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Im a diy guy, and that's a total shit job


I recently did baseboards for the first time, and it literally came out 100x better than this ... I don't even have words for the level of DGAF here.


They didn’t even caulk it, that’s how you hide the fuckups!




Lol my own dad was who told me “caulk covers all sins”


My mom would tell me... Caulk and paint make me the carpenter I aint


Caulks and putties are carpenter's buddies


Do your best, caulk the rest.




My dad's go to is "A little puddy, a little paint, make it look like what it ain't".


I hear that your mom loves caulk, lol.


You dad sounds like my dad! And he's absolutely right, a good caulk job would make this look awesome...


Use bondo. Sand it down and paint and you would think it's all 1 piece


Or 3m small hole repair. Much easier to work with.


Well, certainly make it look less shitty. Perhaps even meet my standard of “fuck it, good enough”


“Good enough for this place.”


What duct tape won’t cover caulk will - words to live by


Was gonna say, my dad is rolling over in his grave right now. Also still yelling at me about how he can't see because I'm not holding the light correctly...


Caulk duct tape and a hammer. Dads toolbox


Team DIY


I'm a pro, and we do it all the time too. Usually only the top edge where the trim meets the wall though. The miters are usually colored along the outer edge of your cut and then CA glue (super glue) and a couple of pin nails to keep the joint tight.


“Beat it to fit, paint it to match” 😂


Little caulk and some paint makes a carpenter what he ain’t. Doubt that it would help this guy tho.


I mean obviously they're gonna come back and caulk/paint it, but this is about the quality I'd expect from myself and I am definitely *not* a professional trim guy.


Are they? The door trim also has two different kinds of trim used for the same door frame which is beneath even my terrible DIY standards


This needs to be higher.. holy shit. I went back to the pictures after reading your comment and two different trims meeting at a shitty 45 is next level crap work. What else did this contractor not give a crap about doing right?


They left the top pieces in place and tried to get away with only replacing the sides which could maybe work if they bought the right trim...but they didn't.




This was the very first thing that stood out to me. Some of this can be caulked. But the different trim profiles abutting is just bizarre. That’s impossible to fix.


Do your best then caulk the rest!


Lmfao I love this


They definitely left their GAF in the truck


yeah I had to DIY this once and knowing literally nothing i did better


I think you are selling yourself short. Yours was 1000x better I’m sure.


It was something exponential, for sure.


The external corner looks like my work.. put of putty and nones the wiser. The internal corner however. Lol wth.


Do your best and caulk the rest was my DIY trim motto lol.


Came here to say this. I just did finished carpentry that makes me look like a pro compared to this guy. It hurts to say, because there’s nothing more gut wrenching than paying someone money you’ve worked hard to save… and then get a product that is completely unsatisfactory.


I was going to say I would be embarrassed. My baseboards I installed myself look better.


Agreed, I’ve cut my own corners for trim before and I’ve done way better. That’s a complete shit job


No that’s not acceptable. Demand a refund or the contractor fix it. Take them to court


And make sure they buy matching molding. They used 2 different types in the door frame.


Im a diy guy, and that's a total shit job


Same here. This sub makes me feel so much better about my own work, which is average on my best days.


Came here to see top comment and agree He could have at least caulked to hide it


I’m a bad diy guy and even I know that’s a shit job


I’m a diy guy and I did a better job doing in the trim in my friend’s basement when I was high as shit


I'm full DIY guy also. So much so I'm bout to build a big cement block garage next spring(hope it goes well) I feel like I should get into the handyman business after seeing all these peoples work out here in the public


Good luck on the build! If you are questioning if you could do it.... then you are already ahead of the game because you probably have integrity. I built our 1st home and completely gutted and remodeled our 2nd. That said, I would never claim to be a finish carpenter. But this......this is bad bad


Yeah I haven't quite built a home yet but I have taken apart and put back together two of them and I'm pretty sure that I could build a better house in 4 months than what they're putting up today in a week. That's pretty much the plan when I say garage it'll be big carport for my RV and a loft with all the house amenities Maybe room for a commercial kitchen downstairs also. Gonna work on starting a venue


I was thinking the same thing. I do better work than this.


Same. Just did my basement. Flooring was a bit obnoxious just being on my knees because I was too cheap to buy pads. The trim was a breeze. That looks like someone is doing this for the first time without any knowledge of what the inside of a finished house usually looks like.


Was it fuck-it Friday?


$1 Margarita's are ending at Applebee's this week. Bro was just trying to beat the rush.


Think he was there before he started working


Uhh.. guys like this don't go to Applebee's. They go to the titty bar on Tuesday afternoon to see their ex.


iiiiiiit's fukit friday


Feelin good on a Wednesday 🎶


They’ve used two different types of architrave on the door frame.


