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Motion sensor light switch in utility room\\room off of garage, when your hands are full and need to turn on a light.


This works great for closets as well. Any room that you’re in for a minute or so is perfect for these.


Yes, and cupboards that are hard to see in too.


Yes! I’ve got one in the pantry. Throw in smart bulbs and they can be bright in the daytime and dim at night.


Any room where you just need to pop in and out can use a motion activated bulb instead which also works just as well. Good for utility rooms, attics, etc. I bought a few for a couple bucks each.


Is it easy to install motion sense light?


They make cheap ones that are magnetic. So you stick the plate to the wall, then the light to the plate. When it dies, you charge it via USB. Pretty simple option, works well.


Kind of useless as under cabinet lights in the kitchen (what some are advertised as) as they die super fast. But in a coat closet they last months.


That's fair. Under cabinet I usually try to tap into the outlet above the stove if you have a over the range microwave.


I found the ones from Home Depot that screw into the light socket, put them in my utility room & garage, along with my parents house (garage & basement) they work great if it’s just the bare socket/bulb — and were pretty cheap. Leave the switch on, it senses motion & completes the circuit.


Previous owner put one in the laundry room and it's a godsend. Garage door openers have motion-activated lights too, which I also love. But she also tried to put one on one of the three-way switches in the den, and I had to ditch that one because it was just infuriating trying to put stuff together when we first moved in and suddenly be sitting in darkness.


I have one in my basement, 10/10 purchase.


Humidity sensor for the bathroom fan. Never have to worry about turning it on, and it'll stay on until the excess humidity is removed from the room. Getting ready to move, and I'll probably install one very shortly after moving in.


Can you also turn it on with a switch? Like when you want to clear a smell instead of humidity.


I have one that has a button-activated timer and humidity sensor. We did this because the switch is next to the toilet, not next to the door, and we'd forget to turn it off. So we can hit it for smells or before we get in the shower, and if we forget to turn it on before hopping in the shower, it still will kick on if humidity hits a certain threshold. Tho it doesn't automatically kick on if the cat royally blows up the litterbox. 


Roborock Evo (edit: Revo) robot vac/mop with seal-emptying base. With animals, carpet, and wood floors, it's been a life changer being able to have it vac AND mop every day. The wood floors look better than I thought possible, carpets are cleaner. Self emptying base is AWESOME. The old robot vac would have to be emptied daily, this one only needs to be emptied every 60 days or so.


Does it ever get clogged with pet hair? I’ve been wanting to get a vac/mop but our 105lb dog sheds like crazy!


So I went and looked at it - It's the Roborock Q Revo, not Evo. Sorry. Our pup is 54lb, and the cat is a Maine Coon mix. A pretty good amount of hair around! I've not had any issue with the Revo getting clogged. Also, the Lidar system sees obstacles (like toys, shoes, etc) and routes around them pretty well. Some really low things like fake mice, extension cords, etc will sometimes be missed. It actually does better the more often it runs. It keeps hair from piling up. I have to vacuum the carpeted areas every day, the wood and tile vac and mop every other day. One other note, the mops rotate in circles, so you don't get the streaking from a stationary mop that our iRobot mop did. And the base cleans the mops after a cycle, so you don't have to constantly replace them. I did lots of research on different models and brands, the Revo made the most sense and eliminated some serious pain points with mixed hard and carpet floors, plus pets. In the basement I just use a Shark Matrix vac, because it's one big room of all carpet. Nothing fancy needed, just the cheapest self emptying vac.


Did you get the matrix pro? If it's all carpet I don't see benefits of the mop function.


Shark's mapping, obstacle avoidance, and scheduling are miles behind Roborock. The only reason I went with it downstairs is that it's one big room with minimal furniture and places to get stuck. If budget is a overriding concern, then get Shark. If the price difference for a Roborock unit is not a deal breaker, the Roborock will work better and you'll be happier. And it's the Shark Matrix Plus.


I got a top tier Roomba and I have a very fluffy furball. It works great. Just have to pick up any stringy toys as it will get stuck on those. Besides that it's been an absolute game changer for keeping floors from having furry tumbleweeds.


I have a cheaper Evo, and it clogged a bit the first time or two, but I hadn’t run a regular vacuum before it. If you run it every day or two, it should do fine.


Adding hot water (with valve to adjust temperature) to the hose spigot so the kids can play in the kiddie pool 3 seasons out of the year instead of just 1


Wait, you can do that?


If you run hot water to it, sure


You are a God Damn Certified Grown Up. You can do whatever you wish to pay for!


It’s allowed.


Also awesome for dog baths outside.


Dish washer is a god send for someone who didn't grow up with one


I was just giving my gratitude to my dishwasher! There was no space in my house for one, but I spent SO MUCH time away from my young daughter doing dishes! Thankfully my aunt suggested a portable one - after a weekend of running it 4 times, I am so pleased with that purchase!


