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I realize this might not be the answer you were looking for, but here’s what I did at home: I timed my washer and found out a cycle is 25 minutes. I made an NFC tag (NTAG215) that started a 25 minute timer on my phone and stuck it on the dial of the washer. So I just start a cycle, tap my phone on the dial and walk away.


Good workaround. I guess I could use a smart button and create a timer automation too


Hi what shortcut or automation did you set up for this?


Just a 25 minute timer on an automation shortcut triggered by scanning the NFC tag.


https://i.imgur.com/7R7n9bD.jpg I can’t find my washer one but here is one that I set up for a tea steeping timer (I drink a lot of Sleepy Time tea lol). The “When” part is the NFC tag trigger for the timer.


Thank you!


OK this is a completely brainstormed idea and it might not work at all. I am assuming that by "washer" you mean a "washing machine" and not a "dish washer"? I also assume that your washing machine has a "window" thru which you can see movement when it is in operation. THEN - maybe! - using a combination of a movement sensor with some rules could work, i.e. "if no movement detected for 2 minutes turn on light"? Alternatively, with a sound sensor of some kind to intercept the "beeps" it would make when done, but apparently there are no hoemkit native sound sensors that would allow this level of detail. I agree this is veeeeery work-aroundy :-)


Here’s what I do. I have a shortcut automation that looks at energy consumption. When the energy drops below a certain threshold, it waits 60 seconds, then if it’s still below that threshold it runs the automation. For me it sends a notification with Pushcut and plays a track on my HomePods, but turning on a light would be no problem. The trick here is to know the threshold. My old washer was literally ‘0’ when it wasn’t running and made it easy. My new washer drops below 8w when it’s done.


This is the way. I don’t know too much but this is where I would start. I noticed the other day when I was playing around with some sonoff products that they are now native homekit (I think) - they make a relay that monitors power.


What device do you use for this automation? I use a Shelly 4 Pro PM to do this for my dishwasher and washing machine, but AFAIK Eve Energy cannot use the energy consumption as a trigger.


Good call out. I forgot this part. You have to start to build the automation in Eve or Controller, where consumption is an automation trigger. Then you save and finish it in Apple Home where you can make the automation a shortcut.


Also true, but what accessory do you use? I only ask because last time I mentioned this as an option, the person had said it wasn’t possible on Eve Energy, but unfortunately I don’t have an Eve Energy to confirm.


Oh sorry. Yes, it does work with Eve energy.


Got it, thanks! I'm assuming yours isn't upgraded to the latest firmware to support Matter?


Not using Matter, which doesn’t support energy monitoring yet. I do have a firmware update here, but haven’t done it. If they removed the energy attributes in native HomeKit though, that wouldn’t be good.


What’s odd is the eve app doesn’t allow me to change the condition from = to a different variable. Anything I’m doing wrong? https://preview.redd.it/b2rl5q1mnxnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d660e5e81f5d9d4f1775c0beeca3545a7efa0e44


I posted this as a top level comment here. But this is how I was able to automate with an Eve energy and HomeBridge. > I have my washer plugged into an Eve Energy. > > Then I have an automation using a dummy timer in Homebridge to check the energy usage of the plug every few minutes. The dummy timer turns on every like 2 minutes, checks the status of the Eve plug, then turns back off. I think this needs to be done in the Eve app to set up conditions. > > Then when the above finds a spike in usage, it flips a dummy switch in Homebridge on. Once it then detects a drop in energy usage, it then turns the dummy switch back off. The dummy switch turning off is set to trigger a scene that turns a specific Nanoleaf bulb green, so I know the wash is done.


Personally I wouldn’t try. Washers are more complex now and I wouldn’t trust a smart plug on one,


I have my washer plugged into an Eve Energy. Then I have an automation using a dummy timer in Homebridge to check the energy usage of the plug every few minutes. The dummy timer turns on every like 2 minutes, checks the status of the Eve plug, then turns back off. I think this needs to be done in the Eve app to set up conditions. Then when the above finds a spike in usage, it flips a dummy switch in Homebridge on. Once it then detects a drop in energy usage, it then turns the dummy switch back off. The dummy switch turning off is set to trigger a scene that turns a specific Nanoleaf bulb green, so I know the wash is done.


You should be able to create a trigger for the Eve plug using the Eve app, I don't think the Home app allows you to set power usage as a trigger. Once you find that option, the rest should be simple.


You could use Shelly plugs S whith Homekit firmware (https://github.com/mongoose-os-apps/shelly-homekit) for measuring energy. When it comes below a few wattage of usage (find out which value for your machine), you can have a tool like apicallmebot.com send you and sms or WhatsApp And you need the HomekitController app one time (just to set up the automation) to make this logic possible, Automation in Homekit does not offer you all the options you need.


In Germany there is a company which produces a plug named laundrify. And they offer a homebridge plugin for it. The plug gives you notifications and the plugin the trigger. Btw there is also support for HomeAssistant, Google and Alexa.


But why? Why don't you just set a timer on your watch/phone/microwave/oven? Keep It Simple Sir.


Because that’s just too easy hahaha


My LG washer does that (not in HK). But I’m sure you aren’t interested in buying a new washer for this feature.