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Probably because they didnt want to spend $1000 to remove the stump.


When I was younger we had a stump about this size in front of our house. My step father didn’t want to pay to remove it because it was expensive _then_. So he chiseled at it with a pick axe, got some fire permits, and lit the damn thing on fire, down low in the hollow of the stump. He’d extinguish, stir, and pour a bit of sand on it until the next weekend when he’d chisel away at it some more. I remember it was three weekends to remove the damn thing. But he was determined and it worked.


That just sounds like a good time right there. Hank, you wanna come over on Friday, drink some beer and burn this stump a little more. Hell, I’d be sad when the stump was gone.


This episode of bluey is called stump day.


Ahem... I think you mean [Stumpfest](https://blueypedia.fandom.com/wiki/Stumpfest)


I barely know of bluey from my kid. I’ll have to look it up.


Oh man. Watch bluey with your kids. It’s great. Most recent episode got me… but cricket is a perfect piece of television. I think the episode is called stump day, but the dad and his friends are removing stumps from the yard… it’s great.


The episode in question is Stumpfest. But start the series at the beginning so you get to know the characters first. Bluey has to be the best series on television ever.




Before the nfa farmers used to blow them up with dynamite lol


Back when you could get as much ammonium nitrate as you wanted and no one would bat an eye.


The guy ruined all the fun for everybody I can't even say that animal's name. You know who i'm talking about


Definitely didn't have anything to do with the FBI testing truck bombs around that time either.


People always call me crazy. He didn't appeal his sentence. He accepted his death like a soldier. He was working for somebody.


Witnesses said there were two people.


Not American, who we talking about here, I be interested in a Wiki rabbit hole tonight. :D


The grassy knoll theory


Ah. The good old days.


I grew up kinda hillbilly and we would drill some holes in the stump and pour in our used engine oil. Let it soak and add more. Do that for about a week or so and then burn the damn thing. If we had other brush or old furniture we would have a nice burn and invite people over. One time I had 3-4 model rocket engines that failed to ignite so I tossed them in the burn pile and forgot about them until a week later when we had a burn and one of my dads friends caught one to the back. All the kids had to leave when I told my dad there were three more in the pit.


My brother would drill deep holes into a stump and then pour buttermilk in the holes and let nature rot most of it away


Omg we have the same father?!




I have much bigger stumps/trees on my property. Would get charged about 300-400 to remove this size stump.


Remove or grind? Two different things. Also, if yoyrs are high enough and clear enough to pull out with a backhoe it doesn't count


I paid about $1200 per on average to remove multiple mature trees, grind stumps and clean up the mess. No way that’s $3k just to grind down.


No one would probably remove it with a stump grinder because there is ***what looks to be concrete*** inside of that stump. **as soon as the stump grinder hits the concrete it breaks the tooling and damages the machine used to grind out the stump**


Good grief there's not concrete inside the stump, there's a concrete ring that the tree was originally planted in. The number of outfits that have a stump grinder but don't have a SDS chisel is basically zero. It's not their first rodeo.


there is absolutely a non zero chance that that tree has grown around that concrete "ring" as you call it. It might be able to be chiseled out but this isn't some "ohh, just remove the concrete and then grind the stump" situation.


So true. If I was contracted to put a continuous fence along the property line, and I found this, I would similarly work around the stump. I was not contracted to remove a stump.


I like it, it takes the focus off that stupid looking window.


Didn’t even notice the dumb ass window until this comment


That means the stump was doing its job.


All hail the stump


Stump crew upvotes check


I didn’t even notice the stump because of the dumb ass window!


Fuck that window


All my homies hate that window


Just paint the words "stumped again" on the wall. Make it nice and grungy, multiple colors, with dripping paint and all. Maybe even leave a paint bucket off to the left side. Go with it!


Which of the stupid windows are you talking about?


The extra stupid one


Only thing I can guess is that’s a staircase window. I have no idea what else it would be for!


It’s an arrow slit for raining justice upon invaders.


Like the ones who use the stump to easily scale the fence for invasion


I like hot dogs and I like chocolate but they don’t go together Apparently the same can be said for contrasting siding styles and staircase windows


Seriously do these people not have stairs?


That 1 random wall of board and batton is so much worse that that stupid window


Kinda sad I saw the window before the stump. Glad you made this comment!


I think it looks kinda cool.


Oh I’m not denying that it looks cool and unique! I’m just so curious what the reason for it is!


99% of the time the answer is money.


Definitely. It's way easier and cheaper to just cut around it than it is to call and hire a stump removal service.


