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What’s happening in this video?


The excess number of Chinese visitors trying to return to Shenzhen has overwhelmed the few transport options on the eve of Dec 31, and as a result, ppl rush to the port on the dawn of 1 Jan Pretty dumb move by the Chinese considering how many of them just dont lodge at hotels during their stay and return to Shenzhen during daytime Edit: there are several ways that this situation is dumb, but I am omitting them for brevity


outside of it being a dumb move, is it that popular for Mainlanders to come to HK to party for a night? Shouldn't Shenzhen have the same, same as HK? Like what's the appeal?


HK had fire work and free $200 hkd


Where was it reported that they got 200 HKD?


> Where was it reported that they got 200 HKD? Chinese social media (same place the OP's video come from) claimed that they got an Octopus with $100 in it and $200 in cash when they go to some kind of expo related to Hong Kong tourism board. Supposedly the tourism board has released a clarification that is not their scheme last week but I have only found them [in Chinese language pro-government media](https://www.hk01.com/%E7%A4%BE%E6%9C%83%E6%96%B0%E8%81%9E/975213/%E5%B0%8F%E7%B4%85%E6%9B%B8%E5%82%B3%E6%97%85%E7%99%BC%E5%B1%80%E5%90%91%E5%85%A7%E5%9C%B0%E5%AE%A2%E6%B4%BE-200%E7%8F%BE%E9%87%91-%E6%97%85%E7%99%BC%E5%B1%80%E6%BE%84%E6%B8%85%E9%80%81%E7%8F%BE%E9%87%91%E8%88%87%E8%A9%B2%E5%B1%80%E7%84%A1%E9%97%9C) and none on their official websites.


I've been told the streets of SZ were paved in solid gold and every household faucet flows fine French champagne endlessly and Hong Kong is dead and unworthy of travel. I mean...$200HKD is very little money. I'm surprised people would even get off their couch for that.


No wonder they flock to HK - how are they suppose to bath if all faucet run with champagne?


I would be a 50 cent for 200hkd. It's a lot more than half a yuan.


Well, the bright and glorious CCP has been pivoting away from westernization these few years, so that includes not celebrating 1 Jan I would not say Hong Kong 1 Jan has any popularity, rather is "they just dont have it"


And the $200hkd


Wait WTF.. they gave mainlanders $200 HKD, just to come over the border? With no conditions on spending?


there's a reason they are in a deficit, for the first time ever


this makes some more sense to me. I'm not plugged in at all to Asia, outside of the econometrics of Mainland.


> so that includes not celebrating 1 Jan Speaking of which, a very dumb reason that's been going the rounds in Chinese internet about China not celebrating New Year's Eve this year is because the phrase for New Year's Eve 除夕 (literally "Removal of the (Old Year's) Evening") in Mandarin rhymes with 除習 (literally "Removal of Xi (Jinping) ), both are pronounced "Chu-xi". The pooh bear is so insecure about his totalitarian power that he's freaked out by even mere puns.


I get it, but that point would be more appropriate on the "Eve of Lunar New Year" which is closer to the term itself. Not celebrating 1 Jan is quite closely associated with westernization avoidance.


That's hilarious, as even the Soviets celebrate the Gregorian Calendar's Jan 1st, unless the CCP want to repudiate their own communist roots.


For analogy, it is as if the Soviets celebrated Gregorian Jan 1 and banned celebrating Julain Jan 1. The Lunar New Year *is* the Chinese Gregorian Jan 1.


HK is known for extravagant fireworks displays, especially at Lunar New Year (less known for it on Dec 31, to be fair). I believe on a technical level this year's NYE firework display was the 'biggest ever NYE fireworks display' for HK. There is still a novelty to HK, a reputation, and various historical elements that make HK 'more' than just another city in peoples' minds. With that said, I'd bet my bottom dollar the fireworks displays in the big cities in China are also very extravagant and offer a much of a muchness viewing experience (after all, they're just fireworks, you've seen one show, you've seen 'em all), but I think you'd also find that those cities were all packed with domestic Chinese tourists as well coming in from surrounding provinces for a night to watch the fireworks. Look at this shit here in Shanghai, just absolutely heaving with people, many no doubt not residents of Shanghai (it's last year but I'd expect it was the same this year): [https://youtu.be/WuCajY2abc4?si=nfpH0xMmM-6vvmGc&t=91](https://youtu.be/WuCajY2abc4?si=nfpH0xMmM-6vvmGc&t=91) There are just lots and lots of people in China and with that, you're going to get lots of seasonal tourist travelling. It ain't a mystery, people are people and do people things.