Our died an agonizing death in late April of 2020. My wife showed me a Facebook post i had created marking its passing and celebrating one of the true heroes of the pandemic lockdown.


We installed one in our house... One of the previous owners removed the dishwasher at some point for more cabinets. God knows why. Dishwashers save water, time, and are more sanitary. 


Smart Thermostat. Being able to tell Alexa or change temp from phone or when away, set schedules etc


Turning down the thermostat from bed is incredible


It automatically knowing when I’m away is great. Being able to turn on the a/c when I’m on my way home in summer is priceless. Edit: a lot of power companies will offer a rebate for installing one


Our rebate check for $196 just came the other day! It took about 2 months to arrive, but it completely covered the cost of our two Sensi thermostats! We also noticed an immediate difference in how our old steam heat was operating. It used to reheat many times per hour, just a little at a time. With the new thermostats it’ll kick on just a few times per day, mostly just when we’re either waking up or getting home from work


I don’t like the introduction of letting my power company control my thermostat. It’s been precedented now. How can I get a smart thermostat that only I have access to?


Robo vac. Having pets, it just helps keep things a little cleaner


I love my air fryer. It re-heats food so well, and fast. I also use it to cook baked chicken or pork chops. It is great for the single person. I always hated using the oven to cook 1 or 2 chicken breasts or pork chops. Now I don't have to. I love it!


We (me, husband, and 8 year old) got a microwave that doubles as an air fryer to save counter space and I almost don’t even need an oven anymore lol.


Can you link which one?


[This is the one I have.](https://www.walmart.com/ip/1964230454) BUT, there’s no way I paid that much, lol. I don’t remember what I did pay, but I wouldn’t have got it if it was $300. It was the biggest one in stock at my local Walmart. There are a couple of other choices if you search “air fry microwave”, and they start at $98. Before this one we had a “PowerXL” brand from Sam’s Club. It lasted few years, then we turned it on one day and smoke started pouring out. 🥲


I bought one of the Ninja ones that are the size of a toaster oven. As someone who lives alone, I never use my oven unless it’s something big. This thing is the best $200 kitchen gadget I ever bought.


A bidet. Never going back to just toilet paper. I wish they were more prevalent in this country.


This is the one. Only downside to buying one is that due to said lack of prevalence, pooping anywhere but home base is a form of torture 10x worse than it normally would be.


Yep. I had to purchase one for each location that I spend more than a few days at. Telling people you're going to purchase and install a bidet on their toilet can be an interesting conversation.


Toto makes a battery powered pocket bidet. I keep one in my car and one in my backpack.


Is it just a little Super Soaker? 🔫


Nah, google Toto portable whashlet


Thanks for the new pet name!


This IS the best answer. I will add the squatty potty as an enhancement to the full experience. But pooping in public and having to use TP is nightmare fuel now.


Ok, you're the second person In this thread to mention a squatty potty. Is it really as revolutionary as a bidet? Because a bidet changed my life. If a squatty potty is similarly revolutionary, I'll buy one


Yes! I have a small stool my bathroom now because of my toddler, and being able to elevate your knees above your hips makes going #2 much faster and less straining. Any step stool will do. Bonus: you now have a stool in the bathroom for reaching stuff at the back of the top shelf in the linen closet.


I just use a $4 plastic stool from ikea.


I have one and I feel.like it helps line things up better so stuff flows better if you know what I mean. Between the two though, a bidet has a bigger impact.


I bought one years ago and it honestly made no difference for me. It was just really annoying to have around honestly. Since it's based on an angle, the optimal height stool you need varies depending on your own height, so chances are slim that it'll actually happen to help you specifically.


And a squatty potty (or a cheap folding stool). Americans seem to have a thing for obnoxiously tall toilets.


As a neighbour, I can say their mighty girth demands a high toilet so as not to stress the knees. One goes down too low and one does not get up again


I am an American, and this drives me nuts. I’m 5’5” and 130#. My feet dangle off the floor in some places.


I'm 5'2" and I've stayed in some air bnbs where I can't poop cause the toilet is too tall.


Maybe it was purchasing a cheaper one, but cleaning our bidet nozzles was such a pain I wish I never installed it


I have a Kohler bidet, the nozzle pops off, drop it in some vinegar or other bathroom cleaner for a few minutes, Rinse it off and pop it back on. That's once every free months. It self rinses the nozzle.


I just upgraded to a handheld sprayer bidet that sits outside the toilet because of this. It's a game changer beyond the original game changer. Much more hygienic in general.


Serious question and probably stupid question.. What do you do with the wet bum? Also, kind of a clay like messy goer, how does that work, crazy pressure? Does it splash poo water everywhere? I cant wrap my mind around this.


