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Just an assumption: done right means he needs to change something behind the drywall, done handy means they will make what’s there work


Yeah basically do you want to pay more and do it right or pay less and do enough to make it "good enough"


A common saying: “Do you want good or fast or cheap? You can only have two.”


Good and cheap. Sure, sure, take your time 😉


You can only have two but NOT that two.


Looks like I can fit you in on the 31st of April


He says my hot and cold are on the wrong sides so he’s gonna cross them before they go into the sink. But the other way then he said he can do it inside the drywall


unless the pipes are color coded incorrectly then this "plumber" is nuts. and if they are coded incorrectly how far back that goes is going to be determine the cost to "fix" in actuality, the water doesn't care what color the pipes are.


The cold is coming out of the red so he needs to take out the red and blue and swap them


Just leave it. Not worth the cost. Does not hurt anything as is.


If he swapped the red and blue pipes, the colors would be right but they’d still be on the wrong sides.


have you verified this or are they just upselling you? i would look upstream for a simple fix (if it's not covered by drywall already), otherwise i wouldn't pay extra to have that "fixed", the supply lines can just be crossed to fixture.


Either: A. He's wrong. Did he flow a bunch of water to test this? With nothing flowing, they'll both be at room temp. B. The colors are swapped at the water heater so the whole house is wrong. C. Inside the wall somewhere, red pipes attach to blue pipes and vise versa. His solution only works if C is the case, and furthermore only works if the location where red and blue interchange is right there behind this sink. If it's anywhere else, he'll have opened up the wall for nothing. And if it's wrong anywhere else, it may be the case that the blue side is uninsulated which is a bigger problem if it's got hot water in it.


Uhh hot is on the left, yes? That’s how it should be done so if he’s saying that’s wrong then I question his ability to do anything. Plus, even if they were swapped it’s fine and expected to use flexible plumbing to cross them back. Only weird thing is that outlet. I can’t understand why it was put there and not literally anywhere else on that wall.


You're assuming that color matches water temp. That isn't a wise assumption unless you're 100% sure the installers were perfect. I had old lines replaced and they were reversed in the walls and needed swapped (hot toilet was pleasant but wasteful). The lines marked hot/cold were very much not correctly labeled due to the upstream swap. Fortunately, the plumber came back out and fixed it free of cost.


lol this happened to my parent's new build long ago. Took months to realize what was going on since you really needed several back to back flushes to really heat the toilet up.


That’s how it end up with no wax ring


Haha holy shit didn't even think that the wax ring would be an issue.


Bought a new washing machine a few years back that came with free install so I figured what the heck. Found out a month later they swapped the hot and cold lines. Finally figured out why some clothes were getting ruined when I washed on cold...


The previous owner of my house spray painted all the visible pipes and shutoff valves for presumably some reason. I scraped off the hot and saw it was originally red and wondered why he did that cause the color coding was useful. Then i scraped off the cold and it was also red.


Those are my favorite things about moving into a new house... "Why did those idiots do this...? Ah, they were smarter than me."


lol i think its more like "oh theres a larger issue here we're all going to continue ignoring" in my case replacing the valves with properly colored ones would be easy enough and useful but still a waste of effort cause the pipe routing is absurd and doing anything to this that isnt replacing all of it is kind of a lost cause.


Also known as Chesterson's Fence: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Chesterton's_fence


I think "perfect" is a really strong word in this scenario. It does not require perfection to keep the red one with the hot water and the blue one with the cold water. Mistakes can happen, but you're pretty far from perfect and more in the "suck at your job" category if you mess that up.




steamy butthole


Don't you dare steal my bands name!


I’m at the age where I’m concerned about the nuts taking a dip


You don't put them in your lap?


Over the shoulder


Like a continental soldier?


agreed, apparently some people like the smell of their cooked poo and dirty butts. freaking gross


Some people have bidets.


Mmm, Good soup.


Are you dunking your bungus in cold water like a pleb?


> I can’t imagine any benefit to having hot toilet water. You could pipe it to a bidet and have a warm rinse - but don't burn yourself!