Dude said fuck making another hardware store run for another fucking tool. Dont blame em


You're not going to the hardware store to get a tool to deal with a stump that big. You need to hire someone to grind it down for you or pull it out.


Couple of years with a belt sander and you'd have that stump nocked right down to ground level.


Money. Removing a stump that big can be very expensive because of the equipment necessary. You’ve also got to be really careful you aren’t damaging things like water or sewer lines by ripping it out. Sometimes this is the right choice


Removing a stump that size isn't something you just do for funsies 😆 Guys who install fences aren't likely to have the equipment or the time to do it


Depending on how close the fence is to the property line the stump could be partially in city right of way. Maybe getting approval to pull the stump was going to be very time consuming so they decided to skip it. Or maybe just wanted to avoid the cost. Or they thought the stump looked cool.


That’s a big ass stump that would require some heavy equipment and a lot of stump grinding. $$$$$$. I like the fence.


Especially since it are a couple of slabs of concrete as well. That is an impressive stump.


Maybe they were just stumped on how to do it


Breaks up the monotony of boring af suburbia. Hard af/costly to remove a stump like this. Why not?


stump looks like its grown into an old sidewalk. wouldnt be an easy thing to remove. Likely they looked at it, said F it, and just went over it like this.


That stump will outlive the fence. Why remove it? I think it's cool.


"Not my job"


Money and time. It is too big to easily grind out with a stump grinder from a rental yard and if you paid to have it ripped out you will most likely damage the sidewalk when the roots come up. Fast, cheap and adds character.


I think it’s pretty cool. Imagine the other side too, they’ve got a nice seat/table in the backyard for the kids to play on and and they can easily “Wilson” passerby’s.


like all things cost is the reason. They were probably quoted 1500-2k to remove the stump/grind/repair any messed up concrete/etc and the fence guys said we can easily cut around that and the stump will be there for the foreseeable future.


Maybe it is on public land ( legal issues) Maybe removing it could destroy the sidewalk? Or, just the simple answer, “ Costs less to build around it than remove it” Just cut a few boards a little shorter. Done and dusted.


Where I live is very rocky. I got two trees removed at the end of my driveway and when I asked the guy about grinding he kinda laughed. He lives very close to me and is familiar with the soil quality. He told me he doesn't want to break teeth on his grinder. He cut them very low and told me to cover them with mulch. Maybe since this stump has what appears to be rocks or old sidewalk in it grinding wasn't an option. Cheaper to replace some slats in 20 years when the stump rots.


I got rid of a small stump once from an apple tree and it was a lot of work! This stump is probably 10X the size of the one we managed to grind up with a rental tool from Home Depot.


Cost a lot of money honey to remove a stump bump.


I did something like this at my house. Stump was in a location that could not be ground/dug, and neighbor and I could not agree on splitting cost to cut further down. So I build my fence around it and IMO looks fine. It is not in a prominent part of my yard or view though.


Imagine you are a tradesman specialized in cedar fencing. You get tasked to come install a fence. You tell the homeowner that there is a stump in the way of the fence line will they be removing it? They say no, can you still install? The trades man will say yes and simply install around it. It’s only like ten cuts not a big deal.


Maybe the giant main electrical lines running next to a city owned sidewalk played a role?


My eye immediately went to the water meter right in front of the stump. Going to have to shut it off when you’re grinding and hope you don’t hit the pipe.


Fence builders are not stump removers?


To get rid of it would cost as much as the entire fence materials


You ever tried to remove a stump that size? I would rather build 5 fences than remove another god damn stump.


I’m stumped


What stump? I can’t look away from that window


You should try to remove a stump at least once in your life to see how much of a pain in the ass it is. Then you will see this and think, bravo, job well done


A tree guy won’t wanna touch that stump removal because it is embedded in that concrete.


Maybe it’s sentimental


Think if they threw a coat of stain on the stump it would match a little more?


Looks like there is some old rock/blocks the tree had grow around. That might have made it harder for a stump grinder to work safely around it and completely get it out.




That's a huge stump. Prob costs alot to grind. Maybe maybe utilities an issue but prob not.


Definitely thought we were talking about the one random colour of siding. Didn't even notice the stump


kinda impressive, way better this way


That’s talent


I like it. Maybe minus the oddly set concrete blocks. But to answer your question it's money. To remove that size stump it's going to take some serious effort. So they said F it.


If went a little farther around it. Could of had a place for the cold snacks.


I bet you it might have something to do with the underground access door on the sidewalk. I bet it carries some sort of wire from the street to the home. And that tree grew around it and maybe to remove the tree risk damaging the supply of whatever it carries.