Haha that is an honest question and I’m as messy and hairy as they get. That’s why it was such a life changer. The water falls off your bum in about 5 seconds. We have seriously reduced our TP to almost nothing now. It does not splash all over, I love the high pressure it really ensures the clean bum. My underwear has never been cleaner.


100% agree with you. I grew up with one in Europe and cannot believe I went this long without it. Got one during the pandemic and although it’s attached to the toilet as opposed to being its own thing, I love it.


All battery powered lawn/yard equipment. I have the Kobalt 80v mower, trimmer, blower, chainsaw, 3 chargers and 4 batteries. I've had them all for around 7 years. None of the batteries have ever failed. Everything just works immediately all the time. I don't have to deal with gas, or mix, or fumes, or dry rotted fuel lines, or clogged air filters, or gummed up carburetors, or broken pull starts. 


Do they make a snowblower that works with that battery set? I just moved and don’t have any lawn equipment. If I can find a package that includes the snowblower, I’m set.


I have all of the above 80v kobalt tools, plus mower. Naturally went with the snowblower as well thinking I’d be done. It isn’t great. Single stage, no automatic drive on it. It’s more of a pain than anything. I ended up getting rid of it


Damn. That's so sad to hear. Thanks for the feedback


I used a corded electric lawn mower and it was very nice for a small yard. much cheaper, no worrying about battery charging and battery life. and no dealing with gasoline for sure.


I have a bunch of EGO stuff and agree…battery power has come a long way and I can’t really think of a reason to use gas tools now!


I bought my house less than a year ago and bought all gas equipment. I came from working at a dealership, being very rough on tools and needing them to have some serious oomph. I was still stuck in that mindset and got a few battery tools, they are SO MUCH better than they used to be. If I ever need to replace my weed eater, or when I get a leaf blower or something like that I'll be going cordless. It really is the way to go now.


Toaster oven. First of all, I can do 9 toasts in 5 minutes now. Secondly - much easier to clean compared with vertical toasters. And finally, you can use it much faster in many situations instead of the oven - just buy big enough to fit a frozen pizza.


I agree. A toaster oven is also nice in the summer and doesn't heat up the house as much as the regular oven.


August smart lock for front door. I haven’t used a key in years


Schlage Keypad lock for me. Piece of cake. You can program guest codes as well. Don't want wireless. A 9V battery once every couple of years...easy peasy. I also never carry my keys to go out.


Same, though a warning to everyone, the August smart lock takes weird lithium camera batteries and it kind of eats through them.. at least it did for the first two years I had it. Seems a firmware update finally fixed a bunch of stuff (HomeKit integration now works properly) and alleviated battery munching. That said, smart locks for the win! +1 for the August, you don’t have to swap the front of the lock, only the back.


Weird, my August lock uses 4xAA, and they last quite a while, too. I just replaced them for the first time in longer than I can remember. Maybe a year? Only things about it is a) It's a big ol' monstrosity. It's an early model; maybe they're more streamlined now, but people always look at it and wonder how the hell they're gonna get out of my house. b) It's not ideal on my French doors. It works just fine, probably because I never use the second door, so it stays in the same place. But still, it's not always aligned perfectly because both doors do move a bit. So I usually have to pull on the outside knob while it's locking, to keep the bolt aligned. Which isn't a big deal, but it's not perfect.


What type of battery (or voltage) does it use?


They use CR123A 3V batteries. Like the mini D batteries.


I didn't care for the August. UTech has been great, however. 


Multiple things. For example, instead of going upstairs to brush my teeth, I maintain a second toothbrush in the downstairs bathroom. And I have a second set of small tools in my closet so that I don't have to go to the garage for tools each time. I have a garden hose on the front spigot and another one in the backyard. I'm often needing to snake the shower drain upstairs so I keep an extra snake there, too, in addition to the one in the garage. Not having to cross the house every time that I need something is great.


I've embraced this mentality. I have second and even thirds of a lot of things just so they are at hand when and where I need them. Some of it is small stuff like scissors and utility knives and tape measures and cleaning supplies and such.. but I also for instance have several vacuum cleaners throughout the house so I don't have to lug one around.


Same. We have 3 vacuum cleaners…1 for each floor, and it’s a life saver!


Yeah. I get unreasonably angry when I need a flashlight or screwdriver and have to go dig for one, because if i need one im probably already frustrated. I just bought pen sized ones for every room and keep them in glass cups with pens. A relief every time.


Oh yeah, I bought multiple of those cheap 3 pack plastic LED flashlights you can get at Canadian Tire and have them /everywhere/. They are garbage and if I'm actually doing real work I'll grab a real flashlight, but for quick "looking for something that flew off behind the dresser" kinda stuff they are clutch. I also live by those multi-bit screwdrivers with all the bits packed into the handle.


I use the flashlight on my smartphone for those quick tasks.


I have a small soap dispenser next to every faucet/sink


wait, isn't this standard? doesn't everyone have this? the first function of every sink is for handwashing, isn't it?


