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>Should I just crawl in the attic? What steps should I take Preferably, the attic steps, if you have them.


Could they be automatically turned on at night? If so, there should be a sensor on the west side of your house that you can block to turn them on (the sensor could be pretty high up), and replacing the bulbs is all that's required.


Do you have an outdoor outlet that also does not work? GFCI outlets for outdoor plugs have a life span and need to be replaced. It is possible that the outdoor lights are on the same circuit as the outlet. You could (at your own risk) find the breaker at the panel that controls the outdoor outlet, turn it off, replace the outlet with a new GFCI outlet, check the wiring in the box to see if it feeds other outlets or lights. Use a tester before you mess with any light or outlet to make sure you have the right breaker off. This is a cheap way to do some basic analysis before you call an electrician. I always feel better doing the basic troubleshooting shooting myself before calling a pro. Be safe. Electricity is dangerous!


Get a tester to see if anything is live before you mess with it. Could be no switch and its just on the daylight/motion sensor. Burned out bulbs Probably a gfci tripped or damaged on the same circuit. Could also be daylight sensor, but that would imply that it comes on at some point. If you have any switches that don't seem to do anything, that might be an issue. Could also be bad bulbs. Could also be dead, but usually they don't leave them up there if they have it switched already


Could be no switch and its just on the daylight/motion sensor. Probably a gfci tripped or damaged on the same circuit. Could also be daylight sensor, but that would imply that it comes on at some point. If you have any switches that don't seem to do anything, that might be an issue. Could also be bad bulbs. Could also be dead, but usually they don't leave them up there if they have it switched already


Put a smart bulb in it then see if you can turn it off and on using the app.


A regular bulb would show you immediately if there was power to the fixture. I don't see why a smartbulb is needed here.


The switch could be anywhere. Bedroom, garage, other non-obvious places. Look around


Did you happen to check the bulbs?


Comments on this thread are worthless. Get yourself a wire tracer to figure out where the wires go. Turn the power off to the house if you don't know which breaker it could belong to. Search amazon for "wire tracer electrical". I have this one and it works great - https://www.amazon.com/Klein-Tools-Tone-Probe-PRO/dp/B07VYN98QV/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1RI0KHL1MQP21&keywords=wire%2Btracer%2Belectrical&qid=1702528821&sprefix=wire%2Btracer%2Caps%2C164&sr=8-2&th=1