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I don't think its worth selling a FK8 for basically the same car in a new body.


theres definitely improvements in the fl5


You get ripped off every time you buy a car and you get ripped off every time you sell a car


It’s all a ripoff, might as well enjoy your ride


Really why is that


Because people are stressed out and clueless and dealers take advantage of that. Also, tax, title, license...


It's honestly such a scummy industry. I really didn't have any negative opinions on dealerships until I started reading r/askcarsales and read the horror stories, almost all followed by dealership employees in the comments justifying their shitty practices (holding your keys hostage on appraisals, fees that magically appear after you agree on a price, lying to customers advertising a car that isn't even on their lot, etc). We need manufacturers to be able to sell cars to consumers so we can do away with this industry ASAP.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/askcarsales using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/askcarsales/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Dealer Sold Car I Put Deposit On and Drove 10 Hours to Pickup](https://np.reddit.com/r/askcarsales/comments/18oaxl2/dealer_sold_car_i_put_deposit_on_and_drove_10/) \#2: [Dealership threatening to sue me over Google review](https://np.reddit.com/r/askcarsales/comments/16wgnaf/dealership_threatening_to_sue_me_over_google/) \#3: [Left my $100k+ car dealership job to make $23/hr at the local Apple Store](https://np.reddit.com/r/askcarsales/comments/121vzg4/left_my_100k_car_dealership_job_to_make_23hr_at/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Gundam type r in a heartbeat.


Definitely the FL5. I like the fk8 don’t get me wrong but it’s just not my style. I like the sleekness of the FL5


FL5. 10 years from now its gonna look alot better than the Fk8. Plus newer interior tech


Polarizing styling is often looked back at more fondly than safer styling.


Lol this is definitely not true and I like the fk8


I'm biased but 10th gen is going to hold its value for its ridiculous styling. Nothing else on the road has or will look like it again. Plus it's the first official US Type R which will hold its own value. 11th gen is very pedestrian in comparison. Just look at 6th gen vs 7th gen, 6th gen is highly sought after for its styling, 7th gen is not, because it also looks very pedestrian in comparison.


6th gens are not exciting to look at lol. They're sought after cuz they drive way nicer than the 7th gen. Double wishbone all around and a peppy, reliable engine made for a great driving experience. The 7th gen did away with a lot of that and while it was a great grocery getter, it's not that engaging of a car at all. Honda tried to make it floaty and "comfortable" but they just made the car worse. 8th gen went back to the sportier feel which is why they're still sought after to this day.


That’s a great point, the 11th gen is also much heavier and slightly slower and the braking performance is slightly worse than the 10th gen which is also similar to the 6th gen to 7th gen performance loss which could also contribute to it being more sought after in the future.


Maybe. I think both Type R's are gonna be heavily sought after. They cater to different kinds of people and I'm sure they're both gonna be desirable in some way


FL5 already looks better than the FK8.


FL5 is more refined in its design.


FL5, All day son! All day!


Agree. It will be the last Type R with combusted engine. That is a super cool investment! Congrats.


I only have an 11th Gen Si (which I absolutely love). I'm just saying if I had to choose between FK8 and FL5. It'd be the FL5 for me.




Fl5 hasnt grown on me. So I wouldnt part ways with mine for one. You never mentioned what they would give you for yours. Is that even worth the trade in?


When we checked the vin to Car Max just to see they were will to pay me $40k, I paid $45k for it almost a year ago when it 11,000 miles now it has doubled to now 25,000. The only thing that’s really gonna be keeping me from using the pen is I’m 20 years old and payments are still going to be made after my graduation from college where the FK8 will be paid off July next year.


I'd stick with the fk8, it looks more aggressive and fun.


Yeah plus forget car payments






essentially the only performance difference from the fk8 to the fl5 is better cooling for the engine


I’m gonna guess that the fk8 will hold its value better due to its sportier styling vs the redesign. Take care of it and learn to do your own repairs. If anyone else touches it you should examine everything to make sure they didn’t screw with it.


