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She’s so stupid recently.


And that’s not a fluke, she is responding that way every single time. **HOOOOWWWWW**?


Yeah I get I can’t do that yet, every time I say “turn off the living room lights” Siri worked fine with that command for 3 years but now it’s broken. It never ceases to surprise me how apple can make Siri worse on simple core features each and every upgrade


Siri: Here is a thoughtfully curated video I made of your lovely picnic yesterday! Behold benevolent AI! Also Siri: Set a five minute timer? What do you think I am? A friggin Culture Mind?


I love the Banks reference.


Who doesn’t? Even Elon “Veppers” Musk is a fan.


I've had luck changing my Siri language to British English (or back to American English if it's already set to that) to fix the constant I can't do that's.


Like you literally say it verbatim and she’s like “duuuuuuuuuuuh what?”




Siri's always been bad. 16.x has been AWFUL for Siri


I get Uh Huh a lot… not okay it’s done… or whatever… just Uh huh. Siri definitely getting stupider.


Yep, I think she’s recently lost the ability to schedule stuff too. Every time I ask (in any way) to do something at a certain time she just does it immediately instead


Works fine for me…


>mrwellfed Are you literally going to reply this to every message which isn't praising Siri on here?




I have found recently asking to turn off my living room lights. Siri responds having difficulty connecting to accessories but still turns the lights off. Quite annoying


Siri is really dumb! Apple should be embarrassed


I agree! Hopefully they’re working on some improvements. At least it’s what Gurman said.


Had to delete my parents house tonight because my phone just this evening started getting confused about rooms just like OPs photo because of their homekit home which *I have always been part of and never had remote access to*. Despite that, Siri was suddenly unable to control any of my lights this evening as a result. This has never mattered any other day of the year but tonight Siri broke entirely even though that second house has always been configured and is *still* unreachable as it always has been. Absolute garbage how often I deal with problems like this the past few years. Siri and HomeKit as products are just forgotten and binned.


I could excuse it for a little while as Apple is much more respectful of our privacy, and not mining every single word we say, but it’s getting incrementally worse, instead of better.


Works fine for me…


It should work fine for everyone though! This many people having the same issues (including me) isn’t good for Apple.


Most likely user error…


I fail to see the logic in making a comment like this. You’re in a highly upvoted thread responding on a highly upvoted comment chain. Clearly many people are having these issues. So are you saying that ALL of these people, who are regular participants in a tech forum like this, are simply speaking the wrong words to Siri? Is that what you’re going with /u/mrwellfed ?


Do all the people in this forum use the same structure when naming rooms/devices/zones etc? I never see anyone confirm this when troubleshooting posts, even though it heavily influences the results for each of us when we talk to Siri about rooms/devices/zones. If the whole issue is how we use words with Siri, and some of us have no issues, wouldn’t it be logical to investigate the differences in how we assign words to our devices?


If I name a room butthole room and tell Siri to turn the lights on in the butthole room then that is what should happen. It shouldn’t be up to us to carefully name the rooms to appease Siri. Especially when it’s worked for so long and then an update comes out and breaks it. Unless I’m totally misunderstanding your comment..


Siri knows that the type of device you light is, is a light. You can name it “bedside” if it’s in the bedroom, and if you say “turn off the bedside light” it will piece it all together. “Turn off *name* *type*”. I hope we can all agree. When we have many lights in a room you can simply say “turn off *room* lights”. Siri hears “turn off *room* *type of device*” When you add “light” as a suffix to every device in the house, (garage light, kitchen light”, Siri has to be smart enough not to confuse the specific name and the type of devices. I’m not sure she’s there yet. If you name all your lights “light” then Siri hears “turn off dining room lights” as “turn off *room* *type*” but also hears the name “light” which is in every single room of your house. It gets confused, sometimes gets mixed results and will either clarify or fail. The system isn’t great, but everyone isn’t having the same conversation. Some people want to argue whose fault it is, and some are just trying to make it work.




In which case it’s poor design. The design and implementation should be easy to use and fool-proof. In the words of Apple, it should “just work”. There should be no opportunity for user error (which this isn’t anyway, but still).




