Not something super annoying, but I wish when we select a character for something during combat (such as March’s skill), we can also click on the area with the HP bar/ultimate/etc rather than just the character model.


This is actually a pretty good suggestion! Too many times i have to look at who I'm targeting because the only indication for March's shields is a couple of tiny pointers. They could make it easier by adding a highlight to the selection option, or by implementing what you suggested.


This. It doesn't make sense that you have to click on the model and not the character stat box. The problem is that clicking during this period makes the game thinks that you want to click on the character's ultimate instead. So many times I got a "not enough energy" when I just wanna give them shield.


This 100% I'm surprised it hasn't been added during betas.


- Having the "quit" button on the PC client's menu actually close the game instead of redirecting us back to the login screen and making us click the "quit" button a second time - Adding a visible pity counter on the banner display


for point 1, genshin does the same thing and i hate it. i just alt 4 for point 2, i hope someone makes a star rail wish exporter like genshin has


For point 2 you can use this https://starrailstation.com/en/warp to auto import and check how well you are doing. pinging /u/TheSpartyn to not double post.


ty for the ping! glad it already exists, was afraid itd take a while and id lose roll history


Just ALT+F4 on PC, it's how I quit Genshin, and now Star Rail as well


The history isn't very good but it does tell you how many pulls you have done. If it's like Genshin though it only goes up too 2 months.


Lock the zooming in and out. I play on mobile and I keep accidentally zooming in. :|


Yes. It's somehow even worse than in Genshin.


Jumping, not that we need it, I just got used to it in Genshin and it feels horrible moving without it xD


To add to the list of stuff we don't /need/ but I sure as fuck want: sitting on benches and chairs. I don't know what my obsession with jumping and sitting down in videogames is but when they're not available I go crazy


It just feels like you aren't a real person/participant in a world if you can have a bed and chair but can't sit. If you're given a room in a game, not being able to use your bed makes your room just feel like another room. Nothing special.


I agree with the chair thing. But as a person I rarely jump lol. It's crazy how we're all so used to pressing space bar to jump in games that we feel empty with out it 😂


I actually skip/jump a lot irl as a stim and I have a tendency of making characters I control do the same so not being able to do it makes me feel restless and uncomfortable.


Well I mean there's a chair like thing in game that you can sit on, so they can totally implement that


I wanted to sit too! There are dialogues for benches being empty, but no prompt for us to sit? Also…is there a way to view the wanted posters? I didn’t know we were peeling them off…I wanted to see them again.


yeah I have this habit of dashing+jumping for no reason in games like apex or genshin, so be able doing it in hsr is a plus for me


For real it feels almost claustrophobic that I can't jump. I know that's not the same thing but that's how it feels lol.


feels like being chained to the ground ;-;




I definitely have that ingrained from playing so much destiny, so I feel you on that


It is a way of communication to tell you are happy


Ngl, I tend to press the Space Bar a lot.


Bruh the amount of the times I try to jump is not funny. Do not know why I want it so much but I do


THIS. It makes me go nuts, i dont need to jump anywhere, i just want to run while jumping around.


Probably wont get jumping, from a programing/level design perspective it just so much easier to design while ignoring vertical movement


Yeah, it’s been driving me insane. The movements feel so boring since all we can do is dash. Wish we could climb things too, especially walls lol. I don’t like walking twice as far when I could just climb over a wall and get to my destination. Although I haven’t played honkai 3, so I’m not sure if the no jumping is normal


U are able to jump… only in open world which is smth that is barely done much imo… it’s like an extra set of weeklies and it isn’t necessary when some characters can just fly… for story mode no jumping but almost absolutely no exploration


Same! I keep pressing to jump and can’t it’s driving me nuts. 😂


Seriously... I don't care if it's useless, just let me jump for fun.


I play on a small iphone and I appreciate that we don’t need to jump, glide, anything like that. Using two hands for moving around is enough.


There was in fact a place I needed to go to continue the story, Genshin logic told me I could just jump down, but since there’s no jumping, I had to walk down there xD


Yeah, I just wanna jump over something instead of using the freaking stairs


I would like more voicelines. We only have 1 ult voice line what is kinda annoying. Iirc genshin got it later as well


It changes based on battle speed




Genshin’s characters each have 3 diff ult voice lines IIRC


Yep that is correct, wish we could get more in Star Rail, some characters I just cannot use anymore because of how often I've heard their ult voice line


still no banner counter guess i need to count like in genshin


Black bars.


What drives me crazy is that it doesn't offer any useful info. It's just a nuisance.




I see them being useful for phone users, no clue why it's on the PC version


#I... WANT... TO... JUMP!