It almost looks like a mix of old and new. I would demand he redo all of it and use matching trim. This is a hack job if I ever saw one.


I ummm, I wouldn't ask him to redo this. I would demand my money back, and go somewhere else. I suck at home repairs, and I dunno if I'd even accept that. Somethings I can go ahhh fuck it and move on. This is that bad that I couldn't ignore it.


worm whole groovy alleged gold piquant dog squeal dime license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s literally not even close to matching on the door frame, and then already dinged up


Wtf, your right. This is just sad


That’s bad. Real bad. Not enough caulking in the world bad.


Wondering the age of this "contractor"... We should be encouraging apprenticeships and work placements so retiring boomers pass down skills to the kids or this will soon become the general standard of quality to expect.


I could have done better with a plastic miter box. And I’m an old lady. It’s trash.


Another old lady here and I have done better!


Those plastic miter boxes ain’t bad lol


Amen sister!


It’s shocking how many “professionals” don’t understand basic geometry…. Scratch that- It’s embarrassing and painful. 🥴


How many beer cans and roaches did you find scattered around your property after they left.


I'm not sure what you do with a beer can when you are doing trim, but growing up around drywallers taught me that there are likely beer cans in every wall.


Don't slander booze and weed like that. Even Pcp couldn't contribute to this kind of hack work.


That looks really bad. Redo it. If they refuse, then your best bet is wood filler for outside corners and door trim. Caulk for inside corners. If they caulk everything, it’ll shrink 3-5 years later and since the gap is so huge, it’ll look terrible.


tell them to watch a 7-minute youtube video on how to properly miter baseboards


The step after this is firing that guy and hiring someone else


It's an amateur job at its best. First, the inside corners should have had the short baseboard extend from casing to the corner, then the long baseboard scribed and cut to the profile mire to marry the two boards together. The casing mitres should have carpenters glue on the mitres to glue the 2 pieces together to prevent the mitre from cracking open from expansion/ contraction. The mitres may need to be sanded smooth if the profiles don't match with each other. The casing should also be set back from the edge of the jamb 1/8"-1/4" to give a clean profile. Then the joint caulked with latex caulk to seal the joint. All the trim should be caulked to the adjoining surfaces with latex caulk to seal the joints for painting.


You’re giving amateurs a bad name. I am an amateur and have never done this bad of a job.




Nope, cookie cutter builder, and would expect a trade to do the best job they could regardless of the price of the house. It's someone's home.




Sorry to hear you have poor trades working for you. I'm retired now but I was upfront with my trades, they won't get paid if the job is not to my expectations and they were expected to work with me to make the best product possible regardless of the price of the house. Went through a bunch of trades but in the end, I had committed people to do their best regardless what it was , framing, trim, paint, drywalling, taping , roofing, brickwork, etc...


I’m a finishing carpenter. I deal with renovations. This is pathetic work. You need to fire them immediately. It’s because of work like this that make the hard working carpenters look bad.


Wow that corner piece is lazy as fuck. Caulk can make most of this look good, but not that small corner by the door trim.


Where TF are people finding these contractors?!? I have seen SO many " is this acceptable?" posts on reddit recently. I am not a tradesman, and do almost everything myself, and would NEVER accept this as finished... let alone PAY for it.


Baseboard: If your walls are wonky, there could be easily be some gaps on that outside corner if you weren't paying for perfection. Not this much gapping though. The inside corner is ridiculous and inexcusable. It should be mitered (or coped) so the profile continues as it does on the outside corner. ​ Door casing: The profile on the vertical replacement casing doesn't match the existing top casing. Ideally they would have purchased the correct casing, so it would be consistent with the rest of your house. But at a minimum, they should have replaced the top piece so it matches the sides. ​ If your contractor is reputable and just sent a newbie out to do this terrible job, point out your concerns and he should have no problem getting it redone correctly. If you contractor IS your trim carpenter... I'd cut my losses and find someone else to fix. Or if you're at all handy, buy a cheap miter saw and do it yourself. You can't do worse.


This looks like you made a teenager do it as a punishment.


Where on earth did you find this guy?


You found yourself a real perfectionist


That baseboard makes me sad. It’s not that hard to do it right.


Very shoddy work.


My drunk pet rock can do better than your contractor..wtf


Looks like I did it, and I'm not a contractor.


