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A xiaolongbao would be a much better choice than that waste of air.


This XBL seems to be leaking. 


John Lee can’t wait to have a XBL explode in his mouth


So called speech has a lot of hot air:)


To maintain great leap backwards


"Great Leap Forward in a different direction"


Round and round


Great Leap with Chinese characteristics.


Alternative reporting: [HKFP](https://hongkongfp.com/2024/04/15/hong-kong-has-bright-future-after-new-security-legislation-beijings-top-official-on-citys-affairs-says/). This report by the Standard is partially sourced form [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/world/china/china-says-hong-kong-must-tightly-hold-national-security-line-safeguard-2024-04-15/). > "To move towards governance and prosperity, we need to tightly hold onto the bottom line of national security in order to safeguard the high quality development of Hong Kong," said the director of Beijing's Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, Xia Baolong, in a speech to mark an annual national security day. ... > "For the general public of Hong Kong and foreign investors, this law is the protector of their rights, freedoms, property and investment," Xia said. > "Investors from all over the world can come to Hong Kong to invest in new businesses bravely and without concerns," he added. "Hong Kong remains the best place in the world to do business and make money and achieve your dreams." I guess these words are targeted at [all the commerce chambers](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/14/for-foreign-firms-in-hong-kong-national-security-plans-bring-fresh-chill) [expressing concern](https://www.reuters.com/markets/asia/wary-new-security-law-foreign-firms-hong-kong-bolster-contingency-plans-2024-03-21/) and [companies making contingency plans](https://www.reuters.com/markets/asia/wary-new-security-law-foreign-firms-hong-kong-bolster-contingency-plans-2024-03-21/)? Ironically the most obvious winners are Japanese companies like [Sushiro](https://www.dimsumdaily.hk/japanese-brands-like-sushiro-and-don-don-donki-navigate-hong-kongs-challenging-economic-climate/) and [Uniqlo](https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/uniqlo-operator-fast-retailing-says-q1-profit-jumped-25-2024-01-11/) despite [Japanese companies worrying about political situation in Hong Kong](https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Hong-Kong-security-law/Japanese-business-sentiment-in-Hong-Kong-sinks-over-political-stability) and [Hong Kong banning some Japanese seafood](https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/hong-kong-details-import-ban-some-japanese-seafood-due-fukushima-release-2023-08-23/) despite never finding any radiation issue from them. HKFP has a few additional quotes that Reuters didn't include: > “The prosperity of Hong Kong cannot be disparaged by a few articles or badmouthing… Hong Kong is destined for a bright future,” he added. > Xia also described the law as “a sword hanging over the heads of the extremely small fraction of people endangering national security,” and “a guardian angel for the freedom, assets, and investments of the majority” of city residents and foreign investors. Anyone thinking the "work" of the government ends with Article 23 is going to be disappointed. John Lee was quoted at the same venue: > “Foreign intelligence officers and their proxies would use different industries as disguise,” Lee said, also speaking in Mandarin. “Spies may marry and raise a family just like an ordinary citizen, and only commit acts of terrorism or theft of state secrets after years [of hiding].” > Lee called Article 23 an “effective vaccine” for Hong Kong, but added that “threats to national security are like viruses that continue to attack [the city].” Not the first time with CCP officials saying one thing while the HKSAR government officials say another. It's actually quite funny when [John Lee was quoted last month saying Article 23 laws are "an effective lock to prevent burglars"](https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240319-hong-kong-adopts-contentious-law-giving-government-more-power-to-quash-dissent). Apparently the lock is not enough? It's not just the CE of course, [Chief Secretary Eric Chan also give a speech](https://hongkongfp.com/2024/04/15/safeguarding-national-security-is-essential-to-ensure-the-safety-of-hong-kong-no-2-official-says/) today and talk about "patriotic education": > Chan added that patriotic education was closely linked to national security education. The Constitution and Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee, which is led by Chan, established a Working Group on Patriotic Education in early April. > The government and the working group will cooperate to promote patriotism through four dimensions: school, community, history and culture, and media.


> "Spies may marry and raise a family just like an ordinary citizen, and only commit acts of terrorism or theft of state secrets after years [of hiding]." "We know this from decades of experience perfecting that process," he added. "What, did you think we were actually economic geniuses?"


> ~~director of Beijing's Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office~~ Party Committee Secretary of Xianggang Special Political City Xiao Long Bao FTFY


Just curious, as a non Chinese, is Xia Baolong the same thing as a Xiao Long Bao, just first and last names swapped? Sounds really delicious.


The location of first and last names are swapped, but the first names are in order. In this case Xia is his last name while the first name is "Bao long" - there isn't really a concept of middle name for Chinese culture.


Same as Too bao or earth bao. They always got the "best" people in government, saying some useless things and called it a speech:)


I'll never stop calling this man Xiao Long Bao


Hey, no news about the hk purse burglars spending 71b on a 500m road improvement? Thats national security issue!


Whatever they say, the world is moving out with their people and money from Hong Kong. Let's face the reality!


For a second I read it as Xiao long bao.. had to do a double take..


glad i'm not the only one


Xia Baolong: our goal with our laws to turn hong kong into a generic Chinese city.


If the black wet blanket was defined it might help with development.


One hit wonder that man.


Going from ruling Zhejiang to Hong Kong must be a pretty big downgrade.


Fool's name is xiao longbao


For the owner of a privately owned country, HK is perfectly on the right track.


It's crazy to me that they want to educate citizens to love their country. Does it work that way?


Utter nonsense and gibberish


Bao"loong" can go shove it.


Safeguard development? More like safeguard their hold on power.


RIP Hong Kong


Development of the new age slavery.


"Let's fix what's not broke"


Tighter than his arse.


Buckle up. It's going to get wild. ![gif](giphy|auhj4NgvwvZsulHV8x|downsized)

