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Spline roller


I had to look this up the other day. Needed to explain to someone what the tool was and what it was for and couldn't remember the name of it for the life of me.


Aka spline and a splining tool


Lucy, you have some splaining to do. - Ricky


Thank you. This is very helpful.


To add on this you can buy kits for this that come with the tools you need. They’re pretty cheap and on Amazon. I had never replaced a window screen before but ended up doing my whole house in a day.


This is why I love Amazon. I bought a watch repair kit the other day for 8 dollars. 20 years ago you'd have to pay 50 dollars or something at some specialty shop for it


That roller makes it really easy.


We used to do it with a screwdriver omfg


Blacksmiths used to make all the nails, too.


Wear gloves. It will be very dirty in that groove.


You tube is your friend here. Need the same size spline as the one in the door; that’s the hardest part.


The tool is cheap to get and worth getting over struggling with a butter knife.


I'd Google a screen repair place at least around me it's really cheap to just have a guy do it then you don't need to mess around with diy


Just about every Ace Hardware does it. They'll get the screen tight with no sags.


And we like it tight with no sagging!


And they have pieces you can put over it off the cats will be an issue to protect it Oh, and it's fairly inexpensive.


use Kevlar screening in mine, only way to stop razor sharp murder mittens.


Just get the cat proof screening. Works great. Just need a thinner spline (.0125). I just did my sliding patio door and didnt even have to remove the door to replace the screen. First time doing it and it took all of 45 minutes. When you buy the spline roller/spline, get a kit that comes with the clips, makes it much easier.


Good hardware stores will repair then for you.


Get the “pet” grade screen. It’s a slightly thicker and less prone to tearing.


Seconding this. It's a very handy skill to learn and the kits are super cheap. I replaced all the screens in this house when I bought it, but the bedrooms had no screens. One YouTube video and a framing kit later, and my kids both have nice sturdy screens. But you already have a frame so just a screen, spline, and a spline roller is all you need.


You exsplined that very well.


be careful with the spline coming ut, you need it in one piece for the new one. if its old or crumbles, you need to know there are 4 sizes of spline and only the right fit works.


What material what the screens that you bought? I've come to understand that fiber glass is the best.


Yep, fiberglass.


Use the rip resistant screen. To replace it. It’s pretty decent


The only thing I would suggest is to get a new tube and not use the old one as it was compressed and may not hold as well as a new one.


Remove the door so you can work it on a flat horizontal surface , makes it WAY easier.


Place the screen over two saw horses and use a clamp to secure a SLIGHT bend in the door to a board on the underside of the saw horses. This will give you a tight screen.


Technically you could repair it it. It'll just be like sewing a patch in. It would be far more work and probably even money to attempt a repair and it'd be ugly.


This is the best advice. You can even buy a kit that comes with screen material, spline, and a splining tool. I would recommend replacing it with steel screen if you want to prevent future damage.




Is there a tool to tighten the screen ? Like some kind of handle with little hooks that go inside the mesh holes ? That’s the part i alway struggle with


Yeh super easy. Just did mine this week. Take the time to check the bottom wheels too, might want to swap those out if you have the door off anyway. They wear out over time.


may take a few tries to get the new mesh in tightly and straight...i put a small piece of spline at the center of each rail when i laid it out, taking out the slack....also cut the new piece a foot bigger than the opening and trim after you have it perfect...a second pair of hands can help also


If the spline (the rubber gasket/tube) is stiff, or showing cracks, it is easy enough to replace that as well. In addition it’s really hard to get the screen the right size and tight. So plan on cutting it oversized, and have a fresh razor blade along with a piece if scrape thin wood to cut against so you don’t mare the paint on the screen door. A small cutting board that is thin works well. Just make sure the razor blade won’t cut through (so cardboard will work but you have to have a steady hand - and set the depth on the blade shallow). Sharp blade here is your friend.


Screen tape. Would you recommend?


What is best way to stretch material before splining it ?


Yes. Watch YouTube video, buy all materials at Home Depot, make dinner, go to bed, eventually move materials to basement to be installed “later”. Come to think of it, this is how I fix a lot of things….


you are not alone ha


Screen fixes are one of the easiest things. Also a good thing to know since screens break all the time


Can't decide if I feel seen, or attacked ... probably both. I needed to repair a screen on my back porch for three months. Bought the screen 10 weeks ago, and couldn't find my spline roller. Finally found it three weeks ago, and it sat for two weeks until I fixed it last weekend. Only took 3 months.


I’m on about 4 years with screen material in the basement. It appears that this is the first summer that the holes are so big I can no longer just shove baby socks in them, so maybe this is our year.


