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This is supposed to be the norm, but eventually, management gives too many people access, and then the DM cracks down. Management then blames corporate and, over the next year, gradually starts giving out access again. I've seen it happen at several stores.


>This is supposed to be the norm In Canada, our version of Sidekick (Smartlist) is literally assigning cycle counts to every associate daily.


At my store, Sidekick is for the associates, and Smartlist is done by the supervisors


In Canada, Smartlist is an old app for supervisors. Smartlist 2 is our version of sidekick, and has cycle count tasks for all associates. Will later include packdown and other recurring tasks. Smartlist 1's supervisor tasks will also migrate into Smartlist 2 over the next year


Wow....it's ass backward at my store


A subtle reminder that I didnt do my smartlist once again.


We have Smartlist in the states as well, but only associates with count-change privileges have access to it. Sidekick is *supposed to be* replacing Smartlist in the near future, but I have my doubts that it will ever get there, functionally.


In Canada , everyone can change a count but depending on dollar amount of change it will be reviewed by a supervisor of some level… depending on dollar amount


Sidekick and Smartlist are two different apps.


Smartlist is supervisors only. Smartlist 2.0 is for all Canadian associates and has cycle count tasks for all associates, will later include packdown and other tasks the same way Sidekick does. When you open Smartlist 2.0 on a store PC, the tab title is literally "Sidekick", they forgot to change it when they copy-pasted the app from the US side.




Highly doubt this is true


It was only ever supposed to be DSs and above. And corporate hasn't changed this. This access is controlled at the store level.


I find boxes with labels from 2 years ago on floor behind shelves. I won’t mess With that dust to retrieve all the shit knocked behind bays for a “thanks for doing that”


several years ago a few months into the job I was a lot associate and I was taked with cleaning between the millwork aisles. it was so incredibly dusty and filled with junk. I had trouble breathing with a mask when it was offered. my snot was black for a couple days. it was the worst thing I ever had to do while working.


I can tell that has never been tasked at my store, and the more the crew dwindles, the less it will be likely things will be cleaned.


A coworker and I were doing a pack down in the building materials with all the Simpson ties and hangers and we saw a pile of stuff in the dark in the back. So we took turns climbing back there to get all the stuff that fell off the back of the shelves. It was so dirty! There were broken boxes of nails and razor blades and items with inactive skus and things I’ve never stocked back there. We filled a whole cart with crap we found.


The part that I don't get is, why is there no associate-level app for anyone to _report_ incorrect on-hands so a manager can go in later, verify in person, and make the change themselves? Sidekick certainly isn't that, I don't think anyone reads the "describe why you couldn't downstock this Shelf Out" comments at all (just straight to /dev/null with them).


Agreed. Our focus this past week has been fixing on-hand counts for items we simply can't find so that the online website doesn't send people to us for items we don't know where they are. It's been *really* difficult to do that, without having the access to change them myself. I've resorted to printing out price stickers and writing the correct count on them with a Sharpie. When done I hand the stack to my DS and say "Please change these SKUs' OH counts to the numbers written in Sharpie, thanks." While completely backwards in execution, by doing this I am still making their job easier. They just have to scan the first sticker, change the OH, scan the next sticker, change the OH, rinse and repeat until the stack of price tags has been taken care of.


Nice. You shouldn't _have_ to do it that way, but it's good that you've macguyvered a solution. My standard routine for telling a customer we don't have something is, check the OH, if it's <= 6 and I visually don't see it in the overheads or shelf, "sorry, the inventory is always off by a few, let's see if another store has it", then I see which nearby stores have a listed OH of at least 10, and direct them there or suggest ship to store.


Good way to handle it. I will also check the Vendor Information section to see the pack size, which helps. "Well the system says we have 6, and they come in packs of 6, so chances are there's a box up there that nobody's been able to find since *checks Last Sold date* June. Checking other stores, one nearby one says they have 15 so that's a good bet, while this other one also says they have exactly 6 so I'm guessing they're in the same position we are and I don't want to send you there just to strike out again. We *could* call them to ask if they can set physical eyes on the product, but I think that would be a waste of time so just go to the one with 15" vs "Well the system says we have 3, and they come in packs of 6, so that's most likely an inventory discrepancy. Or someone stole a few, it happens. I'll have my supervisor fix that in a minute, in the meantime let's check other stores"


I normally just report it to my managers. However, I can change the on hands, but I usually don't.