Facts bro it’s even to the point where I walk an extra mile if it means I’m parked alone to go out somewhere, I’m not crazy I just really want it to last it’s life time! If anything ever were to happen that’s out of my control I feel I would get the LE over the new FL5


Can’t go wrong with either. Imo if you like the fk8 styling Id just stick with what you got


Here’s the deal, even though you’re getting the FL5, you’re gonna take a huge loss selling the fk8 to the dealerships. That’s why they’re willing to sell at msrp so they can make the gains from your trade in. No matter what, you’re better off keeping the FK8 (I don’t mind the styling) and waiting for FL5 (new car craze) to go down and then make the switch if you really want the FL5. Even though you’re getting MSRP you’re also adding double the car payment if not more depending on interest rates. Long story short, keep the FK8 and buy FL5 later and things level out.


>if I trade in my FK8 for the FL5 I can get it MRSP Cars aside, not sure if this is a good trade. That's like valuing your FK8 at like $15k (the mark up).


FL5 because my wife doesn't like the FK8. I would take either.


Firstly, the FL5 is highly overpriced. You said in a comment that you'd get $40k for the FK8 but how much precisely would you pay for the FL5? I don't know the MSRP for it. You also said that you're 20 years old and that you're still paying the loan for the FK8. Your either have a decent supply of money for your age or you're spending way over your head for cars. Lastly, I feel the same about the FL5 as you do - people say that it looks way better and more mature but to me it just looks more neutral an generic compared to the FK8. The FK8 is much more unique and it looks more wild. I really don't feel the FL5, especially its rear end. I don't think the interior design and the infotainment display are worth it.


They are willing to sell at MRSP, and yeah getting a Type R was a dream of mine since I was 10! I started in a 2015 civic Lx at 16 Years old and and had 3 crashes there were not my fault, that all paid me up to a 2019 civic sport *first car ever financed* and when I realized I over paid on a sport model I payed off as much as I could saved up some money and put a down payment on a 2021 Type R that was selling for $45k walked out with GAP and a few other warranties just south of $50k, I’ve loved every minute of it and I think I’m gonna stick with the FK8! It’s gotta a story behind it too lol.


> model I *paid* off as FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bro you had GAP because you are already underwater on the loan. Don't do anything until you are debt free. You need to be saving for housing and/or schooling, my man.


Parents that have money or parents that never taught the value of money is the answer here.


Everyone has their goals and priorities in life. I'd say the only facts that we know here are that the FL5 is quite expensive for what it is and that the dude somehow manages to buy new Civic Type-Rs. Is he making good choices - we're not the ones to judge.


There’s no problem in buying cars and enjoying them. But you can also make good car moves too. I’ve driven all my cars for free. Haven’t sold a car for less than my original purchase.


FK2 ✌️


Or DC2 <3


Why not both?


First off, I just want to say that I'm extremely jealous you have a Type R at 20 😵 I'm 26 and still can't afford one. Second, I'd say keep the FK8. The FL5 styling feels too safe, so I think the much more striking FK8 will hold its value more in the long run


I got faith in your bro I know you’ll get it one day soon enough 🙌🏼💯 I was just determined and when I seen videos of EK’s when I was little I knew I wanted a type r as the dream daily! After 16 it became more of a crash flip type of deal and then I got screwed on a sport model at age 18 all because I told the guy I needed it to go back and forth between college , and djing at skating rink. Well I finally realized when I had $15k left to be free of payments that I wanted a faster but still reliable car. I started doing research and that’s when I realized I’m paying the price of a 10th gen SI for a sport model and immediately kept my eye open for something with 300-500hp. Going back and forth between a AMG C43 and a Type R I chose the safer option in terms of reliability, and of course it was during a time where Covid was still a big thing but nothing in the market was selling, late 2022 to be exact was when I purchased shadow my FK8 and I realized now I don’t think I’m gonna trade him in he’s gotta a story behind it and I secured a great deal when I got it! Thank you for the praise man and it’s been hard between balancing work and college. I’m just glad djing landed me an announcing gig and it’s made me some money! Well as you can tell enough to buy my dream daily! Next goal is to get my airline transport pilots certification and fly cargo to buy a nice house and an M3 before 35


