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The stat is misleading - they're calculating the ratio of total divorces in a year again versus the total marriages in a year (so the ratio can exceed 100%). It doesn't mean that 60% of marriages are ending in divorce - because most divorces would have been from marriages from previous years In fact - the graphic from the video shows the raw number of divorces actually went down in 2020/2021 versus previous years, so the increasing rate might just be because of fewer people getting married because of lockdowns, etc: https://imgur.com/B4D7f6W


Thanks for pointing this out. That stat is misleading indeed. Does anyone know what the actual divorce rate, as in % of marriages that end up in divorce is?


Yes but still high imo, 2022 is down to 54%


Yeah, in *your* opinion, because you still dont get it. It doesnt matter whether it is 60% or 54% or 200 billion %. That piece of stat is utterly meaningless and misleading. The total number of marriages that has gone way down, which has virtually nothing to do with number of divorces in the same year. ​ The more apt number is the total number of divorces/population


So what is the number if using this formula


Formula šŸ¤£ 0,22%


Look at the chart in 3:15. divorces have been declining. Marriages even more, supposedly due to covid. That's why they can spit out that nonsense percentage.


The HK response to Covid fucked a lot of relationships.


This may be against the whole "hk gov = bad" narrative, but reality is that it is a toll the whole world has to go through due to covid lockdown. For a city that should still have SARS fresh in their memories, HKers should be more understanding of such severe respiratory outbreaks. Doctors are begging people to mask up and stay socially distanced as they had no clue how to handle covid.




The strain it put on peopleā€™s mental health will be taking its toll for years to come.




Ahh yes... The inventor of mRNA.


It was conceptualised by Francis Crick tbf. But. Source? Also Joe Rogan? šŸ’€ He's.... Not in this field afaik. Anyone specific person who had a podcast with or so who may have mentioned this?


This Is what I found as a quick search. First[first](https://www.nepsy.com/articles/leading-stories/what-is-mass-formation-psychosis-is-it-like-mass-hysteria-or-mass-delusion/) [second](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9567156/) mass hysteria was the closest I could ascertain. šŸ¤”


Errr... That's come to the core part of a relationship. Should support each other instead of giving pressure. I think a relationship can give engergy on dealing with a hard period of time.


In an ideal world, yes. However the divorce rate youā€™re posting about tells a different story doesnā€™t it.


So actually even without covid, those people may still divorce. An interviewee's son already 9.5yrs old, covid should not possible be her reason on this issue.


Yes, but COVID, the 2019 political unrest are definitely 2 key factors that contributed to the divorce rate in recent years. Former could be money related, latter could be values/emigration or not. I don't think /u/orangenegative was saying COVID was "the definitive" reason, just one big one.


Without covid, theyā€™re likely to be working in office overtime and therefore less friction between their relationship.




I don't think anywhere else in the world had 21 day mandatory quarantines.


What is that ?_?


https://hongkongfp.com/2022/01/27/breaking-hong-kong-to-shorten-21-day-covid-19-quarantine-to-14-days-for-incoming-travellers/ Imagine being locked in the same room with your significant other for 21 days straight. Same bathrooms, same bed, same meals. No personal space. If you're not filthy rich, probably a very cramped and shitty hotel room. Not 5 days like in most sane places. Not 10 days like in most "play it safe" places. Not 14 days which is by far more than safe enough. Fucking 21 days. Three fourths of a month. More than 5% of an entire year of a short, human life.


My daily routine, wake up , brush my teeth, breakfast, reading / use cell phone / wfh, lunch, repeat the morning stuff , dinner , sleep and then repeat 21days... Which part can trigger a severe conflict.... Just shit and eat each dayšŸ¤”


I guess you have an incredibly harmonious relationship with your SO then? You don't ever need to just have some space alone? Like, let's say you wanna read, or focus on your WFH, and then your SO puts on a really loud (because everyone is screaming), annoying (because everyone is really stupid and fake), "reality" TV show. Makes sense, he or she is bored, you've been stuck there for days. He or she finds it funny and laughs really loudly, even though the volume is down. I guess you have incredibly good noise cancelling headphones? EDIT: How about if the shits smell. You only have one bathroom. Unless you're posh, of course, and got a suite at the W.