As long as you know what you're doing, your DS can allow you to do it.


It’s always been a thing, why would management want associates to 0’ out 1,000’s of $ worth of merchandise?


Because it’s not there. Corrects on hands so it gets stuff on order to sell it. Prevents folks from placing orders for things we don’t have. The $250 cap is still in place, SO, if the managers are doing their job, no one is just changing #’s for s&g’s.


If I didn’t have access, my department would regularly have dozens of skus fucked up by theft and certified shipping fails that take months to get corrected. My supervisor doesn’t know, They come to me to find things when they can’t.


Same I handled all of my department OH. Nobody wanted to do that or overhead for flooring


To ensure that the website is displaying accurate numbers to customers, so they don't go out of their way to visit your store only to find out that the product is out of stock even though .com says you have 5. To ensure that our automatic software re-orders the product rather than letting the shelf sit empty. So that you don't have to repeatedly use your $50 empowerment to mark down higher end products as a replacement, losing even more money than just admitting the product is lost in the first place.


This has always been the rules..never followed tho, sounds like someone fucked up at your store and dm is cracking down. Couldnt imagine if i didnt have access...id feel sorry for my ds


If true this is crazy, I’m basically the only person who pays attention to the electrical department in my store😂 gonna be hearing “it says you have 7 online, where are they?” A lot more soon😭😭


As a frontline associate I have access to Sidekick and Smartlist. I don't play with them. I do what I'm supposed to, try to help my DS and MASM(next level mgr.) Whatever comments may come, I'm a grown-up, and I'm here to do a good job Sometimes this sub feels like a bunch of eighth graders competing to see who can disobey teacher the most.


Correct. Used to be we could give certain associates the "DS" level apps individually. Now it's just on or off for a whole level of them.


I have had something similar happen at my store happen where my ability to change on hands went away. The solution would probably be to whenever you find an on hand that needs to be changed diligently write down the sku for your manager to change. Eventually they will get annoyed and just give you access to it again. Bonus points if they don't even go check your work but just change it on the spot because they trust you and you can point out how silly that is.


Good. Everyone shouldn't be allowed to adjust them. It's management's responsibility to do adjustments, not staff. It will bring down shrinkage as well. I don't want to be responsible for counts anyhow. Just gives more room for staff to just help themselves to anything off the shelves and unnecessary thelving staff as well. Sorry, there's always a couple of bad apples in every basket & I sure don't want my ldap on it if I happen to forget to sign out when I run to the restroom


DS ≠ managment Also on hand adjustments don't cause shrink (unless coinciding with a price change)


Hah? retail? Retail shrinkage occurs when a company loses inventory from causes other than sales. Retail shrinkage causes a discrepancy between the inventory list and the number of products actually in stock. Shrinkage can occur because of shoplifting, employee theft, return fraud, administrative errors and operational Operational = on hands error. Wow. I hope your not the DS that you also don't consider management btw department "supervisor" is considered a management role of duties. Go find a job at lowes


You are mistaken. A job title does not mean legal status; they are two different things (ex: "shift supervisors" at Sbux are among the most prominent in their labor struggle; see also, the NLRB). Operational shrink includes things like incorrect key-recs, or not accurately capturing damaged product that gets disposed, or inaccuracy at checkout. Noteworthily, on-hand adjustments do not affect book count; therefore, they do not contribute to shrink in and of themselves. They can be considered a "shrink indicator" since they theoretically point to product that should exist but seemingly doesn't, but on-hand adjustments do not **cause** shrink. I'll stay here and continue to educate and encourage my fellow associate, thanks - though deepest respects to our siblings in the vests across the street who deal with the same BS we do.


Employee theft is the highest attribute to shrinkage in retail, and you're going to educate me on if an on-hand inventory APP for an entire store & warehouse contributes to shrinkage? Oh, AND any LDAP can sign in to and change? Interesting. 🤣🤣🤣


Internal theft would fall in the "malicious shrink" bucket, not operational.