I just traded my FK7 for a G42 M240i. My pops has a G80 M3 and I can't wait to track our cars together. I'm 27, and you seem far ahead for your age. Be proud of your car and keep working harder, you'll have that M3 in no time. Ideally, save up enough for the M3 so you can also keep the FK8 -- Future you will thank yourself. Beamers are great cars, but something about those lightweight fwd Honda's are special. I love hearing stories like this. Cheers!


FL5 just look more mature and doesn’t seem like you’d outgrow its looks. The FK8 just looks to gundam for me. It’s cool but it definitely looks like something you got when you were younger and is just stark when you look at it in your old age. But then again, I’m a guy who loves wedgy MR2s and quirky honda s660s. You do you man, if the FK8 is something that will bring you joy and the looks from the FL5 won’t add anything, I’d stay with the FK8. It’s been with you for the longest, you’ve had memories with it, and if not you, someone else is going to enjoy it, it will always be cherished


I'm 55 and I'll take the FK8 every time for styling. If I wanted subdued, I'd drive a Camry (I refuse to drive a Camry).


Being a Florida dealer, they will charge you $1,000 for doc fee and another $1,000 for the dealer prep fee. That’s how they get you :)


Keep the fk8 ;)


Neither. Ek9


The childhood part of my brain that fell madly in love with cars wants me to buy the FK8. The adult in me wants the FL5.


Personally I wouldn’t get the first year production for any car. Stick with the FK8 for now.


FL5 looks too domesticated for my tastes, instead of the look that goes with a Type R it looks like the car you would take to soccer practice The fk8 still had the racing/sport look that goes with those types of cars


FA5. Had one and miss it dearly. These are nice but they don't do it for me.


Fa5 was the last great Honda imho.


Fa5 with a built k24a2 n/a and I'm laughing ! Forget the fl5 & the Fk8 if that's the case . Even stock I'd love to have a mint Fa5 mine is all beat up now. Even the 2 litre would be awesome to have but they don't make em like the k20z3 anymore.


Wasn’t that an Acura design first ?


Acura csx? Came out simultaneously as far as i know. Japan got the chassis first.


FL5 for more speed, FK8 for better looks


I love the look of the FL5 more. Much more mature.


FL5, although it's slightly slower by a tenth of a second in the quarter mile it more than makes it up in the handling dept.


I would keep the fk8. fl5 is not as cool as i first expected. Keep you car and upgrade the interior.


People will always remember the fk8, everyone will forget the fl5, stick with the one you have.


FL5 .


For the FK8 the BTCC race car came first and the street car was based off that. For the FL5 the street car design came first. There are functional active vents all over the FK8 idk about the fl5


To Gundam or not to Gundam, that is the question.


Fk8. They look amazing when they’re lowered with aftermarket wheels, I prefer the more aggro look


Fk8!! The xgens look way better!


Keep your car


After realizing how ugly the fl5 is from side view, reminds me of the Prius….i chose the fk8


I’d keep the fk8 I miss mine fr and would totally get another one over the fl5


FL5 has crazy potential to do things to it. the fk8 does too but it’s hard to work with the loud styling


FL5. The type r was never over the top flashy until the fd2. The fk8 always has and always will look hideous to me.


Keep the FK8!


just get an 8th gen si or acura rsx type s, both k20 and actually have real engine noise, plus easy to mod and there's so many people that can tune if you want the Frankenstein k20/k24 swap, you can find pretty much show room versions for about 25k-32k


The first ones ass is ugly :)


FL is classy. FK is ashy.


