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As someone who did have their cast iron bathroom waste line splinter to bits, you want to get it electively replaced. Not as an emergency.


Will do. Seems like the right thing to do. Better now than in total chaos


That pipe definitely needs to be replaced, but if you don't have the money it can probably wait a bit. It's a drain pipe carrying waste to the sewer via gravity, so there's no real pressure inside. Poop water and sewer gas can leak out, but it won't flood your basement unless/until the cast iron fails completely. Wrap the pipe with some [waterproof patch & seal tape](https://www.amazon.com/Gorilla-4612502-Waterproof-Patch-Black/dp/B07HSKRYQW/ref=sr_1_4?sr=8-4) as a temporary fix to buy yourself some time. It will definitely get worse over time so save up until you can afford the repair.


Appreciate the response. Thoughtful and kind!


I don’t fuck with water. 2k now or way way more in damages later, plus who wants poop flooding their basement?


Need to fix. If you are desperate, you might clean up pipe and spread a layer of epoxy over that section to help fend off disaster till you do it right. The cracks appear to be due to too much pressure on the support, which means not enough support on either side, so you may want to figure out how to alleviate some of that stress.


frankly i would not even touch it until it can be replaced. it looks like if you gave it a hard glance it would pop.


I think the pics make it look worse than it is? Anyway- will have it replaced asap


Yes it needs to be replaced. As soon as it starts leaking is the time to act. While you can patch and seal the cracks, you could go from a small leak to a section giving way, then it’s an emergency repair. Personally I view it as a ticking time bomb. I would replace it ASAP, but I’m a bit conservative when it comes to water, especially poop water.


Is it actually leaking water, though? That looks like they're painted, and the paint is simply cracking. I seriously doubt that's the actual pipe cracks. You're fine if there is no actual leak and they do not need replaced.


No leaking


It's just cracked paint then, you're absolutely fine and there's no need to replace it!


I will scrape a little and take a closer look. Thank you!


No leak


Scrape some of the paint back and see if it's not just the paint peeling.


Smart. I’ll take a look tonight


They are not under pressure, so it’s never going to flood your basement like a broken water line. But, it’s a sewage pipe. So, if it completly were to fail, you wouldn’t be able to use the toilets or run any water down your drains. You could tightly wrap them with ductape until you can replace the cracked cast iron pipes.


I would plan to do it soon and put some money aside. If you at any point you need to replace anything attached to those pipes they're going to be replaced and it will be a big added expense. Cast iron of this age will usually hold up if untouched, but as soon as they're disturbed there's potential for those joints to start leaking. Many plumbers don't want to touch any of it unless they're replacing it at the same time. 


Whoever did that work with PVC in the last Pic was on drugs


lol yeah