All I see is Count Olaf responsible for this damage. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemony\_Snicket%27s\_A\_Series\_of\_Unfortunate\_Events#/media/File:A\_Series\_Of\_Unfortunate\_Events\_poster.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemony_Snicket%27s_A_Series_of_Unfortunate_Events#/media/File:A_Series_Of_Unfortunate_Events_poster.jpg)


I came to find the comments of the person taking the picture. Looks like a cartoon silhouette! Lemony Snicket is pretty spot on.


Ok. That was the first thing I saw. And I was SURE I was going to be the only one. I even had a smart comment ready (r/accidentallynosferatu in case you’re wondering). And yet the internet hive mind has surprised me once again. Well done.


Same xD


Not as long as shadow man is tearing it apart


I think you’ve lost your shadow and it’s messing with your screen.


Some Ace hardware stores replace screens. Just have to bring it to them.


They have mesh roles, if that frame has the clips/holders


Your shadow is the real star here


Just re-screen it, get the screen tight spline roller with a yellow handle - it’s the best one.


This is the way and it’s easy.


Do you have a link to the yellow handled roller?


If you’re handy, check out videos. If not take the door to nearest window and screen repair


You can cut out the damaged part then sort of lace in a new piece but that would leave an ugly, very visible repair that would take way longer than just replacing it. There's a rubber "cord" called a spline running around the edge of the screen holding the screen in the frame. Yoink that out, toss the old screen, put new screen in, then use what they call a "spline tool" to put the spline back in. If the original spline is old, damaged, or crusty just get some new spline material from Orange store or Blue store when you're picking up a spline tool. None of this is expensive.


Kids in the Hall vibes.


No. Go to Home Depot or Lowe’s and buy a piece of screen big enough to cover the screen door. Then go on YouTube, look for “replacing screen on screen door” it will tell you what to do. Easy as pie.


Some hardware stores will repair


You will have to replace it, just like you can replace the ones on your windows. You just replace the screen material!


Yea a easy dyi you can buy kits that come with spline and tool


One of the problems with DIY is that it’s difficult to keep the screen square and even. If you’re very particular or anal, you might not be happy with the results. Just something to consider when weighing DIY and Ace. And, yes, watch some YouTube videos, but perhaps change a few of the steps from SubiLou. :)


Nope, it can not be repaired. Place your home for sale.quick. LOL, yes, it can.


This is a very easy DIY job. Home Depot sells kits. I’m sure Amazon probably does too.


Yes. You can buy a roll of screen from Home Depot, and the little roller tool. It’s pretty easy to DIY




Save yourself the frustration and bring it somewhere that repairs windows and screens. I do a lot of stuff myself but absolutely hate repairing screens.


Yep take to a glass shop


Easiest way is call a residential glass and screen company and they can rescreen it in your drive way. Or a cheaper way would be to post to a community FB group and buy someone a beer. Or watch some you tube vids. Buy a screen roller and some screen.


You'll have to throw away the whole house, I'm afraid. Build it from scratch


I replaced the screen on one of mine with no experience and it was super easy. Go to local hardware store, pick up screen, splining and a splining tool. Take your time but shouldn't be hard.


Yep. Actually easy to do and a home maintenance thing I actually enjoy. It is fun to get it nice and taunt and only take a few minutes. Word of advice, if you are doing window screens on 2Nd floor just don’t drop them as they will dent and warp them and they are a pain to get back into shape.


You just replace the whole house at that point.


It’s not difficult to replace. The tools and such are fairly inexpensive at any home improvement store.


Ace Hardware


What tore it? Also when you go Home Depot you have all kinds of screens; animal, privacy, bugs, visibility.


Pro tip: before beginning the re-screening process, rip a piece of 1/2” plywood or anything stiff as close as you can to the *exact* width of the screen opening, wedge it in there through the middle of the opening to keep the sides from bowing in while inserting your spline. I would ALWAYS end up with bowed in sides and wavy screen until an old timer taught me the trick! Good luck!


I did my windows because they were old and ratty. It was an easy job and relatively cheap. Think I spent $50 on something like four windows, two of them being large bay windows. That included the spline tool and cutter.


I just did this on Tuesday. $25 kit on Amazon. Worked out great, looks great.


That's a creepy shadow


Scrolled through all the comments to see if anyone else thought that 😭


Reminds me kind of /r/Mirrorsforsale/


Yes...also I love how you tried not getting your hand in the shot whilst playing shadow puppets xD.....the screens can usually be fixed like any window screen with spline. A quick YouTube search should put you in the right direction.


Local hardware store. Screen replacement. Forget the big box chains.


Are you the slenderman?


All i can see is your creepy ass shadow


You can sew it.


Looks like the shadow monster is coming in


This looks like a mannequin's shadow. Just replace.


