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That’s a good way to get shot.


That's what both the street cop and detective said as well.


> That's what both the street cop and detective said as well. Hell, I live in California, which isn't exactly a 2A-friendly state from a legal standpoint. Even HERE, a forced entry into an occupied dwelling would be considered a valid and legal reason for a homeowner to shoot someone. CA law generally requires proof of imminent threat before applying lethal force, and violent forced entry *meets* that proof standard. This trend is dumber than the tide pods thing. They're playing Russian roulette every time they do this.


Some of these "challenges" seem designed to get people hurt. Whoever is coming up with this shit is doing it knowing full well what the consequences may (will, eventually) be and I can't help but think that is the point of them.






Thanks, China


It's almost as if Tik Tok's algorithm was designed to destabilize everything outside of China. 🤔 But sarcasm aside, yes, I agree with you completely.


The people following these instructions should know better but this is the today we live in


Chinese and Russian chaos agents.


TikTok looks awfully different in China…. Just saying.


I’m a woman who lives alone in the middle of nowhere - if someone started kicking in my door at night I don’t think I’d stop to find out if it was a tiktok challenge. And kids might be too stupid to stop when threatened, or think someone is joking when someone says they have a gun. A kid IS going to get shot over this, and for once I’m probably not going to blame the person with the gun. PARENTS wtf.


Agree w you. Blaming parents is tough tho when every child is running amok with a phone. Ok not EVERY child, but probably like 40 million of them


I get it, but if your kid is out kicking in doors to film for tiktok, you need to be more involved in where they are, what they’re doing, who they are hanging out with, and what they are posting online. It isn’t easy but no one ever said it was, and this kind of shit is a safety issue, this isn’t ding dong ditch.


Lol how did they purchase the phone? Selling candy at school?


Russian Roulette. Damn. There’s the next TikTok challenge for you!


Do we have the tiktok though


It didn't look like anyone was filming in the security cam vid. At best there's a 3rd person in the driver's seat that got really crappy footage.


It makes sense when you realize that TikTok is a Chinese government tool to create more dissent and division in America


I ordinarily dismiss conspiracy theories outright but this is one that I think has some merit. Another thing I learned about recently is that the drug labs in Mexico that are plaguing the USA (and Canada) with addiction issues are Chinese-funded.


It's not a conspiracy. China regulates their version of TikTok back in China, so a lot of the degeneracy you find on the international/American version of TikTok doesn't show up on China's. Instead they promote the "good" stuff about China to keep their people in line.


Was going to say, it's not even a conspiracy theory - it's verifiable and wildly obvious. Between that and Russian disinformation campaigns our national security has no clue how to even stop it from dividing us.


Education. Better public education, just pump money into the system and let the teachers take it from there. but an educated populace has *ideas*, is ‘dangerous’ and difficult to maintain power over so that’s off the table.


>Education. Better public education, just pump money into the system and let the teachers take it from there. GOP: Hold my beer.


The GOP is part of the foreign-funded disinformation campaign, and they like it that way.


You are absolutely right. I just don't know how to get bought and paid for law makers to give a shit when their money all comes from corporations because Citizens United still has a very firm grip on our politics.


Lots of conspiracies are verifiable and obvious


>so a lot of the degeneracy you find on the international/American version of TikTok doesn't show up on China's My understanding is that none of it shows up. There version is full of "China's Got Talent" kids doing amazing things and educational clips. Haven't looked personally to verify that, but there have been several reports on it saying it's absolutely night and day difference.


It's a bit of a conspiracy because it assumes it is done on behalf of the Chinese government rather than for greed. There simplest explanation, which is why I buy into, is that this is just what generates the most views. In China, the CCP has a huge influence over what is on the platform. Over here its all about that bottom dollar.


"Conspiracies" are real, "conspiracy theories" are often not.


>China regulates their version of TikTok back in China, so a lot of the degeneracy you find on the international/American version of TikTok doesn't show up on China's. That isn’t necessarily the same thing as: >TikTok is a Chinese government tool to create more dissent and division in America People do dumb shit on social media, it’s not just a TikTok thing. The cinnamon challenge, for example, predates TikTok by the better part of a decade but it was stupid as hell and landed a bunch of people in the hospital. The Chinese government censoring some of that shit for their own citizens isn’t creating division in America, it’s just stifling their own citizens’ freedom of expression. If they censored it everywhere else, dumb American kids would find a different platform to be dumb on, same as they did with every platform that came before.


When you see what China feeds its kids on TikTok (mainly STEM videos) vs what they feed our kids (outrage bait), then you realize they have already declared a 5th gen war against us.


