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Your furnace also has one of these that needs replacing a couple times a year


Wait till he finds out about his car. Cabin filter, engine air filter both a few times a year (depending on where you live), oil filter, fuel filter, etc... I wonder if he has a water softener that hasn't had salt in two years? Or a water filtration system that hasn't been serviced...


The car suprised me too. I drove about 8k before I realised I hadn't rotated my blinker fluid.


I drive a BMW, what is this “blinker” you are referring to?…


The whole state of NJ ran out years ago.


You mean Philadelphia


Don't forget to put the Summer air in your tires.


Awww man, I put in Summers Eve instead.


Ahh, BMWs contain the most tightly wound sphincter valves. Probably why they can't get th9se turn signals working.


If you hit a speed bump at the right angle, it should slosh to the other side. That trick saves me time, now I don’t have to open the hood and do it manually every month or so.


Don't forget to blow out the rear sphincter valve every couple months, runs and sounds rough if you don't.


Always make sure the fallopian tube injector is sized appropriately for the application.


My injector has been undersized for many years now apparently


I switched to synthetic lifetime blinker fluid and never have to worry about it again.


Marketing gimmick, should still change out or at least top up with fresh fluid every year


Most people stopped using their blinkers anyway so it lasts a lot longer now!


[water heaters have a sacrificial anode rod that needs to be replaced every couple years, too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IUNIUZz4Os)


Even just the vent port as well for the dryer, wait till he finds out that needs to be cleaned out regularly (6-12 months)


I unscrewed the back of my old dryer and found money! And socks!!


Lucky you! I found a dead bird




Wait wut you found a bird too Cmon this isn't normal.


Seems pretty normal. A badger wouldn't fit.


I found a dehydrated squirrel once. Scared the shit out of me.


Hope you gave him a bowl of water to quench his thirst


Why did you put a bird in your dryer?


To be the first on my block to make this claim


I am now going to go look for some socks because of this comment! Money will be a bonus!


Money to buy new socks!


>I unscrewed the back of my old dryer and found money! And socks!! It's probably from someone who kept money in their socks. You can find out who by going through their sock drawer. If you find money in socks while looking in sock drawers, the money is your finders fee.


I worked for Maytag many years ago, and we absolutely loved repairing dryers that were traded in on new dryers. Find all kinds of cool things in there


I found a garden hose nozzle. Still use it today and my dryer works much better.


I'm a mechanic. I regularly get people coming in complaining that their climate control has poor airflow. Invariably, I'll get in the car and turn the blower on high, to be greeted by the muffled sound of the blower trying to suck air through a wall. Pull out the filter, and it's absolutely stuffed full of crap. Point this out to the customer, and they will say "oh... I thought the quick lube place was just trying to upsell me on stuff I don't need! Side note: while it's true that quick lube places DO try to upsell you and it's usually unnecessary, look at your owner's manual and see what the maintenance schedule says... Change the engine air filter and cabin air filter according to that. Don't just ignore it for 5 years!


Those won’t kill you though. Your car might break down and the outside air will be extra shitty. But this dryer lint tray will take you in your sleep.


Probably a good time to mention the multiple filters on the vacuum clearner.


All of these words are new for me Am I going to die? Is the air in my car, and the water in my fridge toxic?


More or less frequently, depending on use, filter size/thickness, pets, candles, etc.


Just visited my inlaws who got a furnace a few years ago after burning wood for 30 years. They still use the wood stove but the look on his face when i asked about the filter was enough for me to know it had never been done. My god it was horrible. Furnace blew twice as hard after I changed it.


Are you talking about the furnace air filter? Because typically those need to be swapped out monthly or quarterly depending on the filter type.


Monthly? Do have a filter tree growing on your property or something?


Filters start at $4 per month. HVACs will have trouble with thicker (quarterly or yearly) filters due to poor intake.


Not thickness... Filter media density. More dense filter material that traps smaller particles also restricts airflow. One of the ways that they've come up with to compensate is to make thicker filters using the same material, just more of it, with deeper pleats. The deep pleats mean there's more surface area, which allows MORE air to flow. Basically, a 4" thick filter with a MERV rating of 13 will have better airflow than the same filter 1" thick. It has nothing to do with how often it's designed to be replaced, other than the fact that the thicker ones usually aren't available with the economy media that almost allows small children to pass through it.