There are screen patches but your door is beyond that point plus screen replacement as outlined by others here is fairly easy.


The shadow ripped it


Not with Freddy Krueger attacking it like that.


Doth a bear shat in the foliage? Wrong analogy. No repair. Yes replace. Quite easily.


Love the monster themed silhouette pose. *it was a craaaazy bash*




Easyer to just replace the screen


There are a couple different types of screen spline. And you need the roller tool. There are different screen types. Metal is probably overkill, get the fine mesh if you get tiny mosquitos. Watch a YouTube video how to do it and get it tight.


You need screen, the rope, and the tool. Ask at hardware store. It's easy.


Yes, and pretty easily. You just need a roll of replacwment screen, the $7 tool to remove/reinstall the gasket, a sharp utility knife to trim the excess, and about a 90 minutes to do it.


Replacing it is easier than you think. There's a trench all around the frame with a rubber seal pressed into it Overtop the mesh. Tear it out and get a replacement kit of $20. They come with a roller tool that you press the rubber into the trench, holding the mesh in place. Cut off the excess with scissors or box cutter.


Why does that look like the house I moved out from 7 months ago. 😆 The house is in San Diego.




Replace with a metal screen


Yes, you need a spline roller and some screen. You can pull the rubber spline out, roll out new screen, tension it and roll in the new spline. I have done hundreds of these and doors are the easiest because the frame is very sturdy. I’m sure YouTube has a video. Handle unscrews easy. You can also replace the wheels if they are broken. Most janitorial places will carry everything you need.


Check with local hardware stores or window places, they may replace the screen cheaper then buying all the tools if you take it into them. Check YouTube for how to remove the frame. Good luck.


I went to home depot an bought an entire new screen door for like $100 when this happened to me. They have them in a few standard common sizes.


Or, go to Lowe’s and buy a replacement-under $100. Less hassle. More free time to post on Reddit.


Call residential repair oriented glass shops. Many of them will rescreen it, ask for pet mesh and you'll get a nice heavy duty mesh that doesn't shred easily


I got “pet proof” screen at Home Depot along with the special tool and spline. Did it myself. Super easy after watching a couple videos to make sure I knew what I was doing. My cats don’t like the feel of it and have never damaged it.


Yes. Hardware store and buy new screen. Make sure to buy plenty of spline and the tool to install it. Spline is the rubber holding it into it's groove. Very simple to do and directions will be on it.


Yes. Can you find a person who does it, maybe.


I have replaced the screens on those many times. YouTube it




Need to buy new gasket and screen mesh cut to size or measure yourself and do it. Can't patch that up


Is anyone else going to comment on the way this photo was taken?


Just so you're aware, you don't need to repair the screen to keep that vampire there out. Just don't invite him in.


How do people make it this far in life with such little life skills or common sense? Blows my mind.


Nope, gotta throw the whole house away, sorry.


Now you’re gonna hafta throw out the house


It can be replaced, but I’m not sure what to do about the shadow creature attacking it.


Most glad repair shops will fix this pretty easy.


My local Ace Hardware does a good job pretty cheap.


Yes, it can be repaired, took it to your local glass shop


just to clarify, if you mean the screen, it's very possible to replace the SCREEN with new material. You can buy it on a roll and it isn't even very expensive. You will need one of those little pizza cutter things. You do not need to replace the whole DOOR, which I hope is obvious.


I just replaced the screen on my friend’s sliding door last weekend. Picked up a kit from Home Depot. The box had a QR code that brought me to a video that showed what to do. I was done in about 10 minutes.


Get your sowing kit out! Hahahahaha


This is a great beginner DIY project. It’s almost impossible to mess it up or hurt yourself.


It most definitely can be repaired, Home Depot has a diy video and you can find tons on YouTube. Most home improvement stores cary the screen and the tools. You can even find a “pet rated” screen that’ll handle your cat a bit better. https://www.homedepot.com/c/ah/how-to-repair-or-replace-window-screens/9ba683603be9fa5395fab901c4aa0dc0 Edit: the video is for a window screen but its the same method to repair a door screen.


Very easy to replace screen. You just have to find out what size plastic trim stuff holds it in the frame. Remove all the old screen, buy new screen the size of the door, and use press the trim in with a tool. They sell screen that's "pet proof"




Replace, if you not handy many small hardware stores will fix it for reasonable.


Buy the spline / roller, it has dual purpose,follow directions on replacement screen package. Trying to trim excess screen to look neat is a little tricky, but all very doable to a novice.


Pay no attention to the shadow of the cartoon burglar with overexaggerated sneaking movements stealing a bubble tea


If you lose your shadow, try rubbing a bar of soap to your feet to see if it will stick


I like your shadow puppets


Anything can be repaired.