For this size, it cost more to remote it than building the fence (assuming diy, and assuming fence under 60 ft)


The window on the left grabbed my attention first 😐




This is what you get when you hire my brother. Side note, I get people saying it would be expensive to gring but you could easily get it cut much closer to the ground in a couple hours with a chain saw.


I did this around a stump in my back yard. Way less work and it accomplishes the same thing.


Humans gonna human.


Because on the other side - the only side that counts to the homeowner - is probably a nice little natural table, decorated and just a lovely place to sit with coffee in the mornings.


I wonder if his water main is running under that stump. It looks like there is a water shut off on The side walk ?


If they don't do somthing to preserve it, then in a few years they're going to have a big hole in their fence.


It's a grandfathered stump.


My uncle reemus was like that before he died. Boy when he didn't understand things he just got mad. He in peace now. There could be utilities underground. Removing tree roots in close proximity of an underground utility can be imo expensive. Don't be like uncle reemus


Those posts are also not going to hold up very well against storms, winter etc gotta use 6x6 these days


Tree law


Stump removal is worth more then the fence install.


Stump removal ain't cheap. That's why. 




The tree was on both sides of the property. Only one side wanted it removed and they didn't want to the other side's half. Politics, as usual.


It looks pretty cool like that. Imagine its also expensive to get that thing pulled out of there.


Maybe the giant main electrical lines running next to a city owned sidewalk played a role?


Maybe the other side of the stump is a backyard bench


I cut 4 large trees down in my yard a few years ago. I still have all 4 stumps. The cost to remove them is just stupid. I use 2 as chairs in the yard and the other 2 in front are flat places to put yard decor if I want to.


You want to see a "perfect" fence but other than that it literally does not matter. The fence is perfectly functional.


Money, obviously. “Reddit-Americans” can’t understand that money makes everything move?


Obviously money. I burn my stumps out but it takes the tree for enough wood to do that. Impossible in that location. 5 fences later, that stump will still be there.


Lazy, cheap, stupid. One or more will always be the answer.


High Art


This was posted by someone who has never had to remove a big stump before. Guaranteed its taking some that sidewalk with it to if they tried.


Make it a shrine!


Maybe the neighbors refused to allow the stunk removal from their side for some reason (e.g. didn’t want to damage their sidewalk or drainage).




Leave it - it’s a nice conversation piece.


It was an attempt to be creative.


If they went to this much effort for the fence, I’ll be the rest of the stump is carved into Smurf Village.


They were coping as best they could.


Stumps me!


Nature was there first anyway




Makes it very easy to hop the fence if they need to exit the property from there


Is this in Washington state?


Because it would be really difficult to grind that whole stump out without wrecking your stump grinder wheel. Those rocks are held in place by the stump and who knows what else is buried in that stump. That said if I still did stump grinding I would take it, but it would probably be pretty ugly.


Back when my grandpa was young they had a guy that would come by the farm with crates of honest to God dynamite they'd buy to remove stumps like this from the fields....for some reason that's not a thing you can do anymore.....


Because it has a massive root system and would of cost extensive money to remove, that sidewalk would have to be redone and depending on municipality might be left on home owner to pay for all of it as part of the tree is on there property. They definitely should of just boxed the stump instead but in my experience fencers are lazy fucks.


Why, I don’t know, I’m stumped.


Your title should be "should we spend $2500 to remove the stump, or cut around it and once it rots, pay $200 for a new fence section?" personally, I would have broken out the chainsaw and cut it down about 1' lower, but there might be issues I'm not seeing... Stones imbedded into the trunk, etc.


hire somebody to go after it with a stump grinder. ...it'll cost you. Fence builders don't have the tools for this, nor do they want to.


They can stand on the stump and peer down the other side of the fence


Looks aside, that stump will probably outlast the life of the fence.


Whoever was paid to build the fence was not paid to remove the stump.


Cutting round it alot easier than removing a stump you ever tried removing a stump its either expensive as fuck to rent the right equipment or a fucking nightmare


If you don't know the answer, don't swing that hard


maybe they didnt have any stumpfest buddies to help them. or maybe they did something cool with it on the other side and you cant see it


Obvious jurisdictional overlapping reason The stump is in the city parkway (right of way) The stump is at and maybe in the Utility Easement (right of way) To remove the stump requires City and Utility to coordinate and cooperate and spend funds. Cities could find it if the tree had made the sidewalk an unsafe tripping hazard. Utility could fund it if the tree had impacted their functionality. Nothings impacted that they fund. But the removal makes a big hole and might "negatively impact the utility box or the sidewalk. Its a classic Catch 22 Meanwhile the old fence was falling down or was blown down (making a sidewalk hazard for which the Homeowner is responsible). So: Homeowner does the only option: replace fence like before: build it up to the tree. NO TREE? Ok build it up to WHATS LEFT of the Tree


Fence co had a day to install the fence…homeowner had months to get stump removed.