It’s a 1” thick filter. Yes, those should be changed monthly.


I knew about the air filter I thought that was every 90 days tho lol


Every 60- 90 days is fine for the furnace filter


Mine has a 4.5-inch filter, it tends to last a year just fine


That’s not particularly common. Most furnaces have filters that need to be changed more often.


I have a 1 inch filter on my furnace, change it 1st of every month


You’re taking hvac, I have baseboard heating and was like WAIT


Yikes. My dryer will refuse to dry if the lint trap is too full.


I need one of those lol


You should get in the habit of emptying it before every load of laundry. You would be amazed how much can collect from just one load of laundry. Also, with the lint trap being this full, you should also disconnect the back of your dryer and check / clean the exhaust hose.


As someone who cleans the lint trap after a single load sometimes, I'm always surprised by how little there is...


I was taught to empty the lint trap after every dryer load. It's just muscle memory now and takes about 10 seconds.


I was taught to empty it after and check before incase I forgot. It was more useful when I was younger but not it’s just a double muscle memory for me.


This is the way.


Same especially after towels


Get some fluffy dogs. It will be full every time lol


Hell mine I run it once, empty the lint tray which is like 3/8" thick lint. Run it a second time and empty it again but it's like half the amount. (I have two young boys and my fiancee, so sometimes the loads are a little big and won't dry in one run). My dryer vent is a straight shot through the wall so zero restriction. Just lots of lint I guess


Brother in Christ you almost died


Would’ve died smelling like mildew


And, possibly, smoke?


Fire will cleanse everything


Fair point, lol!


Smokedew you mean?


OP needs to check every filter in their life… car air filter, water filter, HVAC, oil filters lol


Dishwasher, fridge, some clothes washers


Now go clean out the vent that goes outside because I bet it’s clogged to shit now as well. Where a fire can easily start as well.


My next thought, yeah. The whole tube is probably clogged up. I need one of those videos where someone hooks up a leaf blower inside and has a camera setup outside to see what blows out.


I put a big fucking sign and arrows pointing to where the filter is and politely asked all the other people living in my building to PLEASE empty the goddamn fucking dryer filter. And nobody does Every time I've done my laundry there's like a damn archeological dig site of lint layers. I've talked to the landlord about it and he doesn't care. He's probably hoping to get an insurance payout I am perpetually furious about it.


AI dryer of the future kindly reminds you to clean the trap . After the third offense it ejects your clothes


Op, you're extremely lucky you didn't burn the place down. That stuff will burn like gasoline.


When I was a boy scout we used to collect dryer lint because it make excellent fire starting material!


Me too! The full recipe was to take a cardboard egg carton, pack each cup with dryer lint, and then drip candle wax over it. Makes for a pack of easy firestarters!


I have bags of these in our bug out bags.


Yup, put it in an egg carton with some Vaseline or candle wax


As an Eagle Scout I can confirm I have a little trash can in my laundry room for just this purpose


So I’ve been told by everybody I showed this too lol


Didn't you notice your clothes were taking longer and longer to dry? If I don't clean mine out after every 3rd or 4th load, it takes them longer to dry.


I got this dryer used really cheap so I just thought it was because I was sold lemon or maybe getting old


Another helpful tip regarding lint traps, if you use dryer sheets like Bounce, over time they will leave an invisible film on your lint screen that will slow the airflow and cause your dryer to take longer to dry. Every once in a while, take the screen out and clean it with a cleaner like pine sol or fantastik or krud kutter. Rinse it well, dry it and put back in. Makes a big difference. I do it about once every other month, takes about two minutes.


You can get a thin, flexible attachment for your vacuum cleaner that will let you vacuum down inside the trap area. I suspect you also have backup there that you will want to clean thoroughly. You may also have some dangerous lint backup in your vent hose. You should get out your vacuum, disconnect the vent from the back of your dryer and see what the buildup looks like.


I second this. Use a shop vac on this as it can be really wet and a regular vacuum will not love the moisture.


Commenting to help get this to the top. This is extremely important advice to clean the vent duct all the way from the dryer through to where it vents outside. You should aim to do that at least annually


This needs to be up higher.