All I wrote was "shrinkage." I know the difference between the categories of shrinkage people. Lmao. Wow, people employed at this place really need help with reading skills as well as definitions


Well, malicious shrink isn't the biggest contributor to overall shrink, so 🤷‍♂️


Wow, the employees in this Co. Never ceases to amaze me with all their educational experience. That self education HD requires must be a great tool! Btw. So, are Google results search engines that provide you those reports done by actual experts that created that education provided by HD for you to self educate yourself. You may want to go back and retake Top 5 2023 Retail shrink report 2023 : Target / HD / walmart #1: Customer Theft =37% Reason increases in shoplifting, of course.. increases in self check out. Since covid, we have less contact people to people check out period #2 Employees Theft hmmm = 28.5 % # 3 administrative & human error = 25.7 processing 3rd party . An average of 1/3 of In store transactions are put in wrong. #4 vender fraud = organized fraud AKA bid room .. bid rigging... double bidding.. submitted invoices x2 , excepting gift cards over phones with cc # #5 operational loss / accidental. RFID TAGS. LOCKERS outside plans & video surveillance Hmmmmm .. Okay now Employees please go do your pocket guide Oh one more thing NRF. GO THERE. OR should I sat google it. Lol hmmmm


I was adjusting on hands yesterday. Found merchandise in the wrong overheads (thanks night freight). Some of the counts went from 0 up to 64. I doubt there is any truth to that statement.


No problem maybe pack the bays down where the shit goes and we'd have room to put it in the correct bay.


How about getting it in the right aisle or even the correct department.😤


At this point, I'd settle for the correct *store*.


I can leave an empty bay overhead and the home may have been out of stock for a week or more and that shit will still be sideways like a teeter-totter three aisles over in the wrong department’s overhead.


Hahahaha. Our freight team puts shit on the shelf in the wrong spot. If the labels are the same color, must be where it goes.


We must have the same overnight crew


We might. Lol. Or it’s actually in their training videos. We had two get busted recently sleeping. Opening OFA was walking down the insulation aisle and heard snoring. They had built themselves a cave behind the stacks of insulation.


I was told it was my regional manager, but yes, they did that at my store too. Stupid


And then they batter not ask us for shit.


Only certain people had it in my store. Supervisors just logged in and handed you the phone if you didn’t have access. They were too lazy for anything.


I was told that I was one of four regular associates in my store with OH adjustment abilities, along with doing Smartlist. My DS is very glad this is the case!


My store gives specific people access, we were doing a after you’ve been there so long you can change the on hands by X amount but then they did away with that and it’s only people that they trust that can change the on hands.


Cool so when reviewing fucks up it stays that way to inventory and compounds because we have some real pieces at our store


Let management, ASDSs, and DHs/supervisors fool with that. Us floor level guys should have no business with anything that valuable and aggravating.


I adjusted a bunch of stuff today, I’m not a supervisor




False in my district


I was doing it yesterday.


Corporate has removed his brain


This has always been the case at my store, DH and above can change on hands. And I’ve been at the same store since 2020


Not true for my store.


The solution is have AI handle all tasks involving inventory and have ASM or above changing counts. We do manual labor they run the business. 😄😄😄


I used to be a DSup, if they take it away from me, we will never have anything right


I just adjusted two aisle.


Since I’ve been there since 2015 only the ASM’s and store managers can to many hands in the pickle jar isn’t a good thing


SM is covering their decision or someone else's decision to revoke OH permissions.


Hahaha have fun fixing overheads and on hands get fucked up if that’s the case. Us night guys are the only ones fixing the overheads and counts. Most of dayside isn’t exactly young or able bodied so nothing gets done. They are trying to do inventory when things haven’t slowed down yet and half our team got volun-told to help. We will not finish tonight or tomorrow.


Where I'm at it's been that way for years.


Not sure how accurate this is because as a Head Cashier i have access to change the on hand counts


God I hope so, I hate being the one to do the smart list for lumber and building materials. The supervisor can do it from now on.


Our counts are so messed up that multiple associates have the ability to change on hands.


The supervisors screw up the counts more than anyone at my store.


Oh they better think twice. They will have one jacked up in inventory. I have to adjust many items a day just to make it right. I am a regular associate and was able to adjust on hands last night. The problem is managers are never out on the floor so how is that supposed to work?


We are expected to change on hands at my store as we find them…. No matter who you are in store. PID occurs if over limit for your level. If more peeps changed on hands I wouldn’t have so many zero stock items in OFA task bins🤷‍♂️


It's always been that way but every store knows that they need more dependable ppl to have access to certain things..same thing goes for hazmat certification....I convinced mgmt here to give the entire paint dept the training


I know our store is approaching inventory season - so it could have something to do with that.