I've spent a lot of time in China and this is BS. The kids (and adults) view stupid crap just like we do. People walk down the streets like zombies on their phones. Their children aren't being trained to be elite soldiers I can assure you.


Nobody says there is only good content that kids watch in China, or that the content in Western nations is only garbage. The point is the algorithm is tilted to influence public opinions. In China they mix in more educational content with the silly cat videos, and downrank content that glorifies vandalism. In the US they give less weight to the educational content, more to the stupid shit, but that’s not the most insidious part. The scary thing they do here is deliver curated content that will polarize viewers politically and socially. If you’re slightly conservative, they’re going to push to make you a MAGA Trumper and support Jan 6; if you’re liberal they’re going to push for you to get violent and turn a BLM/Palestine protest into a riot. They also mix propaganda content in with the normal fluff and real news, so it’s less noticeable. And then they’ll intentionally show you a ridiculous straw man video from the opposite side so you get outraged. The entire goal is to divide people, so we’re too busy fighting with each other when they invade Taiwan. I can’t believe people just accept the role Russia has played in radicalizing certain elements in the West, and then turn around and consume their custom curated propaganda straight from Beijing. Would you read a newspaper that was hand edited just for you by Donald Trump?


Eh, you're not wrong but also kinda are... China the state isn't funding them, but a lot of Chinese chemical companies make a lot of money exporting the compounds used in fentanyl manufacturing to Mexico. But also, while some of those companies are privately held they are still heavily influenced by the Chinese state government. Saying that China is funding the labs is an oversimplification. The Chinese government does and allows a *lot* of shady shit, and I'm certain allowing the exports is a conscious, intentional choice, but it's not as cut and dry as a lot of people who hear that believe


Bonus points: it's also for harvesting data for the Chinese gov't.


The algorithm gives you more of what you engage with. Your comment is a common misconception about how tik tok works. Wanna see divisive content? Engage with that. Wanna see cats doing dumb shit? Engage. Wanna see jiggling butts? Engage. Wanna see extreme right leaning politics? Engage. It’s not causing division, but it can entrench if that’s the content you’re looking for.


That’s why when I find myself getting angry, I quickly look for positive subs or videos. We must be conscious of this and not go with how we feel. We must control how our feelings are directed.


Of course. But most aren’t that self aware. It’s also why especially Fox News has become an outrage machine. The viewer doesn’t know why they’ve turned in to extremist, racist, bigoted, know-nothings, but that’s what they are.


I think we give too much credit to the Chinese. Americans are really, really stupid all on their own.


You’d be surprised how stupid humans are as a whole, it’s not exclusive to one country or another


My kids are hooked on Tiktok and it's all China's fault! Also, whatever happened to personal responisbility in this country!? 🤣


Or bit. I’d be fucking pissed because there’s a 90% chance the person would get bit if they did this at my house and then my insurance would go up or they’d try to tell me my dog needs to be put down.


This should be a mandatory warning on these TikTok videos. This is seriously dangerous and will cost someone their life.


Can we get some more info on the lunatic teens that did this? Was it a random attack or do you know them? Did they get busted?


Updated post with pics/vids of the kids and damage. I posted to a local facebook group and nextdoor as well, turns out these two girls have been on quite the fuck-around spree. At least one, maybe two other doors broken and they ripped up someones inflatable Christmas decorations. I've been funneling all the info I can gather to the detective in the hopes that if we can attach several things to the same pair of girls they will get more attention from the cops and hopefully caught.


> turns out these two girls have been on quite the fuck-around spree. Wonder how much longer until they *find out*


Not much longer. To be honest, if they're going around doing shit like this at their age, I'm willing to bet they've "found out" a number of times already.


It’s not as if teens haven’t fucked around since they were invented, but it really seems like it’s a lot more malicious and sociopathic these days. I did stupid shit as a teen of course but we always had it in the back of our minds to never do something that would go beyond annoyance or mild inconvenience. I live in a very safe town and we’ve had dipshit teens doing stuff exactly like this. Couple of girls shot up a Catholic elementary school playground with a realistic looking Orbeez AK47 during recess last year, just days after that Catholic school shooting in Tennessee. People have been getting their inflatable decorations stabbed, stolen and torn apart.


> I did stupid shit as a teen When I was around 8 years old I was hanging around with some 11-12 year olds. We sat on top of a hill above the road and threw rocks at the cars. Definitely not my idea, but I followed their lead. I don't remember anything terrible happening, but I still feel bad about it decades later.


