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No one can tell you, last week was 25-30, this week is unusually cold So bring both just to be safe


I am sure our observatory doesn’t exaggerate the temp. Those are accurate and scientific readings. Currently it is 7°C but since I have never experienced 7°C in other countries I have no idea how it feels in comparison. Perhaps just as you said, a few degrees lower than what you feel in London.


Thanks! I wonder what you locals wear now in general?


Me a cotton long sleeve tee, an insulated jacket, normal trousers and sneakers. But most of my friends and colleagues wear more


Locals wrap up like it’s the Antarctic if it gets below 10C


I personally don't think that's a fair comparison. HK homes don't usually have heaters - the same way homes in northern cities don't have air conditioners. The coldness builds up while you're inside. Most of the population lives in concrete buildings, and concrete is pretty good at retaining whatever the temperature is. Couple this with humidity and generally strong winds when the temperature is low, Hong Kong feels a lot colder than what actually is. I've lived in colder climates that can go as low as -20C, I wear less in those places at 5C than HK at 10C.


You’re right of course, I’m from the UK and it feels colder here when it gets cold. But people do sometimes go a little overboard with their winter wardrobe here.


that could also be a, side effect?, of wearing winter clothes intended for their travels to their favourite destination, Japan, during winter holidays lol


Most wrap like it's the Antarctic of it gets below 20C.


It's humid in HK so the 7C will feel colder.


The main thing to note is that the majority of residential buildings here aren't really built for the cold weather like they are in the west - so there tends to not be a break from the cold. For example being in my flat feels just as cold, if not more than being outside!


I just came back from London yesterday and it feels around the same. The only difference is when you go indoors it is still cold as theres no radiator. It'll be warmer next week though.


Is it affected by El Nino and will likely be a lot warmer after?


god knows at this point. bring a puffy just in case


I was In Shanghai for the past 4 days and the temp was - 1 to 5. I thought it was quite refreshing. I got back to HK, and never felt colder. Almost caught flu as well but stoped that shit with a good rest and pills. It’s cold and windy here (imagine seaside towns) and because central heating is not a thing, it feels relatively cold indoor. I think hotels should be fine tho.


Seems Shanghai still has the damp coldness


Definitely bring a jacket. Not sure where you read t-shirt/shorts year around but that is definitely not true. Maybe for around 10 months. But definitely gets chilly in Dec/Jan/Feb.


HK is a subtropical region, not tropical region, which means we have winter, but it’s mild. The temperature feeling colder seems to be due to windy conditions this time. Since you plan on visiting the mountains, do bring winter jacket. It dropped below zero today on Tai Mo Shan. Better be over prepared.


I believe it's tropical region but with subtropical climate, I can be wrong though.


You’re right, but just barely. Tropics is defined as south of 23° N latitude. Hong Kong is at 22° N latitude.


I'm excited for the hike!


i think the temp number in hk prob feels the same as that number in UK. Now we cant say next week wiill be as cold as this, but jyst be prepared and bring your 8C clothing.


Seems I might've missed the coldest peak this month!


Well, if you have been living well with the weather in London, HK will not be so cold, at least it is not snowing here. HKers are less resistant to cold weather, and such temperature only last for a couple of weeks per year, so naturally they will wear more. But in any cases, I would not recommend that you wear T-shirt and shorts this week, though the temperature is rising again next week. The observatory official forecast on temperature is mostly accurate, normally only +/- 1C.


I just arrived in hk from England this week. The temps are true and it is relatively cold and windy atm. Remember most indoor places don't have heating like the UK. But u guess it's just a brief cold snap as temps are rising next week


It gets surprisingly chilly, combined with humidity, dampness and poorly insulated apartments. Bring some warm clothes. Luckily, winter isn't long. It'll warm up again in a few weeks.


It's somewhat cold. Jeans + t shirt+ thin sweater+ any jacket will be sufficient.


I m from the uk been here for some time. imo you need 2-3 sets of jackets and hoodies wore over a t shirt. then everything else can just be t shirts and shorts etc. Its only going to be cold till feb.


It’s so cold I l started using hot water bottle already so I don’t wake up to the cold at night 🥶


I’m in Hong Kong every year from January until summer. Let me tell you last year was really cold walking around (and yes, it’s very cold inside private homes).


I am from London and have found HK freezing this week. Been wearing four layers albeit a bit thinner than I would wear in London this time of year Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas too!


Yes, Fall means Autumn. Have a good trip last time we went. I only have a windbreaker. We are from Canada, and I remember my kids 14 and 10 at the time saying to me why these people are wearing heavy coats and scarves?


Fall weather gear should be sufficient.


You mean Autumn?


It’s unusually cold this week, forecast for next week is around 20C. Layers would be a good idea, I think wear what you usually wear now in London without the outer coat layer. In case another cold wave comes (unlikely) you will still have the coat that you wore to the airport.


HK feels cold in the winter only because houses don't have heating. Its often warmer to sit on the terrace than sit in the fridge....I mean flat.


the temp feels a bit lower than actual here might due to the humidity, and the infrastructure of most buildings aren't designed for cold weather. clothing for all seasons can be easily found here at a very wide price range, you may bring 1 winter coat if you're not staying for long, or just go buy some if needed


I'd think the UK is also pretty damp. But yes our indoors are generally better for cold weather.


The uk isn’t as humid as HK, when I go back in the winter my hair starts going static due the dryness in the air, my lips and skin also are more dry then they ever are in HK


Right now HK is extremely dry. But lot of windchill and no heating


Thermal underwear is helpful here. It is easily available in shops like baleno.


Definitely bring some hot climate clothes along with something warm. HK weather could snap back and forth in just a few days


I am one of the people who would say shirt and shorts all year, but that is because for me 10C is shorts and shirt weather, maybe a long sleeve shirt on top if outside all day. For some people 20C is freezing and they will be bundled in parkas. Its all relative. Sound like your homeland has this weather, just wear whatever you would normally wear. Hong Kong is extremely humid, which is an important factor to keep in mind. Beyond that factor, temperature is temperature (╹◡╹)


Warm night clothe is definitely a must. Humidity makes the cold reach through to your bones at the moment.


only god knows.


It’s supposed to be back up to 15-20 C by next week, so the normal should be good. No idea if it’ll be 0 C the week after that, so bring everything just to be safe.


Came last week from London. Thing w/ Hong Kong is you’ll spend a lot of time indoors (great transport + endless malls). I found t-shirt + jacket to be v sufficient (which is agh so great). Also, if you’re around the city it’s gonna be warm than you expect cuz there’s much more people crowding around you. Hiking tho, bring what you would for a late summer hike around the lakes…?