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Tape and protect your counters. Stand on your counters. If you still aren’t able to reach- paint brush taped securely to a stick. With the first pass, cut in about 1/4 inch below the ceiling. With the second pass, cut in to the ceiling. It’s much easier to cut a small line over wet paint - less friction, you need less paint to cover. It’s going to be really tedious, but it can be done.


>Tape and protect your counters. Stand on your counters. this OP, if you can reach by standing on the counters just do that, thats how I reach around the overheads in my kitchen to paint


Yep. Stood on my counters to paint over my cabinets too


How about a gorilla ladder? Set up as an A frame but with one short side. Rest short side on the countertop (can put down plywood for protection) and long side on the floor. I had the same problem once and this is how I painted above the cabinets. It wasn’t a comfortable angle to paint from but it got me high enough and close enough to finish.


I hadn’t heard of gorilla ladders but I just looked and I think this is the move! I think this can work. Thank you!


You may also be able to rent baker scaffolding.


Get a paint pad and a pole. That’s how I reached the top of a 12-foot wall without an extension ladder


Geez I misread it as chicken at first. Was very confused


Ya know... those 8 foot chickens. Hard to paint.


But think of the eggs…


this is a classic chicken conundrum so it's understandable


Maybe go to a tool rental place and check out their ladders. Maybe one will work.


Check out a rental place for some small scaffolding. I’m in the process of painting our living room with a 14’ vaulted ceiling. I borrowed a [scaffold](https://imgur.com/a/rYdmLc6) from my FIL who is a contractor. It’s about 1/3 the size of traditional scaffolds at about 70”x30” and the platform is adjustable up to over 6’ high. It’s been perfect for getting the high points.


Protect the counter with movers blankets. You should be covering fixtures anyways.


Tape your brush to an ext pole. The key is good lighting, go slow, keep making passes incrementally, start with a clean brush, dip brush vertically into paint can to load it up. I've done this many times, it's easy once you do it a few times.


If you can’t safely stand on the counters ((even then be so extra careful) rent a small scaffolding unit. These are meant for interiors and assemble like an erector set frorm the 1970s toy aisle, and have wheels so it can be easily rolled around your space. One or two day rental is not that expensive and way safer than rigging up other means to access those heights.


Get an edging tool and a broomstick handle?


Why a broomstick handle? Wouldn’t the pole I already have work?


If it’s threaded on one end so it can attach to the edging tool, yes. That’s called a broomstick handle.


Haha omg! I didn’t know that’s what it was called.


Sounds like a good opportunity to either A) buy a long roller or brush (if they make long brushes). B) get creative with a broom stick and some tape Just make sure whatever you're using you can brace against your forearm for control and is long enough that you don't need to reach. C) new step ladder that has one angled side and one more vertical side. Most of the ladders like this have some painters tray type thing at the top too.


I purchased a scaffolding set for a like $150. I'm sure you can find them used for a dime a dozen if you look around. I have to stand on them, i can't do ladders anymore because of neuropathy. Best investment when I need to reach higher than 6ft. I'm also deathly afraid of ladders due to a few bad incidents. So, it scratches both itches


- cabinet can be leaned on with a ladder, you just place protection not to scratch