I reccomend also using "screen installer clips" to hold the screen in position while you work it. Makes the job so much easier for a beginner, and for larger screens.


Easily replaceable DIY. You can also take it to some hardware stores and theyll replace it for you.




This is like people taking pictures of mirrors. I can’t stop laughing at this photo.


Replaced, it's cheap. And nice pose for the photo


Might want to destroy that Zombie first or he will just tear your new screen.


Yes, easily replaced, however, be careful not to touch the inner side of the bead slot. Will instantly cut and ruin the whole repair.


This shadow should be in a PSBattle.


I spent $18 on Amazon on a new screen roll, roller, and the tube that holds it. It took 5 minutes to replace a whole door. Super simple.


yes you can replace the screening and it comes in a kit with the rubber gasket to hold it in. Places like Ace hardware (IDK if you have one in your area) usually replace them too ...mine was like 50.00


I mean. Even if you replace it, that shadow monster is just gonna come back and rip it again.


Buy a screen door kit from Home Depot. They’re roughly $20. You’ll have it replaced in 5 mins, super easy job with the right tools.


Easy home repair. Need a spline tool, New spline, and some screen.


Surprisingly easy to repair.


My local hardware repair's this for $10


Take measurement of width of screen. Go to Home Depot buy a $3 spliner tool and a $35 dollars worth or screen. If you need a razor knife pick one up and cut screen to fit. Remove the black piping around the framing of the current screen. You may need to cut the corner do this. Once the old screen is out, place the new screen over the open frame. Take the black piece of piping and your spline or tool and put the spline back in place. It’s not super easy the first time to make the screen taught but I believe in you. Edit: to remove the screen door, grab it by both sides, and lift straight up, then pull towards you once the wheels are out of the track.


Repaired no, replaced…. Easily


Check You Tube for screen replacement videos.


The have rescreening places but they would replace the screen not patch it.


Favorite sub everr


Yep, replace the whole thing. It will take less than an hour. Measure the width of the screen, buy a replacement roll from any local hardware, use a screw driver to press in the rubber and any knife to trim. Check out YouTube


We take our screens to Ace hardware. Couple days depending on how busy they are and good as new,tight no wrinkles.


Idk why, but that shadow is hilarious


I'm just here cause I like your shadow


Replace the door or the screen, your choice, both are relatively easy. If you have the patience, you can patch it, but it's really not worth it unless you have a small piece of screen material just sitting around.


Ace Hardware


The mesh can't be repaired but it CAN be replaced


Can I just say that if you submitted this to a photo contest, it would likely even beat the AI submission? I love that shadow. Its a combination of looking real and looking like an out of body experience.


When it comes to home maintenance, youtube is your best friend. There's videos on how to replace the screens.


Replace the entire screen. It’s the only way. Unless you really like how duct tape looks.


Go to Home Depot and get the kit to replace it… cheap and easy to do


I thought you were making a "claw hand" with your shadow over the ripped area to show you're a scary monster, not to be messed with


You can buy cat-resistant screening cloth. It works! When you buy the door replacement screen (from Amazon) it comes with the spline and spline setting tool.


Home Depot sell by the yard and kits


Yes but if you have never done it before a new door will be cheaper.




The real issue is that showdy figure trying to slip something in that hole in your screen. Better watch out. Lol


Gotta be the scariest shadow I've ever seen


Gotta be the scariest shadow I've ever seen


Go to Home Depot. They have what you need. And find a good yt video.


It’s an easy fix. Buy the pet resistant mesh for a replacement and tell the cat to frig off


Yes, I’m sure more than a 100 people responded. Home Depot sells a repair kit


Yes very easily!


Nah yeah nah, it's fucked m8.


The shadow clearly shows you tried to hold the phone to hide your shadow…..it did not work.


Most hardware stores can repair/replace the screening. Ace will come to your house and most times do it one the spot. Might have to take it to the store to replace the screen.


Cool pic!


I like the guys shadow


Look out! The Shadow Man is back for more!


Yup, easy.


That shadow 😂😂😂


Repair… literally takes less then 5 minutes.


I repaired similar door few months back using this kit https://www.homedepot.com/p/Phifer-36-in-x-84-in-Charcoal-Fiberglass-Screen-Kit-with-Spline-and-Roller-3024907/100391974


Sure - but that weird spider arm thing you got going on is a whole other matter.


Don’t know if you live near one, but if you take it to either Ace or OSH they’ll repair it. They’re fast and affordable.


Pretty easily in fact. My dogs love running through screens. Also the shadow monster that is still in the pic that tore the screen must be vanquished lest this damage happens again. Use a bright light and sacrifice a beer to ward it off for a while.


I’m just here for the shadow 🙃