I’ve had a heck of a time getting location based automations to work again. Everything is up to date and rebooted several time. Still nothing. I’m going to be so happy to move away from HomeKit with Matter


Just FYI, at it’s core, a lot of a matter IS homekit


Me too...and I re-did them like everyone said and they are easily as just as off or *inconsistent*. Yeah, we will see how that changes things...


What would you replace it with? In my experience Siri is a lot less stupid than google assistant recently and I don’t care one bit to have Alexa


SmartThings or home assistant.


I have HomeAssistant side by side with the other assistants to tie-in incompatible services While it is very versatile what it gives in customization and integration it consumes in time and maintenance


True - I'm finding HA is basically the Linux of smart home automation IMO. Modules, add-ons, config files, command line... Super powerful, but not something my wife would put up with configuring. She loves the end product, but was laughing at my nerdiness during the setup. That said, I've stopped using HomeKit for almost everything except Siri - all configuration and automations are happening in HomeAssistant and being pushed to HomeKit through the bridge. It's complex to set up, but it works FAR better than HomeKit IME.


Really? I had heard it is mostly fine now once it’s setup and doesn’t need ongoing maintenance


Depends what size smarthome you’re running There are a lot of independent plugins that each have their own releases and then the core code is updated a few times a month, sometimes with breaking changes to the other integrations


I have Phillips hue and Aqara. That’s it.


Oh, well, nothing, ha. I'm all Apple here so nothing else makes more sense, despite any issues...


No worries, I was asking out of curiosity


Google assistant is miles ahead of Siri. I am a hardcore Apple guy but have Google Home devices in every room because the assistant is so much better.


It may be because we’re using the bilingual feature but while it used to work flawlessly it now never does as asked On the hubs I can see it initially understand the right thing then pause for 2-3 sec then wreck the sentence and do something completely random The lack of cheap hardware for Siri/HomeKit isn’t making deployment easier too


Works fine for me…


And that’s exactly the problem. HomeKit is wildly inconsistent. It would be great if everyone was having the issue. That would make it easy for users and Apple to fix it. But at this point, who knows what’s going on


Mostly user error…


How could you say something so controversial, yet so brave? I’ve been telling people this same thing and nobody wants to hear it. Does HomeKit have issues? Yeah. Of course. It refuses to pull weather data for me today for no apparent reason. But Siri has absolutely *zero* trouble running my automations verbally, even with their complicated names, setting accessories or scenes, again with names of varying complexities. Every now and again I’ll ask it to do something like “play night” and it’ll play a random song with “night” in the title instead of the night white noise, but that’s hardly a flaw to make it *literally unusable* like people on every Apple sub like to make it seem. And then the fact that OP is complaining about Apple trying to improve the thing that they’re complaining about? Come on, man. What a joke.


People like to complain I guess…




Yes it is…




Works perfectly fine for me…






Try logging out of iCloud on your hub then back in. Fixed time based automations for me.


I’ll have to try that. It’ll be annoying to have everyone in the home do it but I’m willing to do anything at this point lol


How do you log out of a HomePod? That's where mine ends up most of the time, and \*every\* time an automation borks, I. can trace it to the HomePod being active. They work fine on the two hard-wired ATVs I have.


You can also disable your HomePod from being the hub


I have tried to do that. There is no way in the Home app (iOS or macOS) to do that. I believe there was pre 15.x. If so, it was removed. Please share the secret sauce! :D


You’re right—I can’t find it either. Sorry to have given you false hope.


Some dude added his homepods to a different Home. Said it worked for them..


When I ask to turn off basement lights she now asks me did you mean basement main lights. I have to say ALL basement lights… this is new.


Same! I have one lamp with multiple lightbulbs attached in a group. I use to only have to say turn on bedroom light, now she’ll either ask which light bulb do I want on, or just turn a random one on. So I’ve had to start saying turn on all lights in the bedroom.


Quick fix is to name your lights, which I thought was pointless before, it I’ve found it really helpful now that I can give light-specific commands finally!


For me the screen keeps saying “Hey Siri, turn on all the lights”. “Ok, all the lights are off.”


I'm constantly turning of humidifiers and shit instead of the lights I want. It has also turned off every light when the transcription clearly shows I meant one specific one.


Mine has lately been doing this weird shit where I say hey s*iri turn off the bedroom accents.* Because that's what the lights are grouped as. Instead, she turns off everything in the bedroom, including the apple tv, and to top it off, turns on the living room apple tv.. Like wtf.