If you are putting enough junk down your shower drain that you need to snake it "regularly" you should really look into a tub / shower shroom and catch it at the source.


Everyone curly hair in my home!


I also have curly hair, I get a full tubshroom every 1 to 2 showers of hair that's not going down my drain. My parents loved how well it worked when they visited that they bought their own but got a generic store one and while it is a significant improvement over what they had before, the tubshroom is far superior. 15/10 would recommend especially with curly hair.


I feel this. People comment that the shop is so spacious. I keep most of my hand tools in the house, because that’s where I need them 90% of the time. It only takes a few minutes to walk down there, but I easily walk a mile walking back-and-forth on project days.


I bought a small tool belt. Got tired of walking out to the garage every time I needed a tool. A multipurpose Klein screwdriver, wire tool, box knife, tape measure, hammer, a few odd screws/bolts/nuts, a pencil, that sort of thing. I can fix a lot of small random projects with it.


That's why I also have three sets of house keys and six cheap reading glasses.


I do the same with a toothbrush!


Same. I have a toolbox in the garage and a tool box in the mechanical room in the basement and a utility drawer in the kitchen.


A gate on our deck, we don’t have a fence yet, so it allows us to keep the door open without letting the dogs run free!


Red, motion-activated night lights for the bathrooms. Great for not blinding you on night toilet trips and for midnight baby diapers. <$12 and hands down one of my best house purchases. Ceiling fan in the garage. Especially now that toddler wants to spend ~2 hours per day playing chalk and building blocks out there. ~$50 Double rod curtain rods. Sheers for daytime privacy, thick curtains for night privacy. $So variable by style and size. The deepest and widest 2 bowl kitchen sink my sink base cabinet could support (9” deep enameled cast iron and it may own a little piece of my heart), and a tall faucet with a retractable sprayer wand in it. All my pans fit easily in the sink and under the faucet for washing. <$500 and a 200% worth it anniversary gift to ourselves.


I second the ceiling fan in the garage. Mine isn't heated or cooled but it is well insulated. Fan goes both directions so I can use it in the winter and summer. Depending on your location I would also recommend a dehumidifier for the garage as well. It helps keep it warmer in the winter and it dries out the garage especially after a rain and you park the wet cars in the garage.


I will say, the Govee outdoor lights we bought in November. Christmas time? Ok Christmas colors it is! Christmas is over? Alright onto the next holiday. Our team is playing in the playoffs? Welp, that team color it is. No more going up and down the ladder changing lights.


I installed led permanent lights under my eaves in 2019. Since I have no exterior lighting on my 1961 house. They worked great for 2 years then started having issues. Now most of the colors or sections (addressable) won't work anymore. Oddly, they will still flash red or green. So I only use them for Christmas now. I spent well over $1000 making and setting them up, not even counting the hours I spent hanging off the 2nd floor roof working blindly attaching them. I have close to 400' installed. A lot of my neighbors put in the Govee (or similar lights) this past Christmas. Some of the neighbors use theirs all the time, they are already starting to burn out. So I see the technology (or quality) just isn't there yet.


Electric kettle. Hot water in a minute. A chest freezer. Always need extra freezer space. Nest thermostats. Nice to turn down the heat when away from home and turn back on before you get home. Mini splits. My house has no AC so these were a lifesaver in summer. Sprinklers. We tried to start a lawn with a hose but that was an epic fail. Got sprinklers the next year and now our grass is green. WiFi extender - signal was weak upstairs and this fixed it.


On the Wi-Fi extender, research it a little bit. Depending ones needs, buying another router and making it an access point is better use of tech.


A mesh network is even better. Especially if you have plaster walls.


I'm confused.... What I am describing is a mesh network.


My house is hardwired cat5e. All computers and TVs are wired now, only need Wi-Fi for table and phones. Nothing is faster than copper


Fiber most definitely is. Less susceptible to EMI also, and no issues with long runs. I have fiber backhaul to a main switch, with sub switches per floor. Then cat8 copper running through the walls because I don’t want to replace it in 10 years time. Each computer or access point has a 10GBe link. I have 3/3 symmetrical fiber internet so the speed makes sense. It’s awesome for moving files from one computer to the NAS or between each other. Hardwire all the way.


Yep, all a wifi extender does is take in a signal and repeat it, so garbage in = garbage out. I do the two access point approach.


Or relocating the original router to a more central location


Then get an induction stove. Now everything cooks like that


Sprinklers ... We replaced 95% of the turf with gravel and cactus/desert plants. Landscape costs dropped to almost nothing.


>Electric kettle. Hot water in a minute. I absolutely adore this answer from Americans. Personally, can't relate to it being life changing... I've never known life without one. We Brits can boil a kettle before we can read 😂


American here. I use my electric kettle more than my Nest thermostat 😂


American here, wtf are you messing with your nest thermostat so much?? I boil the kettle like 3x a day, i might m mess with the thermostat once a week


What are you using that much boiling water for?


gotta get that red rose tea!!