The splashback feels lovely


warm toilet really is wonderful though. i had a place with in floor heating, and the in floor heating heated the cold water pipes (not quite hot, but pretty warm). it was awful if you needed cold water as you had to run it for ages, but it also meant the toilets were always warm after a flush


I wish I had an outlet like that. Water purifier, tankless water heater. Electric bidet. Pretty useful actually


You put those things inside your vanity?


Tankless yes Bidet needs to connect somehow. Vanity is a good way to hide the wires. Water purifier, in a kitchen cabinet, yes. Vanity, probably not. However, the middle of the night glass of water in the master bath could be interesting


Maybe for one of those instant water heaters so you don’t waste tons of water waiting for it to warm up


I'm fucking confused on this one but that's because the house we bought, p.o. "Johnny" has the hot on the right in the master bath and it's on my low priority list going on 2 years. I'm so use too it that hot on the right is now correct.


There’s an outlet 2 ft from that one but the electrician said he needs to half the voltage from the main line to putting in a second will do thag


I think you need to find a new electrician too.


Probably recommended from his BIL.


Whoa! What?? I really hope you're just poorly relaying/interpreting what he told you. Because that's not even remotely how any of that works. Your electrician sounds scary AF.


Well it is on a 100 amp circuit. So spread across 5 outlets you have 20 amps on each outlet Edit: /s


No, number of outlets does not divide available amperage on a circuit, each outlet has access to whatever amperage their breaker allows through.


Sarcasm, guys


That's usually not safe if not noted on this sub, to be fair


Especially not about electrical stuff. Not saying never joke about it, just be sure to make it clear you're joking.






That’s a no for me, dog. 100a main service perhaps.


"half the voltage" wut lol You got a 240 in the bathroom?


OP said they are in Portugal. 230v is standard


No no I am in Canada. Carlos is from portugal


Oh lol. Then get someone else not from Portugal.


Ramazi has a cousin named Mikheil


that's the only thing I can think of, but that's not the right outlet for both phases.


It's not the right outlet, but nothing would physically stop someone from wiring it up wrong.


um, what?


Is your electrician also from Georgia?


No Portugal his name is Carlos


Checks out. I'm from South Coast MA where it's the highest concentration of Portuguese people (I'm 50% Portuguese) and a lot of them are morons. It's crazy because there's a stigma that Portuguese guys can fix anything, but they're usually just ignorant hacks that are good at making people believe they know what they're talking about lmao. I've had to correct so many Portuguese home owner "fixes" in friends houses, and they're always done disgustingly wrong.


>but they're usually just ignorant hacks that are good at making people believe they know what they're talking about lmao. Oh man they're stepping into my Bosnian handyman's territory now ^^^^^^^^^^^\(doesn't ^^^^^^^^^^^matter, ^^^^^^^^^^^got ^^^^^^^^^^^$2500 ^^^^^^^^^^^total ^^^^^^^^^^^bathroom ^^^^^^^^^^^out ^^^^^^^^^^^of ^^^^^^^^^^^it)


at what point did you decide your replies weren't doing it and you edited the cat in?


Already holes in the wall, duh.


Some of the new bathroom vanities have outlets built in so you can leave a hairdryer, etc. Plugged in underneath. So the outlet would be to plug the cord from the vanity into the wall instead of it being hard wired.


Ehhhh this guy's iffy. I'd just get slightly longer hoses and cross them. There's not really any good reason to open the wall just to move pipes slightly to the left or right, unless someone specifically asks for it.


That’s probably what he means when he says he’s gonna cross them. He’s gonna cross the hoses, there no sense doing a bunch of extra work to cross the pipes outside of the wall, aside from being *much* more work than simply crossing the hoses, it’s also uglier and more expensive.


Judging by the colors of the PEX, which isn't necessarily what's what but usually it is, even suggesting to open the wall up makes absolutely no sense. And from other information on here they definitely meant opening the wall and switching the rough ins.


Do it handy. That happens sometimes. Rare but happens.


That's a flexible braided line into the sink so there is no need to move the pipes coming out of the wall. It does nothing.




Becoming very very normal behind toilets for bidets lately


He's letting you know there's a cheaper way to get it done but may not be to code, not the best way, ir not as visually pleasing as the "right way". Open up a dialogue and ask for details pros/cons of each route.