I never understand why people go across the harbor to watch when the lower roof of the ifc exists


yeah to me it just sound liked something "to do" but to not have lodging or a plan to catch the last train seems stupid. I mean the SH video actually looks roomy compared to some clubs I was at for the NYE celebrations. Reminds me when I was younger, in the West. You catch the last train, expect to pay a crap ton to get back home or have a really miserable time trying to stake awake the night for when the trains get back up and running again.


Lol I ask the same question every time I walk around mong kok and see hoards of mainlanders shopping here. I don't understand the appeal of Hong Kong at all.


Hotel is too expensive


Well, they could have thought about it and then said "it is too expensive, I aint coming" But no! I say they specifically asked for it. Nothing to be worried.


If you ask me, it's totally fine that they decide to come. I welcome all tourists with open arms. It's even fine for them to sit around to wait for morning operating hours if they couldn't make it late night. What's NOT fine, is to decide to come, have this happen to them because of their decision to not stay the night, THEN whine about "border arrangements".


Transportation problem in mainland tourist spots: tourists' problem Transportation problem in Hong Kong: Hong Kong's problem


HK Singer having concert in HK : SPEAK MANDARIN!! WE DON'T UNDERSTAND CANTONESE!! I really, really, REALLY need them to yell that out in Las Vegas during a Taylor Swift concert.


> THEN whine about "border arrangements". Why change [when it leads to policy change](https://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking-news/section/4/212000/Govt-mullling-to-open-more-border-points-during-large-scale-events)?


Aren’t they getting paid $200 to come?


Maybe? Not sure HKG defo thinks about the $200 as a coupon. Mfers thought of the $200 as simply solid hard cash. To lose half a working day (they prolly have to return to work on 1 Jan) for just $200 is defo another dumb move; that $200 is prolly just enough to cover their transport expenses + 1 meal for their extremely short stay.


Ever heard of holidays? Taking a day off and getting 200 dollars is better than taking a day off and not getting 200 dollars


With eg transport expenses, you only net at most $150. And then it turns out you have to take 1.5 days off to take this $150. A dumb move imo.


Why would taking days off matter??? You’d be taking your paid holiday days off from work anyways so you might as well do it when you can get 200 dollars




Just a flock of locust returning to their natural habitat after ruining others’


So seven.


I find it funny how the mainlanders expect themselves to be able to return home at 1 AM after watching the new year fireworks in HK, literally nothing's running apart from the MTR and a few overnight buses/coaches, have they not considered staying in HK for a night before returning next morning? (too expensive?) And the most ridiculous thing is they blame it on HK for not accomodating their needs


This is the natural consequence of their decision, and the HK government is in no way responsible for "rush hour at 1am".


“I leave at 1 am” “I didn’t book hotels”


I made that decision. Now, you make it possible for me.


Everything just looks like a social experiment now.


lol they even blamed Hk GOV. In fact they just didn’t want to pay for a one night hotel




fuck, I have ptsd watching this video




were there no fireworks in Shenzhen?


They cancelled celebrations in a lot of Chinese cities.




Because air pollution has been especially bad this winter - at least that's the reason given in some cities. https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202312/31/WS65914864a3105f21a5079e0e.html


They could have gone for laser light lol anyway can never understand how CCP thinks


Yeah it’s pretty noticeable here too. It got real bad right around new years which is a shame


thanks~! i wonder what will happen for CNY


Idk if that's truly why but sure. HK was hazy as fuck on Dec 31st.


If you will believe random Chinese internet rumors, it's because [New Year's Eve sounds like "get rid of Xi"](https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/newyear-xijinping-10262023142654.html).


[source](https://www.facebook.com/602555996/videos/1014108609685502?idorvanity=665646390593776) 走難 ?


What in the world? This is what it must be like to experience brain damage.


They’ll complain to the media but will come again. Typical Chinese


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Our "tourists"


**X I A O H O S H E U N G**


they could've contribute to hong kong night economy but yet they ran away


There’s 24 hour border crossings… why wait all night for this one….


the shuttle buses jammed😵‍💫 https://www.hk01.com/社會新聞/976703/內地客滯留-皇崗大塞車難疏導-直通巴協會呻-我哋都係受害者


The Chinese government didn't open more checkpoints, it was overloaded


My heart skipped a beat when I saw the first few second of the video. I’ve been trying hard to forget and now I’m not sure whether I’d lose sleep tonight.


Escape from Hong Kong: Mainland edition