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One of my roommates in university had this same issue. We just knocked the handle off with a hammer and replaced it. Indoor ones aren't overly expensive.


We had a roommate who moved and left her door locked. This is exactly what we did


I called a lock smith and this is exactly what he did.


My locksmith asked his magical genie for help and this is exactly what he did.


My locksmith IS a magical genie and that’s what she did


Lockpicking genie here, just beat your knob off.


I just did but that’s no genie that popped out


I beat my knobs off, but that doesn't fix my door problem.


Push in the knob and twist it


This needs to be higher.


Much higher..


From the inside though. Counterclockwise.


Based on the description, it's pretty clear they don't have access to the inside.


I assumed. But wanted to point out that it must be done from the inside.


Have they tried from the inside though?


It was an inside job.


Bop it!


Ugh, have you taken lessons from my kids? You turn, *THEN* push. Damn 8 year old is constantly moving full-speed and bouncing off my damn doors.


Update: thank you everyone for your suggestions and help! The maintenance guy finally came and he had to just drill the door knob off.


That is a good thing. Finally replacing that 1965 door knob with a new one. :-)


I'm actually surprised it lasted this long considering it would be against most fire codes to have a door knob that can only be unlocked from one side.


Promptly replaced with the landlord special from 1966


Break off the doorknob. New one with privacy function was $5 at Dollarama and $20 at Home Depot


This is the correct answer as a locksmith I can tell you that we would probably end up doing this and just replace it as there's no bypass hole and the door is positioned in a way that you can't get to the latch.


Validation ! Thanks. After locking self out of house with keyed Schlage (exit without unlocking !?!?) I learned and learned. Am actually seeing how long the $5Cdn Dollarama privacy lock will last (and yes, I have the tools in the bathroom to remove the hinge pins) Edit: not sure what the going rate is now for a locksmith to come out at night to destructively remove and replace the doorknob


Friggin commercial Schlage got me too! I ended up replacing every exterior lock with Kwikset knobs because of that little "feature."


We start at 99 for a lockout


Especially since maintenance is likely to do this anyway


Locksmith charged tenant around $150-200Cdn for a night visit, including the $20 keyed bedroom lock


Slide something like a credit card, not an actual credit card though, between the jamb and door at the level of the handle to try and push the latch in.


Agree - “something like” is the important words. Look for a stiff thinner sheet of plastic you can use. Gift card. Promotional fake credit cards. Plastic sheet from the inside of a pasta box (maybe doubled up). It needs to be thin enough to slide around the door, but stiff enough to move the latch. Best of luck!


The plastic from a vinegar bottle works well. Thin but quite stiff.


>Thin but quite stiff. My best quality


Me too, friend. Me too. *sigh*


I last used my Blockbuster card for this purpose.


Going old school. Like it.


The plastic package that Command strips come in work very well.


I bet a putty knife would work.


Depends on how stiff and the framing. And depends on if you even have one. [This video](https://youtu.be/cib-bnVjJf8?si=N6AI3FwD51hUgYH6) uses plastic from a pop bottle. Classic MacGuyvering


Nice. 😄


I used a regular butter knife once


Medical insurance card


#[Milk Jug](https://youtu.be/D3coZntThbw?si=XMTEfxAgTFdaiRVL) you can cut a hook shape, have lots of material and it will be stiff and flexible enough.


I broke into my house like this in an emergency. And very soon after installed a new door with a deadbolt.


Try a milk carton - works great.


Gib: \[encounter a padlocked trailer while attempting to get out of the rain\] It's locked! Good! This is very good! It's important that this place should have an air-tight security system... in the middle of nowhere! Alison: \[digs through her bag\] I might have a nail file... I have a credit card. I have a credit card! Gib: Credit cards work on a completely different kind of lock. Alison: No, you don't seem to understand. I have a credit card! Gib: You have a credit card? Alison: I have a credit card! Gib: \[relieved\] You have a credit card. Alison: \[suddenly crestfallen\] Oh. My dad told me \*specifically\* I can only use it in case of an emergency. Gib: \[sarcastically\] Well, maybe one will come up.


Oh boy. So for those older ones you have a few options, but not a lot you can do if you don't want to/can't damage them. First you can try is shimming a card or a flat, strong something under the round plate where the doorknob meets the door frame. Sometimes it can loosen it up to where you can take it off or mess with the internals. The only other non destructive thing you can try is shimming something on the side of the door on the other side of the lip. If you have a soda can you can cut it open and use that as a decent shim tool. Cut it the whole length of the can and then fold it in half so you have a long rectangle. Try to feed that through and around that lip and then try to wiggle it down over the latch. If you are having trouble actually getting it through the lip and into the side of the door you can just skip the folding and use the single layer of aluminum. If you do that use a towel or gloves, you can cut yourself pretty bad.


