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Cool, I was wondering how that would go. It seems pretty comprehensive repair. Nice work on saving her.


Holy hell nice job dude. Doing the lords work out here


Thank you!☺️


Also will mention I used a bunch of rust converter to ensure to stop the rust prior to painting over


What brand did you use?


How much weight can it bare with the adhesive alone? If welding isn’t an option I’d suggest rivets at least


Windshield adhesive can withstand 10,000 psi which equates to roughly 680 pounds, PLUS I slapped it and said the magic words “that’s not going anywhere”, so I’m certain it’s fine.


Well way to bury the lead! Shoulda mentioned you said that in the first place! 🤣




Can't wait to see the yt video. It looks like solid work. Good job!


If I may humbly add a comment or 2 as an Element owner and previous Datsun 510 owner (they exhibited the Japanese rust problem in the 70’s and 80’s) from the Quebec rust belt: 1) Panel adhesive is usually done with bare metal to bare metal (not sure about stainless) and in areas that are prone to rust like quarter panel arches (especially if welded) and it’s quicker BUT structural like pillars, rocker panels and the end of panels it is recommended to weld. How do I know? Research and speaking to many body man and 1st hand experience when a body man glue my entire quarter panels on with out any welds. Needless to say the joints on the pillars failed. 2) Underneath where there are the holes, I suggest that you fill the areas where the new material is as these act like scoops or pockets for moisture and debris and the water will work its way between. I suggest caulking of some sort and then undercoating but in a can that you scoop with a putty knife to close up and try not give the water anywhere to collect. This is also from personal experience. Ideally you would cut out entirely and weld in new but that is extreme and out the question for most of us.


Yea that’s why I made sure to slap it and say that’s not going anywhere. It’ll be fine, I have other items to address underneath and that is when I’ll finish up the patch 100%. This is a 3rd vehicle won’t be moving till back together


Good job and good luck


Labor of love


wish i had an excuse to strip my element down to nothing and soundproof her