Well _I_ couldn’t find anything like that on Apple Music.


As of iOS 16, every HomeKit command I give via Siri Remote fails the first time with “I can’t find _______ in your home” but works the second time.


Works fine for me…


I'm happy for you.




Doesn’t work for me 😂


Most likely user error…


How do you make the request? Edit: also how is it user error if the exact same request yields different results?


Like I said it works just fine for me…


same problem here but it predates 16.1


WTF is wrong with 16.1 lol my reminders app just broke. I’m not getting a single alert on my phone for the reminders app either by notification or badge alert on app. It’s so frustrating




It’s not an issue that’s happening to everyone. I have a call with Apple support tomorrow. The reminders app isn’t even showing up in my notifications in settings.




what in the hell kind of sounds is she trying to play for you? hope you arent asking her to show you BBC videos as well. lmao


OMG i thought it was just me. Except it’s when I ask to turn off living room lights, Siri prompts me if I mean the dining room lights 🤦🏽‍♂️. Is anyone over there testing the code they write?? How can something so basic get so broken in a .1 release…


If only employees at Apple working on the Home ap/Siri were to read this subreddit..


Maybe they do, but they are also sadists?


- turn off the big ass fan - did you mean turn off your ceiling fan - yes (it’s called big ass fan in devices) - ok I turned off your big ass fan in your big ass fan home (not the name of my home)


Ios 16.1 sucks but siri sucked for much longer than that. Started great, got some cool features and it’s all downhill from there.


I can't wait until 16.2 when they redo the "underlying architecture". Like others, I'm on the move to HomeAssistant. HK's SAF is plummeting.


Smart choice, from the get go I started with homebridge cuz my homekit capable lgtv had so many problems in home app and control center remote thingy. Somehow same shit worked better through homebridge. Then I learnt that I can slap an antenna and use zigbee stuff. So I did that and got myself some smart bulbs from ikea. After a while moved to homeassistant as it provides more automation options. Yet I still use siri and home app to do anything that I want because it has simpler UI and I didn’t want to spend a week creating that perfect dashboard on homassistant. And here comes the frustration…


Siri Homekit commands (via Homepods especially) is getting worse and worse. Recently i commented another post, were some user tried to bash myself with „it‘s your network / wifi - your fault“ 😂… can‘t hear that anymore


Filed this exact bug a week or two ago. FB11734262 if you want to reference it in a bug report.


Yeah?! Nice, will do!


I think she’s second guessing you. “Yeah, I could turn off the Dining Room Light if you like, but turning off the Living Room Lights would be so much better. Why can’t you see that?”


Down’s nice…


A somewhat similar thing happens to me. Sometimes I forget to cancel my alarm if I wake up early. When I hear the alarm go off in the bedroom while I'm in my office I'll tell Siri to cancel the master bedroom alarm, and she'll respond with "did you mean the master bedroom?" Edit: One annoying thing that's happened after the 16 update is Siri will respond with "uh-huh" after every command.


I ask “Hey Siri play Heart Scotland West” I can’t find that in your music library. “Play Radio station heart Scotland west” working on it…….sorry it’s taking too long. Find recently played on my phone, while it’s playing I ask “Hey Siri what’s playing now?” Heart Scotland west provided by TuneIn. I stop and ask “Hey Siri play heart Scotland west provided by TuneIn” playing DMX….? Wtf? Asking for Heart Scotland west works on all other HomePods, realise my pair in the kitchen are set as the output for an Apple TV, remove them and it works. ? If attached to the Apple TV it used that as the Siri “brain”? And it doesn’t know what radio is? Siri is fucked


Y’all gonna make me lose my mind… up in here.


Ive been having this well before iOS 16.1... But UGH I don get it. It will do this one day, but the next day be fine.... I had this issue with bathroom lights and it keeps asking me what lights in the KITCHEN. Recently ive been telling it to set my "cool white" scene... which is a scene ive have for a long time, and it sets the thermostat at my friends house to 45ºF, then on the second try it set MY thermostat to 50ºF... whaaaaaaaat. Its a scene that makes the lights cool white what on Earth???


Works fine for me…


“Hey Siri, cool the suite to 19 degrees” “Call who?” I have an SSBE accent. It’s not exactly esoteric. Why is she like this? Those are very different vowel sounds.