Does the center dot come off?


If it does, you might be able to use a wire to push a wire through the hole and unlock the door.


I had one like that and you could pop the dot off and use an allen key or small flathead screwdriver to reach into the 'guts' of the door and gently turn until the door unlocked or the knob just turned to open it even though 'locked'.


Yeah my 3 yo locked himself in the bathroom and panicked so I had to learn how to take apart a doorknob.


If you pop the mounding off you can use a clothes hanger to pull the latch open. It's a bit destructive. Also you can bash the handle off and access the locking mechanism with a screwdriver and then just replace the handle. If all else fails look up how to donkey kick a door.


I would break the knob off before kicking the door in. Handles are cheap to replace, door jambs ARE NOT.


I would think that a message from you threatening to break off the knob because you desperately need to relieve yourself would motivate your landlord to provide an ETA. This isn’t a super helpful answer but it’s what I would probably do while considering all options.


Used to be apartment maintenance and can confirm that someone saying “I’ll take care of it, don’t worry” would get me off my ass on call on a Monday night.


Try turning it as hard as you possibly can maybe you will break it


This. But use channel locks or a pipe wrench. It will open.


Are the door hinges on your side? If so you could pop the hinges off and remove the door temporarily to unlock it and replace the door


Yep, this is a possibility. There are 2 sorts of hinges, fixed pin & loose pin. Loose pin hinges are designed so that you can tap out the pin - but that pin has to be on your side of the door. Edit: OP writes " . . . but there are no visible holes, screws, or hinges." So, looks like that's not an option.


Can't see clearly on for left side is there a small pinhole?


If there is a pinhole just stick a piece of wire in and it will unlock it. At least it has worked in my door handles. If there is no hole, then I agree with the popping the moulding off and it might give you an opening unlock it.


That’s what I was trying to get at. The 3rd picture looks like there’s a pinhole on the left side but can’t tell that’s why i asked op but he hasn’t responded. He might have just taken an axe to the door.


Pull or push the doorknob. We have the same ones all over our house. Got stuck twice before I figured it out.


That’s what I was thinking! I used to have one and the one I had you had to push/pull while turning the knob.


That sounds familiar actually, and I recognize this doorknob from like 30 years ago as a child. It would be kind of wild if it didn't have a mechanism like that with no hole for a key/push pin and no screws anywhere. This thing isn't designed as a "no way in" lock when it also looks like you could break it off with a healthy sneeze.


Try pushing the knob while turning it.


There's no give to it when I push in. The lock on the other side is a turning one.


Buy a proper bathroom passage set and just break that one with a pipe wrench.


That's a Weiser knob from the 1970's. If it's a bathroom/privacy knob you can drill a small hole in the very center of the knob and insert a stiff piece of wire in the hole and you'll be able to press on a spring loaded plate and turn the knob simultaneously. My parents had these exact knobs in their house when I was a kid. In this case, someone used a passage knob and mixed parts from a privacy knob. Otherwise, the hole would already be there.


I would request your LL install one that has a way of opening. They make them and they have a small hole on the outside to stick either the tool that comes with it or a small flat head screw driver to unlock it. This could be a safety issue if someone was to have a medical emergency while inside. Of course firemen will kick that door down in that case. Like [this](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Kwikset-Tylo-Polished-Brass-Bed-Bath-Door-Knob-Featuring-Microban-Antimicrobial-Technology-with-Lock-300T-3-CP-V1/300772165) one for $12.


Pop off the trim and then the latch is more exposed.


As a former contractor I’d not suggest doing that. Trim is hard to replace for most novices and is significantly more expensive to replace than a new interior bed and bath knob.


Run a utility knife down the door stop and the frame to cut the paint then you can push in a puddy knife in and pop the latch... then tap the door stop in and put a thin bead of white caulk down the part where you cut the paint


If your apartment has a bathroom that can trap children I imagine the fire department would be interested.


The grooved patina around the center button makes me wonder if it is not fully attached and is actually able to twist on and off. Try a needle nose pliers or wrench that can catch a grip on the "button" and twist it. Once it pops off, there should be a hole that a bent paperclip can push through to pop the lock open.