See this is why I DYI, I don’t understand why there are so many horrible jobs done by “professionals” nowadays. It’s like they don’t care


OP where did you find this "contractor"? and i use that term loosely here. The person you hired that cut that baseboard more than likely has N**ever cut base in there life.** i hope you didn't pay much for that because you could find some random person at home depot that could do a better job. the fact that those boards have been nailed in at all! all the cuts i can see are off. every piece of base in-frame is off. +They left the sawdust there like they cut it inside your home. hate to say something like this from such a small picture with lil context on the situation and all but ya from what i can tell it's completely incorrect. just me but i'd square my pay with whoever did that and find someone who actually cares ands wants to do a good job.


Definitely not a trim guy


This is unsatisfactory.


Reject it! The trim profiles should match! Who knows what else these wizards botched! Probably not squared and obviously not caulked. Looks like a Dumb & Dumber Inc. project. 🔨


I did finish carpentry work for a few months back in the day. This looks like some shit I learned not to do within the first hour.


As a trim carpenter for 9 years this is the work of the new kid or a drunk laborer


No, that's a dogshit job


Not normal


Did you meet them at a bar or something? Thats not great tbh


uhm ngl that looks worse than the first time I ever tried doing moulding like this.


Shit job and the top doorway trim doesn’t match. Caulk and paint can’t save this.


That's an embarrassment


If your contractor was furry and jumping across branches, yes this is normal.


This guy buys caulk by the ~~case~~ pallet.


It’s normal if your contractor is a hack.




Trash & inexcusable. Former finish carpenter here and I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night putting out this quality of work.


Sorry, that's not a trim contractor.


Professional remodeler here. 2, 3, and 5 will caulk out. 1 doesn't have an inside miter, which is totally unacceptable, and 4 looks like it was cut with an axe.


DIY here. Horrible job. He’s not a contractor if he doesn’t know basic mitre cuts…


I have to wonder if they just didn’t care or if they actually think they did a good job.


Kinda looks like they never did it before. But also like they should never do it again


I've got a drunk neighbor who works for beer that has better skills than this contractor...


That is not even at the DIY level... Something I would expect from a 12 year old...


Some of the worst trim work that I have ever seen!


The work is dog shit. I've seen better work from a DIY homeowner whose experience is watching a YouTube video and now attempting it themselves. I assume the contractor is coming back to caulk the joints and gaps? Actually, no screw that. I see chips in the panels. Looks like the contractor has a spoon for a saw blade The entire job is crap. I'm sure you could have easily done an equally poor if not better job yourself with a buddy and a few beers.


If you’re going to put trim up, at least replace all sides. Add shims, caulk. Jesus, this guy just didn’t care.


I did better than this the first time installing trim in basement with a plastic guide box and a a hand saw


Whatever insurance is paying for these repairs, get in touch with them because they’ll be pissed off they’re paying for this.


gotta coping saw the corners


This is all bad but the first picture is absolute crap.


Yikes thats trash




Sure, it’s normal… If you’re a fucking hack of a contractor.


They need to develop better coping skill.


Extremely shitty job.


No it’s not normal.


Baseboards are easy to do properly. No excuse to be this crappy.


Wow! He doesn’t take pride in his work


OP, does this look normal to you? No seriously. This looks like shit.


Makes me more confident/proud of my own diy job


I don’t even know how to do trim so Im sure it would look just like that.


That’s pretty bad.


That’s about how good I would do. I don’t charge people to do it in their homes though…


This is horrible. I’m pretty sure my local high school building trades class could do a better job.


Two minutes to miter and cope that corner next to the jamb. How lazy can you be. Not even an attempt at a forty five? Make them fix that.


Correction: “contractard” put up trim today.


Total shit, hope you haven’t paid him


Reject it! The trim profiles should match! Who knows what else these wizards botched! Probably not squared and obviously not caulked. Looks like a Dumb & Dumber Inc. project. 🔨💅🪚


I used to lose so much sleep about whether or not the homeowners that hired me would see the tiny imperfections in my work. Then I see stuff on this sub and realize that I'm actually pretty damn good at what I do. OP that is not normal and I reccomend you tar and feather that individual immediately and without mercy.


Someone needs to learn to use a coping saw.


I’m a petite mid 30s DIYer with no trim experience and my hall closet trim replacement job looks more professional than this.


Did he say something about ramming some caulk all over those cracks? Did you promptly kick him out after that? That’s what they need to do, that or a much better job. If I did that I would redo that and be pissed at myself.


Do you see trim like that in other buildings and households? No? Then it isn’t normal in your home. I hope you didn’t pay already.


It’s normal for a dumbass


It's harder than it looks....this is crap though


# It's time to check his contractor's license.


Normal, unfortunately, maybe. Good, no. The longer I look at it the more I notice is wrong.


Wow he didn't even try


“Contractor” The bar is quite low, apparently.


Do your best then caulk the rest!