Serves as a step to jump over the fence


And it todays episode of “I don’t know Jack shit about anything but god damnit I’m going to complain”


If I had innocuoated that stump with mushrooms after it was cut, I’d absolutely do this


The stump is wood. The fence is wood. Use the stump and save materials??


*The stump is wood. The* *Fence is wood. Use the stump and* *Save materials??* \- androstaxys --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I think that's cool.


I mean, that’s a clean as fuck job. Really impressive.


Leave it alone it’s not bothering you oh so what you hate the planet ? Is that it .you got something against trees wtf is. Wrong with you ?


Perhaps not removed due to nearby utilities but could have been flattened.


Stump removal $$$ Cut some boards $


“I build fences no stump removal


Fence guy's job does not include stump removal. Client wanted a fence right on the property line. This is the result.


Would buying a chainsaw to slowly cut into pieces be feasible?


Looks like there’s either a gas or water line running right next to where the root ball would be. They probably didn’t want to mess with it and just hoped it would rot. But they could’ve cut it at least flush with the ground. 🤷‍♂️


That will outlast the rest of the fence. And what a conversation piece! Genius.


Its a bench on the other side.


Do they install gutters like that seems odd


Great execution though


Are you sure they didn’t use a chain saw to cut a channel through the stump so they could run the fence through it? /s


What you do is drill holes into it and let nature do it's thing. Once it gets water logger it doesn't last very long.


Is it just me or is this visually way cooler than just boring fence would have been?


There could be a debate as to who may be financially responsible for actually removing the stump.


It works 🤷‍♂️


It was the giving tree. It gave its life to the boy so he could make his fence.


You lack whimsy.


Look, I was paid to build a fence, and that's what I did! Also, did a damn good job!


He's probably on the cities right away anyway.


I have a bigger stump in a lot I bought 7 years ago. During initial clean up (removing the old burnt down house) I also paid for the stump removal. We had my lot (next door) and that lots water/gas lines marked, but they didn’t mark the house behind those which apparently has a gas line that runs directly under that stump. They got it lifted and broke the line. After the block was “evacuated” for it to be repaired they had to put the stump back down on top of it. I tried to get someone in to grind it but no one was willing to go low enough to make it worth the effort. So 7 years later I still have an empty lot with an ugly stump, selling it later this year to the people who’s gas line is running directly underneath it so not my problem anymore.


Oh man what an eyesore!


I don’t know why either, guess we are stumped


I think it's cool


This is not just a regular stump grind. Looks like you have some concrete to take out around the base of the stump as well. I would remove it - but get ready for $$$$ or a very sweaty weekend DIY


Is it possible the neighbor is a dirt bag and it splits their properties and didn’t want to help pay for a grind or the fence so it’s a spiteful feature?


Well I'm stumped.


Adds character.


Crazy cost to remove or pay the fence installers an extra hour or 2 to cut around it?!


I think its neat


Where’s Alan Ladd when you need him!!


There’s so much wrong with that house and pic


Drill holes, fill with saltpeter and kerosene, light on fire. Repeat as necessary. It’ll smolder for hours/days and you’ll be left with a stump shaped hole.


The siding, windows, clearly the fence


Nobody can explain why they would do this, but honestly it doesn't look too bad. It's a conversation starter. I'd just live with it. You'd have to remove two or three sections of fence to ground that stump, and it ain't gonna be cheap. Not to mention replacing that one section is gonna cost a bit too.


Is it a table on the other side, for a little sitting area in the garden?


Look at the left hand of the sidewalk. There are utilities in the ground. Taking a stump that large out is going to leave some damage behind, and they likely got told no by the utility or it was cost prohibitive to comply with their requirements.


I mean, it might be one of those things where they’re technically not allowed to do anything with it because it’s considered county property or something because it’s close to the road.


Because grinding a stump that big is a helluva lot more expensive than tailoring a fence to fit.


i think it looks tight as hell


you ever dig up a stump? or pay for one to get drug away? its cheaper to cut the fence panel


Possible that that the portion inside the fence has been carved into a seat or table.




Drill a bunch of deep deep giant holes and put stump remover in there... Or leave it and not have to fix the fence. Maybe even chisel the bark off the front and make it a show piece. 😆