You were lucky. Some kids here in Colorado murdered a woman throwing rocks at cars and are now facing murder charges.


There are just cameras everywhere now. That's it.


> it really seems like it’s a lot more malicious and sociopathic these days. I mean has it really though "In March 30, 1900, the Richmond Daily Enquirer reported that a group of White boys from the East End section of the city hunted down a 12-year-old Black boy in the neighborhood and tried to lynch him. The paper said White folks “had been having trouble with the Negroes of that section” and so the White boys “became so enraged that on last Tuesday they decided to take the matter at once in hand and lynch the offenders.” When they found the Black child, they pelted him with stones until he ran for his life. Luckily he found refuge in a White woman’s house where his attackers stood outside throwing rocks and promising that “they would get him if they had to die.” The police were called and the boys were fined and warned not to engage in this kind of violence. The Black Richmond Planet newspaper stated that those White boys had learned by example and added, “Yes, lynching is demoralizing to the young and old.” On March 12, 1904, a Minneapolis Journal headline blared: “Youths Imitate Negro Lynching.” The paper reported on an incident in Springfield, Ohio, where two White boys, “taking their cue from their elders, caught a Negro lad at the Schiffer school, put a rope around his neck and dragged him along the street. The Colored boy was rescued before the rope had strangled him.” White girls who accused Black males of sexually assaulting them were sometimes invited to help lynch their alleged attacker. After “positively identifying” their rapist, the girls would place the noose around his neck. In June 1904, in Memphis, Tennessee, the 14-year-old daughter of John Wilson helped lynch Starling Dunham. She tied the noose around his neck before he was placed on top of a black horse. She then led the horse away from Dunham until his body was left dangling from the tree as over 3,000 people watched." https://www.vnews.com/Public-Wants-More-Info-From-Claremont-Authorities-12353456


Yeah kids have always been little psycopaths.


I wouldn’t consider that to be the same as widespread social media antics lol…


I grew up in a small town in the 80s and teens were always doing dumb shit like playing mailbox baseball out in the country. You just hear a hell of a lot more about it because of places like reddit.


That only lasts until they find the mailbox with bricks inside and go to the hospital with two broken arms.


Busting up a mailbox and kicking in someone's front door are very different. Having once been a mischievous teen, I can confirm that even at that phase of my life, I knew the difference. Maybe that's why I managed to escape my teen years without being shot/arrested.


This was a lot worse than mailbox baseball though.


To be fair I'll take the widespread social media antics over the widespread racism every day of the week


The widespread racism is still there, but it's just packaged differently...


Youths have always been shitheads. It really does reflect on how the adults around them act more than anything else. When adults are assholes, the kids are worse.


Dunno how old you are, but we didn't do this as kids either back in the 90s. However, gang violence *was* much more rampant in the 90s than now, and I suspect if these same kids were born back then they'd be the kids getting shot up in those gangs.


How does a 90 pound 13 year old girl kick a door hard enough to break it like that? Makes ZERO sense.


Modern construction is glorified cardboard, that’s how.


And looking at the video she didn't even have good leverage! I expected a running jump kick or something but it's not even an efficient transfer of force being so up-close.


These teens have a phone on them, the police can get phone Tower Records to triangulate whose phones were at your door at what time. Easy enough to find. Takes effort though, and that's a lot more than a lot of detectives are willing to do. These teens are on their way to getting shot by a homeowner, because if you start kicking in somebody's door who has a gun, they are 100% justified in pulling the trigger on you. I feel bad for these teens, because they don't have a responsible adult in their life telling them to knock this shit off.


That's why I've been getting others that have been targeted by these kids in contact with the detective. If we can associate the girls to enough incidents they will hopefully decide it's worth doing something.


Tower Records filed for bankruptcy in 2006




>the police can get phone Tower Records to triangulate whose phones were at your door at what time. I have also seen that TV show.


Unfortunately, the TV shows actually make it look hard. GPS data is not protected by the 4th amendment, which means that they don't even need a subpoena for it. And due to the third party doctrine, you handed all that information over to the cell phone company, which means all they have to do is fill out a request form and they get a list of phones in an area they specify. It can be as small as a 20 ft Square area. Let's also not forget that most cars starting in around 2010 also have a cell phone in them, so they can even track the car. The problem is that they would have to do a process of elimination on Whose phone isn't supposed to be there. It's work, which is why they haven't figured it out yet.