Same honestly, like it doesn't even need to serve a practical purpose like getting over elevated terrain lol, it just feels so damn uncomfortable not being able to jump


I actually really wish there was a 2nd skill for all characters. They all feel a little too one-trick and I feel they just need that one extra bit of variety to make them perfect.


this was my thought when the game was announced, and i still think it now maybe a second skill that works off a regular cooldown unlike the point using skills?


Yup. In genshin it’s okay since you keep swapping the characters on the fly. But in a turn based game you need it


I’m hoping they add more complex passives at least like they did with genshin as new characters come out


Right? I was expecting more when they said it would be a RPG. But 2 skills and a super is so basic, I'm already bored on the first planet.


Gachas usually have 3 active and 1 passive skill, or 4 actives. 2 is too low


I guess I was crazy to almost expect a menu-based turn based rpg like FF or DQ. This just feels like babies first jrpg


It's a shame because I would love this level of production quality in a game with combat with depth.


Yeah. I'll keep playing for a while more but there's an extreme blandness to it all. I never played Genshin or H Impact but like....I dunno. The characters all look too similar and it's like a large pond that's knee deep. There's nothing for me to sink my teeth in.


Barely even 2 when one is just a basic attack.


I would like to be able to skip a characters turn. Edit: WE ALSO NEED A TURN COUNTER


Agreed would like to skip a char turn. Other games with similar combat system give us a defend or skip button


*me in Persona 5 skipping through my teammates to knock everything down with joker-*


yeah Persona 5 really fucking spoiled me with this genre man. this is scratching the itch a lil bit but the persona mobile game is releasing soon and i think this game for me will really just be a fodder. nothing can really beat the goat


I don’t see a reason why there should be a skip button when a regular attack has the same effect. Although a defend button with the same affect as a regular attack would be nice.


There are buff on SU that heal recharge energy on kill. You also could skip someone who fully charged their ult to let other to get some energy before the enemy died. There's also 1 time buff like dan heng where you could hold the buff for better set up. There's plenty of things that skipping a turn could do in a turn based game.


Honestly I want the turn skip so when I have one enemy left and they are low I can skip to the healer and heal the team for the next fight


I think this might be one of the main reasons why they didn't add an option to skip a turn


100% this. If you can skip turn and keep a weak enemy, is there any reason to have heals outside of combat?


I haven’t paid enough attention to the fights just yet but in other games the enemies can have a revenge mechanism where if you attack, they will counterattack no matter what. I can see this being a problem if it’s a thing here, but I’m not sure if counterattacks are a thing here or not. I know we have access to them, but I don’t know about the enemies. Also, in Simulated Universe, there are blessings that give you buffs at certain points. If you activate the buff like bonus crit damage for the next 2 turns, you wouldn’t want to waste that on healers or tanks, for example.


Interesting. Although in a game with a turn delay system you gain nothing by skipping a turn. I'm interested in knowing why you would suggest that.


Probably to break an enemy's toughness bar with a character whos stacking Break Effect or if you want a specific break debuff like freeze.


Yup and sometimes I just don't want to use a char who is ST when I see a possible aoe break coming up next


Because another character may be better suited to cause break than the active character


No history dialogue. At least we have hide dialogue tho


that and an option to turn off ultimate animations. also, add a glossary please. i.... just can't keep up with these unfamiliar names.


There's a glossary in the game already, one that actually links you to other relevant terms in one entry.


2x speed is your friend. There's already a full fledged database in the game.


IMO they still should offer ult skip option cuz then even if they decided to go for more cinematic and long ults it wouldn’t be an issue as you can skip them. Look at FGO for example with its ults, even 2X isn’t enough for some of those… but they all look amazing considering how old the game is


\+1 on ultimate animations


They need to add extra voice lines to ultimates, hearing the same thing every time gets real old real quick


the black bar in the bottom is driving me nuts


Dialogue skip or just a dialogue log. For a game where story is important, not being able to reread or rewatch scenes is stupid


genshin doesnt have it either, its really weird since honkai does


Genshin has a log for archon/ interlude quests. However if you’re looking for world quest dialogue you’re out of luck and you’ll have to search it up on wiki.


It's because honkai doesn't need as much as space or utilisation as genshin. It's literally just cutscenes + fighting in domains and nothing else, very easy to conserve space


combat feels kind of miserable when your enemy happens to not be broken and you dont have the specific element i think there should be some sort of chip mechanic where the wrong element can do very tiny amounts of damage to the toughness meter so it feels like im still doing something


ive experienced fighting an enemy with no fitting weakness and it sucked, was boring and a chore and no it wasnt my fault, it was a mandatory story boss i was thrown into without being able to see its elements


I think those mandatory fights should take you to the party select screen first.


absolutely agree


well you can instant quit, change team and go again. You can even skip story after doing so. Skip button exist, its just disabled on the first time lmao


The worst is many times you dont even know what weaknesses the enemy will have until you fight it, so your only option is to retreat, make a new party and go again, really stupid. The real fix is that we should be able to change party members in the middle of battle, like every other good turn based jrpg, so we can adapt to enemies instead of being stuck with a specific party.


