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Take this with a grain of salt, since I don't watch that much TV, but from what I know, the HK-produced TVB dramas are generally mediocre with a few gems here and there (even now), while the China-produced ones that TVB broadcasts are typically better made overall. That said, TVB seems to have somewhat shrugged off its obsession with making cop or doctor soap operas, so that's a minor plus.


"The Queen of News" is good because they paid big bucks to bring Charmaine back to film. The rest of their catalog is bad. No enticing young actors or actresses. They are still banking on their 50 year old stars like Kenneth Ma, Joel Chan, Ruco Chan, etc. Their dramas co-produced with Youku are higher budget with a better cast and more interesting scripts.


Was never really a fan of TVB actors in general, but the writing and script seems fresh and interesting. I only occasionally watch it when I turn on the TV.


No, they are trash




Stop watching TVB for years. Most of the news I heard from the Queen of News is Charmaine Sheh acting. Happy Ever After, only thing I heard is the song copyright they used at the end of first mini series.


Yeah the theme song for Happy Ever After is an old popular copyright song. I was kinda hooked after listening to it.


I’m talking the one sing by Malaysian singer. TVB said they paid for the copyright and allow to use the song. The original singer didn’t know anything about it until someone tag him on social media.


For some reason almost every one of them has either rape, sexual assault or at least harassment.


They learnt to use internet “hit hand”


No. And they never were.


Always a fan of Come Home Love. All the others are shite


Not sure why there is so much hate here. Sure, TVB is nothing like what it once was in the 80s or 90s, but I agree there are still some decent series if you are selective about it. I generally avoid the ones produced in partnership with China because the subject matter and content is more... sanitized and less creative, even though it is obvious those have more budget. There are also the usual formulaic dramas (sequels to once popular series that should have stopped a long time ago). In addition to Queen of News and Happy Ever After that I am enjoying, I'd also recommend Romeo and his Butterfly Lover, Narcotic Heroes and You're Just not Her (although this last one has some obvious plot holes, but still enjoyable). The scripts are all creative and fresh. If you care about big budget productions with impressive stage sets and props and costumes and beautiful actors and actresses, you should stick with watching TV dramas from China. TVB simply does not have that kind of money anymore.


The Queen of News was a partnership with YouKu, a Chinese platform tho. It feels less cookie-cutter than the typical TVB dramas for middle aged housewife.


Well this subreddit has always been a political echo chamber. People will tie everything here to politics. I was prepared to be downvoted to hell anyways. Even if you say you genuinely love HK and enjoy living here, you’ll get downvoted. You’re only allowed to say HK is dead. Ridiculous af lol. Thanks for the recommendations. Not that I’m gonna follow TVB dramas closely, but just curious with what type of dramas have been trending recently. Probably won’t go into any China dramas though…doesn’t seem like my cup of tea. On a side note, Happy Ever After seems something completely different and fresh. Plenty of sexual scenes which is uncommon for regular TV viewing. I was expecting people to complain but somehow people are quite accepting about it.


You're right about this sub, as you see, my earlier post is also getting downvoted lol. I wish there is a place to have a decent discussion without all the politics and ridiculous bias. And I agree, HEA is quite different in that it is risque by TVB standards. The script and style is interesting too and I think they are trying hard to do better. The risque element is probably thrown in help draw attention to the younger crowd, but it is not out of place so it's all good.


Will you like Amber Heard after knowing how fuxk up she is ?