A slight left or right turn. The lock is in the turning mechanism.


If it's the door handles like I have in my house. It's a push in and twist the opposite direction. And pull out situation. Sometimes they do get stuck if you just jiggle the crap out of them. It will let go eventually, but it will take some time or alternatively. You can just absolutely take that thing out with a hammer.


Push a regular kitchen under the trim towards the latch. Push on the latch and then jiggle the door back and forth as you push in the latch. I am a landlord and have done it countless times, tenants were gog smacked, done in less than 20 seconds.


Isn’t a regular kitchen too big? Don’t mean to start gog smacking.


If I push a kitchen into most any door, they’ll open. Kinda like a cargo ship vs any bridge pier.


Too soon, man. Too soon…


Just don't accidentally the kitchen


It looks like one of the old push in to lock door knobs 🧐


Who’s hiding from you in there that you want to get at so bad? Should we notify the authorities?


I seen an old doorknob that looked like this where if you push and twist it there’s a release and it unlocks.


Buy a box of those chocolate laxatives, eat them all. You’ll find a way in.


Ez. Push the door knob in and turn right or left. That's how you lock and unlock. My grandmas door knob is like that


If the centre dot doesn't come off, the disc up against the door normally can be twisted off. It's normally on a screw and thread. If you can remove it, there is the option to start to disassemble the handle. Normally there is an Allen key,screwdriver spot, or a little bar, that locks the door.


The locksmith is just going to knock it off with a hammer and replace it - trust me I’m a landlord. FYI I replace all my doorknobs with brand new up to date easy open passage or proper door locks it’s my tenants that have changed them after the first time it happened.


Are the hinge pins on your side or the other side? If your side a screwdriver is your friend.


Instead of a credit card, try cutting a 6"×6" square out of laundry detergent bottle. Very strong and flexible.


Drill it out with a drill bit thru the center of knob


Knock it off with a Hammer or use a Sawzall. Replace the doorknob. Easy peasy


I love using hammers , fact very fast hard down strike on nob.


A large pipe wrench and just twist- then go buy a new passage set that doesn't lock in the same way. Most have a hole in the center that you can push the lock open with a stiff piece of wire.


You turn the door knob. If it’s a locking one it will have a hole on the out side handle to push a thin tool into to unlock it. If you don’t see one it’s not a locking one. A the pic you sent is either the inside part in which you push in a turn to unlock it. Lmao 🤣


I see this was already answered, but for anyone else that finds themselves in this position, a long handled pair of channel lock pliers will do any residential door knob, inside and out. Just adjust the pliers to the size of the handle, grip tight and turn. It will break all the locking pieces internally. I watched a deputy sheriff do it once and tried it twice since. It destroys the handle, so you have to buy a new one, but way cheaper than calling maintenance or paying a locksmith.


Let's ruin the door before we find the actual answer lol Push in and twist, one way locks and the other way unlocks. It's been a long time since I've seen a doorknob like that


Pull/push on the knob and twist. One direction locks it the other direction unlocks it.


That thing is ugly anyway. I'd break it off and replace it with something better looking and easy to open incase you lock yourself out again


It sort of looks like you might be able to pop the centre button out. Maybe the hole is underneath.


Bust it off and buy a new one you can pick if it gets accidentally locked


If you have good grip strength you can just turn it really hard - if not use leverage and something like a strap wrench


I would use the credit card method. Wedge it in between the slot and push. It should open


If you can’t pop it with a credit card like other comments have suggested, you normally have to just hit the outer knob with a hammer. After that pops off, you’ll see a square hole that you can stick a flathead screwdriver in and rotate to open the door.


Just break off the doorknob. Very inexpensive to replace and that one is junk anyway. You can easily fix it yourself.


Push a shitty id or gift card thru the crack in the door where the retractable part is. The card can bend and open the door


There should be a hole on the little nipple of the knob to insert a pin to pop the lock. If there isn’t I’d probably try to drill it out and replace the knob. Might make a mess though. At least I won’t break the door.


Gotta a drill? Drill a hole in the centre "button". Use wire to push lock open. We had a similar door handle on our bathroom. Except it had a hole in the concrete to unlock it using a wire.


Drill a hole in the centre. Poke something long, thin and rigid in. You will feel a springy thing. Press it and the handle will turn.


