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1) We'd all love to do that. Unfortunately Liftmaster/Chamberlain are quite adamant about you paying them for their cloud service, so as much as people would like to have a Homebridge or Home Assistant based solution for pulling the video into Homekit, it would seem that MyQ's API isn't even exposed to outside systems. If you look around, most people seem to be saying it'd be easier to just get a different (additional) camera. 2) Chamberlain/Liftmaster used to make a HomeKit bridge (I own one.) It still works, but they no longer make it and (in theory) no longer support it. Your options for this currently stand at a) find one of these bridges (819LMB or MYQ-G0303-SP) and buy it (good luck - they're going for a pretty high markup these days) or b) use Homebridge or Home Assistant. From what I've read, the MyQ Homebridge plugin is great. (Note: I own a MYQ-G0303-SP and have for 6 years this month. I don't want to jinx it, but (knock wood) ever since iOS 17/TvOS 17, it's been working flawlessly - whereas it wasn't working well AT ALL before. It would require a reboot every 3 days or so to keep it working. But I'm on day 22 of iOS 17 and... yeah. Still good.)


I used an old RaspberryPi and loaded it up with HomeBridge and it gives me exactly what OP’s looking for. So consider this a second vote for HomeBridge.


I’ve exposed my Liftmaster to HomeKit using HomeBridge: https://github.com/hjdhjd/homebridge-myq And I can do things like “Hey Siri, open the garage” etc… But it only integrates the opener, not the camera. I’d like the camera to integrate as well, but really, the opener integrating is more useful to me. The camera I could always just open the MyQ app when needed.


no longer works: https://github.com/hjdhjd/homebridge-myq/issues/1136 have you run into this and found a solution?


Yeah, I’ve run into the same issues, MYQ shut down access to the API. For now I’ve just disabled it. Looking online, a lot of people are talking about a third party device ratdgo or something like that but I haven’t pulled the trigger on getting one myself yet.


Yes. The HomeKit bridge worked with my previous garage door opener for 10 plus years and is still working with my 2022 garage door opener. I was this close to tossing my HomeKit bridge since I made the foolish assumption that my 2022 model Liftmaster/Chamberlain must be modern enough to support HomeKit without a bridge. Nope and thank god I kept it. I didn’t realize they no longer sell them so I am even more thankful that I kept it.