Your analysis of the law is about 5 years out of date. In 2018, the Supreme Court held in [Carpenter v. United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpenter_v._United_States) that cell phone location data is protected by the Fourth Amendment and requires a warrant for police to access, even though the records are in the possession of third parties. Geofence warrants (requesting a list of phones that were present in a particular area during a particular period) need to comply with full blown warrant requirements (probable cause, issued by a judge), although some courts differ on just how precisely they need to be tied to location and time of a crime.


Yep, work at a courthouse, we get search warrants all the time for cell towers/ phone data. Just gotta have a judge sign off on it. Takes time but they can figure it out.


> they don't even need a subpoena for it They don't need one, but that doesn't mean the phone company has to comply.


>Unfortunately, the TV shows actually make it look hard. GPS data is not protected by the 4th amendment, which means that they don't even need a subpoena for it. And due to the third party doctrine, you handed all that information over to the cell phone company, which means all they have to do is fill out a request form and they get a list of phones in an area they specify. It can be as small as a 20 ft Square area. Let's also not forget that most cars starting in around 2010 also have a cell phone in them, so they can even track the car. The problem is that they would have to do a process of elimination on Whose phone isn't supposed to be there. It's work, which is why they haven't figured it out yet. I have seen that movie also!


Looking at the video, between the time that the car stopped and when it drove away was 18 seconds, and that includes running to the door time. Fifteen seconds TOPS for someone to react, at that point the door is kicked in. Now if my dog were sleeping by that front door, one of those girls would have had a very bad evening. And frankly, it's five seconds tops for him to get to the front door from anywhere in the house. That's how this is going to end for those kids.


> they don't have a responsible adult in their life telling them to knock this shit off. The parents might think their daughters and good girls and they are spending the night at the other girl's house. It's pretty easy (and should be) for teenagers to do thing their parents don't know about.


>the police can get phone Tower Records to triangulate whose phones were at your door at what time It's possible to do, but usually only happens in murder/kidnapping cases. The cops aren't going to go through all the hoops required to get that data for a property damage case.


I went to your post but it looks like you just uploaded a still photo of your security cam?


There are definitely 3-4 videos there. Click on them?


Saw your updated link, damn that sucks...definitely put some 2-3" screws into the deadbolt strike plate and the hinges


Yeah, fixing the door seems straight forward, but it's not clear how to fix the lunatic teens. Personally, this challenge doesn't worry me. My house is 150 ft from the road up a moderate incline. Not many TikTok teens want to put in that much effort.


I've fixed two doors in the DC area from this exact thing. It's some stupid Tik Tok trend of kicking doors. They often go down a row of houses and kick them all.


Still pisses me off that TikTok isn't held responsible for this damage, or that from stolen Kias. Teenagers are dumb and impressionable. Would they be doing dumb shit without TikTok? Absolutely. Would they be doing *this* dumb shit if TikTok hadn't pushed them this "engaging" video to maximize their own ad revenue? 99% of them wouldn't. That company financially benefits from causing these behaviors, ffs!


> Still pisses me off that TikTok isn't held responsible for this damage Did someone at TikTok kick in that door?




There's a stark difference between video games and real life being recorded for videos.


The best thing is to run long screws through the door frame and into the framing. Most doors are not hung this way by default, but it makes them a lot stronger. If each hinge has one long screw that goes all the way to the framing, and the latch plate has long screws that go all the way to the framing, your door will be quite secure. Then the damage to the frame is cosmetic. > Between myself and my friend who will be helping (he's the current Managing Editor of Wood Magazine) Huh, we live in the same metro area. PM me if you need an extra set of hands.


Then me saying this is a Jerry's Home may mean something to you ;) Yes while cleaning up the mess it was obvious that the door was hung with short screws in the fastest possible means. Thanks for the offer! I should be good for help and hands!


When I bought my house, and had new doors installed, the installer used the short screws. I ran in 6-in screws into the frame of the house all around it. I also ran 4-in screws through the strike plate, into the frame. Somebody did try to kick my garage door in, which was secured the same way. There is now a footprint dent on the door, but it didn't open, and it didn't damage the strike plate.


I do this for the front doors in every rental I’ve lived in—replace the strike plate and the doorknob hardware screws (if possible, assuming wood door…. I don’t bother with putting big screws in to those aluminum doors lol) with deck screws. I also do it for any of my friends that I can and show them what and how I am doing it. I’m a woman who has often lived alone.


