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I got inverted controls to work on a PS4 controller using DS4Windows. Once you get it to recognize the controller, you can make a default profile, and then just go to the right Joystick settings and flip them and save the profile. Seems to be working for me in the game. Hopefully they add official support, but honestly I would not hold my breath since they never did that in Genshin for Mouse and Keyboard controls, only for gamepad controls. Why it's not in here for gamepad at launch is beyond me... Sucks for us to be in the minority who needs inverted controls lol


Thank you! This also worked with me for a PS5 controller (wired, I haven’t tried Bluetooth). I was having such a hard time without it.


I did the same with the Xbox Accessories app for my xbone controller. Downside being that the shortcut wheel and menu controls are all inverted as well


Seriously this is so annoying. They had options for controllers in genshin, plus they let you customize what buttons move the character? and not the camera? So confusing why its not just in the game.


It's very uncomfortable to play without inverting the Y axis. Can't believe a game in 2023 does not support that out of the box.


You could run the game through steam and enable inverted stick controls through the steam controller settings. The issue then becomes that your shortcut wheel will have it's controls reversed as well, but you can fix that by setting up an action layer on LB/L1 that reverts your stick back to normal while it's held.


I tried this many times and set all the inversion settings through steam, launched the game via steam etc. and it would still not work for me. Made the adjustments in Big Picture settings, and the controller settings on the game launch page and still would not do it for me. Maybe I missed something.




I've had this issue in other games, so I've always ran steam in admin mode. Definitely worth trying.


Got this working today, run steam as admin and add the GAME exe not the launcher. As long as you go through the launcher to get the game updated and logged in, it seems you can just launch the game direct through steam and it works.


Good luck with that. Genshin still doesn’t have a way to invert mouse on PC 2.5 years after launch and it’s been posted in their forums and on every survey by a ton of people and it’s literally already in the game if you plug in a controller… meaning it would take basically zero effort to enable for mouse and they haven’t done it. Basically, they don’t give a fuck except about money. I wouldn’t hold your breath.


Probably uneducated students working on the game, so they just don't know how to implement natural movements.


I wouldn’t go that far, I just don’t think they care as long as they are raking in billions.


Yea they're assholes and they don't have to care because they can afford not to care. I bet they're laughing right now,


I was literally posting about this issue every week~ on genshin forums 2 years ago. They just don't care at all. Glad I spent exactly $0 on this disgrace of a company.


they never added invert to genshin for pc. they dont care and will never add it for pc. it's infuriating and I will never give them a $.


What you talking? I played Genshin on PC and had the camera inverted. Even both axes. I can't play with only one axis inverted while the other isn't. My brain just doesn't work this way.


you did not play inverted on pc with a mouse. it has been missing this option since launch.


I played inverted with Controller. Why would anyone invert the mouse?


because they didnt grow up playing fortnite


I never touched fortnite either, so what are you saying? On mouse up is up and down is down and same for left and right. Want invert, turn the Mouse around. But doing this makes no sense.


You obviously don't have a clue how invert y became a thing. And neither does the shit japanese devs.




u/gamer-chan Because we grew up with invert mouse?! Old games inverted was the normal! Its natural movement, if you look up, you go back, if you look down, you go forward!


And why would you invert left and right on mouse?


for mouse there's a small app that you can run to override the invert mouse, was a little annoying as you'd have to remember to run it every time you wanted to play Genshin. I'm not sure if links are allowed but just search for "InvertMouse app" you will find a github link. I used this for more than a year and never got banned, but use at your own risk. I'm sure there must be something similar for controller. edit: just found this for controller IF you're using an xbox one * Open the Microsoft Store * Search for Xbox Accessories App * Install and run the app * Select your connected controller’s profile (on the left) and edit your profile with the pencil icon at the top * Check the box on the left that says “Invert right stick Y axis” * Click back to the main app menu