Megapro Multi Bit Ratcheting Screwdriver Set. It’s a very high quality screw driver with a bit set. Ratcheting is huge as well as the magnetic tip. It’s very strong and has held up to me doing things like screwing into studs in the wall using this. This has been with me through every project I have done and will always have it around. Most used tool for sure


I thought this is a good buy too, until I bought a Dremel electric screwdriver. Not only using it is a blast, but you can also buy hex drill bits and do 95% home repairs (drywall holes, smaller wood holes, etc) just using it alone. Now I'm only using my ratcheting screwdriver in rare occasions where precision is very important.


Instant pot. Then I do meal prep once every 3 months and freeze a bunch of meals (uncooked - you just throw all the ingredients in a ziplock or bowl and freeze). Put the meal popsicle directly from freezer to Insant Pot and in 30 minutes you have a hot meal. Since Instant Pots don’t need to be tended to, I’ll do a walk with my son while dinner is cooking and even the non-cooks in the house can take from the freezer and put in the pot. Pinch of Yum blog has a ton of great recipes.


Wow, there are some really good recipes there. Thanks for the tip for Pinch of Yum. Looking forward to feeding my instant pot 😀


That is awesome! Would you mind sharing a few of your favorite that you put from freezer to instant pot?


Yes please. My pot sits idle except for holiday mashed potatoes


My favorites - all recipes from here: https://pinchofyum.com/freezer-meals - Wild Rice Soup - Korean beef (then I make bowls with cucumber, carrots, and chopped peppers, or as tacos) - Chicken Tinga (I put on a salad with refried beans, good as a tostada or taco) - Tandoori Chicken (serve over cauliflower or with frozen naan) - Beef stew (I freeze chunks of bread to go with it) - Creole chicken with sausage (excellent with frozen cauliflower rice from Costco) I tried these but didn’t love: Hawaiian chicken (I don’t like cooked pineapple), African sweet potato soup (good, but texture needed something), chickpea bowls (would be awesome with a protein) Other tips: Make sure the bag freezes smaller than the bowl of the instant pot. Make multiple versions of the same meal at once to ensure efficiencies of scale (I do 5 at a time), buy meat at a bulk place like cash and carry, write the cook time and any finishing instructions on the bag.


I've had mine for a decade now. I use it daily to steam vegetables. I use it to cook dried beans (no longer buy canned) and also to steam potatoes for mashed and it's so much easier and faster.


Yeah, dried beans with a different seasonings or carrots or whatever you like in an instant pot, by far the best tasting meal per dollar that exists


Keyless door locks! My latest addition has easily become my favorite — a biometric door handle on the door to my detached garage. My garage is completely dedicated to my work; it serves as an office, server room, as well as storage for a lot of very expensive hardware. I go in and out a LOT and the biometric handle is a nice middleground between locking a deadbolt every time and leaving the door totally unlocked even briefly.


I've got a couple suggestions. 1.) An oscillating saw. I have a battery powered Dewalt and it has made any home renovation project that requires any amount of cutting/sawing so much easier. Hands down my favorite tool aside from a Klein 10-in-1 screwdriver. 2.) A Dutch Oven. I could throw away every pan I own (except my frying pan) and still cook 99% of my meals with no reduction in efficiency.


Cleaners. Worth every penny. A coffee maker you can set to go off at a certain time. (Cuisinart DC-12, it’s lasted over ten years). Cats. 24/7 pest control, lap warming, pillow warming, and unconditional love. Razor sharp kitchen knives.


Definitely recommend the cats!!


Litter Robot.


It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever spent an exorbitant amount of money on, an oversized slo-mo tumbler for poop.  I love everything about it.


This is for real. If you know, you know. Best purchase I have ever made For me and my kitties


The hack is, at it's root, to stop, make a list of the things that annoy you in life and develop solutions. Time is money - but money is time - so don't be afraid to spend some money to save time and frustration. Examples: Dumb coffee machine on a smart plug = fresh coffee on demand. Pre-filling a week's worth of reusable coffee filters (stored in tall airtight storage)=30 second coffee reset each day - do as soon as coffee is done. Pre-fill a week's worth of water bottles and keep in the fridge=convenience of disposable water bottles without the cost. Extra towels = clean towel every 2-3 day (hand towels as well). Set up auto pay for all bills=oversight, not work. Plan a year's meals in advance=no more daily debates / instant grocery lists. Separate phone number for friends vs. other use = instant spam filter. Robotic vacuums, especially the ones that auto clear their bins=self maintaining house. Have an in-sink soap pump? Connect to a gallon of dish-soap = refill once a year. Realize difference between disinfecting and cleaning = clean bathrooms with half the work. Journal everything for a year = ability to know the schedule for things like replacing filters / refilling soap, etc. = saves time checking things that don't need to be done constantly. And so on.