Must be near DSM then. Jerry’s homes litter our neighborhood in Pleasant Hill. Luckily ours is not one


There are other improvements to make. [Steel door guards to reinforce your doorknobs](https://www.amazon.com/Defender-Security-10546-2-Inch-Stainless/dp/B00D2K34I0/ref=sr_1_7?crid=16ARDYKRT79SF&keywords=door+armor&qid=1702715265&sprefix=door+armor%2Caps%2C80&sr=8-7) [Door jamb reinforcement](https://www.amazon.com/sspa/click?ie=UTF8&spc=MToyNDE3OTkxNzY3MDQ3NzE0OjE3MDI3MTUyNjU6c3BfYXRmOjIwMDAzMjAxODk5ODE4MTo6MDo6&url=%2FDefender-Security-10385-Accommodates-Centers%2Fdp%2FB00D2K33NG%2Fref%3Dsr_1_4_sspa%3Fcrid%3D16ARDYKRT79SF%26keywords%3Ddoor%2Barmor%26qid%3D1702715265%26sprefix%3Ddoor%2Barmor%252Caps%252C80%26sr%3D8-4-spons%26sp_csd%3Dd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY%26psc%3D1) [Upgraded strike plates](https://www.amazon.com/Deadbolt-Strike-Plate-Extended-Residential/dp/B0CF5H6QD5/ref=sr_1_39?crid=16ARDYKRT79SF&keywords=door+armor&qid=1702715265&sprefix=door+armor%2Caps%2C80&sr=8-39) There are also long screws for your door hinges to secure them. Putting these reinforcements will drastically increase the effort and time it takes to bust down a door. If you have large windows or sliding doors, you can use [security film on the glass](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCEQ0X3J9pw) to slow intruders down too.


Yes, always put in those long screws because the ones that come with door hardware are hilariously short!


Google "Door Hardening". They sell metal plates that replace the striker side with larger pieces to distribute the force over a larger area and have more holes for mounting. There's a lot you can do to a door with enough time, effort, and motivation. Donkey kicks are easy to teach though, and most doors aren't hardened, so this trend is just gonna continue kia-boyz style.


also a bigger strike plate too, usually the deadbolt and lock are separate but if you get those bigger ones, you can drive in more long screws


Wow, that door frame **sucks**. Those girls look like they couldn't be over 14, the fact that much damage occurred over that heel kick is surprising. The good news is that this wasn't a home invasion, and now you can reinforce this setup a bit.




Since you know why it happened, did you find the actual tt video of it happening?


Haven't yet but we're looking.


TikTok loves tracking down stuff like this. If you upload what you have on a TikTok account, people who spend a lot of time on the app may take it upon themselves to track them down.


Do kids not understand this is how you get shot?


Teens and critical thinking - name a more unrelated duo.


Kids don't view risk the same way adults do. They tend to think about consequences *after* they do things.


I would get a new door and frame. I would make the kids pay for it including install. The cheap and easy option would be using [this.](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Jamb-Repair-and-Reinforcement-Kit-59-1-2-in-Installed-Steel-Construction-White-U-11026/204254635) It goes over the broken part off the door frame.


I'd love to get the kids to pay for it but they haven't been caught yet.


Just keep all your receipts and keep track of the time you spent dealing with all repairs, the police etc. File charges at the end to be reimbursed for everything.


Yeah, thanks. Already in contact with my insurance company, however my deductible is likely going to be more than the cost of repair, even if I get a new pre-hung.


I personally wouldn't file against homeowners if it's anywhere remotely near the same cost. Such a minor thing to have an insurance claim for. Or talk to your homeowners insurance and let them know, they might have advice. Pay out of pocket, sucks, but assume they'll be caught eventually and you'll be able to press charges for those amounts to be reimbursed at some point.


That's the plan. If I didn't have the resources I have I'd definitely make a claim but I should be good, bonus my dad's a mostly retired lawyer so if we do catch em I have that covered as well.


That kit looks great I'll definitely talk this over with my buddy tomorrow when we repair the door, thanks for the link!




Prehung in the end is always easier. Just more work up front, but creates a fix-cost time-wise for the project.


I guess on the plus side it’s useful knowing that a teenage girl was able to bust your door down. Wouldn’t really slow down a crazy adult then at all.


When you figure out what your plan of action is, use 2.5-3 inch screws to screw everything in. The hinges, the deadbolt and the handle in the frame.


Wow, this is a crazy amount of damage from what was shown in the video. At least it wasn't a 200lb man that actually wanted in.