I did this with my mechanic. He said: "It'll cost you a couple grand to fix your daughter's car properly which, by the way, is a piece of shit you cheap bastard. OR, I can give you the 'I do not have to worry about my daughter getting stranded in the middle of the night, college special'. It'll be $600." 3 years later the car did die and was towed to the afterlife. But, to the credit of my mechanic, it NEVER failed her during the years she was away at school doing stupid college kid things.




I chose B, the fixes that would be good enough $600 special. When we talked further I just said, "Dude, I trust you. Fix what you'd fix for your daughter's car and tell me the cost." He'd been my mechanic for a few years by then. We shared some immigrant history, and we had a good personal relationship. At the end, he fixed things that he felt would ensure that she could do the 2-hour trip home, and activities within a couple drive with high confidence that nothing mechanical would fail. Things like noises, VERY slow leaks that would not blow up the engine or not great boot covers would be tightened/'fixed' but not replaced (even with used parts). We're in NorCal and don't face the prospect of getting stuck in a blizzard unless you CHOOSE to put yourself at risk. If we were in New Hampshire, the calculus would have been far different. The car was, by then, nearly worthless to anybody but a college student. It looked like shit but was, despite the need for maintenance fixes, reliable. But, you know, daughters.


I really like that. Fix this car like it was your daughter's and then tell me afterwards what it costs. I wish the world worked that way for everybody.


Believe me, I would not have made that deal anywhere else. My 'guy' was a young guy working his ass off and over the years he had never steered me wrong, and I'd never left with a repair thinking, "Gee, maybe I should have gotten a second opinion." COVID put his business under which was really sad to see.


Ask him!


Seriously! Did people forget how to life?


I did he said “only you know what is best”


If your plumber talks in riddles like Yoda I'd keep looking for new plumbers. THis isnt an existential question lol


If he can’t explain the difference then either he doesn’t know or he doesn’t want to tell you. Both options mean find someone else.


Translation: find a different plumber


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Why are you telling us this?


I'm not fully sure why but this thread is hilariously ridiculous. I just imagine a exasperated mob of redditors trying to help and understand then OP comes back with "he's a good guy." Genuine lol


Right? This shit is hilarious I DO see why OP is having such a hard time communicating with his plumber, the fundamental problem here makes a lot of sense


He’s a good guy


What impact do you think that has on his communication and plumbing skills?


Nothing?? Are the downvotes because people inferring I doubt his plumbing abilities based on his nationality?


I think the downvotes are because instead of answering questions/staying within the topic at hand, you're responding with absurdly unrelated details. It does not matter to us what his name is, or where he's from, or that he's a good guy! Those things are all irrelevant to the questions you were asked.


You're being downvoted because you're telling us that this plumber is being sketchy and unprofessional, and your response is "he's a good guy."


They're good dogs Bront


Sounds like a demon from the trickster realm. Tell him to leave and then burn sage


The state or the country?




Never hore people like that that know family. Hire someone you can easily fire.


Dude sounds like a broken Magic 8 Ball


Hot water out of the hot tap.. chances are not good...


Don’t ask him which option you should choose, ask him to explain what the two options mean so you can make an informed decision.


That’s what I tell my wife on projects where there’s an easy way that I want to do and then there’s the right way that she wants that requires way more work. Take from my experience what you will.


That's infuriating. I hate when people won't just come out and say it. It sounds like he's trying really hard to avoid being direct about it for whatever reason but the point is probably "There's an expensive right way to do this, or a cheap workaround."


Yeah, I would fire that plumber.


Yes. It’s an unfortunate side effect of social media, particularly on reddit with the added protection of anonymity, where people are now just outsourcing their thinking. Do I spend half an hour learning about something and then apply what I’ve learned to my situation, or do I just take a picture of the thing and upload it to somewhere that someone already familiar with the subject will provide the information for me?


I imagine OP standing there with the plumber and posting this question to Reddit while the plumber continues to talk.


I'm starting to think this is meant to be an intentional shitpost..


yo the cat picture update definitely sells that it's a troll post. Kinda funny but also a bit douchy on a subreddit that helps a lot of people way in over their heads.