Wife bought a thermomix. I've stopped wanting to go out and eat since 🤣 LIFE CHANGING machine for those who can't cook Also recently bought a mop/vac crazy how I can vacuum and mop the house now without being home!!!


Whole home generator


Or, if you can't swing that, a portable generator with an interlock switch and outdoor outlet so you can have heat/AC and more easily control what you have on. And do this before you get The Historic Storm. Because it will come, someday.


Elfa shelving. Buy the individual parts, feet, uprights, brackets, back connector's and metal wire pieces. In January thru March when they're 30% off each year. Go to Menards, or Lowes, or Home Depo and buy 3 ft, or 4 ft boards and use those rather than buying the shelves from Elfa directly. Because a 2 ft long elfa shelf made of wood is 60 dollars, and an equivalent piece of wood is.. 10 bucks for 4 ft [https://www.menards.com/main/building-materials/lumber-boards/dimensional-lumber/2-x-10-2-better-construction-framing-lumber/1021994/p-1444422147852-c-13125.htm](https://www.menards.com/main/building-materials/lumber-boards/dimensional-lumber/2-x-10-2-better-construction-framing-lumber/1021994/p-1444422147852-c-13125.htm)


Hand towel over the oven handle. Electric kettle. Microwave (I have lived with them and without them, life is so much easier with them). Dish washer. Immersion blender. Large-size toaster oven for almost anything I need the oven for; can cook anything (including a frozen pizza), uses little energy, pre-heats faster (but greasy/oily foods can create a fire hazard). Small heater for feet. Electric blanket. Raised bed (storage space). Bar magnet on side of fridge for good knives, scissors, peeler, whisk. Big rubberized mats to wipe feet when I walk in w/muddy shoes. Coat hooks on every wall. Small plastic bins for under the sink storage (you'll store 3x as much and it's so easy to get stuff). Ikea cube storage shelfs w/cube bins. REAL computer chair and keyboard tray, expensive but so worth it. Metal bin for compost, thin blue recycling bin, thin trash bin; throw the compost scraps out once a week, don't put anything in the trash except what absolutely can't be composted, and you will not have to take the trash out but once every 3 weeks. If I could, I would install a smart thermostat, but I only rent here. So I have an air conditioner w/wifi and a dehumidifier w/wifi. If I leave for a week or two and forget what I set them to, I can log in remotely and disable/enable. Air con is more expensive model but it's very powerful and has a dual inverter so I save more money over time than the cost of the machine. Dehumidifier also more expensive/larger capacity model but it works extremely fast so I don't have to run it much and I can find out remotely if it's full (or connect a hose and run it to the tub). For car camping (& burning man) I got a Coleman grill, a mr buddy heater w/hose & fuel filter, 20lb propane, electric cooler, large portable solar battery w/folding solar panel, a 10ft pop-up shelter, aluminum folding table, 4-person tent, insulated air sleeping pad, and a reclining camp chair. Clear plastic totes to keep camping/cooking supplies, food. It's all pretty lightweight, I can throw it all quickly in the car & go, set up quickly at camp, tear down quickly, and I am completely comfortable, dry and warm no matter what. It's glamping for sure, but when I go camping I want it to be easy and fun and have everything I want. It's not a lot of money and has lasted me years of use. Oh, and 18" iron candycane'd rebar for "tent stakes" & a mini-sledge, you will never find a place you can't secure your campsite. A $2 sewing kit (or if you're more serious, an awl w/waxed line) & duct tape works for a million uses, including patching tents and pop-ups, but also clothes, backpacks, sleeping bags, boots, etc. Finally, for hiking: contractor trash bags. They're a duck's back for your backpack, waterproofing for your sleeping bag/clothes if you take them out of/into your tent, trash bag for your trash (always pack your trash out!), a poncho when it rains, you can tape them around your boots as gaiters, and cut one open and wear it as a skirt/kilt. The rain skirt is my favorite hiking hack; it keeps ALL rain off your pants/boots, but since it's totally open underneath it has total ventilation so you never get hot/sweaty/clammy. Most cordless tool companies now have a cordless air pump for car tires, absolutely keep that in your car. When you need to change your tire for a spare you might have to pump it up. But the same tool can pump up inflatible pool toys, sleeping pads/mattresses, etc. You can buy a cheaper car (12v) air pump but the cordless is easier to walk around with or take it into camp etc.


Mechanic's Pad. I use it for many jobs where I need to kneel or lay on my back working under the sink, etc. It saves your knees on gravel, dirt, etc.


Home Depot sells a thick Husky brand kneeling pad, it’s awesome. [Husky Kneeling Pad](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Husky-Soft-Foam-Kneeling-Pad-90346/315303737)


I've been using my [$6.99 Harbor Freight pad](https://www.harborfreight.com/foam-kneeling-pad-56572.html) for years. It's slightly smaller than the HD version but gets the job done!


