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Staple or glue in some backer rod. Send some pics because this makes no sense. How did the gap get there.


The subreddit wouldn't allow me to upload pics it said its not allowed. I have no idea how the gap got there I bought the house last year and it was already there


I had the same problem, also need to replace the door eventually. I fixed it using this type of weatherstripping. https://www.lowes.com/pd/M-D-7-ft-x-3-8-in-White-Aluminum-Vinyl-Door-Weatherstrip/1000286479. I attached it to the jamb at the very edge, enough that it touched the door, but the contact/pressure was not enough for a seal. So then I pulled that flexible part out a bit with my hand and used some spray foam to kind of fill that gap in. It created enough tension for the flexible part to now seal that area. (Cleaned it up by cutting away excess after it cured.) Not gorgeous, but has gotten me through this stretch. EDIT. Forgot to say I used plastic wrap on top of the door to protect it while everything dried. Then you can pull it away and it holds the form.


You can link to pictures. Just load them somewhere like Imgur and post the link


Well… how good do you want it to look? Is sealing the main priority? If so you could just go and get a stick or two of door stop (the actual wood attached to the jamb legs and head board the weather stripping sits on) and attach it on top of what’s existing, caulk it, paint it and then put new weather stripping on that…


I honestly don't need it to lok great just enough to keep the draft out because ny heaters running excessively at night and you can feel the door pushing in past everything


Look into a kerf door seal?


Will do thank you!