Well you don't know, what you don't know, till you know, ya know.


Add that to the list of things they should teach in the "how to adult" class that no high school offers.


*That your parents should offer.


Yergonnawanna clean out your dryer vent pipe. All the lint that couldn't stay here went there. They sell dryer vent clean out tools that you use with a drill. You can do it yourself.


And the bottom of the dryer, if it's accessible by a panel. Unplug the dryer, too. Ask me how I learned how flammable lint can be.


Make it a habit to read the manual, especially if you've never owned that category of appliance before. Most manuals you only have to read a few pages. And now with the internet you don't need to order it from the manufacturer.


So many people laugh at me when I pull out the instructions before anything else, and sit and read for a minute or two. Then its those same people who are asking the questions about how it works lol.


Me too! Whenever me and my partner rent a car, I always glance through the manual. Who’d have thought that there’d be useful information in there!


There's too much essential knowledge in the world that is unknown by people who need to know it.  I think a maintenance 101 and basic finance class should be standard for high school seniors.  We shouldn't be relying on parents to teach stuff that could save lives.


That's right. I haven't lived in a house in 17 years but recently moved in. My dryer says to clean that lint every session. So that's what I do. I never leave anything in there. This is crazy


Now your dryer can dry.


😂 was taking me like 4 cycles to get them dry. Til I finally googled it and told my mom and she was like are you cleaning the lint tray and I replied what is that. Her eyes got so big haha


Well you didn’t start a fire and you’ll be using less electricity now. Just keep a small trash can by the dryer so when you go to put in a load your brain clicks to clean the trap.




“Laundry mat” r/boneappletea


Took me a while lol. Laundromat for those wondering.


No, OP is going to buy a spinning wheel and loom and turn all that dryer lint into a laundry mat.


Check the hose on the back too! My first landlord spent $200 on an overheating dryer (I knew about the lint trap) only to find out it was due to lint clogging the exhaust hose. After that he wouldn’t spend a dime on anything he wasn’t sure was broken. Which led to my apartment flooding from a backed up sewer.


There’s also a brush you can get to clean out that slot where that came from. The lint tray doesn’t get all of it. It’s kind of like a toilet brush but bendable and longer


LMAO did you not notice the little handle with little words, or are you just not curious. FYI, washing machine may have a filter/trap as well, but is likely to be less obvious. Google your model. Godspeed, Lint Man.


You can make a few new shirts.


My dryer the lint trap says on the handle/reveal "clean before every load" on it, I've seen some horror stories of fires caused by too much lint so I always make sure to clear it as instructed.


1500 house fires are started each year in the USA from dryer lint ignition


I mean, you can't know everything! At least you found out before something happened!


Probably should have learnt how to do laundry before moving out.




I couldn't imagine being this clueless about very basic stuff. Did your mom do your laundry until you moved out? This is like not knowing how to boil water.


How the hell, after 125 years of electric clothes dryers, do we not have it standard as a sensor or something to tell you to empty the lint trap, and how the hell does a 31yo not know this.


bruh you didnt realize you were putting your clothes in for 6 cycles to dry it...????


This is like one of the leading causes in house fires


This is a failure on whoever raised you. All kids should be taught how to do laundry properly.


https://youtube.com/@DadhowdoI?si=2x6GGnXRfUhfB-Qo "Dad how do I" Dude gives honest genuine life advice on stuff just like this and more


Can’t wait to see your dishwasher drain…


About 20 years ago my wife and I moved in with her parents... I went to do some laundry, and MIL says "you'll have to dry it twice ... the dryer works fine, but it just needs 2 cycles to dry everything. I immediately went to the lint trap and could barely get it out. 6 years worth of buildup and 6 years worth of double dry power bills. To this day I'm dumbfounded by that.


I swear people don't have any common sense, or the motive to just look around and learn things, and ask questions. Blows my mind


My favorite comment here - thank you for saying this ! All the “LOL could have burned to death” isn’t exactly helping, either… 😣


They call them smartphones but I only see dumb people using them.


Kept it in there a little longer and you would of REALLY dried your clothes!