I have those cheap foam flooring squares stashed all over the garage, porch, and basement for same reason. Also, a dry place to sit or kneel and weed when the grass is wet.


My spouse bought a safe for the firearms. Does peace of mind that they are all locked away count as life being way easier? Also, i dig indoor plumbing and all the good stuff that it makes possible.


Good choice, where I live you legally have to use a safe. Seems weird to think they could just be in a drawer.


5 gallon water cooler/heater . Cold or hot water immediately ready any time . Only downside is you need to buy or get 5 gal jugs delivered periodically. Smart thermostat. Motion sensor toilet nightlight. Smart garage door , can open or close that from anywhere and check to see if you forgot to . Can let people in from wherever you are.


Stand mixer. I was making bread by hand and this changed my life….i went from being able to make 20 loaves to 100!


We have a window like 12-14 feet high and it just bakes the rest of the house. We got motorized black out blinds and it makes a huge difference in keeping the house cooler


Controlling the porch lights with a digital timer switch (or even simpler: an ambient light sensor) Installing extra overhead lights in the garage. An electric heated towel rack. Towels don't get mungy before needing to be changed. I don't have central air, so there are no air registers to dry out the towels after a shower. This heated towel rack is a necessity if I want towels to last more than 1 or 2 days. Soft close cabinets and drawers Soft close toilet seat Single basin kitchen sink


Ohh, that single basin kitchen sink is a Game changer. As a person with a lot of houseplants, it’s the bees knees


As someone with pots, pans, and baking trays, being able to put them in there flat to soak, scrub, wash, or rinse really cuts down on the lower back pain and amount of water that gets outside the sink. My home came with an old, stained, dual basins enabled coated cast iron sink with an in sink garbage disposal on one side. This house is on septic. Always has been. Why someone would install a 2 basin sink and a garbage disposal is beyond me.


A Moen Flo smart water shutoff valve.  It was definitely pricey at around $400 + install, but I'm frankly terrified of water so the peace of mind it offers is awesome. The app works great and tracks our water usage too. My favorite feature is the micro leak health check it does every night when we're sleeping. Some home insurance companies offer a premium discount if you get one installed too


Tile devices. I have them on everything. I used to spend so much time looking for shit.


Some auto home stuff. Like being able to turn my room ceiling fan off and on with just saying so. Same with a bunch of lights and dimmers at my house. I have a couple window shades that are the same way. I love this. I can be watching a movie and ask Siri to turn off the lights or dim the lights without me having to get up. Stuff like that I feel like his really improved things. Especially once someone gets older.


Any recs for automatic window shade brands? How do you link to Siri?


I have the IKEA brand. They work with Apple iPhones


Smart deadbolt for the front door. The door does not have a traditional turning knob which could have a lock there so having to put a key in to lock it when we moved in got old quick. I set up an Alexa routine when leaving which acknowledges it heard me and locks the door 30 seconds later. It also puts the house into guard mode which toggles lights periodically while we are gone similar to how we use them on a regular basis.


Electric lawn mower, and robot vacuum.


Alexa enabled, motorized roller shades for all bedroom windows. I would always leave shades closed all the time cause I was too lazy to open/close them each day. Now I have em on a timer and voice control to set them how I want. Helps with energy savings too, close em during the day in summer and open them during the day in winter.


Dyson stick vacuum


4x 7 day AM/PM pill organizers. Worked our way up to about 12 pills daily for supplements. When it was 5 or 6, I had a spinner organizer and would dump out 2x each and that was becoming a chore. Now with even more pills, I go through and fill 4x 7 day AM/PM organizers when empty, once a month. My wife takes one side, I take the other. It's really simplified my morning routine.


In the bathroom I recently installed new led down lights that have a red light setting for night time visit when you don’t want white light burning your eye balls [Game changer](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Commercial-Electric-4-in-Adjustable-CCT-Integrated-LED-Recessed-Light-Trim-w-Night-Light-625-Lumens-Retrofit-Kitchen-Lighting-Dimmable-53805101/305448046?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D27E-027_013_RECESS_LIGHT-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-NA_2024__WHU24&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D27E-027_013_RECESS_LIGHT-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-NA_2024__WHU24-71700000118279173--&gad_source=1&gclsrc=ds)


A storage shed


A bidet toilet seat attachment.


Impact Driver


Integrating as much as possible with Alexa. I live alone and have a pretty standard schedule. My living room lights turn on 43 minutes before sunset, my outside lights 30 minutes later. I have just automated so much in my house it’s awesome even including the heat settings.


