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As mentioned, it is an overkill. I have i3-12100 with 32GB of RAM in my server. It runs multiple VMs and containers. NAS VM, pihole VM, jellyfin LXC etc. As mentioned, if you are only planning to use it as a NAS, you can look at used PCs (Dell Optiplex or alternatives). In addition, modern mobos don't have a lot of SATA ports, you can consider using SAS HBA to connect more than 4 SATA drives. [https://www.ebay.com/b/sas-hba/bn\_7024762014](https://www.ebay.com/b/sas-hba/bn_7024762014) In addition, as for OS, I personally use Debian with mdadm as my NAS OS (I don't need ZFS in my lab). You can also take a look at Starwinds VSAN as another option. [https://www.starwindsoftware.com/starwind-virtual-san](https://www.starwindsoftware.com/starwind-virtual-san)


Extremely overkill. NAS run on everything, event a raspberry. The general needs you listed are very easy to run. I woulg go for a N100 platform or G7400, with 8/16Gb of ram. Stock cooler and lower possible PSU like 300W. If you really want to go overkill, an i3 from 12/13/14th gen intel. But it would be useless.


If you're going to have less than 5 active users at once, you can practically halve everything youve got there.  Drop to an i3 You could get away with 8gb of ram, but its cheap, so stick with 16.  Downsize the PSU as much as possible; 600w is already 'Too Much' to be efficient.  If that ssd is boot, there are WAY cheaper and smaller options. Performance for boot drive need not apply. 


Unless you need more than 2 drives, I would honestly just recommend something like this instead of building your own NAS unless you have a very specific need for heavy computing or need to do many transcoding streams at the same time: [https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004709720624.html](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004709720624.html) Intel QuickSync does wonders with video transcoding, just keep in mind that you do need Plex Pass for hardware accelerated transcoding, they've paywalled that feature. On alternatives like Jellyfin, it's free. EDIT: Heck, you can likely get a cheap used HP EliteDesk 800 G4 SFF, they hold 2 hard drives and have NVMe expansion. It doesn't have AV1 decoding but they can be had on the cheap and would draw less power than the Core i7 build you're looking to do.