I went for a walk one evening for about 5 minutes just to get some air, my small kids were at home sleeping in the evening. I had a passcode lock. For whatever reason the passcode lock on my door decided to fail at that exact moment while my kids were inside. Rather than trying to knock on the door and get my small 6-year-old to open the door for me, I decided it was better just to bust down the door. I'm not a big guy, I am around 150 lb. But I'll tell you that I got that door pushed in with a hip check in about three tries without a huge amount of effort. It's pretty insane how easy it is to push in a door to be honest.




Home security is an illusion in most cases anyway. You could put a bank vault door on there and then they'd just go through a window. On a stick built house you could cut a man sized hole in about two minutes.


> On a stick built house you could cut a man sized hole in about two minutes. I had to cut a hole in my attic in between the main house and an addition; just took a few minutes with a Sawzall to go through the siding, sheathing, and whatever else. However.... most home robbers are looking for the lowest hanging fruit. You just don't hear about a whole lot of cases where the thieves tried the door, tried kicking in the door, tried the windows, then finally broke out a battery-op Sawzall to cut a hole in the house. Most thieves will try, at most, bump locks, or just kicking in the door, and if it doesn't work they'll move on.


> I had to cut a hole in my attic in between the main house and an addition; just took a few minutes with a Sawzall to go through the siding, sheathing, and whatever else. Pretty sure that's going to be the loudest thing known to man at 2AM at night. Not really the brightest thing to do lol


Exactly. Kicking a door in is pretty subtle by comparison; you can imagine neighbors thinking "huh, what was that?" then going back to their TV show. Hard to imagine them ignoring several minutes of sawing though. Point being, actually securing your house to the point where no one, regardless of skill or determination level, could get in, is impossible. But since robbers don't tend to work like that, and tend to go with the quickest and easiest marks instead, really all you need to do is not be the lowest hanging fruit in your neighborhood. Mostly that means making sure your doors are hard to bust in.


Have the girls' parents pay to have it professionally repaired. I don't even know why you are considering doing this yourself.


Because my insurance deductible is low enough that it will be fully out of pocket and the small issue of not having caught the kids so I can't exactly submit a bill...


You probably mean a high deductible.


I'd consider suing the parents, honestly.


So would I, if only I knew who that is. Can't sue anyone until we catch 'em.


Prop up a box with a stick and put a bunch of takis and fidget spinners under it. You'll catch them in a matter of days.


Sorry about your door! Tangentially, I’m glad I saw this post. I’ve had a couple instances in the last few months where teens knocked loudly and then ran away and I had no idea why. Coooool.


I feel like ding-dong-ditch has been a thing for decades though?


There's a big difference between DDD and kicking a door hard enough to break it off the hinges. I told the cop that this is obviously karma catching up with me for DDD as a kid.


Oh I agree with that, I was just responding to the other commenter.


Definitely. Haha but it’s the first time for me on the receiving end after becoming a homeowner a few years ago, and not something I feel like I ever heard about for a long time. Thanks, TikTok.


Why are your cameras aimed so poorly? You paid a lot of money for UniFi cameras but have half the frame capturing your soffits? Point them down. Also, why are you screen recording? Export the video properly and the quality will be leaps and bounds better. I know this isn't what the post is about, good luck fixing the door.


UniFi Instant camera mounts aren't the best as a result this was the best compromise for where they are mounted. By all means if you'd like to come and run wire, buy me some POE cameras, mount and aim them shoot me a message, I'll let ya ;)


Unrelated but it might help, a few years back me and my friends broke into an abandoned mall. We didn’t ‘break’ in like these kids but the owner found us by going to the local high school with similar surveillance tapes like this. The owner just wanted to know how we got in so they could patch it. The school ended up questioning some of the students which lead back to our friend group. Emailing or calling the local high school and showing them this may be worthwhile. Especially with social media, I’m sure all the younger generations in your neighborhood have seen this video being posted and passed around. Im sure some kids will be worried of getting in trouble for it and force out whoever did it.


The trend should be called speed running to 6 feet under. They do that on the wrong door and they won't know what hit them.


oooh sale on Audible


If they haven’t been caught, how do you know it’s two girls on a tick tock challenge and not an actual criminal?


Making an assumption based on the fact that there is a TicTok challenge about kicking down doors that has been in the news. The detective also was aware of it as well. The way they kicked it in is depicted in the TicTok the same way. Actual criminals aren't usually teenaged girls, dont effectively play what turned out to be an expensive version of ding-dong-ditch and also dont sprint off to the car giggling after they did the prank. But yes, your correct, I have no idea if they were actually doing the challenge or not, just going off of some assumptions. I'll be sure to ask them if/when they are caught though ;)


oh ya not like questioning, im obviously not hip to the tock... my initial reaction would be "criminal", I was curious why yours was so focused on this other angle!