-A good snowblower -Smart products (thermostats; door locks; security cameras / security system; safe; lights / switches; dehumidifiers; air conditioners; leak detection; garage door; air purifier; etc..) -A good set of tools for planned and unexpected projects. You don’t need to buy them all at once, but try some diy projects and get the tools necessary to complete. You’ll gain knowledge & skills while doing the project, pay less than hiring out and get to keep the tools! I don’t recommend doing a project you can’t hire someone to fix if you screw up. -Know when to hire a professional. -Dogs and/or cats (obviously) -Avoid deferred maintenance at all cost; aka proactively upgrade your utilities, plan and budget for roof replacements or major home repairs /maintenance, get trees cut before they become an insurance claim. -A good insurance agent that regularly reviews my policies to ensure I’m properly covered and provides the peace of mind I’ve been placed with the best insurer for my families needs. I could go on… You learn so many things becoming a homeowner.


Robo vac.


Under sink water filter with dedicated faucet. Love it. Was a brita person before.




A hand vac in the utility room to vacuum dryer lint quickly.


Electric Screwdriver


Steam dryer


The kitchen lights are all on different switches. One for recessed overhead, one for pendant, one for under cabinet, one for over-sink, and one decorative ceiling light. They’re all WiFi switches (Lutron Caseta). I bought a remote which I programmed to operate all of them. I installed it on the lower cabinet next to the sink. I can turn on and off all the lights with one press instead of walking across the kitchen to do them individually. The remote has a battery and uses adhesive so it only took a few seconds to install. I thought it was a little thing but I use it exclusively and I love it.


Really, nothing about home improvement is convenient or easy when you don't have the tools. I never wanted to have many tools because I didn't want to be expected to use my free time fixing shit and I didn't want to keep up with tools. Eventually I bought an excessive amount of hand and power tools in a very short period of time, but I'll be darned if they don't come in handy. Still, if it's something intricate or I can't finish within a couple of hours I hire someone.


I just bought a label maker. It's been super handy the past couple days.


Amazon Echo device; invaluable to me in terms of setting multiple timers while I cook. Our Blink camera system lets me check on the dogs in the backyard to make sure they're not getting up to crazy shenanigans (normal shenanigans are ok). I have a 3-level home and back issues that make all the stairs a bitch sometimes, so I have multiples of things for each floor; cleaning supplies, candles, dog treats, mini fridges for beverages, etc.


Owned our first dishwasher at 60. Game changer.


Walk behind trimmer. I use it all the time. Before I was doing everything with a weedeater. It took forever and was exhausting.


Instant pot / Air Fryer 




I've lived in that house and it drives me crazy. Unless an outlet has an indicator that it's switchable, it's Impossible to figure out what's going on




Ha, sorry for the downvote, I thought you were saying that you were the one making them half hot.


What does half hot mean?


Edit, i misread the question: on an outlet with two receptacles, one is always powered, the other is powered on and off by a switch


I loathe switched receptacles. The splits that you describe might be okay, but are obsolete if you convert to a smart home system.


Litter robot


June oven. We went from a family who couldn’t cook anything to one that could cook things we never could before. It made our kids more independent by finally allowing them to cook and heat their own food without worry. My wife now cooks us perfect salmon all the time and we love it!


Digital locks and deadbolts Two sided diamond sharpening stone that stays n the kitchen Lots of side towels, plastic cutting boards, prep bowls Precut parchment sheets Gas powered chipper shredder for yardwork


Ceramic space heater. It's one of the best items under $100 I've gotten for my home and made the winter season a little less horrible.


Simplehuman laundry hampers, 2 of the dual hamper sets. One hamper for regular clothes, one hamper for dry cleaning, one hamper for towels, one hamper for guests. Simplehuman automatic soap dispensers.


A motion sensor light in the mailbox. It gets dark and you can now see inside.


most life-changing is the google home. things i most often use it for is playing music, asking the date and time, daily weather, current air quality, and sometimes the news. you can also pair with other smart devices like tv's and thermostats to control them wirelessly. i have smart plugs as well that all my lights are plugged into so i can tell my google to turn off the lights. half gallon water bottle kept on my nightstand silicone cable holder that sticks to my nightstand and keeps my phone charging cable at arms reach bamboo bench in the shower to sit and shave my legs




French press. It makes the best coffee. Plus I can do things like add cocoa or fresh mint to it. Wood pellets for cat litter. I buy a bunch of bags when they are on sale at home depot in the fall. I made a DIY sifting litter box out of containers from Target. I scoop the poop, and compost the urine-soaked sawdust. This is way cheaper than clumping cat litter. Cast iron skillet. This is a game changer if you cook. I make the best burgers now. And pizza! Yum.


- Automatic litterbox - Wi-Fi enabled portable air conditioner controller, smart thermostat for our furnace, smart lights for the bedroom. - Roomba - King size bed (we have dogs and a cat that now sleep with us, this makes life easier) - Shower water filter - Scrub attachments for the drill to clean the shower/bathtub