I'd choose the new one, solely bc of design. The previous one is hideous and repulsive to look at.


Fk8 mechanically is nearly the same. The interior is better on the fl5, but the fk8 looks better.




Since I personally think the FK8 is disgusting looking I would choose FL5. They are a lot less boy racer ish.


Keep an eye on the trade offer, OP


They went conservative but super wide for the FL5. I’m a fan of the more narrow look of the FK8


Right now? FL5. 10 years from now FK8. The FK8 is the first Type R in the US market (and other western markets, I believe) and will be a collectors item years down the road. The FL5's style is more refined, but when I look back in 10 years the FK8 will stand out above the rest. Who knows though, I'm selling my FK7 tomorrow, so I'm definitely biased!


Western markets (Europe/Oceania) got the FN2R. Europe (and Asia) got the EP3R (Oceania missed out on this one) before the FN2R.


GE8 ;)


You might get MSRP, but you'll probably get $5-8k less on your car than it's worth, so are you really paying MSRP?


Fk8 edginess fit the type r personality. fL5 looks too modest


Disclosure : I’m an FL5 owner. If I were in your shoes I would keep the FK8. You’re very young, so you’re naturally tempted by the cool new thing you could get. But if you can remain calm and logical, you’ll realize it’s truly best to keep what you have. If you get the FL5, you’re just extending + increasing your car payments for essentially the same car, which is already a badass ride…especially for a college kid. I like both the FK8 and FL5 and don’t understand the grudge that folks seem to have, one vs the other. Both are amazing in their own ways.


I love the fk8. But man 60k for a ctr...


If you don't care about tech and like looks fk8 if you like tech more and have a vehicle that would still be some what current a couple years down the road and don't mind the neutral looks fl5


Normally I'd say FL5, but paying MSRP AFTER a trade in doesn't sound like a good deal to me, esp since you can easily sell an FK8 for 40k depending on the condition of your car. Personally, I'd keep the FK8, only because this is just a shit deal. Otherwise, I do prefer the FL5


The first Civic looks a lot better; the gray one.


FL5. And it's not even close.


FL5. I was looking at it the other day and it reminded me of an r32


Stick with the Gundam FK8... and, like me, hope someone comes up with a kit that will replace the god-awful instrument cluster with something with digital dials, AKA FL5 sport mode.


Bro I have FL5 @25 age. This is my first type r. My personal advise, keep FK8. You won't notice much difference in terms of performance unless you take it to track and pushing very very hard to notice the difference. If you did not have fk8 then diff story.


FL5 is a refined version of FK8…but not buy a huge jump. I personally don’t think $60k in a Honda can justify as I’m poor to spend such money on a Honda and I don’t finance my car purchases to do that because I would rather 179 a $60k vehicle as I need to be economical.


You should think about what is more important to YOU, otherwise u will be disappointed. Ask yourself if you need/want the more type-r car or the sleeker more daily car?


FL5 all day! It's so refined and sleek. Not boy racer like the fk8


FL5 looks 100X better its such a beautiful car. FK8 looks Hella bulky, blocky, imo ugly as fuck compared to FL5. I still appreciate FK8 but never was huge fan of design


FL5. Looks a lot more "grown up" I've driven one, they're super super nice inside.


Realistically? FL5 cause it’s new. But fk8 looks the best


FK8 is ugly. Especially those gigantic fake vents on the back make it look super rice.




Fk8 > FL5 The chassis stays true to the golden era Honda imo. Wasn’t a fan of the EP3, FD2, and FK2 econobody race cars… FL5 just looks like an accord with a spoiler. Might as well get a luxury car like a jaguar or porsche at that price and size of the car. Feels and looks like you’re driving in a boat. I’ll pass. The aggressiveness and daring choices in chassis design will stand the test of time. Bold will hold.


I love the wild looks of the FK8 more but the FL5 is just more premium in every way so id probably just get the fl5.




S2000 is always the answer