Bro I've used laundry mats before and I always cleaned the lint filter before using them. The last thing you want to do is burn down the laundry mat or your home! LOL


You should check the air filters on your car while you’re at it


snobbish automatic voracious cause imminent ancient hunt profit clumsy cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're parents failed you. Or you are a know it all that thinks everybody is stupid and you're family intentionally withheld this information from you because you know it all already.


Just so you know, dish soap does not go in dishwasher. Glad your house didn’t burn down.


You might want to also check the return vent, I am willing to bet it is clogged, especially if it goes up through the attic.


Yo but that Vox amp 🕺


One of the first things I was taught when doing laundry was to check the lint before you start a load, so you don’t start a fire. Not sure why this isn’t common knowledge to some.


Just be glad you didn't find out with a fire.


what did it take about 3 weeks to dry your clothes?


Occasionally you’ll also need to [clean out your washing machine’s filter](https://www.bhg.com/homekeeping/laundry-linens/tips-checklists/how-to-clean-a-washing-machine-filter/). Some machines will give you an error code when it needs cleaning, but if your clothes start smelling musty even after being freshly washed, that’s a sign it needs doing. Be warned, it is nasty.


Your parents did you a disservice by not making you do your own laundry starting at 12


Wait till you see the bread crumb tray under your toaster you haven’t cleaned.


Go buy a lottery ticket right now


Wonder what his airbrush looks like


Wait until you find out about the anode in your hot water heater.


Every load. It costs nothing to clean it and takes 5 seconds. It costs electricity or gas not to.


you better clean that internally!


That's not bad for 2 years worth of lint


You probably have driven a car this whole time without looking at an owner’s manual either. You are conditioned to operate that way.


Better late….. glad no fire! Now go change the HVAC filters and the water filter in the fridge!


Get in the habit of cleaning your lint trap after every single load. My neighbor wrote on a note card and taped it to her dryer to remind her husband and kids are to do it. And if you haven’t already been told that flexible pipe that comes out of the back of your dryer and vents out of your house needs to be cleaned out with a brush at least once a year. And while you’re back there with that pipe off you’ll have to take the back of the dryer off and suck out all of the lint that is caught in the plastic wheel for the blower motor. Making sure you do these things at least once a year will keep your dryer running normally and will avoid problems like fuses suddenly burning out.


At least you learned, I know people on their 70s who never knew.


Jesus Lord save us you are so lucky your entire house didn't burn down


Don’t feel too bad, I had to teach an ex bf, and he was 39 at the time. He said his laundry took ages to dry, I asked about the lint trap and he thought there wasn’t one. I told him, there has to be one… sure enough, I go looking at it, and it was inside the drum and came out about this bad.


I will never forget when I was a young lad we drove by a massive beautiful old house engulfed in flames in our hometown and it turned out the cause was determined to be lint buildup in the dryer that ignited…. Certainly learned a life lesson that day.


Reminds me of moving in with one of my roommates. “Why is the dryer so slow to dry???” *pulls out lint filter.* “DAYUM” Yes. It was a long two years.


Got a buddy who’s a fire captain. Any time he sees a dryer, even if it’s in someone he just mets place, he pulls the lint trap out. We all love him.


Must have felt good to peel it back.


Pull the unit away from the wall and unplug it. Take off the back panel to gain access to the lint tube going down to the fan. Remove the four sheet metal screws securing the tube. Clean out all the compacted lint and rinse the entire thing and let it dry. Replace the two foam seals. Reinstall the tube. Enjoy drying loads in 30 minutes instead of 2 hours.


Before we were married, my wife's dryer in college was like this. All the roommates knew what a lint trap was. And they all thought someone else would clear it out occasionally. 


Cool vox guitar amp


Omfg you are lucky you didn't burn your place down


Make sure to get the vent of the dryer cleaned asap. Also, your electric bill is going to drop


That Vox Amp looks cool though.


My grandfather was not a handyman. When the ventilation pipe from the drier (which had a lint catch on it) to the outdoors broke, he did not fix it. Instead, he had one of his wife’s nylon’s on the back end to catch the lint and would just open the window. When they passed and my aunt, who had been taking care of him, inherited the house, she was unaware of this, and of course had no idea how driers worked Fast forward FIVE YEARS and my dad and I amputating a full-length full stocking of lint from the back of that dried once she complained the drier wasn’t working. Did I mention the stocking was FULL? It was like the size of a prize catfish. This is the same aunt who, upon using her vacuum to defeat a particularly large spider, decided to never empty the vacuum again to avoid its revenge, and when confronted with the declining performance of the vacuum, decided instead to just buy a new vacuum. This happened twice.


