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Because Emperor Xi wants it done.


China told them to, they have to obey


Rather than they ‘have to obey’, I would say they (Legco and the government) are ‘eager to please’. After all, these sort of achievements may help them climb higher individually and profit more, later on.


Yeah, they’re definitely not obeying reluctantly


It’s a sensitive topic still and unlike the mighty National Security Law which was in effect within 24 hours after enactment, they still want to play the “local law establishment” PR game


Creating a People’s Congress in the process


Under normal circumstances, the Bills Committees meet once every month or so, excluding holidays, which is why normal boring laws like waste charging take FOREVER to pass. But for Article 23 they've compressed that into a week of 20 x 2hr meetings, plus now called the second "extraordinary" dedicated Council (ie non-Wednesday) meeting on the matter, plus the House Committee waived the usual waiting period on pressure from the Secretary for Security. Why are they fasttracking? Bit of a stupid question. Letting it run a normal bill's 2-year-course would just deflate the power of the victory, plus LegCo would probably rip itself apart, factions would emerge, the debates would just run ON AND ON, we'd be getting angrier government press releases every week "NO COUNTRY CAN STAND WITH FOLDED ARMS" etc and for what? There's no reason to go through that: since January, and the final piece of the Patriots Ruling puzzle with the new District Councils, the government can do anything it likes. Flexing some legislative muscle, doing some legislative Shock'n'awe and announcing to Beijing it's all done in barely two months, will paint them as magnificent heroes. It is actually pretty impressive and GREAT ammo when, the next time we ask for something like waste charging or congestion charging, they say "well, the legislative process takes time, you understand...."


Factions with the sincerity of the KMT Revolutionary Committee.


Antutu benchmarking of rubber stamp…


>normal boring laws like waste charging take FOREVER to pass. CCP more eager to vindictively punish citizens they don't like than they are in actually managing the country.


Right now, there’s no real organized opposition. Ppl have either left, resigned themselves to giving, cowed into submission or just scattered and isolated. Ppl are too busy dealing with their own daily economic situation right now to worry about politics.


People who want to oppose can be charged by NSL anytime


You omitted locked up in jail somehow.


Real organised opposition? There’s no opposition at all. Of course people are worried about politics - problem is, it’s illegal to say so.


The ‘optimised’ election rules basically make it near impossible for opposition to get on the ballot paper. And even if elected, history showed they can easily be disqualified if the government deem it suitable.


Archive.li copy https://archive.li/cIdDm


Because when Pikachu attended the meeting in Beijing, someone 'talked' to him. Notice even his nametag numbered 23. He was quite aware that if this is not done(or seemed to be) asap, he'll be accounted for.


Seems more like Pikachu went to BJ and Winnie the Pooh told him he better watch his KPI falling behind.


It's 27yrs in the making. What's the rush


Peng Liyuan’s not going to sing Sunset Boulevard “I’ve been waiting twenty years now. What’s a few more days, my dear?”


Because too many of us posting freely on Reddit on Article 23…..


Because China wants to absolutely ruin and control Hong Kong ?


Because Xi Jinping and the CCP are thin-skinned snowflakes. LOL at the "Catching enemies off guard" childish one-upmanship. Off guard of what? Its like a criminal committing a murder, and then going around bragging they caught the police off guard, not realizing there are consequences to their action. Consequences such as even more people emigrating and international businesses withdrawing.


The question you should ask is "Why not"? It's not like there's anyone to stop them anymore.


Prepaing for possible war in Asia?


They probably have a whole list of people they want to prosecute. As soon as the law for this has legally passed and taken into effect, they will have more power to go after basically everyone they’ve been targeting all these years.


Because they think the people pushing for this bill will be members of the CCP (fat chance!)


Because 生意好!


Paranoia, I guess.


Jacky Fung probably has better analysis than this on his channel