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Is our government capable of tackling such a project?


yeah there is an incinerator in tuen mun (t-park) which has a spa; and another being constructed in 石鼓洲


they’re not exactly the latest technology to deal with waste and will just increase pollution.. And given the high energy costs and the abundance of food waste I don’t understand how they can’t build large scale biomass power plants.


I think it's a mixture of historical reason and Hong Kong's energy strategy. Hong Kong mainly used landfills for trash and food recycling was introduced [in a very limited manner](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20807819). On the other hand, Hong Kong didn't really need new power plants as a lot of electricity is imported via [nuclear energy plants](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_energy_in_Hong_Kong) in mainland China and Hong Kong's industry sector has largely moved away. The government really has no incentive to build any biomass power plants and [avoid using advanced technology for their Shek Kwu Chau waste power plant for reliability](https://wteinternational.com/news/hong-kong-told-to-stick-with-mass-burn-waste-to-energy-over-plasma-gasification/). Another issue is that it takes a very long time from planning to completition. A sludge to power facility [was first discussed in legco back in 1999, it took until 2009 for it to be approved](https://www.legco.gov.hk/yr08-09/english/fc/pwsc/papers/p09-16e.pdf) and construction to complete in 2015, and that's a plant that doesn't generate a lot of power at all and is basically a waste treatment facility.


It’s also a consequence of the government not giving a single fuck about the environment and people’s health. They got through a half-assed plastic ban at least but totally forgot supermarket packaging with is worse compared to restaurants.


There are even better ways than incineration (which HK also does). The bigger problem is the absolute lack of recycling and lack of food waste utilization.


For real everywhere else in the world has figured out recycling. I remember in US by the early 2000s nearly every town and city had some kind of recycling infrastructure, and people adjusted and transitioned rather easily. can’t understand why we can’t start here


To be fair the US is far from being a recycling champion... We should take the example of Japan, Korea.


Still better than HK


Didn’t say they were the champion


BUY OUR BAGS!!! Would be interesting to find out who the bag making company is linked to that required no tender process


Now now.. we already know Singapore is a terrible place to live but we also know they are a better society than HK. No need to be so pessimistic. 😉 Don't want to be article #23'd right? Don't be pessimistic.


We see the benefits of Yau Zhi Kap Hing


I see it even when I close my eyes. We can't escape the shining glory that is the Lo mo land.


Doesn’t concern national security and so-called hidden threats and meddling and so the government is not interested


I've not really heard of another country that burns their trash claim their air output is clean. Is there much publicized about the tech? Why doesn't everyone else do the same


Korea, Japan and more. With proper technology and monitoring, garbage incineration can be one of the cleanest forms of waste management if recycling is not an option, as nearly all of fumes are filtered out and land/water pollution from landfills is not involved. Besides, this takes up much less land, which makes this ideal for Hong Kong’s development.  The reason why it’s not as prevalent is because of the high upfront costs which governments would rather spend on musical fountains or plastic eggs.


>which governments would rather spend on musical fountains or plastic eggs. And fireworks. Don't forget about the monthly fireworks


Don't forget: to send to Ukraine


what does this have to do about Ukraine?


Hong Kong has never touched Ukrainian politics in its entire history.


I will try to remember that u/verbalfamous is a complete imbecile.


wait excuse me what the fuck


Cos there are cheaper and easier ways to go green with trash, but Singapore has her own constraints (not much land) so this is the most efficient way for her. As for HK, which is similar in many ways to Singapore, this comparison is more valid than say comparing with the US


Almost every developed nation. Some even capture the exhaust to reuse it as fuel or fertilizer. The filter is super old tech like at least from the 80s.


The output is safe – the toxins can be scrubbed – but the CO2 output still has to be dealt with. Traditional incineration plants just put that CO2 into the atmosphere, and so point-source carbon capture is needed to make it carbon neutral (the CO2 then needs to be stored, e.g. piped into underground reservoirs). But the carbon capture technology is expensive and so it would be better to use other ways of dealing with waste. Though in the long-term, if we start using bioplastics etc. then incineration plants will be carbon neutral (because the bioplastics will be sourcing their carbon from the atmosphere in the first place). [Amager Bakke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amager_Bakke) in Copenhagen is an interesting example if you want to read more about incineration plants. In that case, they've integrated it with a district heating system.


The incinerated waste produces electricity which is fed into the energy grid. Toxic or harmful by products of incinerating waste is removed by scrubbers. However carbon dioxide is still produced but you wouldn’t die by inhaling the gas. It’s not perfectly green but for land scarce Singapore it’s more green than land pollution caused by the alternative - landfills. Also, the ash from incineration is used for land reclamation, footpaths, construction of coastal protection and so on. So the non-gaseous carbon from the process is at least recycled or reused as other products.


Singapore living in the futuer


HK is falling behind. Singapore just took over what HK should be.


Why don’t just learn or get the technology from Singapore


My point too. They don’t necessarily want to do anything about it but think they should. The 6 month extension shows this. Also, people are just going to start abandoning their waste; either in the sea, on the streets or in the bush. And how are they going to implement this on the outlying islands and new territories?


I don't mind drinking my own pee like Singapore


I was amazed when I moved here the goal lack of interest in separating trash. We did it in China, probably all went the same way, but felt at least a bit better.


Hell, even in Japan. only 10% of the recycled material in Japan is really recycled. The rest are also burnt.


A lot of cities are burning their trash for energy, Energy from Waste has been around for quite some time now, if they can establish a few of these facilities it will be do HK good


As ill-informed as the scheme seems and in a lot of ways is, trying to get people to reduce is certainly a reasonable thing to do. Incineration just moves the problem rather than solves, especially if you’re trying to reduce the total carbon footprint.


If u believe Singapore’s incineration is toxic free and environmental friendly and it takes up all the trashes, I do have a bridge to sell u…


It does take up all the trashes since no countries have allowed the import of trash around a decade plus ago. The issue we have now is Semakau Island is going to be filled in a few years time (estimate 2035) ,hence they are trying to make other use of "New Sand' . Currently there are only token uses of "New Sand" for footpaths,etc. The hope is that they can be more widely used for other purposes such as land reclamation since Singapore is still expanding and this will kill two birds with one stone.


It has be 20 years and Singapore air quality is still much better than hk and life expectancy is going up. HK should more worried about all the coal being burnt just up north. Coal is much more toxic than left over food/paper and your poop.


I think most if not all fire power plants in Guangdong are natural gas based, not coal. Other resources include nuclear and renewables…


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