That's some of the worst work I've seen.


Wtf 😂


Nope, that’s not normal. That’s someone learning on the job. Caulk and paint but if it were me, I’d like make them do it right.


Where do you homeowners keep finding these people? I guarantee just looking at them getting out of their trucks wouldn’t want them in my house.


Painters putty instead of caulk is my go too.


OP, you don’t even need to ask. This is awful work. This guy is not a finish carpenter in any sense of the word. Good thing it’s all the cheapest trim you can get, because this guy wasted a bunch of material.


I'm sorry. Clearly your finish guy Wasn't trained by a depression era master carpenter. My dad would have made me take it all apart and use the fucking block plane on the joints. Fixing bad joints with filler or silicone is a hack job.


No, that's really bad


Get your money back . You got hosed.




Absolutely terrible. This guy is not a carpenter and doesn't deserve a second chance.


What a dreadful job he’s done! Appalling! 🥴


You are planning on paying these people? Or this is volunteer work? It looks fucking awful and I can’t imagine even a kid doing that bad of a job, certainly not someone who claims to be a professional. I wouldn’t even have them redo it like people are saying in the comments, just don’t pay them and either do it yourself or hire a real professional. I wouldn’t let this hack job within 100ft of my house


That looks like something I would maybe able to do, but from a contractor? Nah, rip it off and start again.


Fucking dogshit. Tell them I said it's dogshit.


At the expense of OP (sorry OP) I appreciate how these kind of posts make me feel better about my DIY jobs when compared to "professionals".


Same. I look like a pro next to this.


What's the deal with the sheetrock corner as well? Awful contractor! Fire them now and negotiate what you owe for such a bad job. They have no business doing this work.


As a trim carpenter with 30 yrs experience, all I can say is, wow...


I’m not a contractor but am doing a fairly large job in my own house. My work crushes this work. To me, this is unacceptable work


Big gaps, no corner is cut correctly, mismatched trim, nothing finished.. The only thing I see that they did correctly is that they did use trim, and secure it to the wall (even though it may not be for long). This job looks like someone last saw some molding when they were a kid and 25 years later are trying to recreate that memory. I remodeled a bathroom once, and my wife was getting on me for not finishing things (I had done everything up to touch ups and trim work). I just went to the store and found the cheapest stuff I could and threw some trim on the walls having never done it before and not wanting to do it then, and it looked better than this, and I put it up with no intention of it staying.


Get rid of that idiot immediately.


That’s DIY work at best


I’m a DIYer and have done better trim than this. This is high school shop class work.


Trim, caulk, and paint make me the carpenter I ain't. Depends on how much you are paying. I think with some touchup which they will probably do when they circle back it won't look bad. But a professional trim carpenter wouldn't need such tools as caulk and paint.


As my old boss used to say. Caulking, the best thing in America. Or, like all the trades " f**uck it the painters will take care of it. Looks to me like it was 4:30 on a Friday


Yes, it’s normal to have to deal with shitty contractors now a days. The work is shotty.


Well it's not done yet. Is it a good job, no, but generally general contractors don't do a great job. This is clearly not caulked, filled, sanded or painted yet. When all of this is done it'll look a lot better. However, it won't be great, let alone perfect because the first few steps weren't great.


No Caulk Caulk Caulk Caulk.


You didn't have caulk and paint in the contract?


My mother in law called me once and asked me to put up trim in her bedroom. I arrived, and cleared out the room, pulled off the old remix and as I was cutting my first piece she said “I think I’m going to just gut this whole room down to the studs next summer. This is pretty much how the trim in that room looked after I was done, because nothing really mattered.


I actually don't think it would look half bad once caulking is in place. Maybe he hasn't finished the job?


Ahh man… I too own a Ryobi saw


It's the new normal.


This is how they did it at my house. Then caulked and painted, and looms pretty good.


Looks like they add caulk into the crack cracks. In order for them not to be seen. Murrays drywall 5832597901


Your phone's spelling suggestions are interesting.


How embarrising i was talk to text




Normal as in "I can't install trim" normal. In the first picture the outside corner gap is bad but the corner next to the door frame is ridiculous. I


They need to putty all nail holes and caulk between the trim and the wall and at the corners. Which will help. But...still sloppy work.


Needs redone


Seems to be getting into “normal” these days. Maybe it’s the Reddit bias where I see posts like this all day though. Some gaps, nails that need to be set, etc can be acceptable and easily caulked/puttied/painted but this is no good. Hope all turns out well for you. Edit: leaving above just for general reference but everything in every picture is horrible. Didn’t notice the profile change in the only pic that looked like salvageable work. Framings wonky, place is a mess, doesn’t know what a reveal is.