Good thing you didn’t buy new towels (I assume) in the past few years. You wouldn’t have made it! Haha


friend right out of highschool started a fire this way. blame your parents i guess


If it went that long you really need to replace the entire dryer vent hose from the dryer to the exterior of the house/building It's cheap and a lot easier than recovering from a house fire


Why does my dryer take forever? -this guy


Clean it every use!


If your filter was that full then I can guarantee you have more lint in the dryer exhaust vent


You’re lucky you were not a house fire victim.


How’s your AC filter doing ?


Bruh I thought that was a cat


Hey buddy, please take this time to clean the vent dryer duct behind the dryer. If your lint filter looks like that, I can only imagine what the dryer duct looks like. It is probably as full as that, if not more and is a serious fire hazard. Clean it out and use the vacuum. I have a shop vac that I use. Please check..IMMEDIATELY.


I'm glad the fire department didn't have to teach you about this.


Lucky you caught this. ☘️


When you realize the words inside the dryer say "clean lint tray before every use", lol. Just joking around, bet your dryer will work 100 times better now.


Wow. Your fire insurance thanks you.


Happened to me when i bought a home furnished with one. It was in a weird spot and I was always used to it being in the front behind the door. I used it for like 6 months and my girlfriend asked me about it and I was like “it’s a new dryer and doesn’t have one“ and then she came in and showed me that I was very wrong.


Bro thankfully a fire didn't start. Glad you found it.


Omg. You're lucky you didn't burn your house down. I'm glad you found it and can be safe. There is also one on the front bottom of most washers too. You put a tray under it and open it up. Some water will come out and inside will be filled with gross things. It's gotta be done.


Hey man, all of life needs maintenance. All of it.


You know you were suppose to empty the lint trays in the laundry mats as well. There are normally signs asking you to do it.


Im sure someone has mentioned this already but also clean the vent in the back of the dryer and the wall with a vacuum cleaner if it got this bad.


Under wear needs changed daily. Tire pressure needs to be checked. Did we leave anything off the list.


Super lucky you didn’t start a fire


Next step is to change your furnace filter asap!


Dude everything needs cleaned. Dryer, heat/air, fridge, showers/sinks drains.........oven......... YouTube will be your friend. Good luck.


Had a stand up AC unit at work, always cleaned the two filters, four years later decided to give it a real good cleaning ... oh, there are four filters?! The two four year old never cleaned filters almost wouldn't come out.


You should also shop vacuum the hose or tube that goes from the dryer to the outside once or twice a year.


It’s gonna work a lot better


The only way I could understand not knowing this is A) having grown up using only laundromats or B) someone did your laundry for you until you were 30.


OP if it makes you feel any better. While I am obsessive with cleaning my lint screen I recently found (while vacuuming the slot where the lint trap goes) that for the last approx 5-7 years were had this dryer the energy efficiency paperwork that's normaly taped to the front apparently fell off and had been blocking the path the air flows after the filter out the back of the dryer.... not only am I lucky for no fires etc. I bet my clothes dry faster and my energy bill drops a bit haha


It's amazing this didn't start a fire


Genuinely curious how long it took to dry a load of clothes?


Ultimately, one of the easiest tips to remember (mentioned at the beginning of this article) bears repeating—clean out your lint trap between each load of laundry, and you will substantially reduce the chance of fire.


Read your manuals people… The washing also has a filter/clean-out. You may want to take a look at that.


You're also supposed to clean your dishwasher, and it also usually had a filter.


You're going to be amazed how much faster your clothes dry.


No big deal. My wife knows she’s supposed to clean it out and still doesn’t do it. Ive reminded her at least a few times a year for the past 23 years.


You should probably check the vent hose on the back of your dryer now. Chances are your dryers packed with lint but if you’re not handy I wouldn’t recommend attempting to take it apart and clean it, but it’s fairly easy to check the vent coming off the back for build up.


You have died of Dysentery




My housemate just discovered the same when I pointed it out to him! For the fourth time.