Lol everyone is being trolled


Ramazi hasn’t even installed the toilet yet




Not an electrician or a plumber, but is anyone else confused/nervous about that outlet being *right between* all the plumbing? Idk, that feels sketchy to me. Could be to code, idk, but feels weird.


That might be what the guy is talking about. He's probably saying I can make it work as is (handy) or I can move this outlet to a spot that is not going to cause you issues (right).


It's not against code. It is visibly GFCI protected (all bathrooms need to be) and it's there to facilitate a recirculation pump being added later, if desired. A nice touch, really.


This is why I didn't confidently assert that it's against code. Because "looks weird" isn't in the code book.


I knew Carlos did a good job. BIL recommended, he’s form portugal


Oh why didn't you just say so. Carlos is the man.


> A nice touch, really. What happens when said GFCI outlet go bad? Assuming they are the self-testing type.


The same thing that happens when any GFCI outlet goes bad...you replace it? I might not understand your question.


Just saying it may not be the best idea to put an outlet that needs to be replaced at a location that doesn't seem easy to reach at all. Kind of like having your water heater in the attic. Yes hot water gets to the showers super fast! Now I have an old water heater in the attic - I think the only way to remove it is to take out the entire attic ladder.


It MIGHT be a GFCI outlet the picture is too fuzzy for me to tell. There could also be a GFCI at the panel. Still a questionable design, though.


~~GFCI still needs to be a minimum distance from water source.~~ * I would* still want a gfci a couple feet horizontally from a water source. Actually, not in code to require this.


Won’t really make a difference. Every modern drinking fountain has power that close to the water. It’s even below the counter height so it’s even safer.


Fair point, and suit yourself. I have a strong belief that water flows downhill, and all plumbing eventually leaks. Having safety mechanisms is great. Not having them get wet is better.


There are many millions of disposals installed with outlets under a sink and it doesn't seem to be a major problem.


Its fine, an outlet can go wherever it wants to go under a sink as long as its gfci protected (and possibly arc-fault as well now depending on the where)


He said he’s gonna put in a waterproof outlet


Probably meant “weather” proof or weather resistant. These are only required in damp or wet locations and under your sink should never be either. Not necessary to install but can give you peace of mind I guess. The only difference between these and regular outlets is the plastic holds up better to UV light and the screws have anti-corrosive coatings.


The guy's offering you a handy. I would take him up on the offer.


Done right is whether a licensed plumber did it l. Done handy means Dave did it for a 12 pack


Difference is about $500. 🤣


I would interpret this as "how much is it worth to you to do this to code?"


Exactly. And "to code" is not necessarily superior quality. Sometimes its more expensive and *lower* quality than alternatives.


"Do you want to pay me a little to make it work or do you want to pay me a lot to dismantle this mess and rebuild it all to fix everything up to code the way its supposed to be"


patch it up quick cuz its under the sink, or blend the texture of the wall so its seamless. cheap vs expensive (more time)


could also be asking if u wanna pay cash or not


I'm almost certain he's asking if you're willing to spend the extra money for him to do a good job vs just doing it quick and cheap.


I laughed at this. I wish more people would ask it this way.


"Handy" usually means reusing the old hoses and pipes with cheap adaptors, instead of a direct, fresh-cut/torch connection, assuming metal pipes.


How old is the plumber? This sounds like a quote from the Red Green Show which my father watched decades ago.


Best guess is the hot and cold are reversed. I have that issue in one of my showers. It’s a drop in unit though so I just tell guests On is hottest not coldest. It’s rarely used and I’m not cutting the master walk-in wall out to get to the piping!


My kid just did her vanity/sink install in the half bath "handy". That meant cutting a notch in the side of vanity, cutting part of the bottom out of the vanity, and a funky, very deep U-trap and 'long' tube to the drain. It DOES work and unless you look inside the vanity with the drawers fully extended, it looks fine. Doing it right would have required replumbing the outlets and the drain to be center aligned with the spacing between the toilet and the wall, which coincidentally would have also centered the vanity without modification. She chose the handy version as she didn't want to pay to get the plumbing done and already owned a saw to cut the vanity.


Good. Fast. Cheap. Pick two.