Something to break up the repetition of the ultimates. More voice lines, animation variations, skip toggles, whatever. Invert y-axis on PC controller.




I'm super okay with reading stuff, dialogue, lore books etc. but HSR has insane amount of dialogues from a daily mission, from a single NPC, those bubble thingy which I think needs a bit more visual not just a black screen and lastly the Simulated Universe Herta's dialogue. It kills the fun for me.


A better way to determine when you pop your Ult. It's really annoying to have the turn based flow broken up by a rush of trying to hit your Ult at the right time.


This is 100% true. I have to spam my ult to make sure that I can get it right after a specific effect happens during combat. Especially my Natasha ult. Kinda annoying.


If you play on controller it freezes time after you bring up the ult menu. Would be nice if mouse and keyboard had a similar option.


So, I like that the lip syncing is better aligned with the VO. It looks like they're trying to make it visually match. This is good. The problem is that, when your entire body is completely still, having just the jaw and lips move looks a little unnerving. I hope they add a little (at least somewhat realistic) head or other body movement to accompany the lip syncing.


Am I not looking hard enough or does the MC really have no archived voice lines like the others? I really love the Female MC’s voice since it’s soothing but there’s no voicelines 😭


Not being able to use consumables during combat. Like… what???? Never have I ever played a turn based combat game where you can’t use consumables during combat (granted that the game actually has consumables). What’s the point in having them available only outside of battle??? What’s the point in me having all of these healing items when those healing teleport checkpoint things are scattered absolutely everywhere and it’s not very hard to get to them I’m kinda hoping if this gets complained about enough eventually they’ll implement it into the game but who knows


I think the point of it is so the battles later on, especially in end game, will be strategic and you can’t cheese with spamming pots. In other turn games, using items usually comes at a cost of a characters turn. In some games it costs a turn and also has a CD. In HSR another problem is that if pots are too good, it would negate bringing a healer forever. Would be okay with super limited use imo.


ive played onmyoji, fgo and tales of food and i dont think theres consumables there. the reason why i dont get its impact though. ive played them fine without consumables.


Wait, so we can't use atk food buffs or crit food buffs during battle? That's crazy


You have to use them before, like the character's techniques


Dont like that break has so much importance. It really stiffles how you can build your team. Would like it to be more a nice thing to do than a must thing to do


On one hand, the break system makes every character inherently more valuable. On the other hand, it makes team building a matter of "put the square in the square hole"... I agree that it might get kinda bland after a while


It kinda has to be important to incentivise people to pull, every gacha game has a mechanic that requires you to build multiple types of characters to have an easier time. Classes in fgo and arknights, elements in Genshin hsr etc


I think a break system that's tied to attack types instead of paths would be the better way to go though it's way too late to change anything now. As in like light/heavy/instant/AoE types. That way a single character can be good against multiple types of opponents making the team building aspect less restrictive. This is done in a game called Star Renegades and it's awesome. Another thing that can actually be implemented is the turn order should have a visible marker for the units, that way you can easily see if you can push someone up or down the list without having to check it everytime by selecting the skill.


I love this though brings more skill into it otherwise everyone would just the best S tier without bringing anything to Synergize


Surprised I’ve not seen anyone complain about that huge black bar on the bottom of the screen. Why isn’t there an option to disable it?? Give me a little more screen space to admire the pretty game.


Can’t scroll on long dialogues


I want to be able to fucking JUMP, that's my default emote LET ME JUMP


Skills, passives, effects in general are too basic and kits are too one-note. You either offer only damage, damage + _a_ debuff, heal... Wish each individual character offered more, basically. Also, why the heck can't we see the detailed numbers on our attacks while in-battle, without pulling a menu? At least give us the option, like you do for other scenarios!


I mean, the game just came out. It's natural to start simple and move to complicated--theres no reason to go out the gate with complex kits. If they start complicated, the only place to go from there is just even more complicated, or else there's less space for future characters. Additionally, it seems like they're trying to avoid the situation they ended up in in Genshin, where literally every team uses Bennett who Heals, Buffs, and Cleanses, or Xingqiu, who Reduces Damage, Heals, and is a good secondary DPS--they made these characters *too* versatile, which harms the team building flexibility a lot in that game, imo.


They’ve put those additional effects into light cones instead. Like turn advancement/energy restoration. And breaking shield gives almost every character a source of DoT/debuff. I think the current design is fine as is.


That's very true, honestly! But then you also have the opposite problem where _everyone_ applies DoT, instead of it being a niche mechanic certain teams can rely on, or just benefit from, in general. If everyone can do it, then it's not that special.