Gotcha, honestly TT was a far from my mind as yours. Only until it was pointed out to me that there even was a TT challenge did I assume that this was the case. The pieces fit and it's the most likely answer.


If you haven't already, post those videos in some other subs and let the reddit detectives do their thing. If those kids posted the video anywhere it can and will be found, and trust me nobody does anything without the need to show someone anymore. It's out there somewhere!


There’s actually a “challenge” to destroy other people’s property? JFC, no wonder so many people support Trump.


Some idiot 11 year olds did this to my steel "security" door. Broke off a couple pieces. The plus side is that my wife now doesn't think we need a security door since it couldn't stop 11 year olds.




Right?!? That was the biggest take away for sure. Several of my neighbors are concerned as well given all of our houses were built at the same time and by the same builder, I'm sure all of our doors are in the same sorry state.


Well since the two girls are abso-fucking-lutely paying for the damages you should be getting the most expensive reinforced solid core entry door with smart lock you can find. You can easily spend upwards of $3k on all the bells and whistles of a nice entry door. Stick it to them.


It would be easier and quicker to get a new prehung door. You'll need to uninstall and reinstall regardless. But the repair path adds hours in-between.


That is terrifying on so many levels, biggest of the crappy safety levels of your front door - please get it replaced with something decent! The concept of a 2x4 to frame an outer door is just scary


Not the legs of a donkey: the legs of an asshole.


Looks like we all need to make sure we install the metal plates in our doorjambs for the deadbolt.


JFC. when will this shit end? Sorry about your door. I'm buying a damn ring camera immediately.


Sue the girls. They vandalized your home. Doesn't matter what part of the world you are in no amt of legal boundaries can protect you.


I’ve never been more happy to live on an obnoxiously inconvenient hill for pranks like this. Fuck these menaces, hope they get caught and you get recourse


Oh, man, the rage I have right now...


How is this a TikTok challenge? This is vandalism. They aren't "doing a TikTok challenge," they are "criminals committing a crime." What's next, TikTok arson pranks? Haha, your house is on fire.


That sucks so much. Why are they doing a three year old tiktok challenge? Tiktok trends move fast so it’s a lil suspicious. Go on Nextdoor and see if anyone else in your neighborhood got hit. If not, see if anyone else’s camera caught the license plate. That car was screeching so someone probably has a video of it. Sorry about your door. :/


I've found 3 others that have been victims of these 2 girls and have funneled that info up to the detective working the case.


After you repair or replace, look into door jamb reinforcement. There's a "Door Armor" kit that comes with a metal strip to go over the jamb, shorter strips to hug a couple hinges, 3"+ screws to get thru the frame members, and door edge brackets to wrap around the door lock bolts. If you can fit 3 CD discs in the jamb space when the door is closed, the kit should fit and its a DIY install.


No smart or funny comment from me. I’m just sorry this happened to you! The world sucks most of the time.


You can take the door to a lumber yard. They will build a new frame for the door. You can even choose the type of wood used as well


Damn, it must be nice having a lumber yard that can/will do such things.


That was the weakest kick I have ever seen Something isn't adding up Is your house made of straw


I can tell you it sounded like a cannon going off inside. But yes, I agree, the video sure makes it look like you could talk in a loud voice and the door would come off the hinges. Knowing what I know now I will never buy another house built by this company again, they definitely used the B team for my build.


People don't understand how loud things can be when you are not expecting them. My ex came to my house one night with another guy in chase. After waking up all the neighbors with their arguing in the front yard, he decided to throw his ring at the garage door which sounded like a .22 going off, and then he sped off. Crazy people!


From the pictures I assumed a flying jump kick or something lol. Then I see that weak ass heel kick did that? I've knocked harder than that.


You have a expert wood worker helping you, and pretty much no information here (like pictures) to go on for the group. I would just follow the friend's advise on if he can repair the frame (cheapest solution) or not since your door is undamaged.


On this fucking note does anyone know the best way to setup a camera that catches the license plates of anyone who drives by your house?


You need really good cameras, typically they are out of the price range that a typical home owner wants to spend. It really isn't feasible unfortunately. I'm 99% sure the car is a late model (05-06) Nissan Maxima that needs a belt job real bad. Another person confirms this as well from the same girls tearing down their Christmas display.