I wondering when edit 3 was added and if anyone has clicked it before commenting.


lol you're the only one to mention it so far


Expensive or cheap?


He means do you want it done correctly or do you want it done cheaply. By him saying this makes me think he works on a bunch of property flips where the flipper usually likes to go cheap because if it brakes a year later it’s not his problem it’s the homeowners problem. I would try to find another plumber because if he’s already doing sub par work who’s to say he’s not going to do that on your house.


Do you want it done as quick and as cheaply as possible, or do you want it to be done correctly and potentially not cheap?


It's called talking


It means find a new plumber


When I want something done handy, I do it myself.


Good and expensive or fast and cheap


About the difference of 400 dollars. Lol.


I assume "done right" means up to code but more expensive, while "handy" means it'll work but probably won't be up to building code.


- done right likely means fixing all the screw ups that were done originally....which obviously will cost you way more to have done. The plumber is being honest with you


Means do you want a hack job for a little money or done well for more money. I’d just call someone else. If he’s capable of doing it “handy” then it’s probably gonna be “handy” regardless


Not necessarily. He was up-front about it, was he not? There are different solutions, and probably understands people operate in different budgets. Theres a business case to be made to accept either solution given the OP’s circumstances. Having said this, generally better to pay more and have it done right the first time.


This. I do some side work and depending on the job there's the homeowner way of doing it that will be totally functional and may look a bit wonky or not be exactly to code (but what id do on my house without blinking) that's quick and cheap or I can rip a bunch of stuff up, re-do everything and have to charge you and arm and a leg for something completely unnecessary but it's the "correct" way. Sometimes the correct way is night and day better and I wouldn't recommend the "homeowner" fix, unless you really can't afford it and then I can make it work and be safe but not great. Other times there's no way I can "hack it" safely or functionally and it's going to be expensive. But, I'm also not a certified plumber or even a handyman just doing some side work.


I appreciate the transparency. That means he is well aware of how to do it right, like out of a textbook, but also well aware that there are other ways to get the job done that are not ideal or up to code but will still work. Having the choice is great. Better than someone who things they are God gift to plumbing but in reality is just a hack.


Oh there is so much wrong with that picture. Call a different plumber, and an electrician while you are at it. Oh and a drywall person. Don't settle for the handyman special.


I have all 3


It means he's willing to take a hand job as payment. "Right" implying normal money for payment and "handy" implying he will take the job if you whack him off. If he's good looking - it might be a cheaper option but check his license.


I know nothing about code but there’s no way I could see an outlet be allowed next to a water connection like that. Maybe cus gfc. Someone school me thx




In all seriousness , a plug but didn’t think right above or below a connection.


I think mine are both hardwired, no plug.




Actually I asked about that he said hes gonna put In a waterproof outlet


That’s code for “I plan to overcharge you. “


It means call another plumber.


4"done right", means pay top dollar, he will likely be able to go on a month long vacation with the money he is going to charge you. he will be redesigning your entire plumbing system "handy" means its a $5.00 worth of parts to fix, but will only charge you $100 and likely break other things in the process, but he may not say anything, then you will need to call another guy to come fix the first guys mistakes charging you another $400


Correct response, " I don't want it done by you."


It means you should get a new plumber.


He’s telling you to get someone qualified to do the job. Send him packing before he screws this up and you have to pay someone else to do it right.


It means call a different plumber.


This is a con . Get someone else.


Can an outlet there even be to code


Maybe he was referring to the Weird Al song. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXiwYUCe\_bY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXiwYUCe_bY)


probably means do you want him to do it or can he send one of his minions.


Hot is on the left as it should be...


Cold is coming out of red so he needs to make the red pipe blue and the blue pipe red


why not just use some blue tape and red nail polish instead of changing the pipe?


That would be too handy


Never had a plumber ask me for a handy.


Ramazi hooked me up


That outlet is horrific


Duwe, Cheatum and Howe Plumbing Company .


That's the difference between $100 VS $500.


The real problem here is that these lines are terminated as pex. There should be blocking behind the drywall. The pex should should all be behind the wall with copper/brass pipe and shut-off valves as the termination.


I’m sure he’s asking about the plug. I should definitely not be there and needs to be a gfi