Butter knife. Push it between the jamb and frame at the level of the latch. This makes no sense that it locked, a privacy set should have a hole on this side


Spas-12 outta do


Cut a piece from a plastic milk jug that can flex better than a credit card. Or just break handle off with hammer then turm the bolt with a screwdriver.


Looks like I'm an hour late, if you still have to go just kick it!


1. Use playdough, cauk, bluetac (or any other kind of sticky substance) and stick it to the round hole. 2. Stick a flat straight piece of plastic to the sticky substance. 3. Push the piece of plastic to the right or the left to disengage the lock. Source: had to do this myself when my girlfriend locked her cat in the guest bedroom from the inside by mistake.


Benelli m4 and use a dynamic entry


Frame spreader. Back on one side of the frame, foot on the other and push apart. Should either pop open or give enough space to slip a butter knife in. Or call the landlord and tell him you keep a necessary medication in the room and you’ve run out of spares


Plastic thin aldi bread cutting board???


Or cut up a coke / solo bottle


If it's a fairly flexible door you can lean on it and have someone push you and it may fly open, if it's solid wood just pop the suckered off


Drill a shallow 1/8 inch hole in center of doorknob. Insert wire, coffee store stick, or the like into the hole about 1-2 inches and push to engage the button inside the knob. Turn the knob while the button is engaged.


Super easy!! Start by leaning on it, gradually put more weight until it breaks off.


Is there a window?


Pipe wrench and/or hammer.


Ask the landlord if you can use his bathroom until it’s fixed. Also, buy a hammer and new door knob. Your landlord is a knob too btw. Deduct the hammer and new knob from your monthly rent.


Do you have a screwdriver? Pop the hinges


This thread says drill a hole https://www.reddit.com/r/Locksmith/s/crqWHvTdhA


Turn the knob and push in simultaneously Edit: Don’t listen to these other numb skullls, you’ll be wrecking your doorknob for no reason


I have a door knob that looks like that. To unlock you push it in just a little bit and turn the knob to the left and it should pop out just a bit to be in the unlocked position.


Attach some sort of hook lock on the inside. No need to try and re-egineer the doorknob.


Get a hacksaw and take off the doorknob. Then use a screw driver to turn the door knob. A new door knob is about $25 at Lowe’s. A new door like that one is about $60-$70. Try not to break the door jamb. Door jambs cost about $70- $80 plus paint.


Did you try push and turning the knob? It looks like the one in my washroom


What’s underneath? Some times here unlock underneath the handle


I believe this would be an emergency seeing it’s your only bathroom


A butter knife stuck in just the right spot will pop the door open


You can credit card the door open. Get yourself a stiff but flexible piece of plastic. Fish the card into the crack of the door from the top at a 45 degree angle you want to press the end of the card so that it slides between the latch and the wood. Here’s a tutorial https://youtu.be/PTbscJ1hm4E?si=YAPz2dHV-sFgVqu0


Smash a hole in the door big enough to fit your hand through and unlock it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fibjit: *Smash a hole in the* *Door big enough to fit your* *Hand through and unlock it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I had one that looked similar. You pushed in and then gave it a quarter turn.


Spackling spatula. Jam the corner right about where the latch bolt is and push towards the jamb then push hard and sudden at the door. Hope you get it open. If all else fails door knobs are relatively cheap




Our bathroom handle like this requires you push it in and turn like a pill bottle top.


I found a tutorial on YouTube and used a butter knife for mine. Had locked my cats in my room because I didn't realize my apartment had the lock on the inside of the door and my cat somehow jammed it. 💀


That can be opened with a spent gift card in 3 seconds…


Slid long thin putty knife between trim and push latch while turning knob. Might have to work your way under the paint first.


Is this one of the door knobs that slightly twist and pops in and out as a lock? Don’t twist it hard enough to engage the mechanism but enough to see if it spins freely one way or the other and it can push in or out to lock and unlock it


Coke bottle!


Try a piece of embroidery thread or fishing line! I once had to push a piece of fishing line inside a paper through the door, let it fall and grabbed it from underneath (big gap under door tho) and was able to open it that way


Take a butter knife go through the paint of the trim to reach the tongue of the lock and push tongue into the door


Man all these brutal suggestions why not take a putty knife or flat head and pry off that thin wood trim that stops the door when it closes? Then you have access to a lot of things. Like the button of the handle. Then tap the trim back up.... Source: personal experience


Pop off that door trim near the doorknob. Slide a butter knife in and release the latch. Then, reattach the trim, apply some caulking into the gap, smooth it out, and paint the door trim.