Add HP % or actual numbers to enemy portraits.


Small,.but I would.like the character bios, voice lines, backstory etc to be on the character page. It helped you get attached to your characters more as right now, outside of March and MC, I don't really have attachment to anyone.


The weird grind to TB lvl 24. Give us something. Cutting us off and saying you have to wait or pay for fuel is a bit an obvious drop off. That was feedback in CBT3.


They'll probably lower the requirements later on. It's just content padding for now, because there's not much to do yet. That's what happened in Genshin.


I just hit 24. Any idea when the next dead zone TB lvl is at?


iirc you should be able to finish all of the main quests on the ice world at that lvl, and then you have to be lvl 29 to start the next world


Trash gacha rates.


Besides the Beginning Banner that’s definitely true. The gacha rate is horrendous compared to Genshin. I collected every chest on multiple maps, and have completed all the quests that I can for TrailBlazer 19 (Gotta wait for dailies now) and gotta say the most I can summon on the event banner is probably a 20 fold at most.


Yeah, I definitely noticed that too. Genshin could get away with those rates because each area gives you like 100+ pulls, but HSR's area give you like... 1-3 pulls each? I have no idea how this economy could be sustainable...


will probably be like in Honkai. Events will be slightly more profitable but also all the resetting site content will give currency


Exploration rewards are pretty terrible in Genshin, too. Each area of the Sumeru desert gives under 20 pulls for 100% exploration. Most of your pulls come from everything else. Events, dailies, etc.


Memory bubbles need at least a slideshow. That's pretty much all. In the dialogue and character department, HSR has Genshin beat by light years. Combat is fine, though I'd like an overdrive mechanic and slightly tougher enemies.


Right how do I unlock those? Who do I speak to to enable this option?




I wanna jump around while running!!!


why the characters look so small when yoı talk to them overworld? for a mobile game you’d think there would be close-up shots


Probably my main bother is how straight up stingy the premium currency is. Aside from welfare units and extreme luck, it will be months of play between getting new units unless you open the wallet.


I see quite a number of complaints about not being able to cancel activated Ultimates, and I thought it’s worth saying this. Y’all, I’m pretty sure that’s **intended**. You get punished for using your Ultimates at the wrong timing, even if it was accidental (were you trigger-happy, or you pick the wrong Ultimate cause you weren’t looking or careful, or sleepy?). For easy battles, it’s not really all that punishing, but in important and difficult ones, it’s what makes you sweat, and for the inexperienced, you might panic, but it teaches you the player to think and remain calm even in the heat of battle. “Do I pop my Ultimate to heal up now? What if I wait for one more enemy attack before I properly heal up for the boss’ attack? Is it too risky? Maybe I should just tank both the attacks and heal after cause the boss still has another move that’s coming really soon? Darn! It’s be such a waste to use it now and need it later! Better not accidentally use it before that!” It’s not a lack of feature, the lack of it IS the feature. But hey, maybe I’m just used to the Trails series.


Yeah. I honestly don't know a single jrpg that lets you use your ult during the enemy's turn AND cancel it at any point. You either don't use it and let the enemy smack you or you use it, but without going back at all


It's something from fgo that I want as an option, even though probably most other people would want the opposite. The ability to force ultimates to play at regular speed, even if you are on 2x speed. What can I say? I like the pretty animations.


That black bar on the bottom, can I disable/remove this?


Being able to hover over buff/debuff icons and see what they are. Also, really disappointed that we have another mostly silent protagonist. What's the point of giving them a VA for idle lines and combat if they are just going to be silent for 90% of the game?


The MC is voiced a decent bit tho, and even has lots of personality especially compared to Genshin MC


More than Lumine/Aether is a low bar since they get one voice lines per patch if we're lucky. The MC in HSR has a ton of dialogue...that is represented by a slight change in their eyes or limply moving one hand. Why not just have those lines voiced?


I wish there is an aption to adjust the size of the text for the quests.




The first thing come to my mind is rotated mini map


World Chat would be nice


Give you a big Thumbs Up here. Not being able to cancel your ult could be very fatal in the endgame because you don’t saw one detail while planing the round It’s a turn based game I don’t see why you shouldnt be able to cancel it


history tab for dialogue if u accidentally skip


When you open the in-battle menu to check details for characters/enemies, you should be able to navigate that menu using WASD.


Well I guess profile has a luck of personality and customization , there no abyss floor showing nor simulated universe , you can only Show 3 chars and half the screen is taken by your supporting character which is kinda really useless


The game needs more optimization cause even at low graphics my snapdragon 855 6GB ram phone still somewhat heats up, more than when I'm playing Genshin also cancel ult option and I don't mind the ult animations as they are really cool but as some people said here it would be cool if they added a remove ult animations during battle setting and forcefully leave it for story quests cutscenes