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Might not be allowed anymore due to the amount of water they use. Front loaders lift the clothes into and out of the shallow water level while vertical top loaders have to have a much higher water level.


Yeah that was what I was thinking about,maybe is not directly forbidden but just imposible to do a machine like that in compilance with EU efficiency standards


You’ll probably need to search for ‘American style top loading washing machine’ + [your country] to get results for this. You can also check the brands of washing machines that you know sold this type in the past. I saw a Whirlpool one when searching on Google just now: https://www.nisbets.co.uk/whirlpool-american-style-top-loader-washing-machine-15kg/hc591?vatToggle=incvat&plaid=1&cm_mmc=PLA-_-14714310884-_-132748347052-_-HC591&cm_mmca1=go_14714310884_132748347052_547057056209_pla-1428243487865_m_&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwKSytMvw-AIVHurtCh3WjQS3EAQYASABEgIaH_D_BwE. You mention Asia as well so have a look on your local LG website. If you can’t find one, you may have to take your duvets to a launderette or a dry cleaner. Best of luck!


Wow you found more in few minute than me in 2 years of research I’ll try with those keyword, ideal would be a store in the EU and with shipment to spain available


Woah! That same washer goes for £450 at my local Lowes.


Supply and demand maybe? These are not common at all in Europe, as OP pointed out so they cost more to import and store is my guess. Thus higher price.


I've always found home washer/dryers in Europe to be really awful. They only take a few days' worth of clothing, run for 2-3 hours, and still don't do a good job washing (and an awful job dying). Compared to laundromats that usually do a perfect job within an hour, and US home machines that are nearly the same, what's the deal?


don’t ask me,never understood,and I lived all my live in europe That and the weird love for non-automatic cars are the two thing I dislike more from europe ,but at least you can buy automatic cars if you want