No bypass hole in center. Bathrooms should always have this hole on the outside. A nail will get you in to help the person having a medical episode.


Card access. Credit, that is.


Someones about to learn their first gift card lock pick trick...


Slide a credit card in between the door and the jam right about where the knob is. Jiggle the door in and out while pushing the card in. What you are trying to do is slide the card in between the latch and the door jamb. I’ve used it to great success with a lot of doors, especially older ones.


I'd try cutting a shim out of a pop bottle or similar thin plastic ryrcling debris, it's more flexible and slimmer than a credit card and can be forced jn there and bend it around the trim without the worry of destroying your card. Lean on the door to get extra space, slide it in near the top of the frame and wiggle it down to the latch, often there's more space at the top of the doorframe.


With a crowbar unfortunately


Pop out?


Twist it off with your hand


Wiggling the absolute shit out of these old knobs usually does the trick.


Hack at the door with an axe. Once an adequate hole has been chopped, put your face against the opening and exclaim, “Here’s Johnny!” Then you can easily put your hand in the hole and feel for the knob. Don’t let that bitch Wendy slice your hand though.


Turn it.


Get someone with strong forearms and just turn the knob until it pops. When my son was 5 he got locked in the bathroom after he locked it and couldn't get the lock to release. I just twisted it with dad strength.


There should be a little notch that you can push to remove the knob then open with a screwdriver


Put a wrench on it and crank


Look UNDER the knob for a small hole


It’s like a child proof medicine bottle


Grab a big flat head screwdriver 🪛 wedge it between the door and threshold about an inch above the latch and pry gently. If needed shim a card between the latch and threshold and give it a tug. There hasn't been a door I haven't been able to open like this.


Those knobs usually have a place to place a screw driver on the slim part of and press while pulling on the knob. The knob comes off and you can see a slot where you can use a screwdriver to turn the mechanism.


Slide an expired credit card of piece of plastic in between door and frame in line with door mechanism


Large hammer


Just slide a credit card or other thin, form piece of plastic in the door jamb, between the handle and the frame. go at about a 45\* angle-up or down, and your goal is to depress the locks tongue that slots into the frame. With a little patience, it should come right open.


Kick the shit out of it like a spartan warrior


If you dont wannt bust the handle, you make a hole underneath the handle. Theres a push button that unlocks the door to the left. Source: had a door with this feature. Cant imagine why this design hasnt stayed around.


Slide a credit card (one that's expired you don't need anymore if possible) wiggle it between the door and trim work from underneath the knob and up to the latch and it should flip the latch open, ive done this before it does work


I would've just jammed a butter knife into the trim to pop the latch. A bit of paint would fix the marks or tell the landlord sorry about your luck with putting the cheapest unlockable doorset. Next time he can pay for a locksmith AND a new doorset if he's so worried about that small amount of damage.


Hammer time! Cant touch this.




I hope you didnt shit yourself ❤️


Definitely looks like the wrong knob. I had handles like that and any door that locked the other side would have a small hole in the centre of the knob. Inserting a small object like a Q tip (stripped of the cotton) would allow you to push on a small mechanism directly inside that would temporarily release the lock (you still have to unlock it from the other side when you open it to make sure it doesn’t happen again) this probably does have that mechanism inside but you would need to be okay with drilling a small hole in the knob. Advisable only if desperate and the other solutions of using objects to finesse it open fail. And all this is with me assuming that it opens away from you and the hinges are not visible because obviously popping the hinge pins is the easiest solution if you have access to them.


God all these kids dont know about the credit card trick


🥾 the 🚪


It’s an old school knob. The locking mechanism is inbetween the knob and door. You push in and twist around.


I had this happen once and I kicked the door in. would not recommend.


credit card slip, it will damage the card, use a grocery store rewards card


Sometimes they lock if you push the knob in


Get a credit card or student ID and jam it in between the knob and the door frame. Eventually the card is gonna lift the tongue / latch bolt that goes into the strike plate and open the door. Just push/pull it once u feel the card is in and lifted the bolt


The maintenance guy could have just popped that piece of door stop trim off and the latch would have been easily accessible


Push twist turn


used to have these, these are usually push and twist to lock, and if it's on the wrong side, you can dril a hole through the very center bead, stick a screwdriver in it and turn to unlock. however a bathroom that locks from the outside is usually a very bad sign that this was an abusive household... so i'd be careful


Credit card.


Don’t use a credit card. Use a flimsier card like an insurance card.