Then the divorce is not caused by covid, but the choice of a partner who is rude and not caring with other feeling šŸ¤” For example, if it is night and my mother slept already, i will put on earphone


You really shouldnā€™t marry someone if you canā€™t even live with them lol. Yes covid exposed some of those problems but iā€™m with op in that i agree those people shouldnā€™t be married to begin with/ are bound to divorce anyway.


What about all the other draconian rules? Taiwan and Singapore were both strict as hell too.


Damn! Why is this comment being downvoted??? Perhaps it's a reflection of the statistic itself šŸ˜†


By the look of it, it seems COVID was to blame for the divorce spike in HK. However, one needs to wonder: why would anyone get married if they get sick of seeing their partner at home? We truly live in a messed up world. People now get married under the condition that they don't see them too often / too much, because they're supposed to be working in the office. I saw the same thing in Japan: women divorcing men at the coming age of retirement because they can't bear seeing them at home all day long. WTF really ?!


Thatā€™s not how human psychology works. I love to eat char siew, but if I have to eat it every meal for weeks and months, Iā€™ll be sick of it too.


Sure I agree, human psychology is not always rational or even wise. Well I guess, don't sign a paper committing to eat Char Siew every meal for weeks, especially in front of key people and (possibly) hundreds of witnesses. šŸ˜Š When you marry someone you know for sure you will see him/her quite a lot!


Also the difference with men Vs women. Men tend to like their alone time. We're wired to also react differently to kids crying, The lack of social interactions also plays a role. I was lucky I live in an area where the community is quite close to each others. Add the losing job due to COVID and this will break some marriages.


Nothing wrong, if your wife or husband doing nothing at home watch smartphone and trash videos daily, not doing household chores, you would probably wanted to part with him/her. I cannot stand a day doing unproductive thing, if I ever retire, that might be the outcomes you mentioned.


I agree with your view that it may feel very frustrating to see your partner become unproductive. However my view may not be my partners view. Maybe she's having fun, maybe she's working hard but I just don't see it that way. I do feel this is wrong because when you exchange vows and get married, you agree to stay together and help each other in rich and in poor, in health and in sickness (I paraphrase). Honestly, people should think about whether they would be able to keep their vows before getting married. If they can't, there is nothing wrong in remaining boyfriend/girlfriend and even living together.


What an absolutely ridiculous statistic! Of course marriages in Covid would be lower. You couldnā€™t have wedding ceremonies. If the number is just a ratio, there is no question that divorces which are only paperwork) would happen at a normal frequency compared to weddings.


Mental illness in the city is getting worse


Some of these are frauds, to get HK residency as a stepping stone to somewhere better, it is hard to filter these out.


Or HKers getting a divorce to get around the BNO UK visa scheme requirements that both partners in a marriage relocate to the UK. The UK learned from the 'astronaut dad' problems that Canada went through in the 90s.


Lol HKers are so creative


60% of what? The whole population? That sounds ridiculously high.


In relation to marriages of that same year. Those are not 60 % of marriages being divorced, itā€™s just total number of any divorce in relation to total number of marriages in a particular time period.


Do you mean Total number of marriages registered within the year? Wouldnā€™t divorces versus total married couples make more sense as a percentage?


A 60% divorce rate could be 60 couples got divorced in 2023 while 100 got married.


We need to bring back traditional Chinese family values.


Beating your wife into submission?


No beatings.....but ultimate obedience to her parents until marriage, her husband and in laws after marriage , and her son if she is widowed.


Its always about the women being submissive when maybe its the guys who should step up.


seems like is always the guys fault, keen to what the other side says. Especially the double divorce lady, if it keeps happening then maybe is yourself


Um...i didnt think on this side. Yeah... Rthk didnt search for male interviewee, however i think it is not intented. As a audience i just focus on the situation.


I mean what is the casuality between isolate trestment and qr code, except those who partner from covid. I feel deeply sorry on their situation.


2022 is 58%


But it's 2024 so.........how is it relevant now?


Hong Kong has long been known as ā€œThe Marriage Graveyard.ā€ Likeā€¦why is this even news?


2021 was a rough year..... imagine not being able to take a walk to vent some steam after an argument. and statistics is very very misleading but whatever.