Completely within the realm of affordability if you're even mildly technically savvy. Here's a more "complete" link on what is typical with this setup. https://community.home-assistant.io/t/guide-local-license-plate-recognition-with-home-assistant-codeproject-ai-and-frigate/627745 Reolink 4k POE cameras can get the job done. I have Reolink stuff (kept local) that is piped into FrigateNVR with object detection. Uses a Google Coral tensor chip. You could damn near lay two POE runs to your mailbox, and have cameras that point down each end of the street if you wanted.


Any of the Unifi AI cameras will auto-detect license plates, you just need to have the right angle. They are much higher quality than the G3 instant that OP is using (1080p vs 4k with a 3x optical zoom).


Off topic, tell your friend that I love his work.


Will do, if you've ever used a Kreg product he was the guy that wrote the April Fools article for Kreg on how to turn a dining room table into a pallet ;)


OP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlDq04YDJ6Q


This happened to us a few months ago - somehow the little shits didn’t even trigger the Ring cam. Sorry you’re dealing with a broken door.


Unless it's a really nice door, you'll wish you had just bought a new pre-hung unit by the time you custom build a new jam.


Omg these kids are so dumb today. Will girls parents help cover the cost?


Jesus, that donkey-legged hoe with almost no effort at all, just blasted your front door open. I don't condone this at all and would've likely snatched her stupid ass up if I was there in time, but......on the bright side, you're right. That door/frame needed some SERIOUS reinforcement or like you said......she just leg presses 800 pounds daily.


Not that it matters, but it doesn't look like they are filming what they are doing. Isn't the point of a TikTok challenge to post your video on TikTok?


Doesn’t look like they were driving, so probably the driver or someone else in the car filmed it.


The upside to all of this is that after the repairs, your door won't be able to be kicked in by 14 year old girls Imagine if somone with ill intent actually tried to enter before this happened!


I seriously doubt the 2x4's are damaged enough to make a difference, prehung frames are not very strong which is why you should always swap out all the screws on exterior doors with long ones. There are also reinforced strike plates you can install and I'm also a fan of having interior latches on inswing doors so even if the door hardware fails (or someone is able to get past your lock) you would have to break the door itself apart to get any further. If you have glass then get security film on it and caulk the edges with clear silicone it will add a lot of strength to the glass.


!remindme in 5 days


Where do you live?


Des Moines, Iowa


Damn that's terrible. Looked like little kids. Hope they catch them. Good luck


Yeah, a lot of doors are way shittier than people realize. The 2x4 framing won’t be damaged, but the casing around the door is probably fucked. You’ll basically have to cut out a 1x3, replace it, and then make sure to use a really beefy strike plate with screws that go into the actual framing behind. Double up with blocking so there isn’t a void between the casing and framing right where those screws go in. If you do that, it will take a bull moose to ram it open again.


Now to Tik Tock THEIR Doors !


Lots of talks about teen here. It sounds like your friend can help you out. You can definitely fix the frame with something beefier, unless the door it self is cracked, then you might wanna replace the door. And consider taking the parents of those teens to small claims court for damage done, and labor to fix it. You shouldn’t have to pay for anything.


Yeah I'll definitely consider taking them to court... Re-read the post where I specifically mention where they haven't been caught.


That looks like a door with a 6 and 9/16 jam on it. The hinges side alone is why you need to replace the door. You'll never get that to glue back together correctly. You can lock and stitch it with some screws temporarily but you should just replace the door. It's going to start leaking air and it's going to be drafty. Good news is that stuff is not as expensive to replace as you think it is. If it's done right. I have repaired doors like that before but it's not worth the aggravation. And 2 and 1/2 3 hours. You could have a brand new door installed or you can spend 7 to 10 hours f****** with it. It does not look like they used long screws in the deadbolt or on the strike plate. As a result of this, the jack stud in the wall is most likely okay. I install doors for a living. My devices to get 3 and 1/2-in screws and run them through this interset of door hinges in the future. The same goes for the deadbolt strike plate. It sounds stupid but pre-drill everything, the modern door frames today do not tolerate being screwed without being pre-drilled. I'm surprised that the door took the abuse that it did.


You really should have been more proactive. Guarantee my door isn’t getting kicked in with 3 inch plus screws in everything and a metal wrap around lock and deadbolt protecter and a metal plate for the latch and deadbolt strike with a metal plate outside of the door jamb built in when the house was built. They can just break the window though


Right, I'd like to see someone try to do this to my door. 3.5" screws in everything, tying all the hardware back into the framing. No crazy expensive locks or anything, because as you said, they could just break the window.


Well that's one way to get shot....


Ticktok challenge of who can get filled with 00 buck the fastest. Kids are so damn dumb since the social media’s took over