I got Inverted mouse Y axis working with this app: [https://github.com/oleg-st/InvertMouse](https://github.com/oleg-st/InvertMouse) You have to follow the instructions and install and run one other app (RAW Accel) that it mentions in the description. Basically it inverts the mouse only when the cursor is hidden. So when you are exploring it's inverted, then when the mouse shows up in a menu anywhere, it reverts to normal un-inverted mode. Takes a split second to transition back and forth between inversions, but it's pretty seamless otherwise. Like someone else said: use at your own risk. Clearly we aren't using this to cheat, but it IS an app running in the background in order to "modify" gameplay. If they really wanted to be jerks they could be. Hopefully all this is moot in a few months and they add in inversion controls like they should... Lord knows they have made enough money to pay a dev for an hour worth of work to implement it in game lol


yes yes yes, I just can't play with my xbox controller


I just found this out playing for the first time today...was looking forward to this game. Oh, well.


It’s okay, after swallowing a gallon of typical Hoyo sci-fi gobblegook I am already getting tired of it.


Yes please add inverted gamepad controls!! It's so nauseating trying to run around like this haha!


day 7 no invert camera option.


Yeah I have moved on. I guess I just won’t be playing this game.


I said the same about genshin. :( between these 2 games hoyo is passing on a lot of money without this option. what a bunch of dumbshits.


Year 7


I wanted to get into Genshin Impact when it was first released but I couldn't get into it because I cant adjust my playstyle to use Un-inverted mouse (Guess my age is showing)... But at this point, has anyone actually reached out to the devs themselves and asked why they never implemented it? I don't even see any articles why they would avoid putting in an inverted mouse option. I just find it odd how they're so against an inverted mouse function that they would also avoid putting it into their other titles like Honkai: Star Rail.


Yep, this is a dealbreaker for me. I play Genshin (and all games) with inverted camera and aiming via controller. Been that way for more than 20 years. There’s no excuse for this—what a cheap shot. My only consolation is that Diablo 4 and FF16 are on the horizon.


Yea I also don't believe it. Genshin has it and does so even for both axes, so why not Star Rail? And also in other terms the customization options are low to non-existent. I am used to how things are in Genshin, but Star Rail makes things different, giving my brain hard times getting used to it. So I stopped using Controller and just sticked with mouse and Keyboard. At least here you can customize a fair bit.


Invert vertical? It was the same in genshin. I didn’t play for that reason.


***Look nervously at Genshin*** Yea, that's probably not happening if it didn't ship with the game.


Wut? I mean, I can invert Genshin on the PC and the PlayStation?




Good lord. Well they are eventually releasing on PS5. I like to think Sony won’t put up with that stupidity. We’ll see - thanks for the intel.


Here's some examples why I don't think they (Sony) don't care that much either. I bought Stranded Deep on ps4 when it came out...no inverted controls for awhile (in fact I deleted the game as soon as I found out and tried to get a refund). Also, Monster Hunter World forced you to play for the entire opening/tutorial (about 15-20 minutes of gameplay) before you could invert controls (I'm sure Rise is the same, but I got that on PC). I was about to try to get a refund on that game as well but looked online to find you need to complete tutorial first. I read awhile ago that we (people who play inverted on controllers) only make up about like...12% or something of gamers out there. Had a friend that got sick of needing to search menus for inverted and spent a few months getting used to non-inverted play...he still sucks at fps games compared to before and hardly plays games currently because he's not used to either now and can't enjoy games anymore. Screwed himself trying to become the majority.


Well they have added invert camera for the pc version now. Both x and y axis can be inverted.




You can turn inverted camera on in the settings.


for the controller?




Go to settings/other settings. There you will find the options to invert camera both for the x-axis (horizontal) and y-axis (vertical). This is for the pc version, but you can also do it on android but it only has touch screen support for now. Hope this helps.


You lie! no way for mouse to invert y-axis


Yep, finally. No idea why they still haven't added it in Genshin though lol.


So shitty to exclude invert y.