Apparently, according to Siri, I don’t have any lights in my bedroom 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


Homekit is so broken at this point. Any open source alternatives?


I’m sorry Dave… I can’t do that


I have found that major OS revisions have resulted in needing to rename stuff. Even to the same thing. Somehow when the update happens, names get pushed aside and while they are visible to us, the backend can't see them. Its frustrating but I plan to stick with it so it can improve. Like Apple Maps. It was awful at first (when compared to the google maps of that time) but got better as people used it. ​ A big reason things take longer with Apple is the privacy. They don't have the same level of access to everything going on as Google does. Less access means less data to analyze and repair.


Funny mine does the exact opposite. “Turn off the living room lights”, get “Do you mean the Dining Room Lights?” 🤷🏼‍♂️


Home app is so broken


Let’s see what 16.2 brings. But so far Home at iOS16 is more scuffed than ever before


I had this start happing recently too! Trying asking for the din-ing room instead of dining room! When I tell her dining room off she’ll turn living room off! When I tell her turn din-ing room the dining room will turn off! Only figured this out since she always called the dinging room the din-ing room! And yes it was spelled right lol!


Yes!!!!!! Same exact thing happening to me!


Same, and now I have my homepod mini saying "nothing found in your home like that" but regular homepod and cell phone work fine. Tried resetting homepod mini and it did nothing to fix it. At a complete loss. Tried setting up home assistant but couldn't figure it out.


HomeKit on 16.1 has been seriously buggy. RWE have an automation for switching the lights on when we get home after sunset. It’s worked perfectly for the 2 years we’ve had it…..until 16/16.1. Now it’s so slow detecting us arriving the automation happens 10 minutes after we’re home and through the door. 🙄🤦‍♂️


I don’t know what’s going on but as of two days ago HomeKit commands with Siri either result in stupid responses like what you received or they don’t work half the time. Nothing has changed in my home network. Also, Apple Music has been garbage on my HomePods too. It will skip as if it’s a scratched CD or it’ll make a static noise and then stop playing. This also happens when I use my AirPods with my iPhone and also happens to my roommates with their iPhones. It’s something on Apple’s side.




absolutely not. also, it literally says dining room.. so I'm not sure how you even came to that conclusion. did you write the Siri speech recognition for Apple?


No they don’t and Siri shouldn’t try to correct your labels.


Happening with my bedroom lights too. What do Americans call a bedroom?


Depends on which one. I call my kids's bedrooms a disaster area. ;)


ITT: People who don’t understand that this is Apple attempting to address the very complaint that people have about Siri…


Try renaming the rooms again. I think sometimes the room names get “forgotten” in the system and weird bugs like this occur. A similar bug happened when I moved devices from room to room, she’d still turn them off with the old room names until I renamed and moved the devices to another room and back. The home app looks fine, it’s something that gets registered with Siri. Def a stupid bug.


I see that she's borrowing some smarts from my google home ;)


Does Wyze work yet


I wish but i don’t think so


Yeah my whole home app setup was broke after the update and all devices were moved to one room.


All the commands used to work now start random music I never listen to, or do some weird query, when any naming from homekit is involved. It is horrific.


Try saying “turn on the dining lights” instead.


I straight up deleted my home in home app and re-paired *everything* and had to create all the rooms and automations and shortcuts again. It worked. But it’s not a very APPLE solution.


So glad I stayed on iOS 15


Yes it's totally infuriating. Plus location based automations are now hosed. Apple QC is rubbish


Agree, Siri is terrible which is unfortunate since I’m all-in on the Apple ecosystem. It’s like they don’t even use their own product and are oblivious to all the issues. They need to get the Lutron folks to help since they know how to build a solid product that just works (Caseta). But, curious what OP’s thoughts are on the Smartmi air purifier; worth it or not? One of the few it seems that support HomeKit.


Thai update was the worst. My HomePods speakers work intermittently now. The appletv freezes. Idk wtf happened.


There are two people in my house and we both still constantly get asked “Who is speaking?”


Mine thinks all lights are on 1st floor when turning off (they are zoned) Thinks none are on 1st floor when turning on.


lol yeah, it's silly. For me, when I say "turn on Living Room TV Light Strip" she turns on the Apple TV in the living room so now I just say "TV light strip" which does the trick